Under present legislation, the child is made a ward of the CAS or of the training school for an indefinite period. In actual fact, his normal period in a training school is less than a year but his wardship is-maintained so that he can be given after-care super- vision and help in the commun- Secs. 30 (l) (f), 30 (1) (h) and 30(1) (i) ignore the fact that at the time the child is before the court, it is impossible to state how long his case supervision and treatment should continue. Form 12 (ix) makes it apparent that a child is committed to a training school for a definite pe- riod---a period which may seem appropriate at the time but which may be too long or too short. There have been several cases like the example given. Murder is an act which is rarely repeat- ed by adults. Even more rarely is it repeated by children. In most cam where this act has been committed by a child, his remorse is great and his potential for re- habilitation is such that he is usually returned to the Commun- ity before he is is. _ For example. the effect of Sec. 30 (l) and See. It (4) is that a 14-yearoid who is adjudged to have murdered his grandmother is committed to a training school until he is 21--for seven years he has to wait, conscious of the fact that at the end of that time he will be sentenced by the court for an offence commit- ted seven years earlier. This is totally inhuman and intolerable; it completely ignores the fact that the child may have changed drastically long before he is 21. children are shocked by the hack- nrd leap the Canadian lunar mm! is making by pmposing a You; Offenders Act. This bill is in fact, a criminal code [or children which is dis- tasteful in its terminology, legal- istic in its approach and punitive irtiueffect. Apply by filling in the form boOow and mail to Carrier Required for University and Hickory Street area. Must be 12 years of age, depen- dable and live in the Area. Att : Carrier's Supervisor, Watodoo Square, Waterioo. Om THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE Address........ Phone..... Name......... "DEUTSCHE KONDITOREI" CAFE MOZART 38 King St. South Waterloo CARRIER WANTED Decorate Your Dinner with True Authentic Home Made German Cakes and Pastries from 578-4590 Newspaper we . Chroniciereaders"knt'iihi to ihe editor .............Age.... nth. with by the buck- tian swear proposing a Waterloo County branch of the Canadian Mental Health Associa- tion urges you to Bhone and write your member of parliament urg- ing him to oppose the new bill, The Young Offenders Act. We ask you to solicit other petition- ers to stop this bill from becom- ing law without the provision for public submissions. The examples of present pro- visions are taken from the Prov- ince of Ontario since all provin- ces differ in their local applica- tions of the present act. Sec. 74 (1) gives the court the power, in cases where it wish- es to do so, to order the child to be fingerprinted and photograph- ed-records of which are for- warded to the RCMP. Under present legislation, the court does not have the authority to photograph or fingerprint a Juvenile. Presently, the child is not dealt with as a criminal. As he has been adjudged delinquent and not considered a criminal, his "record" is confidential and cannot be used against him at a later date. There is no "of- fenceâ€topardon. Under present legislation, the child is dealt with under the sev- eral dispositions presently avail- able to the court-if he is still a ward of the training school, he would in all probability be return- ed to training school and rarely face a charge in adult court. Any doubt that the yomg person (i.e., over the age of 10) is in fact being dealt with as a criminal is removed by Sec. 35 (6) and Sec. 75 which make it clear that his "offence will be recorded and could be used at a later date unless he seeks a par- ter-care; â€My the child In lelttofendlorhlmoeu. In spite of the bet that the age of the juvnile has been rais- ed from 16 to w, Sec. 81 (l) and Sec. 31 (3) means that a young person who has been prohibited by the court from driving but txtgttinuegtodosocanttesmtto prison for two years. He does not, in this case. hare to be 17 yearsofage. i ity.Thepr-tttiiimahmeto ment‘wn of " with fttr " (37:25 sales th service 'a1ael?,l?