Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Jul 1962, p. 2

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n. [ambled in his jacket, Mount out a yellow folder. After ordering, she sat back, lit a cigarette, and found her. self on the alert, for some rea- son. to the conversation beside her. “I‘d no idea". the young man was saying. "that the Cam adian (5mm Society volunteers did. so much bait, good work. " probably not even know now if they hadn‘t asked me to go out and speak at one of their meetings." _ "Fell me". said his wife. "what sort of things do they do. I mean. in the way of service. I": often thought I'd like to help. . . J' Then one evening she warimore." the young man declared. shown to a table next to cwol‘My wife is thinking of working you” people who were in earn- in the hospital in which J am eat conversation together. The) doing research. We've been talk- younz man had short-cropped I ing things over." hair, lookedrkeen and Willem i The three of the gulls rest- the young woman, obviously his; aurant together 'if,Wd was drb' wile. was simply dressed, and ven home by the two of them. In they were ingrossed in whatever-1 few days the young wife call- aubject “was they were dis. ed. "I've become a volunteer,” cussing. she said "what about you? I'm After ordering, she sat back, C going to)! on duty in the ehil_ lit a cigarette, and found tser-ide' wing." ; self on the alert, for some rear tt was not long before ahe was son. to the conversation beside! working as a volunteer in the her. “I’d no idea". the young Lodge and her desparate feeling man was saying. "that the Cam of impotence and futility van~ adian Cancer Society volunteers' ished, Instead of a leaf of lettuce did. so much basic, good work. for her self alone, she prepares " probably not even know now I enormous boils of salad for Mt if they hadn‘t asked me to go or more cancer patients, and out and speak at one of their i helps to serve it at the candlelit meetings." _ S sttprters. of the tables. She couldn‘t bear to with young couples laughing together in the candlelight occas- ionally holding hands. hippy in their comradeship together But all: kept going , just the same . what else was there to do? She couldn't endure to go home. Loneliness took her there, that and nothing elye: and the fact that she felt she no longs-L had any good reason for living} Since her husband's death some' months previously, she had found it increasingly difficult to to home from her office. And to Prepare dinner for herself and eat it alone was impossible. So she had taken to going regirl luly to the exculsive French restaurant neu- her office where almost everything pleased her in a vague .lialf-felt way - every- thing, that is, but the closeness = During the next few weeks. The Waterloo Chronicle will be publishing various sections of the Ontario Human Rights Code. It is the hope of the Chronicle that ita readers will heed the wise and timely statutes that are con- iained therein. . 3. No person, 'direetiy or indirectly. alone or with another, by himself or by the interposition of another. shall. (a) deny to any person or class of persons occupancy of any apartment in any building that contains more than six mu m -0t""mCA'"ehAt06m6ettr_aotetett'egt-tet, Ili, MW me Tables Were Ion Close VIII-rho III-eh: DONALD “GOES. My me Ontario Human Rights tab SAVINGS EARN MORE 381 my Kitchener Mll- (MIR. " (In. It. WC“: BRUCE Ml. Mm III! h otuwn Ma. Bunch: A. lt. [mom Mun" I“ II. & PM Ave. m: MNEN "MPM. III-cw BANK or MONTREAL M ana' ' 'o PER ANNUM the Ontario-Quote: Nov-papa Minion. South. Waterloo, - TIM. The Ciro-£57. ICE: Pr at 1htCeMiaiur New Audition and at Tho"teeuoeteiiFttri0etrt.'srtissmttltn.. tuttre-dmrotodtoth.i-toethur,rtdCtita _ed_wy3-u, Col-v.73 pm at tot Eh. and " ANN BOWMAN Take advantage ol this new. hill!" "do by opening a R of M saving. account today . . . Follow the example of three million Canadian. who I" building for Ion-arrow " Canada'- Ftrae Bull. Canada's First Bank . . * Faeetive In); In. “wing. de.. pouiln II the B of M will our. inn-rm at I... rate of J. H. sum, In...