Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Sep 1964, p. 4

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+‘ PAGEHE FOUR Whys & Wherefores Of Canadian Accidents Most housewives do not wash dishâ€" es clean, says Dr. W. L. Mallmann, chief bacteriologist at Michigan State College. These were the findings in a study of sanitation in electric dishwashâ€" ing as compared with washing dishes by hand. In homes where there are childâ€" ren, it is most important that proper safeguards concerning their health be Potentially, food dishes, he states, may carry nearly every infectious disâ€" ease of man, particularly those that are transmitted from the nose and mouth; Common Colds, Influenza, Pneumonia, Diptheria, Tuberculosis and Septic Sore Throats. To the housewife, washing dishes is a drudgery, she performs the task hastily, and with very little conâ€" cern as to proper washing and rinsing of dishes with Real Hot Water. Wash water is generally below 120 degrees; to be thoroughly effective water should pe of 140 degrees or higher, and dishes immersed for a long enough period of time. Everyone is agreed that the Canadian Motor Accident picâ€" ture is not good‘ Dominion Auâ€" tomobile Association, with an aâ€" bove average interest in this lemmingâ€"like penchant for selfâ€" destruction which seems to afâ€" fect Mr. Motorborne Canadian, has had their Statistical Re: search Department delve into some of the causative factors of motor accidents during 1962 (the last year for which comâ€" plete figures are available). Mr. J. P. Lewicki, Director of the Association, releases these findings in the hope that they will give some pause to some of the 120.000 Canadians who are expected to be killed or inâ€" jured on the highways and byâ€" ways of the Dominion during the next twelve months. 1. One Canadian in every 160 was killed or injured in mantor accidents during 1962, the equiâ€" valent of every man, woman, child in a city the size of Regâ€" fna, Saskatchewan. During this month, the spotâ€" light will be turned on the ef: forts of the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society and its sister society in the Urnited States. These organizations are working to educate the public about rheumatic diseases and their effects. to encourage reâ€" search in these fields, and to conduct clinics for the treatâ€" ment of these ailments 2. One Canadian was injured every T minutes and one Canâ€" sdian was killed every 2%% One mullion Canadians â€" â€" ovâ€" er five per cent of the populaâ€" tion â€"â€" are affected by rheumaâ€" tic diseases. of which arthritis is the most common Of these people, 285.000 are at least parâ€" tially crippled _ or deformed; and, of these, 63.000 Canadians are severely or folally crippled or deformed. Arthnits and othâ€" er rheumatic diseases have hbeâ€" come a serious problem , September is Arthritis month in Canada and the United States ALl BABA STEAK HOUSE LTD. 124 â€" 130 King S. September Is Arthritis Month For Dinner Toâ€"Day Waterioo‘s Finest â€" â€" â€" Baulk Publishers Ltd. â€" Preston â€" CLIFF KYER â€" Manager â€" Advertising Consultant R LEWIS GAMBLING â€" Editor Housewives Dirty Dishwashers ? Waterloo County‘s oldest English newspaper. Office at 104 King Street South, Waterloo. Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. 5. Property damage in Motor Accidents, costs every man, woâ€" man and child in Canada $7 each per year. The average famâ€" ily of four pays tribute of $28 each year to repair or replace damaged vehicles which have been involved in motor acciâ€" dents, either directly or through their Insurance Companies. 4. Friday and Saturday acâ€" count for over one third of all accidents with Saturday alone showing one fifth of the weekly total. Sunday, peculiarly, shows the lowest frequency of any day with an average 12% of the weekly total. hours, day and night through out 1962, in motor vehicle craâ€" shes. 3. Approximately one fifth of all accidents occurred in the lateâ€"afternoon between 4 and 6 p.m.: the chance of involvement in an accident in this time perâ€" jod is 2% times greater than the average of other time perâ€" lods. Visitors Attendance At Provincial Parks Higher Than 1963 jects. The society itself is conâ€" ducting research into both caus es and cures for all rheumatic diseases, in addition to giving financial support to many priâ€" vate research projects. Radio. television and newsâ€"| papers are hbeing used to ac| quaint the public with the sympâ€" ! toms, effects and treatments avâ€" | ailable for various rhf-umantf diseases. Money is also heing‘ spent to provide professional | training. For example, the Sn('-‘ lety makes available associateâ€"‘ ships and fellowships to doctors | wishing to engage in postâ€"gradâ€"| uate studies in this field. In spite of showery weather. during most of August, visitor altendance at Provincial Parks in the Lake Simeoe District con tinues up from last year Ap proximately 16,500 more vehicle permits have been issued in the 7 Provincial Parks, in operation, 6. In fatal accidents, approxâ€" imately one quarter of the vieâ€" tims were between the age of 15 Each branch of the society has ‘ taken. Too often a small life has been lost through one of these communicâ€" able diseases, who is to say it did not happen because washing dishes is a chore to be completed as quickly and easily as possible rather than as safely and hygenically as possible. > Many dishes tested in nonâ€"bacterâ€" jaâ€"killing water temperatures (under 140 degrees) showed a count of 97,000 bacteria per milliliter of dish surface with one wash, with a second wash a count of 1000 was still registered. This is a frightening revelation, one that should be taken to heart and heeded. It also makes one wonder about restauâ€" rants. Perhaps we should make it a practice when eating out, to first enâ€" quire, how their dishes are washed, elâ€" ectrically or no. While all this survey was taken to prove the effectiveness and sanitary thoroughness of electric dishwashers, it does point up a fact that wives almost never wash dishes and utensils properâ€" Iy. 8. 