r "r -_p ' ". _ . at“ In.“ 'q . I "ttlt W 'si;,?,,;,) :- churn-dunk“ million a day. s. About ttoo,- 000. 1. Toronto’: Hospital for Sick Children, which was found- ed in 1878 as North America', first new“ devoted to trut- ing children. A. A 1924 Ab berta coal tits, 1,225,000 man. daysatworh1otst;the1368nie. tel strike out 1.000.000 man- days of work. the Hamilton aged strike 7500900 mug-days made of shells, ,rafa tom of Theclergrsee"htn ‘ln A New Light preach I a 's _.cdta aug:; Tr.'., been * â€We? _ =::~:3::;., 3 El 353,333,, I n fi-, Teri.:.' 3 ant r, ,3 w 'raGrgisC. ation )y, "amRy,'i:," mental k'ii; __.:;'?,,!:',,,?)":)":),'::;' sical, ' , It if??? 9.3 5ri' Mittal . Sli h'g TS litiia , ii , " iN, BiiN .-', me [ll solve man's health problems through a proceu of special- ization and desegregation in which he has studied and treat- ed the hardened artery, the enlarged liver, the ulcerated stomach, or whatever the lym- ptoms called for. But now - one might almost soy suddenly - “are Is an open Medical head to mt- the human lathe and study the whole man. rather than an leo- 1at6d purl. to so. that will keep him healthy and at"... And strangely, the lead in this field, as of the last year, has been than by the healers of the an t rather than the healers of the body. Early this year, attention was fecused upon this new undertaking in human health at a week-long meeting on the campus of the University of Chicago. The experiment is called the Kokomo proieet. Twenty one elergymen from the Kokomo‘ Ind. area ioined with the U of; C's Federated Theological Schools and the Medical school. The proieet has. been extended indefinitely. Medical, psychia- trie and religious experts st the University gave the clergy- men of all taiths their help. Dr. West' "r', mint director said the lessons learned would have a "total impact" on the nation and that a maior contribution " the solution of mental health problems had Should ministers, priests, and rabbis be adequately trained to counsel Persons who have unhealthy patterns of living, many of the problems that ap- pear can be alleviated BEFORE long term physical and mental care becomes necessary. - They emphasised that cler- gymen are in a unique position lo comb-l mental illness, be- cause they work closely with people in e family setting. Many people ere hood to - Neil s. Harris me. Harris Clinic of Chiropractic "stoethetrttvUbvtthrest. Basic to the Chirpraetie ap- proach to healing has - MAN" been the concept of rki':i,(s" . 7: ',liiij'ii.3, a n inher- ii 'ht/LLL'"?.'"?:', ant interrel- w ‘-,‘~5ti~3', 'f2,tf title ki - It/ci/r,',,' , men ' p y- .',tl$, >33 steal, and sp- .» Plrf , iritual phase 'i),3, V" '55 es of human 'iiPs1tji'i.i) '33 life. Ortho. .r,,',"i'i::?ii'ic5iij,"rr,i, .3," dox medic- datr,8aautioeoitar/orte mounds}? _ deavoured to 1ttbetitt eti-itrnirttiiiiiaiiiit GOOD LSEiYllllllllLllrii Wâ€: M (Of!!! cm m SUPERB, PtCttAt6. HAII’IM “All"! ,roeteandependonthetsnifehitthe1itvof MP Coffee day-in, daymt; min, year-out. For Aap Cohe is superb quality eodree elected hrAaiP'aearpertsinSouthAmeriea.AndAaP Coffee gives you a choice of three distinct blends . . . mild, medium, strong. One in are to suit You- F531 lo othereWee.o.at-rrrfee..ogr'ees you mogulmsporpul! cup after cup after cup . ‘. u VIGOIOIIS AND WIN" 6rt itil after time after time! St' ' 3â€? Lttt 'vif.1ii,'l't:irt, sc V d qotgtEgalumtmtTra8aaPrqMt.SMMtt. T RICH AND FULL-IMHO RED CIRCLE BECAUSE: cm Gnu-Inc mum vol ma, III. FLAVOR EVERY III! BecauseAhPCoffeeiasoldtoyouintherm- fresh bean, none of the superb flavor escapee. AhP Coffee is Custom Ground when you buy to the degree of tinene" required by your cotree brewing method. I "B. DAG [TEE ' W‘vP'iYW; V. _ litvt't'a'? = .'ll,ijV,r%llR,lllr6, 'tlifV'It K33 EIGHT o'cmcx M" "B. IAG $1." T' "r" MK, . '.:..s.:." I MILD AND MELLOW