The college moved to its PM" cent Sl George St site in Tor onto in 1945 and in 1952 the program was expanded to four years in length. The curriculum Wits steadtiv upgraded and in 1937 tho enum- was oxlondcd to lhrco yeah and admission requirements raised to the Grade 13 love! Cottrsey. for practising Optometrists were aim initiated "The luck of research and on portumly for graduate stude in Canada at a lime when vi~iun care is becoming ituteasitsuly nu. parlanl “in another factor in seeking a university ettvirorttttertt for oplottuttry." he said "The profession is pleased that Opto. metry is going In ttte Universits of Waterloo which has already established rigorous programx in the rclalod fields of hiding); physics, and psychology." Training in oplomotry in On taria has progressed from an an premiership system lo a five year unn'mxiiy (Purse over the past 50 yeat's' In 1917 " Royal Com mlxsirm on Medical Education rt' commended a two-year (-uurw in optometry This was bum“ in 1920 al Cent-al Tochnival School in Toronto In 1925 the Ctrticue of Optometry was established and admission rerwiremortts Ut'rt' raiwd from Gr‘ndo l0 to 12 uric-h to alleviate the shortage o optometrish which presently exist» and I will bring the train- ing of optometrists in Canada in tihe with that to he found m 'ea,,';, universities in the us, UYK and other countries "The integration of the Col- lege of Optometry as a univer- sity discipline in an Ontario uni- versity is a matter of great im, parlance to the public and to the profession." said E. F. Attridge, President, College of Optomot~ rists of Ontario. the licensing body for tho optometry pronu- sinn. "This development will do The change-over has received the approval of the Ontario De partment of University Affairs so that Waterloo will receive regular operating grants for optometry studies The optometry course il Water, loo will be five years after Grade 13 instead of the present four. Graduates will receive an OD. (Doctor of Optometry: degree. Within a few years the new school could assume the status of a separate facully with grad- uate programs, research aetivi- ties and its own building, Discussions and studies to iw, locate the college at Waterloo have been going on for several rears. The move to Waterloo at this time coincide ', with the need for the present college property try the University of Toronto its part of the site for its new S42 million inter-university research 'library. . At Waterloo. the college will become a School of Optometry within the Faculty or Science. The College of Optometry of Ontario. which has operated ar an in d e p e n dent professional school since 1925, will cease to exist following the changeover to the University of Waterloo. The move will herald several radical changes in optometrical education. Details of the transfer were announced today in a joint state- ment from the College of Opto- metrists (the eo11ege's governing body) and the University of Waterloo. The change will place the study of optometry as an inte- gal part of I university for the "first time in Canada. The College of Optometry at Toronto, Canada's only English- language optometry school. will move to the University of Water- loo at Kitchener-Waterloo this (all I "N "We. CW, WM; My s. "a College of Optometry at Toronto Moves to University of Waterloo Full expansion. however. will not lake place until increased permanent laboratory. classroom. clinical and research space is provided at Waterloo At Waterloo all science stu- dents take a first year program of common studies. selecting their maior field of study in their se- cond year. This will be consid- ered as a preparatory year for optometry students who would then begin their final four years of professional training. Students from other universities may en- ter after completing a suitable first year science course. This will permit a considerable expansion in optometry enrol. merit. With optometry included as a university program. stud- ents would also have the flexi- bility to transfer to a general science program and graduate with a BSc, degree. The St. George St. quarters permit lie enrolment of no more than 35 freshmen a year. Grad- uating classes of 20 to 26 op- tometrists a year barely maintain the present level of 533 optomet- rists in Ontario, a ratio of one to every 13.000 persons. A ratio of one to 10,000 is recommend, ed. College officials state that if the number of qualified people who apply to enrol in optometry could be accommodated the one to 10.000 rutie could be met. The College of Optometry has long been hampered by shortages of space-and money resulting in inadequate numbers of graduates to match the population increases in the province and the increas- ing need for vision care. The final step took place this week when the Department of University Affairs endorsed the transfer of the College to the University of Waterloo. The first informal discussion between the College and the Uni. versity of Waterloo took place in 1967 shortly after Waterloo was established. The College was ac- credited by The Council on Edu. cation of the American Opto- metric Association in the same year. In 1962 the Royal Commission on Health Care recommended that optometry education become affiliated with a Canadian uni. versity and in 1965 the optometry" professors submitted a brief to the Minister of University Affairs. In 1966, a joint committee of the college and University of Water- loo faculty conducted a compre- hensive study of optometry