80% of the 292,000 (roundâ€" ly accidents reported in 1962, 260,000 (roundly} of the vehicles were driven by male drivers, nine out of ten‘ 7. Only one car in every sixâ€" teen involved in a motor acâ€" cident showed any evidence of mechanical failure of any kind! and 25 years, and in the injury total, a percentage of 28"% ocâ€" curs in the same age group. And here are some statistics which may draw conclusions at variance with popularly held beâ€" licts. . :. a treatment centre. In addition to these centres, the Society has a number of mobile treatment umts which visit areas without permanent treatment centres. 9. Six out of every ten acâ€" cidents occurred in clear weaâ€" ther, with bare dry roads, under favorable driving conditions! Officials of the Canadian Arâ€" thritis and Rheumatism Society say the average Canadian can help their fight against these crippling discases by being on guard â€" against _ possible sympâ€" toms. General symptoms are unâ€" due pain, stiffness or prolongâ€" ed fecling of fatigue. If any or all of these symptoms are noticâ€" ed. a physician should be called at onee The earlier arthritis is diagnosed. the better the chanâ€" ces of halting its progress. 10. 53% or over half of all drivers involved in 1962 motor accidents had possessed a drivâ€" er‘s license for more than 10 years. up to the end of the month as compared with the same period during the 1963 season. Wasaga Beach heads the list in point of numbers with 54,800 permits is sued to date, followed hy Sibâ€" bald Point with approximately 31,700 1962 total motor accident fre quency increased by 10% per hundred million vehicle miles over 1961, while fatal accidents increased approximately 5% per hundred million vehicle miles during the same period. These birds, protected by legâ€" islation, become casy turgets, acâ€" cording to Wildlife Management Officer, J. S. Dorland, at Maple, On the opening day of duck season, in recent years, Conserâ€" vation Officers have received a number of complaints from hunâ€" ters of the illegal shooting of some migratory nonâ€"game birds, such as bitterns, gulls, terns and herons etc., which are on the protected list. Many of trese birds are shot by hunters who are apparently ignorant of the laws governing migratory nonâ€" game birds and was seemingly feel they are allowed to shoot anything in a marsh, Guard Against Shooting Migratory Nonâ€"Game Birds eeeeusyd for many irresponsib‘s hunters who, finding time on their Waterloo P.U.C. Administrative * Service Building 200 WEBER STREET NORTH September 10# & 11« â€"â€"» 7 p.m. 9 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME "MIND POPPING IN? WERE SHORT A FOURTH FOR BRIDGE...* To ensure that such violations do not occur hunters should make certain that the species they are shooting at is in seaâ€" son. Recent observations, in the Holland Marsh, indicate that a good number of blue heron are present in the area this year. These large graceful, slow flyâ€" ing birds. when taking to flight, are easy targets for the poacher and Conservation Officers will be watching closely when birds are in flight to assure their safety. hands in intervals between duck flights, take some enjoyment in shooting these slow lower flyâ€" ing marsh species. Suen viola: tions incur penalties up to $300 and confiscation of firearms. Cascade 40 @ Watermeter Demonstration © Lineman Safety Drill © Water Heater Demonstration By Tour The Building And See The Various Services SALES HELP WANTED ment on his part. He should be between the ages of 25 and 45, honest, ambitious, and IF 1 CAN FIND the right man, I will set him with a true desire to succeed. Write in con fidence to Box 246, Kitchener. up in business for himself without investâ€" Half a world way a group of young eager students made an application to the Unitarian Serâ€" vice Committee of Canada for a Korean orphan. They wanted someone, preferably a boy, with market stall in Seoul, trying to forget the pangs of hunger that gnawed at his stomach,. He couid scarcely remember when he had not been hungry . . . not only for food, but for someone to talk to, someone who would not shun him because of his deâ€" formity. A little girl on a tri cycle smiled shyly at him as she rode by and he felt the first glimmer of acceptance into the human race. What would be the future of this fourteen year old hunchback without a family or friend in the world? The Famous BRING THE FAMILY Street, Ottawa, the life of tais unhappy boy hecame mysticu}ly bound to Canada. For the first time in his existence Duk Kyoo felt the concern of people he had never seen. The years pas sed in a happy flow of warm letters while his young friends in Canada held concerts and bake sales to renew the annual $96. â€" for his adoption. With (Continued on page 7) whem they couid correspond. At USC Headquarters, 63 Sparks Street, Ottawa,. the life of this sult either Norma Phillips or myself, upon receiving your | instructions we will make your reservations. Asâ€" sertain whether you wish to reserve hotel accommodation >r possibly rent a car to be available upon arrival at vour destination. We will follow your booking from itart to finish. Our clients are very imporâ€" tant to us and we like them to feel confident in any arâ€" rangements they care to make. Next time you think of traâ€" velling anywhere at all give us a call or better still come and see us in our new airâ€" conditioned office. "Personalized Service" We are endeavouring to perâ€" sonalize your bookings. In other words when you conâ€" Vic Foster Travel Service In The Mall â€" Waterloo Square Your Experienced Travel Agent 744â€"5297

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