The new faculty will become mmplr‘toly nperative July 1 and tween 1956 and 1962. Moreover, mathematical techniques have penetrated deeply into fields out- side mathematical sciences such as physics. into new realms of teehoology including the biologi- cal wit-nuns and own into the SOUR] coir-mum in the world. followed a period of rapid growth coupled with ie msed specialization and de- velopments in new discipline. such as statistics and mm science. It has been estimated that the number of undergraduates major- ing in mathematics increased, the world over, by 300 per cent be- The decision to expand the do garment of mathematics into a With a recent Mrmatiem at a Faculty at Mathematics, the Uni- versity of Waterloo has taken a major step in recognizing the ad- vances in mathemotimtl know- ledge. at the Fashion Show A-Co-Co 1-2-3's Of Fashions 1967 60 Frederick St. (opp. the Market) 745-0571 is worn by the models Fashion Eyewear World's First Math Faculty at THE DEANS outside the new $6 million mathematics and computor building Prof. Kenneth D. Fryer (associate dean), Prof. David A. Sprott (dean) and Prof. C. F. Arthur Beaumont (associate dean). 'ashion Show Thursday, April 20, 8 p.m Walpor Hotel Kitchener Vision from the House The new faculty is divided into five departments: applied mathe- matics. applied analysis and com- puter science. Combinatorics and optimization. pure mathematics, and statistics. to be awarded. Students with mathematics majors presently on- rolied in Arts of Science will have the opportunity to transfer to the Fairuity of Mathematics. and re- ceive Bachelor or Master of Mathematics degrees upon grad- tration, In addition, a Master of Mather. maties (M. Math.) degree will be available at the graduate level. The Masha: of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, presently available. will continue The faculty will be otteriog courses leading to a new and unique degree to mudeMS enmi- ymgintheFi.-aBaeheioroe Mathomaties (B. Math.) degree. by the fall it will have a student body estimated at 1400 under- graduate and graduate students. Applied mathematics deals with Ltd. the applications at mathematics to the physical sciences. thsical (Continued on page 5) If you're ready for instant service we're ready to supply it. Anywhere in Ontario. There's a service centre near your farm. It's stocked with Super Flow fertilizer, in a broad range of recommended analyses. And supplies of direct application materials such as Ammonium Phosphate, Ammonium Nitrate, Urea and Muriate of Potash. There are nurse tanks, Nitrogen applicators and bulk Spreaders. C-l-L has more than 100 service centres in Southern Ontario. And 5 C-l-L plants, including our new Lambton Works at Courtright, back them up with a constant supply of high-grade fertilizers. More than 100 good reasons to call C-l-L and the GM dealer network for the fastest most complete fertilizer service in Ontario. i service centres down to 17.00. hers 16.00-18.50, Choice quality New sold to 25.10; Good 23.75-24.15; Medium 22,50-23.50; . Common down to 1900. Heifer type cows reach“! 21.00 a ch; Good cows sold to 22.50; Medium 20.75-21.75; Common Cows were steady. Veal m can- ier. Dairy cattle steady. Replace mm cattle fully steady. Replace mom Piers barely steady. Receipts wee moderate in all sections at the market. Total receipts 2123 eoosistiog ot 1083 Wet type, 610 replacements, 180 dairy cam: and 190 calves. Shawna cattle: (but e quality steers sold to 27.25 a cwt.; Good 25.00-26.00; Medium 24.502550; Common down to 22.00. Buyer hoe-mat wand 'text-td medium qoality cattle, prim were firm in thirs mm. Bella Kitchener Stock. Yar Kitchener, Ontario a Duke Sts. 15.5tF17.7tV, no week old 11'. 18.00-19.00; Chunks 20.002325; Feeder hog 23.50-41.00; Sons . pig 90.004114»; Baum 37.0tMt2.0& Hines: " viewed. Farm base. 75.00-327.50; Meat horses tt0.01N 130.00; Ponies 50.00-86.00. 30.00; Gum down I " 27.50; Medium 24.75-25.50; Shut cubes sold to 31.10. Dairy emttie: um can†nu.- 23000; Swinger cows 2ti0ANF306.00 21AO-23.00; Beam 211023.19. sohdttyaot-twitttttaema_ tsaeiutGoodpigs6-8weehaesM out; Medan to good 3100.40.00; Common gram down to 30.00. with 1 price muse 2930-3.†. m. Mr grade A hogs our. the.- GROW AN D PROFIT WITH FEBTILIZEBS Hogs: 21mm and 104m ( "csy::.:sfci:cs' "ei'rj:2:ro'.aij:j, 23:?‘zéizfersnséii‘I?“6 ;ji'i::st'i2f?tij'jif.