edu- cation, particularly in the USA. The committee's recommendation that optometry be taught at an Ontario university was approved by the senate of the University of Waterloo. For the next "tree years Wat '6reeting Cards ' Party Supplies “ Social Stationery . Picnic Supplies Wallets Pens I. Pentils of a types Briefcases SCHENDEl STATIONERY SEEN}! STATIONERY also The search for space at Water. loo and arrangements for moving laboratory and clinical equipment from Toronto are now underway. During the next 10 weeks the staff of the College of Opto- metry and the University of Waterloo must complete many physical and academic arrange- ments to make the optometry pro grams operative by September at the University of Waterloo. The brief also emphasized the need for expanded and improved programs of vision care for school children. an upgrading of occupational vision care services to meet the needs of an indust- rialized society and increased ser. vices and research in geriatric vision care for the over-70 group. almost all of whom need and can benefit'from vision care services. In its brief to the Committee on the Healing; Arts earlier this year the College stressed the need for research and graduate train- ing in optometry to be initiated at a Canadian university. College and University om, cials believe that the main bene- fits of the merger will be real- ized when graduate studies and research programs can be instit- uted. k erloo will, in effect, operate two optometry programs. The pre. sent program of the College will be conducted for the 78 students who are entering second, third and fourth years this Call. First year. students will enrol this fall in the pre-optometry year of Waterloo's five year program 700 New Rooms for U of W Students in September WANTED TO RENT Thls Sh†leaves 600 to 800 new students who will be needing single or double rooms in Ktteheoev-Waterloo homes Many will be married students who require housoka-ping facilities or small apartments Of our 7000 studenb. more than 2.000 men and women will be able to live on campus in residence; another l.200 will be off-campus on training terms in industry through our co- operative education programs: 1.000 men and women will he living at home with their families and another 2.100 will be living in homes and apart- metres registered with our housing .qerVHM? If you would like to help a urtivt- sitttr student or a pan of students by rr'ntmg a ran we would likr, to hear from vou Tho ttved LN gaMm-t for the {all term .- from Sephembm ho Decem- bm If v0u are not sure about renting a mwm. Rive It a try fur this four- mrmm period Many of these newly arriving stu- dents will require a place ho live -- accommodation that wr' do not know of as vet. but which might be a spare room In your home. At the University of Waterloo more than 2,000 freshman undergraduates from all across Canada. and 500 new graduate students from universities throughout the world will swell the university's full-titoe enrolment to 7.000 in September Canada's centennial year will see record numbers of high school grad- uates entering our universities and colleges. These are the young people who were born just after World War II - when our veterans returned home to rejoin their families and resume their peacetime careers Suburbs Bf Pleasure "lit Burke), the real forces at work behind big business. Benbow Was. His fume (C Brahms). originally a radio play, Cry on the Wind (W. H. Boone), populace resists the floodiqg of their valley. Ocean Road (J. Bennett), sinus- gling arms to a police-state is. land. Green Days by the River (I Anthony), set in the West Indies. The Big Meeting (D. Bean), trouble in Durham's coal mine. Spectrum V (K Amis), science fictjon anthology, Select Fiction: A Most Contagious Game (0 Aird). skeletons in the parish cupboard _ New Books at the Library 576-1910 HOMES K-W Home & Realty Sales ltd. Follow University East To Lincoln Road Turn Left On Glengary Peter (loss Construction C. A. Haffner Construction Ray Haffner Construction Jerome Huber Construction W. C. Hartman Construction T'wosromsvs - SPLIT LEVELS - BUNGALOWS (J. BUSBRIDGE -- dammit; l VISIT UNIQUE GLENRIDGE "6" MODEL HOMES OPENDAllY2-5&7-9p.m. Priced From $22,500. University oi Waterloo Housing Service Tel. 744-61†Renting a room to a Univetm'ty of Waterloo student can be a rewardmg centennial project. providing extra Him for you and a home-aw- from~home for_a student. For further information call? Most university students have a may. financial road ahead of them but expect to pay nine or ten dollars a week for a single room; seven to eight dollars each for two to a room. Meals are available at the university although breakfast could be provided for another two dollars a week. Full room and board ranges from $18 to $22 weekly. book shelves it poss'iblef SV’Hresser'vwl shower. The minimum' requirements are a single bed and bed lamp, a desk or fable witdt a desk lamp and desk chair. What To Provide What TNt Charge play. The Hollow Sunday (R. Har- (K. ling), the birth of I newspaper. work Ask No Question (ll. Hock- ling), a tale of espionage. The Watking-Stiek tW. Gra- ham), tale ot a girl crippled from childhood. The Cask w. W. Cums}. pug. tieal erimp detection, The Sun is not Enough u). Cusack), 'teo-naaiam in Australia. The Thanklcu Muse (E. Con head), famous poet meets trage- dy. A Mission for Betty Smith " Cooper), based on a real event in post-war India. Murder By Prony (H. Carmic- hael). insurance assessor investi, gates fraud. 743-3421