tell? no _mtttPet-tttegmL 9erightheeattttkia" 'a't,.%carttteuuessetiuiit KING S. IRVING FANS ElECERIC I?ltlltt0llyrr01ts sl7-95 m cur 99 ELECTRIC . "eq u: wanna (may New """""""""----------Lacuude=t STEAM IRONS WATERLOO .95 Anal!) Metro council in the hope that it will aid the orvemaiLCii, deciding whether or not to (Continued from Page " -m. u a cJanattiae, w, 7“ - - Ju-tiid and a th 1'3"â€! your M q 'hg2tttd,'tg, NW.- Authorized a. Ottawa; second ch- man. 1!rL8r1mpttoocmiomaat WNW: mun-w. "voted b a.†',t'et?.t.etrttttAtii7e7iiitiiiii""'aN'allli,' gong?“ Th al'd,'1,'fPofS1t2ugiit If 9v. I" . 'SNIIIM a H. BMmt, WI; Bditor and Publisher. A car, property of Owen Piefentsakef, 61, of 23 Gran- tham Avenue, Gait, was damag- ed to estimated extent of $50 and one driven by Ronald Me. Garvey, IB, of Doon, to estimat- ed extent of $150 in a two car crash on Fountain Street at Shanta Hill on Friday night. Police state that Diefenbakor, driving north on Fountain Street, stopped behind a truck and that McGorvey. also going north, applied his brakes, skid- ded eight feet and struck rear of the Diefenbaker Vehicle. There is also the matter of new bicycle licenses (even the kids have to pay these days) and police will be checking on them from now on. Get yours now and avoid the rush, the same way your parents dont J.H.S WAYERLOO POLICE WILL make an inspection of bicycles at the schools again this Fear. This was done for the first time in 1968 and so successful was the effort that other city's picked up,the idea. a help. than one at a time and drivers leased for time are burning a considerable amount of rubber trying: These lights should be times so that at least three crud be. passed on the one mini? recommended they be instal- led immediately. This is one set of lights that will really earn their keep. Traffic is heavy here at least three times a day. During the rest of the time, moat drivers are crowding the legal speed limit and crossing drivers have tosttd-ittiViieGriiiii.' While we are on the subject of stay lights; how: about those one suburban official Aid.-" I .H.S, TRAFFIC LIGHTS FOR the dangerous intersection at Un. inn and Weber Sts., have now been receives! Ind equncil has ,__V - uc alive feeling when the 'eo'Cfi'it"t2' was lefPted. Sonnebody does. 9" wiin to" in; yet yet been called into session. Several suburban members of the council admitted that :he're was a Ityong negative - --"- -vs--W“' they Ire than to court by the Metro police department. The abject at I madam cloning bylaw has been a pore tieat hot-potato for some time. In January, Metro comm] set up , special committee to Study uniform bonus for open- ing and closing of retail store. in the eity and suburbs. How- ever: the committee has not V ._~vâ€" - ~vu-I If, - Metro police Wt. The subject at I Italian-d cloning bylaw has been a pore tieat hot-potato for some time. In January,_ _lletro comm] the ateiiGiGkiiii" G2iri',",', G Itotyera. He sentenced that seek any other city. -itiiisi"' ha; y are a hazard rather than 3200 Accident cyan , ftm W'mer Pun/inch] legislation to k the authority to not "caiifi "23%; no. Dept,