4A ~,.> es Doutbciet we can| M. W. BOTH Waterleo, o-um.’ January 16, 1959. action of such otuer I’E.m": ess as may proper brought before the Meeting. on board last Thursday found the temperature to be only 18 mention that the ships comâ€" pany of RCS.C.C. Warspite exâ€" perienced some real Northern Atlantie wAi:ter weather his'tl: Thursday. happens even the best equipped ships, there was a heating breakdown at the local sea cadet headquarâ€" ario for the purpose of reâ€" ceiving the zl’lual Report, for the election of Directors for nada‘s vital role as a maritime nation. 14th, 1959 2t the heur of 11:00 o‘clock a.m. at the company‘s Head Office, Waterioo, Ontâ€" countries to our very doors. This sea route to opportunity illustrates in the most striking manner possbile the truth of The Sea and Canada." We hope that those who have read the past few issues The Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held on Saturday, February worias EFeatest seaways to bring ships and trade of other ANNUAL MEETING Queen is preparing to visit us | primarily teo open one of the that the Ninety Sixth Anâ€" aual Meeting of m "In this truly tremendous development seapower _ has piayed a significant and vital role. This is a factor that should be appreciated and developed if we are to go forward with confidence to the bright des tiny which beckons us in this second Elizabethan era, as our| doubled. In the same period our population and living stanâ€" dards have increased by over The New Elizabethan Era 25 years the rate of growth of the Canadian economy has gone forward at a greatly accelerated pace. Our gross national proâ€" duct and our exports and imâ€" ports of commodities have tionâ€" and Righ standards of living themn i follows that only through development of this trade to even more impressive totals can we ' â€,.m_v__.-- these third largest trading nation in nation of the earth and we hold the proud position for a modern one in all respécts, hy comparison with other navies, is small. Â¥Yet the hard fact reâ€" We have no deep sea merchant a matter of vital importance to the future of every Canadian. by the Skipper ‘"The aptitudes of the sea are for the transâ€" intment â€" o# mladk anm auldk An o0 C OC, "1°0 e 1of eMepee ried on with the parade in thhh new usual â€" manne#, with a llttle’ltult. pbhysical training thrown in stands t This little spaceman is just back from a trip to Mars (out in the backyard) ... and nowhisleaderispackinghimofltobed. Whilehewasaway,shewaabedthefloor...thedishes... several large piles of clothes . . . and still there was plenty of hot water for this spaceman‘s bath. Reason? Because she has a modern automatic electric water heater with abundant storage capacity and quick recovery when more hot water is needed. Heating water electrically is safe, clean, modern and costs just a few cents a day on special Hydro flat rates. You get more out of life when you get the mact ant 12 Little man you‘ve had a busy day live better. .. ELECTRICALY aia2®} _ ELECTRICITY DOKS so MUCH . L he Safb, CIean, These far from ideal conditions [ prompted the local Navy Leg. stands tl;g( the lumber has you, get the most out of modern way s .‘“ ~ 5e omm 29e Recaies has ‘bocn signed on to do he initial â€" work the hope, all will be ready for the 3 m eO oR Qf Wths C Jwin city sailors to move e Nee ie en Launder small rubberâ€" backed rugs in your washer, then tumble dry in ° an electric dryer set at low temperature. > & & COSTS SO LITTLR Cadets and by Mr. James (Continued on Page C#