WILL TH. UCYCLI It.“ gym" is_ytt1t_r'stl- a}! Tring-rBthat,-tt+ he. thew-Inaugural. -ortt1ia.tttisntretiaethq road tattuequneilforees him tomovedlit. when “in". a piece 'd dig hiattusinetmandatra ftetouratedinttteuutuatvt age in Canada. Yet we are up- posed to he a city. Add to this the inconven- ience caused motorists entitled to use this we fat parking and wondering what -rmrtimaur non-thinker let it happen in the first place. and you hive the ivengé Water1ooite watching his bad HAVE HEARD ON SEVERAL occasions men â€posed: in- terested in spectator sports re- mare that they hoped some American team would "take" the Toronto Maple Leafs or the Montreal Canadiens. In most cases their only beef was that "they didn't like To- ronto". These people in our opinion are idiots and are pro- bably the same who try and impress everyone with their affection for this country. Cheering for the team of some other country may not come under anything so dras- tie u treason, but it does show an idiotic tendency which pro holly includes sheer delight ourowmoriAitiuatheeause they haven't enough guts to cheer for our own team he- am we just might lose and any wouldn't he able to say, “I told you so"" J HS. Cull ARE NOW hedging on removal of their tracks from the main street in Waterloo. They claim-such a move would cost them somewhere between 810,0o0 and $20,000 a year. Council seems to be falter- ing because the poor old CNR has such . fantastic financial problem. We my let them have it and also let them suite!- with it if necessary. They’ve made a nuisance of themselves in this city long enough. Several other plans have been dreamt up, none of which is practical when you atop to figure that one blasted railway is defacing the whole of our main street, a fact that will become increasingly apparent if and when the new action is developed. While both council and the railway seem to feel they have some legal legs to stand on, we are inclined to doubt that such would even exist if it came to a court of law. Mighty few magistrates would rule in favour of the railway, any rail- way, running their stupid box- can back and forth across the main street of a city. FIRST REAL INDICATION of Spring came Tuesday of this week when the thermometer struggled up to between " and 55 in the downtown areas. People get tired of different things at different times. hut Pe, dpubg ff there is (up P_emon left in this country who-Ins a goodwordtomforthiswin- mail-wwum. the tttyy-d thyt “@110 J.E.S J.H S J.H.S. King St; Tracks May Not. Be Moved tttu'Nt'tp? bit- 'lt; ' . a this reason. mom will probably hem-tom approve u. Other narrative. We; D movfilg the trucks are: Con- struction of an extension to the Bridgeport spurllne. Improve the present crossing and pave the remainder as a drive into the proposed shopping eemm. Sell the Waterloo to Elmira tinetotheGeamertiverRair The track discussion came up several months ago when the shopping centre was being planned. _ SCHOOL PRINCIPAL RECEIVES AWARD The principal of Mega Public School, Mr. N_iil, A. Nte. Eacbern, was awarded a life membership in the Ontario Ed. ucational Association but Mon- day night, for his contribution to education and the DEA. After " years at teaching, Mr. Wham will retire at the end of the current school year. 7 7 -- The arard was presented to him at the special ceremony of the Associations Nth Annual Conference. _ Native of _Cedprtritte - _ Mr. MacEachern, a native f. Cedarville near Fergus atten _ ed school at Durham in 1912 which qualified him to teach for five years before attending normal school.-After teaching in Proton Twp. and Tmrontio Twp. he returned to the school he attended as a pupil in Pro. ton Twp., and in 1919 was: up; pointed assistant principal of Preston schools. In 1925 he come to Waterloo as principal of Central School Prior to tak. ing over administration of Mao Gregor School, he served as Alexander Watt CNA., ANA. Only a few years ago, young- sters would he given what has become to be known as a 'nie. kel' to reward them for good behavior or doing some chore around the home, and that re presented quite a sum of money and would purchase so much at the corner candy counter. Offer a kid today a nickel and you will he reward- edwitha1oohof-anddis. gust! The writer remembers that many years ago, he would keep the family antler: clean and bright and alao hia father's shoes, and at the weekend, receive the equivalent of six cents! This m would be dot. ed out at the rate at about one cent a day for tho following week, in and: or cookie. Now if one la {m oomrg1t in finding a - m. dot machine or any Mia. that will accept a nick-L! k dgggq endedupmtta-aaadaMtr Spring even-com the CttqtarrttlterVtlt- COIN CRAZY 'texrtetaitaBimiratragnttuttrtg the Grand River lines to the 1reatoeWngBt.atetasttCarqstind 'MRgttfieiahtsaidtHtthis vanadium» at additional tri- - â€Muhammad “Wind.