N $"gilBttmtiltiqgittttttt for the moat etfieient unit in Canada with and!†under one hundred cadets. The stay inthtsparkhrtsbeen very Near "ntarMrmMielvtheN-Iasw gue‘and the Skipper and crew would lie to go on record " winner beu the happy and "ieieat page! the win-city Suth- den for over five years. being broken up. They have been and yarn which have sea Vim my (to. a mall arm feur',t'I'fa',t'trtt It: old it. '1!“ mama's.“ can-Mich“ ti-treid-pt-rt... ti-tat-tue-tng-rr- tVette-died-hire la :3 move with a; â€I. .‘P'AUIRT alibi Itwasjustamtlenltosee tK2s y i Goudies Spring Fashion Show Yt music by Rudy Roth's trio _ 0 door prizes 0 the times: February 24 at 8:00 pan. February 25 at 2:15 pan. February 26 at 8:00 p.m. . tickets --- 75e available in our Store q sponsored by Kiwaniqueens for ehildren's summer camp . spring and summer . commentator Elain Cole of CKCO-TV -..-- O modellingtolmsic SortourStdPtoor f" -'e"-'.v-.- "a in I“, pate-l be: “""m trAti-t4esothdherg$a.iatss The Incl tu, days on the [M was rMutrodxe-,eeinaa-lotfaersouttrea-giand. 'yrfa9t-ertot_du-rti. “that mm,hmunkOonynh-&tobe '.heearrtnteri,1mtthptuwhatbrgthtuK-w'm .1!“- 2rg'rt,tt, It“. 'lhtlraptTLiutPttti,,tgtt - “a a“ a...“ ‘u-bmma-mdm»mlm,mmhul munmh-I‘JM cm can a In 'W‘EINUdtbe pin-binning!» i "I"?! b M Wm WM" httrd,tt"t4f,tt2lg",it,o, 50 GOLDEN YEARS m KITCHENER - 1909 ---. 1969 Seat Biit in: â€KINGS. King And Queen Streets, Kitchener HEART" RADIO SERVICE 'At.ra'M.rrit-tteS- 'ae.grhiehNtNt" atMharrtete [hunt-lot.» (triot-M-ard','- minimalism-ht amhhhhd "hitiltrmBtsrtartottes.rtsA-" at'fNn1t',,',M,,ttht,T, ummmm Ion! 1adeofeadgtagt.tutotrtte, sr-mad-thor-alia “burning-I340“ oegarhrerrrki'dgatokqAo itqriiiidjrtothe a but.“ " â€kid‘s-nip.“ 'Ala-rar-tht- â€hilt-blurb“ aft..NnCtiutsdrueetarm. Ionian-shunhidh bikinis-DEW ine-am P' PM! In! 3h- Idi- y- tuned. tuatiaa "in? OPEN " DAY MIDWAY AT Parking at rear of Store Weoewararie-rrtasdt d _tettttttu-dotmtra0 al Aiettatrreeaosettott_& j -desretttter-oeteritt , hintudytotakchulh- J “hunt. "9:31 ,ftu-siittirtirtu' .9: mum-mu 7M1 *qetetbmrdfttet+ J lvmbdlhnds- "", ttotautttequnetaes 111;“anth _ gtrrrmaiuainingmarhe , -ewitttthemhti+numa-rt' mm. - for 119W!!! uni huh-uh WATERLOO 1'isitt