Waterloo Tmst Opens _ Fifth Branch May lst fa. , - _ 'm _' . . '., t _ m _, . i,", ., N C l' _ I, - " . ' w- _ T" May. Art '5. .10. , “I VAW' "tttAt atttitetetettr' 'e' " _. DAG. qN8mqttig- ___ Homemade cookies and cakes need to be stored in a jar or tin that is scrupulously clean. Wash with a solution of three tablespoons baking soda in a quart of water, rinse and dry. It’s also a good idea to line tins with wax pupa or foil l'? crumbs ean't idtife of this postural education prtr gram and many trophies have been presented to schools by district chiropractic councils to stimulate student interest in this most immrhnt mlhioof this reason that Correct Post- ure Week was initiated by the chiropractic profession and the emphasis is being placed on high school students who she uld he made familiar with the damaging influence that poor posture can have upon them inL later life if they do not take steps to correct their wrong habits now. The annual contest to sel- ect the Posture Queen of Sow thern Ontario from among high school candidates will be held in the Canadian Chirop- ractic College, Toronto. This annual affair is becoming very popular with the students and physical education instructors. __ Members refitâ€"fl; JiiirGiiirti'i, profession have offered their assistance i.rt the _development Faulty posture can have a detrimental effect upon the spinal column and produce misalignments of vertebrae that results in such conditions in later life, " neuritis, scia- tica, headaches, angina, arthr- itis. These are brought about frequently by the irritation to the joints of the spine and the accompanying interference to the spir“ nerves. Faulty post- ure is a idamental cause of such mechanical deficiency in the spine and the symptoms that result therefrom. It is for in the growth and develop- ment of the body, the students being informed that the cor- rection of faulty posture hab. its is much more readily at- tained at an early age. If these faults are left unattended to for a number of years, they us- ually become firmly establish- ed and change is them difficult or_impossible. level in North America," Dr. Harris adds. To help to combat this gen- eral lowering of physical ef- ficiency, the chiropractic pro- fession has recommended and helped to organize correct posture contests in secondary schools throughout Ontario. Emphasis is placed on the im- portant role that pogture plays has been witiGtrd GiioGiDTr My years, receiving his ex- Ford S. Ktmtpf Will be on hand to cut the ribbon opening the lecond hunch which offers the services of a drive-in teller. The idea of having a neigh- bourhood bunch in the West- mount area was met with a warm welcome by the met. chants in the area and many expressions of satisfaction of the opening were stated by resident! and merchants alike. Mr. J. W. Scott, President of the Waterloo Trust said that "This is another milestone in the Waterloo Trust and Saw ins: Company in that it is the tyysnttur of _ our fifth branch. The expansion was necessitat- ed by the fact that we are now serving over 50,000 of the Wyteruo County residents." yat1aoinartarttaeorear 'syrfethenewmoakiiiaGit of the Waterloo Trust and Sav. Ings Company on Belmont (Continued from Pug: 10) important sniisjilt. 'via stone taken from Wang-109 County with accented by a red. wood trim. The interior is beautifull, panelled with “Moan: throughout. An at. “team? which will be of Parti- the large indoor minim; which compliments the beauti- ful interior' decor. _itrits design i. ihd%tGTiiiTe2' educated at Alexandra SM Gi" and, Waterloo College. tion tn Galt and the admin. mum at was at the Kit- cheat: "tee. He in also we]! hm tin-om Kitchener 1eryre1y.Wreruiivefiil Wateetoo he played with the Waterloo Cub- Ball Club in 1934. with. Waterloo cm ANNOUNCING . . . Westmuunt Mitt FRIDAY, MAY lst, 1959 YOU are Cordially Invited to Come any time between 9:30 am. and 8:30 p.m. All Waterloo Trust Services are available through your Westmount Office _ - ,,v_,__---...... menu-ye! ' mlngs to me people at the Westmount section of Kitchen-ut' Waterloo most of the ad- vantages of downtown financial facilities right in their own area. Modern and beautifully styled inside and out, it is designed for the comfort and convenience of our customers, and to enable us to give them foster and better service. There is plenty of parking space, of course, and through our "Drive-in Teller’s Window" you con conduct much of your business right from your car. Note, too, the convenient â€Neighborhood Hours", In addition to regular hours, we will be open on Thursdays from 7:00 to 8..30 p.m. and on Fridays from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. We hope you wilt pay us a visit on Opening Day, not iust for "business purposes" but to inspect the bright, attractive interior of the new Office and to meet the management and staff. Come in cny time from 9:30 in the morning to 8:30 in the evening . . . you are assured of a warm welcome. IRUSIS and ESTATES - Ask for 00!, pm phtet, “h Naming The Waterloo Trot as Your Executor". GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIF’CAVES- This "Term Deposit" method of saving pays you higher rues ot internsh- ovnilabk for ferms of I to IO years. - MORTGAGeS-roe buying or buildivig homes, or unovnling. SAVINGS - Your money "rn' 3% interest when you save though our hm: _ “link Red Passbook". I_NVESTMENT iECURmEs-sses and Purchases The Opening of OUR NEW “neighborhood bmnth", brings to Le F. _f2'lil'iiiit'riiEj)'is, . ys tfyd, SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES - For pl little as lop per week poo can be SURE your important papers, iewelry and other valuables are safe. RETIREMENT SAVINGS HANS - Now you can prepare tor pleasant years of retirement through ow Tax Deductible Retirement Savings Plan. To): savings can be consider- able. Ask for special folder. REAL ESTATE - Buying. selling and . management of Real Estate can be arranged throogh any of our Offices. tNoo most of the ad- in their own area. out, if is designed for ' ASK YOUR the peoplé of Mr. V. L. Dykemn, City Passenger Agent, 120 King St. West, Kitchener Phone SH tV5635 I Se.ak4termoretttrove' I Iam-du-seo-der-tam. I oe-s-ht-eo, I Grommet-ductileâ€... I Mum-amcm. I WMMthWu Haw-1min- AGENT ABOUT . q . 9:30 am. to 3:30 pm. Monday through Ftiday; Every Thursday, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. new Friday, 5:00 to 8:30 pm. Regular hours , OPEN IVSNINGS , CONVINDENY NEIGHBORHOOD no: m‘ ""