$1semetingwashrrmghttttat immbet of the cubs. Briin Kir- ley received the Cub of the Month Award having attained Ceremorty in Brtmtftrrti. ‘1! you received your Queen Scout in "titt,rmtrureyouwiritre%sep- Mg his date open. Banquet Held The and Waterioo Cub Pack held their Father and Son Ban. quet last m. It. Ben; Smith, guest speaks, gave an interesting talk on {he Icht- ionship of Either and son, sw- p'thnemed by the drown at firms on fishing and m. The Akela In. J. C. Dim anmosiitauestioriwere'attted' otatiethes9utrmetrit-.mtrur qsfaihiettwmtseutsedattthtgtr quartets. Chairman of the (nib, Cnbmster a. Wetr timed Assistant District Pack Scall- er, Lloyd mtpei, guest m for the evening. His topic was based on the different and: Coming Events Paper Drive - - . Birch am. We trust once more we will have the cooperation of the public, as we have so many tines in the pm, to make the April 1oiit-mtt..-Nherto. vineia1AmttnttFitrgtttSMt. An Scotttertsare welcomed to attend t'aNumdt,g'.'.'"c--"hi" is: o'rtm, ADMIN-numb!!! dhet_etor.atstAthteredtr Shtr%NRh.'rhetwotNttttqrr roreaamtriittnwiasomie 'tsingoututgether---edrle Patrol Meeting and suntan: future park new Econ} Holman-tars no um than larch 31st 1950. Mr. W’s talk, semi of tbs maul - .1 C - Am a} tieiyat Wham; g... Mien: Club meeting Nqteday Narxh 90.1 PM}? You wttmelmdnek into hi0: - “at. J's-mama‘s inâ€. 3.11) mankind: 'tt.et.attttmtrt6hdi.tttB. (See last BTenderroothom TeadqHoot to Queen's Scout new of the M Whit Whini- a new typo of Group No, new and “than human MILL an “W "rat (a "trw . EASY " mum m OPERA?! O rax AWAM “In“. JOE STRUB “Juno. M51124†EHMH â€Judah My!" with / the reward is fit - For man-c 50024 mu 'sndhofthethme rh W T a . .. thslKt'ettircqrheatttrqmd4h.smtritm'Iiieuv" tsteps,' 'ttr.W.renottercutr. "We don't need one, son. We have an automatic eledtric clothes dryer." . Withthe-derfuex-riemseuaenodernehsehie dryer there's no more need to lug heavy loads of wet wash out to the line. N o more watching for "drying days." In any weather clothes dry indoors, automatically . " " fluffy and sweet smelling . . . or, with just the right amount of dampness for ironing. Laundry is only one of the many tasks you can do quickly, eaaity and economically with electricity. You get mucout of life when you get the most out of electricity. "Why don’t we have a clothes lint?" In your. 5 LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY We cod "ting of I dryer “low: you to 'htft pith-s and to dewrlnkle drapes and aynthrrtie writs. (“Oh“)