W W. T ' "C/l'?, u _ f a" - . 9.va , .‘ 'yr' rr/ 3' e Ay , . ’9', “a "f l' ' "rt', _ nu" V 'd V “5 wr , . l l w V" w; C ‘ , . F- 7"87 , . a _ Cir t _ ' , , " , I I .'.lir'ii'f-- _ 1fff,yl's'?,8:rl', "t [e'it'it'r',?.rlc',r ,t'i"I fsT,YCt"'Tt,'lttil'r,,'i,T3lt " W p'"..' 'l,ri?8PITi;,' 1rSEEaE, . , MBI' " l q A r _ '. . . , l ‘w . r, v) N . " ’12‘ Ki "v. 'ig-er/e ‘g . . t If, l ‘. . 4. 'st "I f . Jgtw -. . -r, '; " , 'RM, tlptltlMil r' _ _ . . _ _ -. .' F A , ’ ' l ' ‘A _ ‘».‘.‘1‘ , ,'t t r'U.5 ‘ . A Aag am. July u. "at an wanna» t4htgiirkh ro" ", . A-". V -,. m “a , J , aka * rf, . “' b T '2f. kt, ’ . _ ," '. . 'iliiii'i'itl m I . V _ . . v [ ‘ 't il, tt-itfrvf..wsen moth- mcnnget themoutolthe houaeandorttheiawnorur who have had the courage play few games, but they can beumused...andoutofthe fitt#er beds . . . if they have Iota of sturdy toys around to play with. If you can qtanerthe noise, drums, home and trum- pets, add to the fun and you might even try to organize a miniature parade. Small flags and pennants mod. to V9198- item- and waviiik them" ttetrk to use up some of the overflow activity which_ adrlts "Pr.. If you are inviting children of older years to a party, it is often an idea to plan a "theatre afternoon", provided that you have a nearby theatre and it is showing a suitable film. An- other idea is to take the group, Inn-mu no can so mum-n m A mm Exodus 0f Technical Staff Stratford Shakespearean Festival The two Eskimo carvers, Kite wak and Eeye-vad-luk, cur- rently practicing their art in the Eskimo Exhibit at the Stratford Arena, are taking to southern ways with ease, up to and including becoming cam- era bugs and wearing dark glasses. The latter is no, mark of affectation; the strong sum- mer sun bothers their eyes . . . K. and E. attended a perform- ance of "Othello" in the festi- val theatre the other night - their . first experience lt with play-going. Enjoyed it thor- oughly, too. Although they couldn’t understand the dialo- gue, their interpreter, J, David Ford had outlined the story to The very little _ehildren can sites for [access according the mothers with children in». to at and lots of to "ethes"mt-ied",ortottte portant tor the null guests. Little people usually like cake. they Many elven love their peanut butter. end they' are all eqwboyl at heart . . . even the ttiris, To _eon_thtne flt peanut butter icing, with toy cowboy: around it for decon- tiomiiouretetrnauthemfee1 that thin party in really toe them. ten the best and peanut butter) icing made with sweetened condemd milk belongs to this group. Make your eake of mix or from your own recipe and then spread this simple frost.. ing in beautiful swirls to make a pretty and good-tasting cake. Sweetened condensed milk is so easy ‘to work with and makes the finished product smooth and delicious. necessarily small in numbers, to an interesting museum to them in advance. With both "Othello" and "As You Like It" rolling in the Fes- tival theatre, the exodus of the technical staff has begun. Pet- er Wood and Desmond Heeley, director and designer of "As' You Like It", respectively, took off by air for home in England Saturday to fulfil theatrical commitments. Jean Gascon and Robert Prevost, co- director and designer of "Oth- elle', have returned to Mon- treal. The two wardrobe heads, Patricia Scott and Barbara ‘Gray will make tracks for Lon- don (England) shortly after the Friday evening opening of the 'NentotufoodPartofthe trtr---uauaiirthemoetim. (Continued on Pan 8) ,reoieeiaeeruintrad- New Summer Store Hours . aununcr aunt: IIUIII. 9:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Tuesday through Saturday nosed all day Monday E Jill , Parking space available at tii., E rg, rem at store '_-.. "__-'. . I 1 vacuums“. can)uoet-‘ cued condensed milk a tablespoon: cream-style peanut butter . Gradually atir mreetaned oondonaod milk into peanut. ttutterinthertopotadouttu boiler: mix well. Cook over rapidly boiling water, stirring constantly, until thick (about " minutes). Cool and then spread on the cooled cake. So simple, isn't it? Added to the convenience of time saved. youwillhavetheaddedjoyof being one of the moat popular mothers in the neighborhood and nobody could ask for more than that. 83 KING ST. S. TELEVISION RADIO and (AR RADIO REPAIRS (All SH 5-4537" FOR EXPERT REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES AND MODELS PINTO“ Illliililll'ill RAD") SERVICE 16.95 to 25.00 O junior sizes q to 15. Jonathan Logan dresses are designed for women with jmior figures - and are found only at Goodies in Kitchener. I tubby Shagbark. Dan River cottons in plaids. prints . dark transmon shades: blues, greens, browns, wines, black . hill dirt: and sheath styles; many have matching jackets; claaic dun- waiqt dresses; wme with eummerbund. to nip in your tiny waist; iron or Sh sleeves, one style with large pout! sleeves lIGHT AND DARK JONATHAN LOGAN’S HAND-SPAN DRESSES THAT SPAN THE SEASON T IUTTII cottons that wash and drip dry vaca' than. You'll love" than . . KING AND QUEEN STREETS, KITCHENER Dress Shop - 3rd Moor MAGIC PEANUT 3m HOSTING ...w-rthemtravs1Wta4m Telephone SH 8-3681 WATERLOO