'tbl', t ' S â€55$???â€" mm. orreetxmurl- wash. Mum- 'if"'""'""'","""" “Amman-an You Can Wanna! ion and Baud Autumn Milf MARKET Open every light til IO pan. Sloop at your convenience llltetdarthrteSattmlay ï¬t your family shopping centre t w 1000 f21 WAmLoo' 810v: " mm a In. an “a: stop _ snug. OLD! STAY aiit-ratitrm, _httreiatatidrtigiists irdS tiikyrAS) - " colon to china an. yum 88 m1 HOWALD WINDOWS Singer Sewing Khaki!» Nah he u KIM B. WWI†" 5-411. Ventilated Aluminum All Breeds of 'Cattle . Member owned and controlled ail-rags. was». HYGIENIC SUPPLIES trub. ber (out) Mind mid in plain, â€clad nucleon with price “It. 6 any!“ Me.. " ample. $1.00. I.“ order Detrt. Wat, Nov. _ 3m thr., Boat 91, Emil- Grading A-utuo "Where Better Bull: Are Used" Artifleia) Bteedipg9erviee - Between': T.8C and 9.30 mm. ALUM-A-LIFE ALUMA-ROLL .- AND FIBRE GLASS Way evening: -- Calls recolvod on Saturday waning will be serviced on BettarCiituhrBettaruvtng miners: !rti'i'G"; 83391;: EESflEal REPMtlltliP1 make 1lihsttliilsimer " Wagon: St: was GOIN’ FISHING? PCT.2rftB3tTa"7diigg"f HATCan " King B. Wutctloo STOCKIE Electric PHONE SH 2-6262 Use af the but M bull. Duane controlled. may For novice or note Information phone - Waterloo SH am or USE LIVE GRAY CRICKETS for long distance Waterloo Zenith 4-4450 or for Elmira members and " Jumbo Mo 4-2722 BuSin*ess7Di1-‘ect0i5y‘ iiiiiiiitjf [iiiiithit'g gut-AW “lull In: DELIVERY We stock 'a Certified Public Accountant as In. " a. mum alum ‘ oPema4Hmgmlltaitr "lllrhaetn.tg. I“ RUMMAGE SALE ( FRIDAY,_JUNE " ". 1:00 an :guru. . 2 Y.W.C.A. Kitchener W.K.GARDENS comm om? nibié [33133333 Immon mm: 39os u..| IMAM mm: Imam mos Rwy; WA" I s?,5iii'iiSTfiit , Immune sums 23.os u, " KING ST. t. BijrEEIMjflljoiiTa SYLVANIA PORTABLE TY 25 TUBE PERFORMANCE M08384!" BA» CIA, SURPRISE DAD ON HIS DAY With Any Of Theme Beautiful Electrical Gifts Prom STOCKIE’S {an BELIEF For! (lli"illllll)l! " 1; iiiiihTiiiiiEiu - 'e,arlhfqt' a" ptr, 2te,titit?i."iittliC. sn 'itthk' 1 vt!.i.Athrr,..rrLtrtu M.rs up" [E 189.oo Ctts UP