l-d-------------------------' . MtterwateseeetortaereationDe â€In: some or m WEATHER we have had thus weak. partment met mm, 'l11llttl an! an: little doubt that Spring is finally making some -rttattres of the Watrrtoo MW iuttymuandMtcW._A. 'ti2Titn,her-.e-,nar-1rst-Aettarauoutliia, "ttste attmna Quir- i.ti'i""iiaGarGGraiiiruuiay-tt,tt.e: m Wenbdnuoearumhmindiatmmm‘m: Mannhnnlnllm mammmwmummwmmmtmmmmmw mommtfmhdmmvanmthcrforthem tho Matting training t7iraUTiTieGiaiii.iiestapamu?eaetrtet: mMAwmandrewe- Mundavmiortbmoaprtmmopemwuerm“New", hmmmrthcnathyngo.hnthgnheverynmnwmmwm mmmummmmuonwmumemutmwmww - opens. WEN All URGED ttt watch ftte any ytrtrht which mutate. l udmhmnenthem at the various Women's i-andhnowther e1ose1y aahit,uthertteaverwieth.e -aiaiiiiiiiiAaetast'" Irla""t'ir; WV: -..v :"ii'i‘ urstihetr the: will m in 'hy-tye him - "r1oa.'er.s-_rrrth" of States, including Mlehigan and0hionrhle the NW} Ciruia-iiim. to to meadow -tttaq and M “mater Us! tre tttent.? could become a problem. -iLi £336 living in u n53: 'Ill-Ill-tIll-Ill we ttlt ....... Outdoor, _erun and slackening. One at the comical and: 0" d the conical "Pee" vice for senior et-tq . m that many hunters, while iFiuriiJi_raro-ee taking the odd nhhit aarineliitii-ttr-tmt_ the season, wouldn't eat them ----------------' after they did shoot them. The , " (at that eooking killed the arrow about their favour GL and that thie_faet_wel ex- ......-mr'". We? just 'eren't taking any Grace' ire TieGUd Fix, didn't ne- to mahat In!“ Atteptt: the Kitchener arena , well again this Year. VIII: shun-5 "v - -""%e"'" ,iiii""Griiu"ar%msoaieygett. will u on “I ',','lfillltirl,Ua"aitriiGltFjiede."u?? mmwmgumho-mb9I-l- «mummmmwmh ;MMm1uthan'm"'“ totheeaatem. 'i"'G"Geii"iral-e.rarttfat, 'CGL"ii'"CiiuriAuiiirtl!9_h1 Mth. I." ttt 'lu'Tll1uUTiii"iiiiirrGitLiiiitee?PuP.* Pf'u'"re"e2ut"27TiiiGr_at_et. t"i,""ai"iiGGraGFir_ it? . ,herwatesrtoort-tionD+li- Id‘hump-uncntmetmcnuywnhnlw making 'o""tlie-tattet of the Waterloo Al Rd 01-. and In. W. Lam swallowing. "tist. can: their tGiikCiFiuiiirrn ippmch effective scum new mu. u legnny. wmgocnnh- 'irart/rGua-ripbstry for the (“this tine of fht -e""""e-"z"'""" iGii'iGiuir"atriars.Att" i%aikrturrtfrttteahteP? mtthP-l-“m -iitiamtgtrm9Ettatmt1" Arell Mth. - than - "G2iGriaeaamtteingee- You can store all your winter garments . for adv IV m mm “cannon DI". All (turnouts no cleaned alfd repaired at our regal“ cleaning Wot. . All Tet, in rut,""'" until "sqaim d. Complete box garments st for y $2.9 5 . INSURED . sroiitEDlil0Kn'B- FREES'r0RAGE . mummuan -'q--r. READY TO WEAR. iiGia 3| (no FUR C0ATS1 "iiGiraTGiih-aaraiuqr. In. In. Bl Almtvmpohnblyhclr. “all at oAk'iaraa1_tttasrttutti- omees. “Your Fun]! - I xapititlGt'trf.'i2%t8t, Shirts reg to 3.95 â€a“ 0-?!“ â€Chum f 110033 '01 Portable reg. $119 - our price . 58.50 Desk Model reg. $254 - our price 145. Semi-automatic t229 our price 98.50 Fully automatic 3298 our price $188 v - -- -'iidiariarm LIN! Big Diocoult on (India Pitch-m WELLESLEY PHONE 142 Drum iiGLuu R03. to ASS " fee ttsoo8t,ttthM, $2.95 Ski-$3.95 SCARI‘ESJAINTS WELLESLEY tPm-Cs-Carre-thu!,': 4POPMNAMES “up“ N-siesarnruroeytBefrfy, Maehinm & Walks Gun-bod my 'em-ram-re, in. and! to M the "iiiiir,jiifitit1ttN,tt,tl'2 a was.†â€mild†Whoa-Idem“.- i"iiriiiaiiiiak.i-dtr.ar" Mouth-whom“ bail {and an Mr. end in“! 'riltft tttttl YardGoods twilight-39“?" “has“! in. v1“ resume all I&_',ttld11'lltllll lik RG5