[25 and inexpensive - my to use oth- apart: of Canada. An cranium called my Home Me was people menu viii other families at a distartee,ttrrsettteriod.oftime. Names-ttint-tsei-rin- Diratory, to be ready in March. You pay . for the listing. Last year. the addresses came fmm Canadians between Quebec City to Victoria, as well as some from California. This year, they will also list boats for owners who would like a nautical change of scenery. Some fine new and lasing friendships are a bonus of the deal. Details mtinqtsiry, DEAR DORIS - It took me six years to find out how much heart- ache I had caused another wife and her family. My early mar- riage was most unhappy when this wealthy businessman came into my life. He made me feel like the most desirable woman alive. He told me, how miserable his home life was and that soonhe would leave them for me. But I found it was a lie. So I called on his wife and found out she knew everything. She was one of the most understanding people I have ever met. She was the one who had the miserable home life! I left her home feeling heart- broken, but thankful. I came to my seam before losing the re- spect of my growing children. DEAR SAD EXPERIENCE - Thank you. We are so prone to believe what we want to believe! DEAR DORIS - Do you believe that handwriting reveals char- acter? We have been having an argument about it. I say it does. Amateur Psychologist DEAR AMATEUR - I do. When I went to college (I hate to say how long ago!), our psychology professor said there was no connection between handwrit- ing and personality. I remained dubious. I felt singularly triumphant later on, when grapho-analysis became a respectable science. 25c w»- WATERLOO BOWLING P'" FUN FOR EVERYONE 24 Automatic Pin Setters Lanes Ltd. " Princess w., Waterloo OPEN BOWLING Monday Thru F riday " am. to 7 p.m. Saturday S n.m.lo " fun. Sunday , p.m. to " p.m. FAMILY BOWLING Daily 4 - 7 p.m. 742-9582 9"rhttr;'i9q, _ Sad Experience “We! w ,t12',trt'g1t'grtu'grd an individual by examining " schools. They look to: you prev sure. the way you cross your ti, dot your i's, make loops and - troruddeeoratiom. Guess we'll have to mind our p'Bandq's. l Cum " Wish I new - If a boy takes you out, it is a fair bet that he like: you. Invite him to the party-and start liking him “as a friend." This is the best kind of liking anyway. meladywhosaidshehadasex problem since she had vital thine as three years ago I, too, had this operation. Now my hus- bandhasnomoreusetbrmeand Hear the ,rorrrtasttehadmany hm’m,&eum Waterloo Chronicle Waterloo Chronicle Read what JIM STEELE of EDWARD’S FURNITURE Has to say " - about advertising in the If you want ht reach more people, More effectively? Shopping starts. . . . and selling begins. . . in the page: of the The drurenex' between being qien for business ~anddoingbusiness‘....¢ouldbofho Call Wayne Ventry Advertising Representative and our -aisttaAtrettiratyuruge. b.te,yyy, v - V I m in a! T . 9mm: PHONE 144-020! ttie,tmtit'-e.rmeryagrmt . , an! and may the result b "vi-he... I but my there's no suse to it. It happens states theahoveasitttct;itdd. ing that: “I think there is an occasional mu who has some (ions are better and this open- thn; mainly because of an im- proved state of things, physically. develop ifhettthtUhitt wifecan no longer conceive. I suspect that both of these woman (being dimmed) had difficultiu at home "hielthadnMhingtrtdtoittt the moth“ itself." .My “thorny. who is I plum- - w', ellers l- we.' i Westittomitgew I 2 ' 359 (sworn) Circulation EDWARD’S JANUARY SALE .413. MM Bl. FULL SWING mum-inc 'sP.'A" 'i',ctf2e21F0littil'l'l=:l,ltz,lii, 744-6364 All. AT BEIGE! [HEB ttoik't'i'i"'irhas BEDROOM SUITES ‘179 pg