-S'-,'l-h'i"f 'i"kf' 66 King S. Waterloo 745-4537 We service all radios, TV's, players. shavers. small appliances Repair it. and SAVE 'iiiiifiii,iiii'i'ii fii's), HEART" 2* This bill must be drastically DON'T JUNK IT. . . Too much emphasis has been placed on the so-called "genera- tion gap" regarding teen-agers. It is the older generation who are creating the "gap" by their non- realization that their children are growing ttp--and the first sign of --Re Kitchener-Waterloo Rec- ord, Page 3, Jan. 21, Heading Child Care Drop etc. canary-jut Mate your feet- inpudmailthem today!) More of our forms are avail- able - request. mke your voice heard by con- tacting your Kim MP, Mr. ttdtt_ts_Mrytmein, or your Water- DINNER 6:15 (sharp) " MEETING 7:30 pm. - DANCE 9:00 pm. DINNER ' DANCE ‘3.00 per person " MEETING FREE SLACKS. SKIRTS or SWEATERS .75 SUITS or DRESSES ........... MINI-SKIRTS, 1 7" and LESS tRmaé.ortNedr-toetersoevieto. PM for Perms-Pm.“ it-thot-ie."".-.?--'.--'-' r-doeth-Mt-tdoo-tr...... 2 Suits or 2 Dresses or , of Each Expertly Drycloanod and Pressed ST. LOUIS PARISH (Waterloo) CREDIT UNION LTD. executive director, Wateruo County bunch. Canadian Mental Health ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Friday, February 19, 1971 JANUARY SPECIAL ROLAND HERSEN, STORE HOURS: Dryelooning Bm".--.--. to Fri. 9 mm. to 9 p.m.---that. tt to 6 Laundry Open 7 Days at weak 7 a.m.to11p,m, for only Knights of Columbus Hall - 105 University East, Waterloo Tickets Available From Credit Union Office or Executive DINNER TICKETS LIMITED TO 300 - GET THEM EARLY Iawco CLEANING CENTRES AND OUR CASH-CARRY PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY TOO $2.25 lawco c/o Attend All or Any Part of the Evening l y mm,mm.mya.1m F s have become so impressive to themlves that they have for- gotten how to live with a sense of humor. Part of the text of Mr. Wilson Hunsberger‘s address was - "A common story is the youth who would rather go anywhere - to a training school - to the CAS - than back to his home." Teen-agers in most cases are "getting even with their parents," by fooling the "poor gullible Q'ttemhtee,ttametts%tttamr- otttte-ivalotttteftttestarttt 'seivistgtheirtiratetqterueteesot aeextedirtgtoaqrisdoldeetttle- um disagreement from their waaneverartrditteseattmgardiq otfqfeirtgaeeghakirtgttteirttead' S,i,t,.e"io,','grtfiAUarnt "irttittrsofoldartd . thetecthgsomeofthew ,our same old cliche “l doom society isttotpreparirttrttteyourtg what this younger generation is for this "hard, cruel world in armittgtothesednys." which relive.“ "ro'itmautyphrxsttaareaobusy Noraresesavingthemfrmn trying to impress other parents thepsychiatrist's couch that they Just don't recognize the l NORMA SANGOI teen-age symptom until it is upon them full strength. Grown-ms I .__‘,, -. " I REFRESHMENTS A " ILABLE 2 STORES IN WATERLOO TOWERS PLAZA. Bridgeport Rd. PARKDALE PLAZA, Hazel-Albert THE BETTER WAY TO DRYCLEAN IT! .50 You will like our Speed Queen Automatic Washers our! our big fhrff dry dryers. lots of hot soft water. Combine your laundry and shopping in one trip, TRY OUR MODERN COIN LAUNDRY 0 One Hour service at no extra q Chock our low prices on dry- cIoaning drapes. stipcovors. blankots. etc. _ q Your garments prohssiomlly drycloamd and messed. 0 Freq mothproofiog dean." my nut learn to roll ,eitttttte-ettes.'Nisistoor% otttte-ivalottttenttestamt aeexte6rtgtoaqrisdoltteetttlemmt waaneverartrdifteseattr-tirtg attitude; By the CAS over-pm- PIANO HISTORY. THEORY Lakeshore Village instruction In PHONE 578-4776 q A JUMP AHEAD IN OUAUTY I SERVICE one: 6 p.m.