Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 12 Nov 1959, p. 1

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mm! wnuuoo cows“. kicked out . motion by Wood. geek that any upped .tlt? we. at mun-rt WW WWW iGurtiTGrtV id“ in but humble opinion in I real' good There seem mu. or no up an of going through the numb“ jumble of changing than all over the country with hit the place-.011 tur iiiiii :33 tiid ieii sticking to Standard for I month or two later. We like the idea and while we realize it would be bard to at all communit'us to go along. it still would be worth the et. fort, MAYOR HAROLD PAIKIN can). l while relinquishing his posi-‘WV‘C" tion as mayor, will seek elcC- It ht tion as alderman this year. w_airr.ed As most of the planning tor the '" expansion of Waterloo has "1wed ymf during his term, we feel city e iA is an \excellent thing for PM” him to remain on council k.8 " whlle {he plans made by he Arn and his council duringY the past Jamie two years, reach maturity in reptlt the next two. snu'uw - _ . 1219 m As an alderman, Harold Paikin was quiet and very conservative, giving very little indication of the dynamic drive which he was later ta unlease as mayor. With the ex. perience trom both positions under his bplt, pt waggmakc a i;iiyTaiiGu1, addition tel mnmeil's aldermanic lineup and‘ should be given the chance to carry on the work he was in. suumental in starting, J.H.S. CONSIDERABLE ELATION MAS "etrexprested by num- erous Kitchener businéssmen following the announcement by Aid. Harry Wambold that he would run for mayor of that city this yea.. This column has been bug- ging for just this move. Harry Wambom is certainly one of the best it not the best alderman Kitchener has ever had but in view of his‘heavy MU N-- VF'" 7.- business commitments, " was understandable that he would be reluctant to offer his ser- vices as mayor, Aid. Wambold has been standing ever since he came a council member there ts little doubt that - nu u... ,-v Aid. 'iviiiii'iai has been out- standing ever since he be- came a council member and then ls little doubt that he will curry his ability to the mayor-11y position. J.H.S. PREDICTlON . . . THAT ee) MIKI WALTER' WILL WITH.) DRAW AS A MAYORALTV CANDIDATE NOW THAT ALB. HARRY WAMIOLD MAS MAD! PUBLIC HIS J'"JJi TION OF RUNNIN FOR MAYOR '" 'ery?"!!: "T" "in." Witfiis noes wwuonw IT 3 H o u L a COME AEQUT FRIDAY or iias WEEK. " THERE COMPLETE apathy in Waterloo this year regard- ing the election, or will things marten up u election date draws clggeg? .. . L HI."- VOU'V-u Many think there is not the interest. that should be shown, but ity an unfortunate fact that every time there is no mayoralty “and”. but.“ seems to " downhill er: one got Ill situation? cannons “cannons are now m up in Kitchener and will certainly help to 'textrq' 0. MI. 1 buying in J.H.S. J‘HS 1.8.8. sjjtiraajiabiaerdsi'ti) up...» mummi- for ttsts 1,600 Acre / Annexation ,Tentatively Approved Vii. tos Tentative, approul for Wat- erloo annexation o! 1.000 tore. of Waterloe Township was made yesterday by the Ontario Municipal Board. There are th stays heton an plead: 1. Proportion u wood township any will be Mac pond township - our bound- ary will be placed in one mun- Icimllty or tee other. 2, School attendance by child- ren in the annexed area must be settled. 3. Fermi! approval by City Council must be given for . year's exemption from the early closing bylaw tor three service stations in the area. . irooertit gurus” the ne It has not as yet been deter- mllned whether resldonts in the annexed area will he alm lowed to vote in the Dec. 'r city election. Appeals to the annexation may be "led up to 28 days after approval. Armour McCrae and David Jamieron, board members. ag- reed on the city's need ot the mdustrial land containedjq 'site annexed area. The city had shown it would be in a posl- tion to service the annexed land and the serene .wu rea- lemme. The three points um unsett“ led formed part of the objec- tIons of property owners. The fvropused boundaries would split the land ot about six residents and some have asy.ed that all ot their land re- main in the township. while other: have requested com- Telephone Directory Story Out with the old and in with! the new will be the order or the day this week as more than 103.500 new telephone directories are delivered to homes and