“ mama... Authoried u “and clu- mail, P.O. Dept., Ottawa. rde 1ttittedibt tttttttttde ... Your “My wife is thinking of Inn-kin; in the hospital in which“ an 3 doing research. We've been talk- ring things over." "Lite had taken on a new mum mg wit, a new ventum'in living - not alone and [or oneself," she finally told the scientist': wife, "but with others and for the Canadian Cancer Society’n rrgtn against cancer." The told her of the Canadian Cancer Society volunteers who number some 30,000 in Ontario alone, "And I hear they need more." the young man declared. She at quietly. listening - by this time, unashamedly. Then, on impulse. she leaned forward and spoke to the young couple. “I couldn‘t help overheating," she said, "tell me - who gives these servieet to cancer pat- ients?" "Listen." he laid. "tt's really amazing - transportation ... home visiting. . home Mining . . . .deuings. . _ Jock: accom- odation.. pain-relieving drug! and the'xe are only a few." He smiled at his wire. "They ap- pear to do a tremendous plum he said. “All any really needy cancer patient has to do is uni the local Cancer Society Unit” with nepect to may term or condition of occupancy of any apartment in nny build- ing that contains more than six self-contained dwelling " 'units, because of the race, creed, colour, nationality, ancestry or place of origin of such person or class of persons. t2d (b) ulf - contained dwelling units; or discriminate attaitust nay Pemon or clan of penan- Such " the people of Bulgaria. Rtmgary, Poland, Romania. Al. bania. Czechoslovakia. Estonia. Latvia, Lithuania, Eastern Ger. many, and Finnish Katalin? "We recognize and! wars," he declared. "We have helped, and shall-go on helping people fight for their freedom." mouth in Moscow the other day. but with the more familiar side quite noticeably aggressive. he called the conflict in Algeria (when France has made I hold move to give the people a right to determine their destiny under demoeratie melbods), a sacred war THESE HOLY WARS Nikita Kmshchev in looking tor "other holy war - u if there weren't enough unholy ones to dell with at the moment. Talking out of both sides at his Ifyoa haveadaiu fat damages as a testdt of an accident with an uninsured driver, ttt+tmttitatitattttrp-tltthelltmtttireNisiritttt-ttmtetis. 'trtottSirySt.Ttirtt-ot-eq-itmtrars-ltrarttmrtsghrnr 'ttii-Italo-tret-sitter-ttri-ri-tttttits-ttir-re' tbet-tttttlater-iso-ati-ttlar-dt-ttrt-ld-tttteo-ie Wdim " SD!!! 10 - YOUR DAB!!!" INSURANCE CERTIFICATE OR PROOF or HAVING PAID THE ADDITIONAL $20.00 WIN. SHRED ”TOR VEHIGIL FEE IN YOUR mum: AT au. TIMES. ”Lu-‘00.“ Lawmm ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT. 'ty-hier-tein-dot-tart mule: vehicle was com toshow thatyou have paidthe $20.000dditional tee T ttrmtr vehicle becomes uninsured, may time 1rtmreortmeemtotttrrtstytt, of the policy,you must pay the $20.00 additional MW} mm la;alatttteat $lte0tttasittthxtettttttattatTraasp0et. THE PENALTY FOR NOT BEING ABLE To PRODUCE PROOF ttrtttrmhiete'isinsmed, besitrerottttmatsitttoraateeatitiate.tfrmhnttit have one, see you! insurance agent at once. Under the new Mr establishing the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund which replaces the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund with effect from July Ist, 1962, it will be an offence for an amend operator Irermittheolrtraiiatof hismom vehicleon theltigNrayaithat heingahleto mam either: (a) Proof that the vehicle is insured ttttdag a liability policy for bodily injury and property damne- MIME 'Wi) [gi]agyjiagirihi) THE new moron mucus “CID!” (lllllllllllit Alll or INSURANCE OR PAYMENT OF THE FEE; OR FOR PRESENTING FALSE moor. IS A FINE W $50.00 TO $500.0tt, IN Proof that the $tiulo maimed mm: {Gem been paid. (new 800:. Smith: Season St cup dairy sour cram with It manpoon all. la teaspoon paprika, 2 tablespoons finely chopped chives and a few drops you“: bitten. Fold in one Inge. vell- drained, peeled. needed irtely chopped cucumber. Chill well. MCI!“ sauna WIS WtTrq “It”! mica WIALI Pettitt1tetnoytr_.toptutitreimoetsteauiaet, aide. Fill it with valor to depth of at last I-ky, inches. Add 1 tea- spoon salt and 1 teaspoon mixed pickling spices; bring to boil. then reduce heat no water just simmers. Carefully place salmon steaks side tty side/ut water. sinner about in minute: until run will jun fUhe easily when pierced with a 10th. (Allow about ten minute- per inch thickne- of lush salmon, almost double that tor frown my). Remove steak: with spatula. Serve immediately on hot platter - or chill thoroughly before aervmg. Serve with Cucumber Sauce Specials. and if desired, a garnish of pickled book and diced onion. like: 6 servings. _ "d'Jd,tr'Tf.'drt1atrtttathttatL1.tLrgt, 'gr'hu,'t='att, 2t"2t.tttiitddiiiirfiiii mmmmumfibe-flm hmmumu-un-mumum Nhumwdwmflwudmm “halt-hum 'qtytdiat-araitiittFtr. not... bfimuon-hg-I-zwluu'fi 'eaeeete,erriyttrerqrei'iuaartiirTitfiia mmwu’mufiu'fiiw Mil-u. “udeuu-dm 'yP1ett,rxP.te-tis-eiHrkiiiiiiiiraTiiaTr' PUDDING nus“ [unusual Springtime Pudding The original recipe for this came from Germany. But inter, Delirious Desserts 3.3,11.'