DEEP AND SHALLOW Well Pump, Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers, G e n e r al Hardware. Electrical and Plumbing Sup- plies. Ditner Hardware Sales & Service, St. Agatha, 7420861. SHAMPOO Sink and Cabinet, 1 setting table, large mirror, dryer and chair. Phone '" VACUUM CLEANER, Washing machine, Furnace pipes, 2 bur- net hot plate, Gilson " cu. ft. Fridge, Hand ftoor polisher. 742-1934. WE BUY - SELL and Trade Furniture and Appliances. New tmfinished dresser draw- ers and wardrobes. D. W. Trading Post, MI Lancaster St., Bridgeport. 743-1131. For Sale DRAPERY, Upholstery, Slip Co. Foe Appointment Phone 576-0910 MISS H. McKENZlE R.M.G. . " laurel St. w. Waterloo LIMITED 50 Ontario S. Dial SH 3-1449 WASHING MACHINES REPAIRED Also TV. Ramos, Vacuums, Trilites. Toasters and Irons. 245-03T 66 King St. S. Waterloo Elmer Filsinger ver fabrics, yard goods and remnants, Spring Sale, Tre- mendous selection, Shop now and save up to 50%, Drapery Fabrics 44" to M" special 31. I) $4.50 per yard. Ends and remnants up to 5 yards priced to clear. Upholstery fabric 54" wide special $2 per yard to $6. per yard. Corduroy highest quality 45" wide pinwhale $1.50 per 'yard. Medium whale $$2. pee yard. Manufacturers Outlet Company Retail Depot, 159 King Street E., Kitchener, across from City Hall, next to Fox Theatre. Open daily 9 a.m. to O p.m., Friday to 9 p.m. 742- Hearth Radio [ THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT Radios. Auto, Home, Transistor Record Players, TVs, Small Appliances, Electric Shavers FOR CLASSIFIED AND DISPLAY ADS. 744.6364 744-6365 MASSAGE MEDICAL THERAPEUTICS Salas & Service DEADLINE NR COPY MONDAYS - 4 p.m. Costs So Little - Pays So Much 3e Per Word Min. 60c We stock parts for and repair all makes BEDS $9.88. Spring Fitted Mat- tresses $9.88, Folding double hed $10.95; Vanity with oval mirror $15.95; Singer Sewing Machine $17.50; Steel Trunk $14.95; Studio Couch $17.95; 21" TAC, mechanics special $25.; 8-pieee Dinnette with buf- fet $54.77, 2-pieee chesterfield $59.95. Alan Rigby House of Furniture, 46 King N., Water- loo. ANTIQUE Solid Oak Hall Love- seat bench. Worth ? only $50. to first buyer. Alan Rigby House of Furniture, 46 King N., Waterloo. 1940 Dodge 4 door. Good running order. Apply 69 Ellis Cres. N " Waterloo. For Sale tat't Pharmacy Open Daily 9 to 5:30 Closed All Day Wednesday Drive-In Meat Market SIDES OF BEEF 51c lb. halts. quarters or eighths for your freezer. Also smaller cuts. Full line of fresh cured and smoked meats at WHOLE- SALE PRICES. Come in and look, see before ~you buy. 495 Lancaster St. West, Brid- geport. next to Gene's Esso Station. SH 3-6242. A small extra pharge for cutting and wrappmg. illlTllllKTflltTt By Murray's Studio C. F. PRICE, R.O. J. D. PRICE. O.D. FREE DELIVERY 749 King St. West KITCHENER Phone 742-1936 For Appointment Portraits-. 104 King West CHOICE BEEF ERVICES GRONAU'S 40 Kine St. s. GRONAU'S Kitchéner . 742-6262 Waterloo 576 -9500 from REt 1 For Sale AVON territories open in Water- loo. Customers waiting to be served. Housewives can qualify. Call now - Mrs. Stock, 742- 4169. AVON territories open in Water- loo. Customers waiting to be served. Housewives can quali- fy. Call now - Mrs. Stock, 742-4169. FULL TIME sales clerk, must be dependable, all company benefits. Please call 743-8248 to arrange interview. 1"le QUEEN, chrome with all accessories plus hair dryer at- uchment, like new, Bisael cor net carpet sweeper, like new, 1959 6 cyl. green Pontiac auto- matic, 2 door $295.00 or best offer, 57"-132l. Help Wanted Female EVANS PIANO $8500 - Metal Wardrobe, oak library table, fancy sewing cabinet. Phone 742-0142. Lots than“; trimming done Highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows & horses. " King St. S. Cristal - China Ceramics Radios-Cuckoo Clocks Paconi Deadstock Removal ltd. OFFICE AUXILIARY SERVICE LIMITED CALL I967 Lie. No. " - R.P. 67 97 - C - 67 LET US CLEAN YOUR Rugs 8. Furniture 1llllilllilll.l. SHOP HEERE de VRIES MOF F ATT TREE REMOVAL EXPERT PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Phone 244-.867S For That Unusual Gift Visit The Free Eutimaie"'s Typists Dicta Tvpists Posting Machine Operators TOP RATES PAID WEEKLY Zenith 97950 TEMPORARY N-O-W OFFICE . POSITIONS Available Call 26 College Street 653-5848 742, 7 43-3603 EEK] Waterloo RUG _ s-Lo-du,-.,,,,',,,. ' " Babysitting , Services , [ Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart tnd th r Ihrr-v t"aildrvn, 240 Kim: St s, from Paisley, Scotland. Mr. Stewart is employed with Bab cock-Wilcox of Call. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fixtor and their three vhildron, 60 Milford Avvtttw. from Dorval. Q'u‘bm: Mr, Fixtvr is a chartered aet'0tOV 'rrttt with Sunshine Co. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. McGuire and their three children. 