Ta? fl- m'"' -- -- A 'l HERVDNE NEWTEX CLEANERS ECONOMICAL Mil 2-3800 Mil 2-3800 SH 3-3683 . 'v,7Mdliil NTIN B FIRST - ANDJUST AS IlrlP0ii1'rANT' AS 'rllEGlln'rlGEtar---B'rmichlt0Y00illhvE CHOSEN ESPECIALLY FOR YOUR LOVED ale. MAltEY0hSlliUliCrlmN0W--ANDGlirll' PARTY DECORATIONS I†OTTAWA B. KITCHEN“ Ilearts--arids--'rallrllearths--Serviets 'iFei'i2i',hii'rlMmFll l C. JAIMET rgtIdutUau'tWWt'll1'ru'i",7'ji'ihtt' , _ ' .I' . p are: a ea theqteeg* I','l'.NfL'l the the. he had allowed his Mon to Iâ€. u trMee Matt when;~ Mttsert had wilted for twenty-six years accepted him " little mum than a. 1xlure, tle arrived precisely " the same time each "muting, went through the same meehantrat motions of preparing himself for the day‘s uh. “a you a“ he ennui himself diligently to the task d m 'geit'ttg'eept, of rtgures and trartsprssiag these fiitii to we!!! made! bhture. His only action the staff couldn’t set that waking by was the occasional trip he made to the water Dealer in the corner near the managerh _otnee. [we in _thg.pasl few Ir-rift., we: we a tsmooth-walking, volu.tsous)ookintr, raven-U .ed steam will... ' I humor,uhaueluflgm.auuedmfl amount!» muagerh<tteetttratehi.!y.r.htrtotV iiGrriaTirGTiiitiitiri_ihtehasr.f1bertpttrrf9t tmttiirtoYiiriiriirraGiis.WrteitN-l.rar,.ntm"ed"u aiiinaarFithdrAuyee..iuttqeyref, j "FoiFti-iaiiuTrrirliAktai'tpptiiitt9ia.edatry' W his up - be meaiiinhaMat-A M-rider and mi 'iGFii'i'iG"tTtiirtiiitriiuGFeei"h-r-"mahht “autumn. Dgtutili.'1ttdarl1NN'l'hft 'gpggu"",Sg2, a-ai-tattitude), l â€Yam" iiTrtaltitiutsritiati-to1uts,-intrrtq-dan 1grvinar-trorviivrimr,iCretlnothntranr.et1?ttet,Pt "TiF-iaSirrFlsaiiiiiiGtrr.fee1int_rtumigisthenotieed Etym’hm ' F tgt hrrmkiiihtsttam1rutttter-othamu.aqrye1ttr ( 1siiriove1ro.a1rahartertoqreohhe. ‘ed '"iiior"arhermoumouthih-tV “You're mine now, y'heer. Mine. " my - - In. 1tereinaratttaflove and we'll t1rtir-thisa_aee-er bound humans to the very sun. But - “I bah: n he. Sit "hugely m" Filbert ordered. " he m the door t'd1','." mtmumqmverl “OIL. R1,',i1h,t',tugltt gTggu"",Sgtt minim...“ -i<atr.s-iFott lg thaar-f'hrare-ed. St â€medium herloveh ed .1! grewhermo -"- -9aiiueuiai..."andthatmssastirttst-tNt bdrm: when tth-ttqi him with one well-aimed nerve blow. 7 “MRI WHIMSEY!†the 'tenographer's startled voice broke urn-ugh his uncle. "Wake up Mr. Whimsey. R"'" We - " out me." -auei'lYfir"" 'FiiGir%ri irtFrjiiGi - eisoed "aim; reached tor the hand of his beloved. 2r, llKing St. W. - Kitchener And CO. LTD. NOTE PAPER JEWEL BOXES - ‘m ï¬g; Mild 30,660 wére iniiired " a resuli of traffic accidents in Ontario. "ese are not dry statistics. thy are dripping with tho [bod of our friends and neigh- Awnings " colors to chem from PHONE SH 2-8231 HOWALD WINDOWS ACHING . MUSCLE: Fatty BELIEF FOB Contmvem is Nathan Coh- exg’s Edy. Ap Wager MOIQCDSO. u p.retre.rtesii1.i.r1r 1rirtd%1ern6eahow.rittht" i_ng _Wor<h iq may“ ALUM-A-ROLL AND FIBRE GLASS Ventilated Aluminum mas LIMITIO Igul958, Wo, people died and mmucxs' Mala-Cm 1-0.- H man â€With “Wendell sffft2Bu" mam“ ans. i - ,_,,_