Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Sep 1964, p. 1

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f Pleasant Valley is a relatively new course, and was first openâ€" ed in July, 1961. It occupies 170 acres. the 7.358 vard course is particularly noted for its Tong fairways and extra large greens that average 10,000 square feet as compared to an international average of 6,000 square feet. Dates for the 1965 Carling World are expected to be anâ€" nounced in the near future. The Rovyal Birkdale: Golf Club in England has already heen selec ted for the 1966 tournament and Canada will host the 1967 event.. The 1965 Carling World is exâ€" pocted to attract over 150 ef the worlds best professional and amâ€" ateur golfers. This course, rated as one of the most challenging in the USA won out over three other tournâ€" ament ~ calibre courses in New York and Pennsylvania. Pleas ant Valley hosted the PGA Championship Lady Carling Opâ€" en for the past three years; as well as many state and regional tournaments. Harold W. Blakely, president of the Carling Breweries Limitâ€" ed,. has announced that Pleasant Valley Country Club will be the site of the 1965 Carling World Golf Championship. Carling World Site 1965 Janet Harper, designers‘ assisâ€" tant, and Lawrence Schafer, of the Kitchener Properties De partment, have each been awarâ€" ded $1,500. Three members of the acting company were also chosen â€" Len Cariou was awardâ€" ed $2,000, John C. uliani, $600, and Heath Lamberts, $400. The five recipients were â€" chosen from among Z1 applicants by the Tyrone Guthrie Award Committee. Grants totalling $6,000 finaneâ€" ed by the Tyrone Guthrie Award Fund, were announced recently for five members of the Stratford Festival Company and Staff. Guthrie Awards Chronicle Photo The prints are made from carâ€" ved plaster plates, which have been handâ€"printed in the same way that "rubbings" are made This technique is an unusal ad aptation of one often used by collectors and archarologists in recording ancient works _ The drawings, in pencil and conte crayon. are "onâ€"theâ€"spot" sketâ€" ches done in Greece, and repreâ€" sent (the sourse material upon which the prints are based. The Prints and drawings by Ed ward Jackson will be exhibited at the University of Waterino in the Gallery of the Theatre of the Arts, September 9 to Ortohâ€" er 5, 1964. Using a rare graphic technique, Jackson has recorded his visual impressions of two summers spent in Greece. The exhibition includes both drawâ€" ings and prinls, and is open to the public. Exhibition Of Graphic Art At University Of Waterloo is the largest single sale made by the board out of 1964 stocks. The contract was signed reâ€" cently by His Excellency Sultan Mohammed Khan of Pakistan and R. T. Bolton and K A. Standing, chairman and secretâ€" aryâ€"manager, respectively of the Marketing board According to His Excellenry, this is the first Ontario winter wheat ever to be shipped to Pakâ€" istan, Mr. Standing said, the sale The wheat, to be delivered beâ€" tween September 10 and Sepâ€" tember 20, will form part of a Canadian government gift t» Pakistan under the Canadian Special Food Aid Program finâ€" anced from Colombo Plan funds. Ontario Wheat To Pakistan The Ontario Wheat Producers‘ Marketing Board has announced the sale of 821,300 bushels of Ontarin Wheat to Pakistan. The weekend classes will inâ€" clude portrait and exper:imental painting and sculpture. Gerald Scott will hold portrait classes on the last weekend of each month, weekend sculpture classâ€" es with Dora DedPedry Hunt, painting classes with Jack Bechâ€" tel, James Gordaneer and John Martin are being arranged The Doon School of Fine Arts has announced it will hold weekâ€" end and evening classes in painâ€" ting and sculpture, they will beâ€" gin September 21 at the school. Jack Bechtel of Blair will conâ€" duct the evening classes that will be held every Monday, beâ€" ginning at 7:30 PM. It has been reported that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has graciously assented to the offer of an escort of Royal Canadian Navy destroyer escorts, during Royal Canadian Navy To Provide Destroyer Escort â€" Royal Visit an eminently successful affair. Large crowds estimated as double those of last year packed the streets to enjoy the colorful floats and the many excelâ€" lent bands. Those responsible are to be THE Kâ€"W LABOR DAY PARADE was Doon School Fall Classes The Gallery of the Theatre of the Arts at the University of Waterlon maintains a regular series of exhibitions intonded to enhance the educational envirâ€" onment of the