,2 it? Nod you can dress up your bathroom elegant: this very stunning matched bathroom meanble. ' _1ooraetLtraq travel}: lid cover and det. Ite, - A" g..:_._ " -..'- G, m looped bath tunnels, lid cover and bath mat. me can in “Head: delight" design 18 printed in lovely at colours. he woven chenille bath rug is a band-u importanturdyconstruction.Thelidwversu-ed coated with pretty nylon ruffleg. Ensemble comes pink, aqua or Walker’s SEE! MAX You qan't 89% "I“ =W.aWr-.-""-"9.". wodd of colour unfold before your eyes in our Ime mteleetion of bedspreads and cotton is king in our long wearing sheets and pillow cases in pastels and snowy Mâ€"mytabletoofashionshdaintyhceand h Dan-i. Wkly looped towels to mix or match "iGGr Rio? scheme. WALKERS d ItimEliiill BiiiiHomt tdi PHONE SH 2-8333 with you “m I 98 " m covn o " y99r J?athroom ts1tret1.g, 53M 1.98 " at Walker? tor, Jimmy y.tMttilaiiri =ua'ao ' ttPei/Att.'.'?",',",'.",,,',',',..', ag,Ptllttl;, [itii'iiti?lii??iti'titlti' . handwriting?! iiiiii7riiir_A.atirehMt. “Jigmammmmuu 'iriiktiiikiert_C,tlte Git-monotonmmflumm “wwmlmflua‘fld‘lgflkmmughw†ii'a'Tiil-, www‘rmï¬wdhenkmgmnb .35. tu'l'tl, Lest tttneun' $3.1m to “an,“ o, the MN “mum'umflnoauflkegt’hegom.:eddgygm i_ï¬ iu "aa m-lor, an . "ghatat, “was.“ t'ttih2til'i'itdi'iiiiil?iti, ltd-maul 'l=ttf,PlGfll'lhll'. in CZ: if? 1uiiitsAiiiiDlqtonjd calm); m. PM w. " "W" "W ad]. ecu-Icy (calculus. meets. union); Md T. Brown. Peter- borouh mechanics): Henry T. Barri. Grimm: . Kenneth Chin, 1teynte, alnty im); an N. We. Guelph; Douglas W. Coutts, Conn tmee. tat-eh-wr-', M‘mrnu1 bullies); Tttttter A. Daqrtron, You W geology}; David G. Don- ald, mates-d; Kenneth P. Duan. Toeyytoi ghuleg G. Uuumvw. Aviva-w, -._t--" Edgar, Rock Island. Que., (goo- logs, English); William C. Ed- ' William C. Farmer, George- town (calculus. chemistry); Pat- rick Funny. Hanover: Iatalie B. New. PkWLP "ttttlt mics); Robert M. Golec, Sault Ste. Marie; W. Wray Gundry, Vittorh (calculus); Richard ls Hambly, Drumbo: Nicholas J. gummy, Dowuview (uncul- us); ROW W. Beintz, Kitch- ener (calculus): David W. Hectic, Ajax (cal- culus); James R. Hull, Sault Ste. Marie tmeehanie0; David W. Hutton, Fort Erie (calcul- us, mechanics); Robert A. Judd, Juddhmn; Reginald G. Ker- "ord, Sutton (calculus); Joach- im R. Koteles, Port Stanley; Alexander Livermore, Graven- hurst (mechanics); William D. McCormack," Bracebridge; Hugh W. McKib- hon, Toronto; Robert S. MeEib. trick, Thornhill (analytic geo- metry); Jack Mieczaniee, Erin; Roger M. Miller, Toronto (cal- culus); Robert J. Michell, Allis ton, (chemistry); James Olan. Campbellville; Walter P. Paranoia, Elmira (mechanics); Gordon J. Rainer, Markham; War Roodt Rudd: Rand, Kitchens; John I. Real, Sunderhnd; Alan Robb, Guel- ph; John B. Robinson. Hunts- ville (calculus): George E. Rud- dle, St. Catharina: Victor Rudik. Pickering teat- mums); Arntid Purrtylr_t, le,- ner; goger I". mm ___ '_--"" _ mitt (calculus; Robert W. Sch- euenbag. Mariam“; Anaehn Schurig, Oldenburg, Germany (engineering drawing); Russell M. Selmdt, Port Elgin tear can); Robert A. Sehi, Water. mtorgottrt H. Shaw. Heapeler (calculus): Robert J. Spence. Kitchener; Gordon M. Sterling, Providence" Bar., David A. Stewart, m Erie, (calculus. mechanics): Richard J. Stoltz, Kirkland Lake; Ronald A. Stoltz, Allin- ton (calculus): Per Voldncr. Smith: Full}; Bob A.Jr1llEt'..y c-tMt w. “W“. M- (chemistry. III-Mic geometry); mm... L. Wright, BMW- well More putting food on it. To probe! - fish tMeta, some outdoor dads like to grill them on I double “mines of heavy aluminum foil pl_nced iii" ediu to i; E"E"viiiL" TiiitT i-rare; Gn J. _Vgtep- economics); - Ttettr alum n. “w- J. sander. Ab "qC"mPy a " .-h6,, and (calculus); which“... , KL m I. - "tl-l-q-erm.!,"-"""'""""""."" '7 - - “in in! but "iiWiitiriiuuertt1qauttee.u" ymumhï¬muuMMCm G'iv'ii'iria,ritiiadittfeyrtrtehAt.E cultivated uric“. mama-W " So Irsu"utur am; mu no: " two , 1.2 If you 'need more room inthe farm-homo for the children, more accommodation for hired hands, more all-round convenience for everybody in the home, a apare room for visitoes...oe ifyonaimply need more space for 1*“. draft In ashortatrotreadrcuotnrrouhom going ahead with building plans new. If your proposition is sound. there’s moneyforynnauhelofM...in the for-of a Fat- hprovemen Loan. Talk it am with the 'lilt illlllir manager of your nearest '"tttttqt"Mlr.A B of M branch this week. ItiTlllriT womuo wmc “mums BANK or MONTREAL (9utadak 7a.: 844‘ I Wanda» Beamb, Cos ' tsrirt?1nz?e, ' Emma's; I S't"l't'r1u%tl,"llii'1rl1ii . g vm-m-u nu "eriiiltiiiiiCG%erifeqdPd si7ai'iiriiiuiiilikaiuyeoeytteY2tt new“. . &rMtstreet 1'tgatrfgiA'tM3ldl'lJr' 'GI 'iiiriih7iiikhh m evm want at an sum mamm: than: sax-mo were "ttuinttsthn “MG" him nth-cc " help hwy-w fun...hc'scu> "em lunge- -iaGruaqe - _ie.Ms a" â€in-k. gang-lun- nun