The 9th annual convention of the Canadian Drum Corps Associ- ation held their meeting recently in Ottawa with representatives of 65 member corps from Ontario and Quebec in attendance. 9th Annual Convention Canadian Drum Corps local representatives were HUGH McCORKlNDALE and the Honorable Paul Martin discuss the future of drum and bugle corps. Al"il'ts. M?!?,) WATERLOO TRUST WATERLOO TRUST ' Nam. ........... . " 'ro 5-YEAR TERMS . PRINCIPAL & INTEREST GUARANTEED . LEGAL INVESTMENT!†TRUST FUNDS . INVEST $10. OR MORE To buy 0 cortificote, 'tost and in your cheque with this coupon. We'll do the rest. Waterloo Trust is as convenient as your mailbox. Interest begins tho day you kteeM - so don't delay. Join the 'rver-irtcrooitng number of friends in this area who deal with us. As a community company, we're big enough to provide every Crust service, ye. small enough to make it per- zonal. old enough to be strong, yet "young enough to be Progressive. KIN-Jun» (S) Elmira can GUM Preston Waterloo Send Your Cheque With This Coupon . . Hugh McCorkindale (convention chairman), John Robins of the Flying Dutchmen Corps, and Gary Tomlin of the Waterloo Music Company. The meeting approved the adop- (Continued on page It) 916T I 1 Bickell Foundation Scholarships Awarded 11 U-W Undergraduates Mrs, J. Pernfuss was appointed to look after the annual clothing drive to be held till the end of April. Clothing collected will be givrn to an organization in need of all types of Naming. l Speakers at the March meet. ing were Messrs. D. Jackson and M. Jaglowitz of St. Etrgene's Col. lege. They showed slides and ex- plained the "International Dam jeeling Education Association" ot India. t The K-W omi-Mrs. will have the Optimists as their guests at their annual joint meeting, April 4th . The Donald Then of Waterloo in msetermandrnayber-dit SHIN ll) own YOUR CLOTHES ALWAYS CLEANED IN FRESH CLEAN FIUERED SOlVENT SHIN " QUALITY Coin Laundry Hours 7:30 a.m. to " p.I-. - 7 Days A Week Dry Cleaning Hours: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Saturdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For only $2.50 we will dry clean about l0 aku-ts or 12 dresses or 20 sweaters or " children's coats or 8 men's slacks, or any combination of clothing weighing up to tt tbs. TI‘OI'I'KWIS savmgs on drapes and blankets. We hand spot all your garments ---- dry clean them in one " our new. modern. stainless steel dry cleaning machines and return than to you on hangers in plastic bags. Speed Queen dry cleaning is better - your clothes are always cleaned in fresh, clean filtered solvent. Speed Queen low prices are due to elimination of pickup and delivery costs. Cash-carry prices save you money! One hour service at no extra charge. cs POUNDS FOR " SAVINGS 0N BULK DRY (“MING - . human-“mummy ' LAUNDRY AND DRY CLF',ANIN'C, STORES Waterloo - Towers Plaza, Bridgeport Rd. at Weber Boscmoqnt :Roscmount Plaza, Krug St. North SPEED UUEEN ingsdalc - King E., next to A&P SGpermarkct . SAVE ON QUALITY DRY CLEANING $1.50 8 Receiving awards arp: Robert R Laxton fottawp), Lawrence B Hangar (Burlington), Hans J, Wiesner (Lake Wilcox) and Hugh D, MacCrcgor (Port Credit), tie- Conn year students: James R. Batney (Fort William). Don Sehwiee, (Barry's Bay), Donald Thew (Waterloo) and Kenneth A. Charters (Pointe Calire. P.Q.), third year students: Franz Christ- lmeier (Cornwall). James W. J. Hicks (Ridgeville) ,and Allan H. Crossland (Prescott), fourth year stu dents The' Biekell awards carry I value of $250 per term which is the equivalent of $500 per year where the renewal option is exer- Used. SAVE WITH THESE LOW CASH AND CARRY PRICES SUITS and Dresses,.,.,....., 1.45 Pants and Skirts, "_"'.........-...... .70 Jackets, Blazers 'rr'r._mtrm_t...w.t, .75 Topcoats r".'...'...........-...... 1.45 Overcoats .'t.WPt..Nr._r.r. Fr" 1.45 up Expertly Dry Cleaned and Pressed COMPLETE OUTFITS 2 for 2.60 (1.30 on.) 3 for 3.60 (1.20 ea.) Expertly Dryclcaned and PM an outfit consists of jacket and trousers or 2-pieoe suit or dress. POUNDS FOR crease at are than as percent over he Inn-her received by U-W Mods Lu! (all. Women's Club Spring Luncheon - “an: have be. “a! Convener will be retiring pre- sident Mrs. Gladys Walters. Mrs. Sue Sauer is convener in charge of decorations. The University of Waterloo Womeet's Club will hdld their atb- n-ual "Spring Luncheon“ Satur- day, March 18, in the nystal Ballroom of the Walper Hotel, Kitchener. About 80 members are expect- ed fur this, the last social event of the year. A social period will be followed by a smorgasbord luncheon (1:15 p.m.) and at 2:00 pm. the ladies will enjoy, over toffee, a showing of spring fash- ions by "Gabi" of Kitchener. 'r-P....,,.-, 1.45 .m..9.. 1.45 . (T 1.45 up Waterloo! $2.50