studen‘s These exhibitions are also open to visâ€" itors. Edward Jackson received his training at the Onfario College of Art, and has exhibited wideâ€" ly in Ontario since his gradua: tron. He works regulariy as an artist for the &sa(ford Shakes prarean Festival A graduate of the Stratford Normal School. he also _ teaches _ in â€" elementary school, and has been a popular teacher of art at the NDoon School of Fine Arts as well title of the exhibition. "Graphâ€" ikos", is the Greek root of "Gra phic", referring to the term ofâ€" ten given to the arts of drawing and printâ€"making: "@graphic art‘‘. This allowance will not he sent aulomatically â€" â€" it must be applied _ for Application â€" forms should be completed and returnâ€" ed promptly to avoid delays in receiving the first cheque. Application forms were sent in August to parents of children 16 and 17. Anyone whase child fulfills these requirements and Aid not receive a form may ob tain one by writing to the Regâ€" ional Director of Family Allowâ€" ances in their provincial capiâ€" tal This act provides an allowâ€" ance of ten dollars a month for children 16 and 17 years old, still in attendance at school or unable to altend school because df physical or mental impairâ€" ment. It is applicable only in arcas where a similar provincial plan is not already in effect. First Payment Sept. Youth Allowances Act The first payments will be made this month under the Youth â€" Allowances Act passed recently by the federal governâ€" ment. The escort will consist of HMC ships Nipigon, St. Laurent, Yukon and Assiniboine. They are commanded by Commandâ€" Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh are schedulâ€" ed to arrive at RCAF Station Summerside, P.E.L., by B.0.A.C. aircraft on the early evening of October 5. The Roval Party will then proceed directly to Summerside Harbour to embark in the Royal Yacht, anchored off Summerside with its naval esâ€" corts. Her Majesty‘s Yacht and the Canadian warships will then sail for Charlottetown where they are scheduled to arrive during the morning of October the portions of her visit to Canâ€" ada in October when she is aâ€" beard the Royal Yacht Britanâ€" nia. Serving The City Of Waterloo : Saxon, of Saxon Hill were many such, much to the deflghtvo} the crowds, seems intent on making the long route as quickly as possible congratulated for their fi‘rié“;ff-ar{s':u'll“-he little tyke shown at the left, and there The winning group particr pants _ were Singing â€" Strings, Gregory Bulkiewsk:, Mary Reipâ€" erovies, Patricia McGrath, Marâ€" ion Rowles and Julia Troyen; Melodic _ Strings, _ Robert and Paul _ Reinhart, _ Christa _ and Heidi Senger, Debhe Boechner, Larry Zablocki, Murniel Lebianc, Carolyn Wenland. Phullip Beau pre. Ellen _ Schachinger, â€" Pat ricta â€" Fritz, â€" Beverley Cameron and Joanne Meyer. The first group was accompanied on the prano by Barbara Hummel and the second by Joanne Meyer. _ The group travelied hy bus for the competitions, Saturday Aug. 29, with over fiftyfive alâ€" tending. They competed against eight other such groups in the not over 12 nor under five age limil. Christine _ Kawalac â€" took _ a third in the violin solo section Stringed instrument teacher was Sister â€" Valentia _ of St.. Lows School. Local Area Musicians Place First At CNE String groups from St. Louis Convent music classes made a fine showing in the CNE 1964 Music Competitions. Five sroups travelled _ to the competitions, with the Singing Strings placins first; The Meladic Strings took a third. The instruments plaved were violins, v.ola, cello and bass. Gregory Bulkiewski, _ concert master, . with the Ist place plague. The four destroyer escorts are units of the First Canadian Esâ€" cort Squadron that is commandâ€" ed by Captain J. P. T. Dawson of Westmount, Que., and Haliâ€" fax. The ships will accompany Her Majesty‘s Yacht on her visâ€" its to Summerside and Chariotteâ€" town, P.E.J. and to Quebec City. Six appointments have announced in the social s Six Appointments University Of Waterloo Rear â€" Admiral Jeffry _ V. Brock of Halifax, Flag Officer Atlantic Coast, will embark in the Assiniboine on October 5 at Summerside, PE.I, and will disembark at Quebec City on October 12, on completion of the escort duties. Sask., D. D. Lee:_iof Winnipeg, R. W. Cocks of Victoria, Br 6 and W.S. Blandy of Victoria and Halifax, respectively. »â€" 8t. Clements «â€" St. Jacobs â€"â€" Chronicle Photo s have heenldeparlmenls of the University social science| of Waterloo‘s Faculty of Arts. ] ;l;',';‘,:‘lf‘;‘ r Twin City residents are inviâ€" ted to contact Mr. Hunter at 744â€"5321 