“nu- than . YOUR FBI-Ill“ PROGRESS in a hot weather slump? Inch iettt-aeeountrvanditvouareooepft1-whohave ti-toem-theist-ia-innate-ou. _ 6iuaii-iiGGuGrto%iAveen-weatherand_ tsoM1atestra-.ttteGreatNqetkemPthe.Hel_ieey_thesxra.,t.r -aiaiirtirfi_iieoa.Ntit-essrta,emoaeiursis.aoei1t iiil5ti,i.'i"""i""ei"""""i'""'"rt'"irhrt fiirirtu--tttinetsettisrriieanetey1rtiquhetttt aauiriAiiihuraurostureuiwitharoinryd,e.quurred hadiarana1twtu1ectruehinnottheeareandtAi-art euuiseruri1itaeentteatreamerftroratittuprr- -irig0aiiidiittktrustoaahmttrrrfuhemnanuti"i" - $lllllMllll1lllllIlll. ligir? mums ttlie W. Outdoor Wu iiiiiii'.: Mahermen have told me a number of times they have seen [In feeding on the surface all weren’t able to cope with In dtuation. Here's where dttter I shallow fiahed sum- " or a Popper worked slowly. III_really my oft. They are and: non fun too, for you eanseethefiahatartfstrthe Aareandhookinghimnearor onthesurfteereodueeatwiee h fight, for they always iiiiiiiGr fishing. Just try p_ike with a popper or streamer tw. You’ll_ get all the action you THERE Mt NO INDICATION of approaching Fall in the weather we have been having, but it’s on its way. up all over the country and will be moving in greater num- bers than during the summer. All you need now is a fireay and a stuffed owl. The old crow call will serve to swing them, and the rest is up to you. Crows look like an easy tae get to the_tyro.r_But if you can rank to hit than with any de-tEe-ist-ry-tyr DUCK I atrmatiaatrear.brtbdieatimts areitwirttsee-t-Bethis .itoiik-erarit1botttnest. intrteromtdBhttlseFest up}! Thingtodohoanremt'q getansfttteo1dhinoeu1rrs_and do some 1ooetngaround.When you find where a bunch of ducks are coming in, put a zip- peruymxrhw.'nntwayyou may be able tq_get some shoot- ing' for yourself: The Ontario Surety league has appointed. Judy Adams as Co-ordinator of Home Safety, In. p stepped-pp prom-ax}: to reduce accidents in the home. Initially. ween! (mayhem itobegiven Gududatimrmotherrip11tsnfe handlyng of plastic bags, which have brought death by suffocatlon to a number od Elm; children. Judy Adams Mn with Howard Yates 9f the Soc- imMPL-Iï¬dmrcdmmmmï¬e properties of polyethylene mm a it come off a Milne m irrltyrtie Manning plant. k -- -._ . . .. . -----_-- .L:1.I_._ n. In an gun-um M.-'"'---'-----., r,, "Piautiegi1meanbedeod1rto_r?uryt tehudrmt-but only if improperly handled by ndults" say! P. H. m. General Inn-[er at the maria may League. “a“ whoshepmahmeredwimflï¬nplaMortoddkx-I GiirirCiioGriitis1arwithp1mrtiehitaoreur" " need to let the by GAME FISH FATTEN up to a certain extent for the long win- ter ahead, Maybe this, i_s one of the reasons they hit better in the Fall of the year than during the middle of summer. Anyway it's a good thing to remember and when you take the old scattergun out of moth- halla don't hang up your fish- ingrod.Ehettroean GET THE PRESTIGE GINGER ALE ar WIISOII’S m NAM 10â€)†was Peaches new in abundance peaches began now out of Honda in a caravan of trucks atmte-1enethttetsever- atedtFhbeha._earxied No. 1 one}. tree-stone peach- a in one at the largest orders ,teetgheedtheehainatateeqin fill this year," said J. M. Sand- operative, Vineland. “Hail- stormn earlier in the man and general weather conditions have reduced peach yield: by an estimated 30% of last year's a-op. This plus the fact that damn! by processors tu- pea- ches has apparently increased means that fresh peaches will be none too plentiful for eorr. sumers," mid Mr. Sandhan. The peach eta-operative is al grower-organized and operated organization in its 6th year of Nine-I. Its main purpose is to control and regulate orderly marketing of fresh peaches in Ontario as sales agency of the ing Board. The latter is estab- lished under the authority of the Ontario Farm Products prime functions of the Co. oPeeaitivethisrearistosetnn f.o.b. price on apeaches in an effort to return 1 reasonable price to grower members. This price is established in the, light ist supply and demand tor peaches plus cost :1 Tteothaetimt and it is maintained It a has eomeaitannuat-tarsdit highlights the attractive and f1axrourN1_Ontario_reateh. m reeentoriersvi11hueagm" CLEAN AND RESTORE LAST YEARS COATS " JACKETS - SLACKS - DRESSES - SKIRTS DON’T BREAK THE FAMILY BUDGET BUYING ALL THOSE NEW CLOTHES FOR THE NEW TERM thir BEFORE SCHOOL OPENS CALL 1'0-DAY FOR OUR EXPERT SERVICE ,mitttrtttfwsntmiroeteaasda andaotdinatnatterotatew niques in mum, ma- chnndising and salesmanship in Ont-rid: fret pad: my. WALLPAPER spas""' Broadba- 1'0â€ts Cuba ME', hin [ - o “chum Ttmit-ttt mm. Wan rue ll. 111mm You select the color. We make it on the "KEM couyrt-MirrrtR" while you wait. Saves you time .. . saves you money. Come in today. howled“ Annual, Prime Mug. iuer John Melanin“! all that the opening of the Canad- ian Northland will establish this country " 1 - some. of apply of new: and miner mineral resources are being - depleted. Diae-ingthasftstureotN.