ue props-t! owner. The Fedora“ is my ae- tively trying to find a solution to the municipalities" mounting financial problems, and in this regard a full report was given on the historic bi than] meetimg held with the Federal Cabinet in Own“ last year. Seeds have been sown, we we! Nor-ed, fur futme inter- Ouan. at which the mini: antics not be, and will tht. msemse---theetertrtazU- andittuhem-irutanmaear.. with the expanded municipal services and facilities, whidi such M Inquires. The we “(In costs â€12mm. to this mama-wan St,tgtf,.','gt"et Lang; -tattrameraetat . Moods. mumviMWro- Willamette-III. heal-o them! up "mttn_eutitieoitwantt Mayor Reports Hunting 155:; watstttdttrtheD-mst. The two aircraft involved 'F mninedr-treeSterthowat and the decision not - rubella“ 1fd"rlgtt'f magnum 'e_thetner's.iaiAatrmuf. week's fishing. Knoiving -iiit' af we do, we would bet tin if uted'fcr a pa be adhered to. night. June 12th, than “life Brim mmiader tttati-titil-ii - fl - concerning 9:999an of trig he_ win be quite likely to " well, of course that might be due to the hot weather. Bobby Fellluum and his wife left last Friday 1iigrt, fetd they that we mention the following events at the club. on Friday fishing are caching sushi-3&8 picker-El, opus am not doing next week's news, (Continued trim Page " Tteroetahavetteert tthatsortseotour if? “mum I“ All) (Continued tn- I’m " (Continued on iii. if " Freddie Shah JOE STRUB to has asked inthe in Imam“ out “the club, wig hone-aha and data-- Hrdontuto1ttmintrrer 'sigM,3tmeMh,-tgi-, 1'klt'k'l'lMlWll'lTN'lt Mun-MJ-um tyeiytd-rettruitai Jmeeertaist,e-ttetttatth. strmrisewiliHtHtuts-t tMattrtorrartttttn,ere- tttatitsmrMttea-s-s' tring the little ladies abate, and see ind that - is go- im to happen, a good time is smug-ed far all those that at- the hand members themselves it they an get “be! to - at the same time or wound up all together at the end of each piece. At any rate. we "an! Treasure III-thy For (in Lotta,†“It b M Casting practice is cancelled wat.tthe 9‘9.†s!:': tsf'rwr l., J. C MIME & to. m. coin-w. w. EYES MINE!) our members sumed, magnum.†anti-Inume 'na1tmin-irnitartota. eeimeo1na.rtrvudtara. cents. man-Neils, m '1tterertieeerandGiiriiiii' m a tie†out plâ€. PtlL1tt'2tq2tNrht2it awning .. tuition will an “'6. â€~10â€.th 1947 when New on.- all to have its on We. he small nieklea ad in“ {an minted {ram um In ward lat in MRM, iiliaaii, v in 1912. an mint with w. a branch at the Tower mint, also in Eng- land. The C designated the Royal Canadian Mint in Ottawa and theae were issued after 1917. The two dollar gold IM'I. The twenty out pieces were first coined in 1806 and " we of tho Queen “etch era except for one each of Ed- a": up to I!†with no mil} are minted at the Tower Mint in. London. England. The H will were niinteiiGrrt Tri C 788 placed _ttn as coins. The PHONE tm. tar" -jienitird ad "rut-i] t%ltls _ W! fii,'ill,lt'fiiii'lesr r ' (aa) issued betieéii these SUREST WAY TO PLEASE POP IS , WITH A GIFT FROM HIS FAVORITE o BAROMETERS do tn in trutiFeiaiGiiiii {no III-an our and "8tt'2rlltilP,tttge, It macaw itsâ€. an no _ Jtnd to. when n it. It and just like his Junior Depositor'q Account your Savings Account will grow with regular deposits WCWWBMMYQhMM Wosmemmdttqotmti-riit,th-i.1ilted Atheryl’rbe! THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Ee. The Professional, Business Typo Mttchin' Pee a Pencil Set by Wuha- n... Parker, Sheaffer, Winch. Hummus, Sentiment-l - Cards for Pulley, Grandfather, Fathers-he . Mttttr8TeaM.NrMtAHoesmttttittttrcagtagttt Our other bank services include: Personal Glowing Accounts, Curteut Accounts, Sub keeping, Travelled (haw. W! of 00*. Safety Deposit Boxes, Money Orders, PM Remittances, Cdleaio-s, Ralf-g By Mdii. Waterloo Branch. “BEGUM! but,“ a -eriraam-tyr"i' tqttqt3ttramtgtdeaeNtt "rrntltu. _ a 0 also intttuarm8taei.tMt' Waertoo-CFCh.-g in WATBRLOO