†tmeh's-e,andttrattheqmrpd Rim Itaihray could end its agreement at any time leaving the CNR without a roadbed. improvements to the better- ment of education. "One of the moat striking changes' he said, in the emphasis "toF pinged on; tt-itiuteadatitierfites" Nbw.ttsadded,boohramirs. tanning u well as inform:- the, not, simply 191:; lists of principal ot Alexandra School. During his teaching career, Mr. fad: to In sainorimWas ups mp 'same _imreovement to pu- xioustottetarxeduentimttUn Mmm,whenvemtto school and when I started, teaehintt.PraqerWhanmade tin practical consequence- a; -haentioettessotrvietmtomarrr Tmph,'Nrhiemoeemone, tttanweeme,dreamedttd." lore distructions from school is‘the result of the or- ganization at the lives at the m belonged to one group you were doing very well. youngsters. 'head' in shame and remorse! Today we want to tell you a little about this coin. and first let us say that actually it is a five cent piece and the appellation 'niekel' came about owing tn the fact that for many years, both here and in the USA, it has been made_of that metal, except in certain years when there was a scarcity of nickel. We are told that this metal was originally christen- ed "kupferniekel" or the Devil's Copper. owing to the fact that it would not yield copper at all, and perhaps the coin': tendency nowadays to yield hardly anything, is in re- Won for the woman? Of 'RtiBS nickel in used in coin- np owing to in hardness and m to withstand wear and -theeing. Lately, we have undead that any puke]: are 'Nader-r-ttret-o. QW¢._Q9% 3-999!th Theasfneiat.artqthntartmgnl J? CHRONICLE QUIPS ThiswmtMmeanannualpay- Tracks gun-Wink“ LEE“? 3) eetetarxtttrtd8Mtt,tttttLlr%tt_ WMM_¢9IH1IO gained thread! the man- Tuned-landing! t,,tgeL'Mr'tP,tutttt tsati-,thetqehpnroM1tsotbe "'-d.astd6athireatt- nathemeehedNttUreaport" Irv-alum menu I!!!†b m mummmu -.%t.elttrErtgtn-mid “thunk-din“ [an PM has asked that the att-ttmit-investigated. The Camus of 1947 with a maple leaf has awed I lot of confusion in mod people’- minds, as to the - and mintage of the different dam munitions. sihoruireerettinsanttasthe decided to reissue the M7 typetofNt1tuneed.Torhow thittherrreremintedin"" amnaitmagle1estfwatsp1aeed aithettntttetarsrigttt hand cor- neroethedatar.Greatmmtttees ottheemstat1eMe,dimesand -tar-ttptmek_1tutth- weremardtfre-ttl$0etpue" nrtdtttream-oft1teaB. verdo11aeyanC-ettmrr, treasure hunting forage of the collecta'. In answer to an en- quiry on the scarcity of the >194! cents. There were " mir 1imttnintedthurearnrhiHtte. tweenth-miM0andut36 only four year: were our tr million and none of these four greatertttars2tqi1BmyPtoEt this you an tee that the 1948 cent cannot he eumitied as a rare coin. Enquiries are most welcome and can he addressed to this '2.yu?u-tods "Hiiir Water1oomecreation De. partment is planning a program whereby the five baseball dia- monds In Waterloo Park can be utilitized to their fullest. In previous sears- have first served basis". Cub and Scout, Industrial and various other leagues. Wt tiom must be made through It is our intention to not up a summer schedule for Various our ornee to ensure that you have a diamond an the any. you want. an. executive member. cub macwtloader,oryonthwm'k- erandtt-anrtrtterttuetof uairtgthndhrrattaadroet adu- ftrrtt.ert-tnttmeute,N0W MtHttt-teertettaetun. hummus“ Waterloo Coll! Society Recreationally \A , speaking! iii-iii) BE THE WATEBLOO RECREATION DEPT. E- as The Waterloo Coin EfIEiiiirc5l 'tl""""'"'""- Winnebago-Giana“ an“ _ mmmum a',t'ttfl"rg.""a'grgA'tA' aet-siAa.eeiat*m “hulk-urinal- ttrhditHCttrharedteeed" “not. mucous-3mm Me.Nnn.NMna.arttitmee, magi-linkage. thqtm.h-Igt-qriliHttet atMgdandtNm8herwiBA- ettun6-tHrneI1rrteetutl. Ce-elite-Meg-. loo, Ont. srtenegPaeeatthedrStampEtr hitsitietnnrhieAariBbehetd- p.qs.attheoHWtehenerPNt EnglishwiBbo_preaenttoqn- Waterloo Man _ Appointed To 'F Swimming Team team.Adiver_rhisoeeomf ,earasa1etter-n. “Mat, who than: of Mt. andMta.g.B.Amt,22sStaw leyDr..Waterloo,hamember of Delta; Upsilon_fr_acerpity. A Ontario, WIS recently elected cow _ . of tht University}! up this schedule and reset-n- tion service hut it is possible only if you get in touch with Although this system has never before been in effect, we feel that all teams will defiae itely benefit by it, as it will mean a fairer distribution of having you; as, senior high school and college students, an PM? A ,1tperintendettrs to explain all activities to that best advantage in print, but te you are aâ€: we“ be moat him to " - tied-n our the Mttttt Can “yum at the Young Men Wound Fm: ' _ ii}?