businesses in Kit- chener-Waterloo and surroun' ding territory. In Kitchener - Waterloo alone, distribution involves more than 36,700 copies. This represents a growth of more than 1,000 teuphtrn_tttor- 'tes compared to last year. The 1059 directory contains many new and changed listings and as a result, C. F. Holland, Bell manager tor this area. has suggested that telephone users‘ discard their old books as 50011 " tho new ones are received. “Past mtperUnce", he said. “has shown that many wrong numbers and unnecessary calls to Information "result if .cus- tomem don't discard their old City Records Cause Concern J, are three remaining before approval in com- ll'ollowlnt the loan of reeord, at St. John's Lutheran Church. Waterloo, concern for the safety of city records of Wat. erloo has been' expressed and city officials wore “lad lent night to report to council on present ltorago. I Th0 disastrous tire of Noe, 1 prompted Aid. Vernon Bau. man to ask: "What would hep- gon to our records if thll uilding burned, or if the root collapsed.” "The possibility ll of con-taut concern to us", ro- plied city treasurer D. C. Mit. afer, who explained that mm limped»! city mu. " council minute! and tt Tr aaa - 'lnlnntel Kitchener - Waterloo plat. mutton) Both councils should duettag the revision ot ttttt boundary in question, the board, sumud. putting tho properties on on. side or the other. "rents reading on tho west old. of Bridge duet who“ chlldron new attend Bridgeport school objoctod to their being lent to the nearest twnorloo public school two mil» may. Tho school lnspoctor could recommend attendance of the children at tho some nhool the board was told and tho city would rolmburu the school. Written assurance of this was and by the board. The early closing bylaw evoked dislavour and objec- tion by the thrbe service ata- tions involved. J. M. Harper. city solicitor, said council would consider a year's exemp- tion for the stations and the board requested confirmation of this also from council. D'Arey button. City Engine- er, explained that tentative zoning ot the new area com- prised 970 acres of industrial, [16 of commercial. 520 of resi- dential and 130 green. An out- line of how water and sewage services would be supplied Wat also given by Mr. button. Leonard Burton, Township Reeve, informed the board that no objection to the annexa- tion would be forthcoming trom the township council, which body was lauded tor its fine cooperation. "------r-r-"e"_"T"e""G"T"i.rrc= ---_ Wsterloo. Ontario, Thursday. November IS, 1959 {union is for telephone cus- tomers to revlu their personal telephone book: and use them an a handy guide before pluc- ing a cell. To facilitate this practice, an indexed Blue Book of Telephone Numbers ll well able free of charge for tele- phone ueers at the Bell's busi- ness office serving this one. The new directory features a sketch of the Islet Rock at Elora. In recent years the Bell has developed a trend to use 'V illustrations scenes depict- ing a landmark in the are. served by the directory. This year's directory also serves Galt, Guelph, Kitchener, Acton, Arthur, Ayr, Baden, Belwood. Breslau, -Elmira. Eton. Fergus, Hespeler, Lin- wood, New Dundee, New Harm 1 burg, Plausville, Preston, Rockwood, fit. Jncoha and Wel- One good way to avoid con- lesley. _ vault which he described as a “diunco for a city of 20,000." The 10-by~10 toot vault in fire resistant but not tire proof, he said. D'Artty Dutton, city engine- er, said most of the city's large plan. no mierofumod and I? In I vault and some of t c more important documents of the city an on microfilm and stored in u vault " Waterloo Trust and Winn Comp: . Assessment roles are keptnln [duplicate - on. In the City Hall and the m in “I. In' AllyltitllthllAll. BUS SERVICE RECOMMENDED Public Gin-mum It will he recommended by City Council's traffic and tune portetion committee that two buses. instead of one, be put on the nth Street east end west routes during morning end noon rush hours. The doubled up syetem would boonlyinthewayotenex- perimnt sud continuance of such e system would depend xunon patronue was the ruling TV BU,,. mmmonqntion of a -irirau $3"de the experi- ment, Ald. Donald Snider, com- mutes chalrmhn, will disgust costs wi Bradley. The Experiment was decided upon by the committee after A . ' L - A- _---:....A "r"" -. -"iV "m, a request had been received from Harold W. Wagner, pub lie school trustee. His request was that the service be dou- bled between 8 and 9 mm. and Waterloo Cricket Club Dinner And Presentations About 130 cricketers and‘ cricket supporters from Wes. tern Ontario attended the an- nual season-ending dinner Sat. urday night at the Hacienda in Waterloo of the Western 0n- tario Cricket League. The pre- sentation of trophies, on. to a member of the Waterloo Cricket Club, highlighted the _dinner. - _ -_- _ Don Meston of the Waterloo CC was awarded the Ted Down- ing Trophy by its donor, Ted Downing, u the leagues top bowler over "tte, sysop: John navel! ot Guelph won the Tom Sour-m batting award u tho league's top bat. ter with an “my ot as.“ rum a snug . . - L -iiiaiirrGrerieut Club won the league champtomhlp and titOhed In second pine. In the Waterloo Thou" Offered Congregation The Old Waterloo Theatre! building has boon offered for the m of the members ot St. John's Lutheran Church. which was dam-eyed by the Nov. L It 1. hoped that the building will be randy for ur- vtcu nut gang”. teeord1tt1t of the church. The congregation will be al. lowed to use the bulldlnl un- tit plans tor the erection ot a new church are (emulated. no cording to Howard Schade- wlu. dun-let Iuporvllor of Tho-tr. Holdings Corn, who are the owners of the “ding. "We hope services will be held the same as before by Nov. IS," Rev. Mr. Conrad said, althou¥h regular church activities will probably not be resumed until the new year._ Only I few at the church records were salvaged from the $32g,000 {In whieh com- pletely destroyed the church. Workmen knocked down the shell this week. "wiijriifc 'manager Ivan "We want to get the con.) gregation to worship service first, then will worry about a building," tho minim mid. In the non futur- tlu church officials will meet to discuss the but nun- foc taairttt tho parish lull located It the nu L, Waterloo', sen- X. L: boiirad, pastor troll! 11:30 1.1L,“ 1:” PAB. Pupils would be enabled to go home to: land (huh! tttet bitter cold Irina: months with this ineeeaa" - Mr. wnmr um. Senior potttis in grades}! and 8 gm; all, - {be city attend MacGl lehool. Mr. Wanner aid that school board wquld hi3 not the experiment it Separat- Bchool loud . also contribute. W I upstate uhool ttttttlla " would be batman: from increased service. haitmot 355500 $31213 “Lent Ing the senior school would ho bun patrons. “Other residents living in the outlying dismal could also make use of tho in- creased service," he told tho committee members. Ald. Snider said u request had already been received toe the extension of the Erb Street west route as far as Hallman Road but that no decision had R.C. Matthews Trophy com- petition. Second in the league was London Canadian National Railway: Nomination. akin: the Spaldinl Cup and mo win- ning the - ngftpn ‘Shigm u l Message From Mayor Mitt Giarrot the knockout com- Though aandhlono nova mado it Impoulblo Oar mo to mar‘myaalr Oar ro-olac- ttoet " Mayor 00 Wetortoo, I wlah " annaunao that I will be an Aldarrnonlc Can- duet. In one Mum“ munlclaal oioat1ee', With my on! oxparlanaa as you: - and Aldorman. ooup- lad ttrlth my waralnad Ina»- oat In elm anal", I rool I can matte a mu canorlbu- thet in haloIno te conooli- date the oral“! now under- way and down. with the - prootarna "III to ho ' " olaatad l w|ll do my mm» on a mambar of City Councll'a mm to aarva our airy and Ira oltluna am- In rho no)" No vary Im- portant yaara In WoOarIoo's Notary " the boar or my ohm". Free legion Service All ex-service personnel and their dependents are invited to take advantage of a tree Leg- ion Service. Mr. Arthur G. Sailor, Service Bureau Otticer' from London will be at the Waterloo Branch 530 Legion on November 17th at 9.30 AM. to give Ikillod Idviee on veters ans' benefits. Anyone with ‘queotiom on war disability pension, War Veterans' Al- lowance tBurnt-out pension) Treatment, or hospital care in ur ed to call the steward " Sifawood 80013, or write the Legion. attention of Mr. Joe Lehmann. and grunge his ',t'l'g,'at foe that morning. applies _to tll uterus , ruched. mm aid that {In ard would hi! tin. uperlment it an qr W01 loud would tribute. me - uhool WWI " - humming from tho Jig kitten; 7 End) - 1'LGirriGiGk d . No. -q

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