for expert advice and counsel in planning commercial or individual _ insurance â€" proâ€" grams. Formerly Managing Director of Waterloo Mutual Insurance Co "Bus" had 10 vears experiâ€" ience as secretary treasurer of Gore Mutual insurance Co. Gait, prior to joining Gore, Mr. Hun ter was associated for 1N years in Branch Management with Moâ€" rden and Helwig Ltd. Insurance Adjustors. He also served on the Executive Committee of the Independent _ Automobile _ Casâ€" valiy Insurance Conference of Canada. Other community interests inâ€" clude the Red Cross of which he is a Past President and Exâ€" ecultive member of the Waterlon Branch, and the Waterloo Chamâ€" ber of Commerce As Past President and Directâ€" or of Westmount Golf and Country Club, he served as Genâ€" eval Chairman of the Tourna: ment Committee responsible for the Canadian Open in 1957, that is considered (n be one of the best opens held to date Grant N. (Bus) Hunter is pleased to announce the openâ€" ing of an agency. handling all lines of General Insurance and Life Insurance, with offices on the fifth floor, Waterlon Square. Mr. iHfunter is well known in local insurance and sports cizâ€" cles. and has over 30 years exâ€" perience in all phases of insurâ€" ance. One interesting feature of this‘ year‘s meeting will be a research program aimed at disâ€" covering whether many family doctors are victims of asyet Most of the ‘doctors attending will be members of the College of General Practice, although family â€" doctors â€" may _ attend. Members of the College volunâ€" tarily commit themselves to at least 100 hours of special coursâ€" es like this every two years as a" condition of membership in the College. The three virtually solid days of scientific lecturers and demâ€" onstrations will take place at Vineland, September 29, 30 and October 1, and the entire program has been designed to help active general practitioners keep abreast of current advanâ€" ces in medical developments. Seme 500 _ family _ doctors from every corner of Ontario are making their final plans this week to have other doctors take over their practices temporarily so they can attend a threeâ€"day medical "cram school" designed and run by the Ontario Chapter of the College of General Pracâ€" Ontario Family Doctors To Hold Three Day Medical Cram School GRANT N. "BUS" HUNTER Bt a meeting of the Building and Grounds Committee of the m of Governors, University terloo, the contract for the fifat stage of a $9,000,000 resiâ€" dential complex was awarded to Bfl Brothers Construction of $9 Million nesnmfiaTv“mage“ : For University Of Waterloo W Chronicle | Photo J. Krie Ford of Clarkson, Gordon and Co . will lecture on estate planning in Corporate Organizations. Howard _J. Croft. of Elder. Donaidson and Crofts, will deal with Life Ins. in this situation. The two day seminar will reâ€" voive around the study of a specific case featuring a prinâ€" cipal shareholder in a â€" manuâ€" facturing enterprise. _ The proâ€" blems will be analyzed by three experts Life Underwriters , Hold First Seminar * A First in Canada 6@ mem bers of the Chartered Life un derwriters will attend a semin ar at Waterioo Lutheran Univer sity. September 11 â€" 12 Prol. Wilson Hlasspeny â€" the past two years as a lecturer with the department of extramural studies, University of Londor. while working on his doctorate Prof. Wilson Sydor held re search and teaching assistant ships at Princeton University. Prof. Muntean came Waterino from Michigan Stits where he served as a research and teachâ€" ing assistant while completing his doctorate. Newly appointed assistan: proâ€" fessors are: Robert M. Irving and Norman Pearson in geograâ€" phy. Alexander J. Muntean in sociology, Leon P. Sydor in ecâ€" onomics and John MacKenze Wilson in political science. to the Hamilton â€" Wentworth Planning Area Board. and the Burlington and Suburban Planâ€" ning Area Board. Dr. Irving, a former lecturer and assistant professor with the department of soils, OAC, has spent the past two years as a assistant professor in the deâ€" partment of geography, Univerâ€" sity of Manitoba. One of Canada‘s leading planâ€" ning consultants, Norman Pearâ€" son came to Canada in 1954 folâ€" lowing extensive planning exâ€" perience in Englard, and has served as director of planning The appointments wer» announâ€" ced by Dr. Norman High, Dean of Arts. Dr. David Kirk has been apâ€" pointed a professor of Sociology. For the past 10 years he has been an associate professor at McGill University School of Soâ€" cial Work, Montreal. _ Windsor is to receive matchâ€" ing grants of $113,459 from