"Fiiirle ,Wmm There is another reason 1 prefer'to travel by night ratho er than by day on such a short jaurney. I like that last hot cup of coffee in the club car ' Mote rem-Ins. .There is us About way at: months I at g rqu._ bylaw qt m mulch _ on: Neenet "- an â€an mreentt9rseurried aroand,rna- MntrntrrerratiogsFo.eb one} aid “I! 'tee-mod-s and settling - the we cut- ttt I would wear for the brief My mother mun. have roek-i elm to sleep when I was an ml in arms for I prefer to have! by rail and by night the WI mm miles be tween my home in Aurora and Montreal. The rhythm of and on, steel and the gentle jigg- ling of the comfortable bed in my accommodation, I find, in a pleasant accompaniment to a sound sleep: -""n'""""""""lcstr. Wttat ISI it? The type of which we are) wAting is known " “Sugar Diabetes". Normally there is arqmximateir one-tenth of Vie per tent sugar in the Mood strum. Blood sugar is kept at normal level by the chemi- cal called insulin. The pancreas normal]: forms the chemical called insulin. When the pun- creas is not forming enough ,insulin, there is excessive sug- ar in the blood stream. Some of the excessive - Is filter. ed through the kidneys and is passed in tho wine. The Chiropractic uproot-.1! to 1 condition of mm is based upon the fact that the action of the pancreas, in forming insulin, is controlled by mental impulses from the C. te. WEIAOIT. tt.C.. Phat. NI Treads 'hose smooth tires of yours NOW and be ready for winter. Don't forget you can cut your tire costs by as much as 50% with these quality, low cost NU READS. Ion of Nu Treads Built Good Sole?!- q Whoies-Io . nun Enema“ oreoa1tv'ttect,tf_reeu,rc, “25 Years of Tim B can Mt. m. m Diabetes HOV D 2h'l Call In Soon a Your u, SEIBERLmG WAREHOUSE Health and Chu-tie "giabetu" ta-l, ice: the lives) of thousands of Canadians each . y e a r The people w h o suffer from it are al- an. to s “I; mar; man an "I. "25 Years of Tire Sen " mm. mm runs! a in "F5 I) What is BY DOROTHY IAIKIR TIRE SERVICE tally another newspaper type “notâ€. ell rm to an as- dment GtsaMtttg the brew .wo M mt into . healthy discussion on the not. of the nation, or perhapo Mat poli- ties in gm]. . l On this man: trip. it wan-'1 13. heat of the parley that smelled, but an aetid odor of "rurning Wool kept puffing up in my face. My minimum of the midnight coffee break was gesticulating wildly, trying to make his point convincingly. Finally - a work in edge- wise. “Pardon me, but have n't you lost the glow on the end of your cigarette" 0 USED TIRES He brushed a m of ashes from licket and trousers, snif- fed once or twico, passed a nation. "mark abut my tte. ing burned up became he had the argument clinched and went right on throwing his cigarette around to emphasise ht! convictions. brain travelling over nerve fibres. The power which is be- hind the manufacture of in- sulin in tho pancreas is nave force: If nctimt is fully, the nerve force wttiett governs the action must be inadequate. Dia. betes frequently occurs where there is an interluenoo in the normal quantity of nerve force which supplies the pm- creas with its worllng vitality. Locating the exact point bf interference on the nerves supplying the pancreas and re- leasing that interference to transmission permits I normal quantity of nerve (one to be restored to the cells which manufacturer the insulin. With normal insulin supply, sugar is chemically converted to the needs of, the body cells PutrWhed in the public inter. at by the Waterloo-Wellington District Chiroprrtcttet Council. T- -iiltiG, -auertt frdm the blood - and the kidneys are not burdened eliminating ft A "I. urine. Many thousands of people no grateful to Chiro- practic for thc improvemt it has effected _h;__d_igbet§l)p condition. Wilén I returned to my TG" 621st of ttie m WAN (Ontario) CHRONICLE J,ogrttt,,UtlhN1t, te1'f2'l p V into the Incl-rm a: bola our: - I. n a. toad tan“- b ore, Ri?.' (at. an. a target Iota -est%e. t On crud I decided 1 mm lave on,†more». but vial I hand the my â€an m huh-ed use†,u uh MD of an in mom 'ee 'trrtesjt? iii“: an the l? Meal; ;ci ed, I con wear y (iii will: t 1Ul'ftLl? l 'tre only a brief meeting. VHLunc‘neon seemed a orit. ious time in which to gens: this vaubond‘s itinerary for A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE 'TIL CHRISTMAS ' coat would who - a - b I. 'i"iaTiiFraiiter-'i'i- Art", a. - 1 miwmgly. clutched a an L it 1 wouldn‘t at. in (Command on PI:- 18) OPEN FRIDAY NM UNTIL 9 RM R344 _ mm: 'ggtDBlBBb use» was. new ADDRESS . N trr. noun glWpaui " Jigs-t can» ’0'" C. R. tiillMhltllllO WETRlST KITCHENER W _ ',,'fs?ri'il 'is'jiii',lti? '" "tl 1"iii'i'1"i'irt' _