180 Sunview Crescent, from Ottawa. Mr, McGuire is an engineer with Raytheon of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Harknoss, 58 Albert Street, from Toronto. Mr. is with the Water- loo Police Force. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Campbell and their two children, 157 Her- bert Street, from Smith Falls. Mr. Campbell is manager of Towers store. Room and Board Wm. Sleeman. 25 Ellis Crete cent, from Orillia. Mr. Sleeman is retired. This week we join our Hi Neighbor Hostess, Mrs. G. F'. House, in offering a most hearty welcome lo new families to our fine community. They are: Mr. and Mrs. H. Martens and their two children, 93 Milford Avenue. from Toronto. Mr. Mar- tens is manager of Kresges Store, Kitchener. Help Wanted NEW CAMPER Trailer, sleeps FOR LADY or Gentleman, near Martin Trailer Court, Elmira highway. One mile from Water- loo City limits. Phone 664-2430. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Scott and their three children, 271 West- murt Place, from St. John. New Brunswick, Mr. Scott is an ad- vertising representative for CH- YM radio. WILL BABYSIT 2 year old girl LAWN MOWER Ranch in Sharp- during the day in my own going. Tiller for red or salt. home. Sorrel and Tamarack Call 745-8934. Dobbin Tool & area. “+7576. Equipmem Co., l Budgepa. FL. Rent Rentals STUDENTS choose w o r k i n tr hours during school term - full time during Bummer. Scho- larship plan, training given, no layoffs. 745-3626. SUMMER COTTAGE - Cedar Wood, Kincardine, Lake front, Lake Huron, with sun-deck, 90 miles from Kitchener. 3 bed- rooms - furnished - all con- veniences - oil heater, avail- able to JULY lst and after AUGUST 12th. Phone 742-5662. 2 BEDROOM Apartment for w speclable couple with one child required by May lat in Water, loo. Phone 5114-1304 after 6 p.m. or 744-6364 daytime. IMMEDIATELY, Office Space 12 x 15. Heat and hydro, ample parking. 66 Schaefer St. (In- dustrial Basin) Waterloo. 715-8119 fover 30 years experience) " Erb W. Waterloo 2 BEDROOM (or half) House in éountry - within T to 10 miles of Waterloc by May lst, Reply Box 12, Waterloo Chronicle, Waterloo. Wanted to Rent up to six. By weekend, week or month. Phone 745-8934. Hi Neighbor For Prompt Electrolux Service and Estimates For Floor Conditioning & Cleaning Equipment Phone R. A. Hillka Sic. Monique “(HUMAN tFather Dolormo ComCs pvrltus ly near lo wiohcrafl) by s, Litr ter. Couovms (two giant columnar: lake over the world) by I). F. Jones. The Wrecking of oticmoro Five Mrama of shipwreck. rr-wuv and salvage) hy R. Johnston Conduct Of A Mt‘mh'T dal in London's Clubland» “inland. Poor George a nm-‘l with thomo of innoconco) bx P Fox. Over the Mountains (s'orv of a man lost to the world, by P. Frunkau. The Beautiful Life (hi1: Stte. ictr in Now York) bv ‘7 Hvllwrt The Past Throw!!! Tnmurrcvw ftwenty-one short stories, of the fuluro) by R. A. Heinlt‘m No Ram-c About It (sudden windfall of unearned vmmoy brines trn'w‘dy) hv J. F! "HillL‘. Poor Grange (a nm-J with Lurimh-rrlla (author V"'\'i§if8 thr orioirtals of the ct, "min“ who made her famouct by B. Flowing Tho Riot (tense acrrmht of a Iwnv'w riot in a pom-’wvfiary) hv F PM. The Time Is Noon ftyor"mit of a woman as sister, vrfo and moth") bv P S. Buck New fiction additions in Waterloo Public Lbrary for work are: You may visit your local litur- ry almost any time, it is a friend- ly relaxed place, and learn to know the resources being offered. It also has special activities for your pleasure (right now the" is a fine display of stick sculp- ture, wire and cheesecloth, p.- por mache animals, all done by Waterloo Separate and Public Today, Canada's vitality, and tndeed the very existence of the world, depends on the deuce to which its people form the habit of reading to discover, to mnem- gcntly interpret and weiuh ideas, and to reflect on the history, civ- ilization and history of pm! 3296. School children). It is your patronage that assist. the libraries to grow and expand their services. In return they give you an opportunity to learn about other cultures, nations, people and languages, at your leisure. The Canadian Library Week stresses the importance of read.. ing and the corresponding im. portance of libraries, (um-daily in an age ivhich dcnmmls so much knowledge and so many sklns. YOUR LIBRARY It is known that "reading is tho key" for all times and persons, opening the door to continued education, to inspiration, wisdom and enduring pleasure. books in the home - chosen " their appeal to the individual. personally selected and purchao- ed from local booksellers. Oxford Deadstock Removal Limited. Highest cash prices for fresh dead or disabled cows etc. Small ani- mals picked up. 24-hr. service, 7-day week. Rd., Waterloo. and SON call collect, Plattsville 684-7739 or\the plant at Hickson 462-2614 Licence 85C67. (Continued from page 6) JIM MURRAY l s'cart- by V.