Onâ€" tario and Federal governments to convert a vacant 10.3 riverâ€" front tract into a public park as a centennial project. Approval of the contributions was announced jointly today by Hon. Maurice Lamontagne, Secâ€" retary of State and Minister resâ€" ponsible for Centennial Affairs, and Hon. James Auld, Ontario‘s minister of Tourism and Infor mation and chairman of tke Provincial Centennial Commil-‘ tee. Riverfront Park Windsor‘s Centennial Project A stalistical rébort assessing the probable diabetes rate amâ€" hidden diabetes. The Ames Coâ€" mpany of Canada, Ltd., will be testing all interested doctors with a newly developed oneâ€"minâ€" ute blood sugar test that helps the doctor screen for disbetes in its earliest stages. This is a unique conception in university planning, being the first such village type setâ€"up. The residents will be predominâ€" ately single room residency, with but a few doubles. fully completed within three years. The first stage contract for $3,333,000, will comprise 10 houses with a 468 bed capacity, plus dining hall, kitchen, coffee and tuck shops, etc. Construc. tion is slated to be in the very bear future. chapel, coffee shop, truck shop, dry cleaning pickup, etc. To be built in three stages, it will house 1,200 students when completed. It is expected to be Under the centennial grants The park project will have 2,501 feet of frontage on the Detroit River between Bridge and Oak Avenues. The park will be maintained: as part Of the city‘s park program with funds realized from annual municipal budgets. Construction will begin im mediately with a completion tar get in 1987 to celebrate Can ada‘s 100th birthday. 459. The overall undertaking, however, comes to $374,727, and $34,350 of this will be in fedâ€" eral and © provincial winter works â€" subsidies. scheme the municipality: must furnish oneâ€"third of the proâ€" ject‘s cost which, in Windsor‘s case, amounts to a similar $113,â€" ong the attending family doctâ€" ors will be issued at the concluâ€" sion of the meeting. Although the sample will be too small to have statistical itiportance, all interested press, radio, and T.V. people altending the meeting will be tested and compared to the doctors‘ results. IN _ VENICE. â€" Canadian teenager Genevieve Bujold is a protagonist in one of the episodes of the French film "Les _ Adolescents", shown at Italy‘s annual Venice Film Festival. â€" ‘TNS Phote. SEES ROUGE. Premier Jean Lesage of Quebec exâ€" ploded at the federalâ€"proâ€" vincial conference at Charâ€" lottetown w he n actors playing the Fathers of Confederation spoke their lines in English, and none in French. However, it was shown through historâ€" Ical papers that at the 1864 Charlottetown meetâ€" ing none of the delegates had spoken in Freach â€" TNS Photo. Gunn, a Sarnia policcman ordered by the Supreme Court of Ontario to par S88.â€" 791 damages to a man he clubbed into imbevility, has fled Canada. Hr‘s in Treras and says he will not return.â€" TNS Photo. FLEES COUNTRY. Richard TO RUN. Robert Kennedy is to resign his post as Attorneyâ€"General and run for the U.S. Senate as a Democrat for New York State in November. Opposâ€" Ing him will be Kenncth Keating, an antiGoldwater Republican. â€" TNS Photo. â€" will travel to Europe during the year to demonstrate the opâ€" eration. They are of the opinior that it may bring pormament reâ€" lief to headache suiferers, as well as to those who sufter pain in the neck and arms caused by damage to cartilage and Aisc in the neck. The bail bearings perform functions of the cartuilâ€" age and discs. The doctors who were respanâ€" sible for this remarkable surcic al innovation â€" â€" an orthopaedic surgeon from Johannesburz and a brain surgeon from Durban â€" Miss Nizetich had been sufâ€" fering from headaches since se was involved in a motor acciâ€" dent in 1960. when the discs beâ€" tween her neck vertehrae were damaged. Eleven days after the operation, she was able jo reâ€" turn to work. Three bail bearâ€" ings were inserted in her neck. She no longer has the headaches Stainless steel bearinss. that are almost half an inch in diaâ€" meter are used. A recent operâ€" ation performed on Miss S. Niz etich of Pretoria has apparently cured her of chronic headaches. and can move her head ferl)} without being aware of the ball bearings. Two South African surgcons have discovered that hy insertâ€" ing ball bearings betweren the dises of the spine below the base of the neck, patients sufâ€" fering from chronic headaches can be relieved of their pain. New Headache Cure renicle Plote

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