...1e.e.tetrfttyetsrarttts-ar' Fl THE PINK ' 2:5 Th. new"! runnua prlnl in whatnot! Mango colors gums duh to cotton Ivonne" ll'p- anm The leggy pants and loose fitting top with m a"! side: are made m a sturdy Tex. Made poplin fabric. Bake in preheated oven until at - 40 to 45 minutes. Serve warm with hard sauce or pour- ing cream. Cream butter or margarine; gradually blend in the remain- ing one-halt cup sugar. Add eggs, one at a time. beating in well after each addition: stir in vanilla. Stir in soaked bread cubes and prepared rhubarb. Turn into prepared baking dish. Wash and trim and cut up sub ficient rhnbarb to yield the re- quired 3 cups diced rhubarb; mix with " cup of the sugar and set aside. Cut up sufficient white bread to yield the requir- ed 3 cups bread tubes; sprinkle with milk. l It's a hearty dessert that would be good served after a Mather light main course. or lol- l lowing a soup and salad lunch. SPRING‘I'IME PUDDING l Vlad - About 6 50m s cups diced rhubarb I cup granulated sugar. divided 3 cups rather large bread cubes. cut from white bread 3 or Q days old % cup milk lk cup butter or margarine 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Brush a shallow baking dish (approx. 6 x " inches) generons‘ ly with soft butter or margarine. ( Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (moderate). I esting recipes should never be limited to one country, so this one has been readapted tor use in Canada. It's particularly att- propriate at this time ot year, when tangy. rosy-red, spring rhubarb is so plentiful. And the recipe makes good use of any leftover bread too. -- _ m. u. guru: was" on, - In- in the community. Home “Junction; auctions to this department is On occasion m the put. when not a minor chore; it is one of "I alum has been received the important roles in the fire 1 while men were on law“ service in trying to reduce, the a clone check was Aept '0" the tum loss of life and propertylume element required. and the in dwelling, and to make our result was negligent)” in re- community a safer place in 390“” time. F which to live. i Hoping this bit of information A home inspection is volun- regarding our home impaction an on the part of the occupant. “ program. niay be of interest to A home inspection is volun- tary on the part of the occupant. Our personnel are mined to locum the hard: in the home We in the fire unite. are constantly trying to provide better service with a sincere {or _the well-being of everyone Mat-"MW” G-hlrrhhtatss utimt.ttoturi%uiiG "r; 'tttrates,','.:,,'.?.:". t's'rM.ettttggiggg.t (a) dnngerous storage prob- Witb radio communications. verriittletimeiitiaan-" ing an alum when onto-no in. MW-heuu-uu meMMyM-e- Cmmd-bm Yours Sincerely. C H. hulk, Cheif, Fire eDpartmertt, Waterloo, Ontario. 110 KING ST. s., q Sum [an Tom . Wnllpaper . Rem-Gto . “out favoring! IBM MAMA" filllllllillg SALES 164 ALLEN ST. E. Awnings " Screens Aluminum & Fibreglass Doors, Windows, etc. Aluminum Railings FREE PARKING Patio Enclosures BMW Door Canopies INTERIORS LTD. . WATERLOO . Iittttrthmr fra', Qrbe-r8-rq-amMdkVtrt Cluck - Inn's low bur-nominate- "tarte-rw-r-oo- Mount-[twenty am What dollars. A“ check - In- "route-so so" that - Inn-n am can with us than with m- m an. Call to“: 'raGiGciiiiiiiGr'; 322 KING trr. N. WATEBLQO SH 3-1705 or roan turning brown, Freon: turning blue. yet- QWI “ding to (roam. swp colors are formulated, rm trolled and tested to give sparkling, clear colors that may color-true longer. EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT With SWP House Paint, you doo't have to be afraid of red: turning brown, WlTH A 4 CHECK UP AND A CHEQUE “7'“ ”an.“ ‘C-----~-”-- - MAXIMUM COM" RETENTION! FIGHT CANCER t2tg','it't,'e,ug.tergt all-domain!“ with mar-how. oEarertrmti_-a-ttse. oramirtciud-o-itsEaamr. --t-. nub-1y cm oCc-yhsmmmw: Cil'oTird;;'iT2ril;'lltl't'lr Ticket Agency Ltd. SH. 3-4156 M.hbl.1m 36 Ont-tic St. S. Kitchener WATERLOO . Broadloom . Pirtttrrs SH 3-5283 . Lamps vino - mun-u l .t3qrtt

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