"trest" picnic p,routuls m ()nlario. as pronl’ I include this article {Tom July, 1900 "Tho Raymond crtttrLoyvcs pic- mc (of Guelph, wan held in the spacious park al Walt-rum which In (-vt'ry respect is an "lull spot It Inn-shady 13'0le trourvlvd on one \I'h- try " "Irv short of Back to ((-lophum-x - in Mar. of I900 there were a grand total at ISM telephones in operation in At present. as, a (ll-ulvnnial pm- iect. Waterloo has enlarged tho Waterloo Park and plan io build a new band shell on the new grounds. Waterloo Park has " ways bro!) noted as om- of the Walorloo (Continued from page 41 that part of Berlin. (I dou'l know " such an agreement is still in force or not). Mr. Meldrum will also present certificates and pins to the gradu- ate class in the Red Cross "Home Guest speaker for the event will be Paul Meldrum. director of youth programs for the Ontario Red Cross. The Waterloo Red Choss will hold their annual meeting Wed- nesday, March 29. in the audi- torium board room of Mutual Life. commencing at 8 p.m. 57 Queen St. N., Kitchener To Hold Annual Meeting 2 lessons a week (Tuesday and Friday) - for 4 weeks. Tuition: ' lessons - SIG.“ (includes Golf Handbook) HOME CARE GRADUATES are: Mrs. Kerineth Renninger, Mrs. G. 'F. Cal, cutta, Mrs. Leo Daigle. Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. Grace Disney, Mrs. Gia Hel.. der and Mrs. J. O. Lawson: back, Mrs. Peggy Jordon R.N.. Mrs. Elmer Maser. Mrs. Jutta Nommik, Mrs. A. A. Reidiger. Mrs. Meedi Ruutopold, Mrs. H0- ward Snyder. Mrs. Alice Stachura. Mrs. Leo Stefl'ler. Miss Marian Wettlaufer, Mrs. W. A. Moss, R.N.: absent Mrs. Jacqueline Foster. Mrs. o. F. Bauman. Mrs. Violet Brown. Mrs. Helen Erdman and Miss Marie Visscher. Small (than -- Personalized Instruction. Use your own clubs or ours (no extra charge) Y.M.(.A. GOLF SCHOOL 3 classes -- 6:30, 7:45 and 9:00 p.m. Starts Tuesday, April 11th Over the Years... GOLF lESSONS For Men and Women I might add to this that many outside people enjoyed the sum- mers in our beautiful park. Many came by special train which unr loaded passengers at the roar of the park. (The same year Goldie- McCulloek's of Galt also hold the†pienichere and Rave a simi- lar account as stated arrows l water. a beautiful baseball and athletic grounds surrounded by a quarter-mile bicycle track. dancing hall etc. The people of Waterloo feel proud of this pretty spot. and justly so (Guelph Mer. cury)." Early last week. pvrhaps the most successful blood donor clinic ever. was held at St. Pauls Col, lege. which netted some 856 pints of blood. Resident porcont- ages were St. Jeromos 49. Conrad Grobt‘l 35 and St. Pauls a whom ping 74. This means that one in {our of the campus undergrader Carr“. assistvd by Mrs. Peggy Jordon and J. R. Coghill. presi- dent, SUPPLIES 358 King 742-8t ll (All wmmoo HOME IMPROVEMENT 743-5201 The on-campus clinics are spon- sored. three ttmes annually, by the Circle K Club, The next sche 18th. ales gave. to exceed the Re, Cross oxpcclations of 600 pints. duled clinic will be held Jum- And that ‘nmcr' is probably thc most unporlum “on! In our vocabulary: because: " means that we are constantly on our toes-lookiug, searching. plannmg for unprmcmcmy Improvements In methods and equipment --to gm: you men hcucr sauce, ourc"p,otccrs---at Bell, at Northern Hccmc good enough? good enough? good enough? good enough? never! The frequently heard term "in- sanity" is. according to the Cana- dian Psychiatric Association. "A vague obsolete legal-term for the psychotic state." The phrase "mental illness" is the acceptable term today. What used to be cal led an “insane asylum" and even Today. there is a great deal now known about mental illness and how to treat it, although there are still many mysteries that remain to be unravelled Progress has been made. but there is a long way yet to go. Dr. Williams C Menninger, one of North America's best known psychiatrists, calls mental illness: ". . . The neglected hinterland. the great blind spot of all the health problems confronting our nation today . . ." As this fact is more widely understood and firmly accepted, people will have come a long way from the ways of their in- humane treatment of the mental. ly ill. There have been many long periods in history when the men. tally ill were considered no'bet- ter than criminals and were left to languish in institutions that were prisons in all but name. By ROLAND HEISEN C.M.H.A. Eteee. Dir. The most important fact about mental illness is that it is an ill, nests. with no more cause for blame or shame than appendicitis or pneumonia. Tho Wot-mo cum-ado. WM". March at. "a 5 Mental Health Matters (our manufacturing subsidiary) and at the Northern Ucclric Laboratories-are mm working on lelcplvonc and lranxmmion ideas that will make your phone cxcn more useful. faster and more cumcnicm. Change for the sake orchangc? Never! But shuns change where change is needed for the sakc of improxcd Scrnrc lo you, our customer. Bell Canada Send your quesuons for this column to: Canadian Mental Health Association. 54 King St. s., Waterloo. Ont Mental illness is never I mat- ter of failure of "wilt power." Suggesting that a mentally ill person be strong-minded aad "snap out cl it" is the same as suggesting that someone with I broken leg stand up and walk, harsher colloquial annex is new culled a "mental hospital." New truilem situated in,an attractive well - equipped trailer camp. k Heated. to bc comfortable from May to October. Located in the Montreal area with casy access to EXPO by car or bus Reserve now for best choice of dates. CONTACT MRS. W. BLOWES 53 Cardinal Crescent, Waterloo. Ont. Telephone 742-3934 for information and reservations. thrilhn. Wall Dainty - Mm in CIRCLE‘VISION 350' at the teieiiton. imam}; Rent a TRAILER at EXPO See "CANADA o"-,