The light, airy, relaxed at- mosphere of the new library building seems to be attracting In the ehildren's section, 35,- 884 have made the rounds as compared to 33.273 for last year. So far this year (from January to March) some 39,666 books have passed through various hands, which is an increase of 11,645 over the same period for the previous year. According to recent statistics, released by James Brown, books re certainly on the "go" at the Waterloo Public Library. ‘3 mwmmwm.mvznm MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA Your Library-Tools A Go-Go" JAN McCLEOD, librarian, checks some of the xtsh'S mom: 35505115 o* Ar MIAMI BEACH {wk/Mi The Key Canadian Library Week will be celebrated from April 1622, and through its combination of national and local activities will more and more adult readers to make use of the facilities offered. The library now has about 46,000 books in stock and anticipate in- creasing this figure, by another seven to eight more before the year is over. For those who prefer listening, they will be addiing some 50-60 new records to the record library this' week. ll? CODE JJIOO new books at the Library promote libraries ot all kinds (public, university and school). It stresses also the value of (Continued on page 11) SHIN†tlf Illlll I†SWIM " QUALITY YOUR CLOTHES ALWAYS CLEANED IN FRESH CLEAN HUERED SOLVENT Coin Laundry Hours 7:30 a.m. to Dry Cleaning Hours: 10 . Saturdays 9 a.m. Speed Queen dry cleaning is better .--- your clothes are always cleaned in fresh, clean filtered solvent. Speed Queen low prices are due to elimination of pickup and delivery costs. Cash-carry prices save you money! One hour service at no extra charge. For only $2.50 we will dry clean about 10 skirts or 12 dresses or 20 sweaters or 10 children's coals or 8 men's slacks, or any combination of clothing weighing up to 8 lbs. Tremendous savings on drapes and blankets. We hand spot all your garmrnts - "V dry clean them in one of our new, modern, stainless stool dry cleaning machinvs and return them to you on hangers in plastic bags. POUNDS FOR BIG SAVINGS 0N Bout DRY QEANING LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING STORES Waterloo - Towers Plaza, Bridgeport Rd. at Weber Rosemount - Rosemount Plaza, Krug St. North Kingsdale - King E., next to A&P Supermarket Hours 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. - 7 Days A Week Cleaning Hours: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. - . Saturdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. DRY CLEANING SAVE ON 0mm It was noted that it was a long stretch between Erb Street an" William Street, and if the cross- walks were to be painted out, as recommended try Aldermen Led- ger and Doorner. then sho-rs That's correct, stated Ald. Doerner, and one of these days someone will be killed. Mr. Dut- ton stated that at one time a policeman was on duty to step out and stop traffic for pedestri- ans. but now people just take their chances the same as they would at any section not eontroL led by a traffic light. $1.50 8 D'Arcy Duuon, city engineer reported that there are two kinds of crosswalks - one that is sup- ported by a by-law which orders cars to stop 'or pedestrians - and the other (like those in both Waterloo and Kitchener) which are not supported by a by-law and cars do not have to stop. . seldom stop, he told committee members, because I am afraid that cars behind me may not and cause an accident. It often hap- pens that one car will stop and another car will zoom~ right by because we have four lanes 0 traffic in Waterloo. (Continued from Page 1) front of I moving car" queried Aid. Ledger -- _ of course not - but many ot the people using these walks are doing just that. LEDGER-DOERNER Suits and Dresses ' 1.45 Pants and Skirts _................... .70 Jackets, Blazers PWPP.PPmmmiV mrtFF"e .75 Topcoats r'm___r...t.r6........r-q't, 1.45 Oveveoats ., 'r'w_eP_rFr.WF'm. .N., 1.45 up Expertly Dry Cleaned and Pressed SAVE WITH THESE LOW CASH AND CARRY PRICES Expertly Dryrkaned and Pressed an outfit consists of jacket and trousers or 2-piece suit or dress. COMPLETE OUTFITS 2 for 2.60 (1.30 ea. 3 for 3.60 (1.20 ea. POUNDS FOR READ AND USE WATERLOO CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADS Aid. Ledger maintained that people would still emu, but they would do no "more cautiously" and not place blind faith on a few painted lines. The committee decided to hold up a decision for two weeks to allow further study to be made of this situation. wwuuu-uu. eertattheENtttmetamgwir tiamstreettighta. _ SUPPLIES 358 King 742-8] 1 l WATERlOO HOME . IllPlllhEhllil0' .... .70 FF-e .75 IAS 1.45 up (All $2.50