_ocaVhtrp1rm9mtor.mD.toartrrttva.themt.ChHt.e the weekendandeven Maven! manor-31mm ooeq,_theroodedidett . The now“ up“ 'r-thim was a_reettr_Htper pill Box? uri; km - tiaher' Gen to'swantrw. ti/it-le but weekend at their season. 15owever,fmmtheaiaeot6eminbows wet-ee-d mouWMh’Mwewundwflmtarmkc-hs ismlyavery ewyeamway troaibeimrtalrmt9tin motivates. While-ther-ttreset-adress/thows-tbo. 'tteeitiaaetuoratan-d.wedon'tthitikitwouiddoan, paNieu1arl-anittttea--errtendedriehttothemsd of this month. After all. them is the posibility of there peg; nip; wratherAigtt up .tofettrrttn9and who mind! . 1itttieo1dwhenabiumituinaedetu. HAD THE "ttvrumiCiir%i,re nod m ms_etotheGrroCtubthe coming to r1 other Iight and found me- m mighty f ,ehagt.mrmurrauedhatat-t had on the“ men. Pound out on. other this may wanking, that I had forgotten how some at my on film went. Guess this business of being tied to u desk miUt The reason I know the ms- wen is because I had occasion to cheek this very issue only one week ago. Evidently, while outbreak of some diseases are checked by cold weather, rab- ies are not one of them. There is less talk and even a little less fear of rabies now than there was a few short months ego, but is still a deadly type of virus and while there is little paint In worry- ing about it, every effort should be made to 'aafeguerd your dogs or other pets. be YE RABIES ARE JUST "l, prudent as ever and cold! weather does nothing to slew} Actually while there is 1 lot of talk about rabies, there is still much that is not known about the disease. ALL BIRD SHOOTING with the exception of migratory fowl has now come to an end for this season. Even the game farms are closed with the ex- ception of those who have mutants, Japanese quail, chu- kar partridge or some other bird that is not recognized as being a game bird in this country. Also an animal like a deer, horse or cow can become in- fected but they are not nearly as liable to as is dogs, foxes, skunks and no on. Actually the mutant phea- sant is exactly the same bird as is the ringneek, just as color phase ot a fine game bird. 3 Bedroom Bungalow - Kitchen - Dinette Carport Storms - Screens - Twindow Prepaid Servicer--- $850 Value Principal And Interest - $72.30 Month RALPH PALEBZNY tMtTllWllllt Low DOWN PAYMENT SHenvood 2-0934 -lllrFicr' "r “my. _. _ a... 119 MARSHALL mar, WARM More and more humans as coming to rodizo than u some mighty tine - to be [and on these 1thnnaaat hm and frankly, we eaaft no but be Den-linen of Lands and Forests an be iuatirsod in hav- it could gtill be and lancer it: on the lead. WHILE WE HAVE lJ'lTLl or no use for ice fititsine ex- cent as a source of film for our TV show, we are going to try something g little differ- ent in an effort to get more fun out of our fishing. THIS ‘IS A GOOD time of your dor the aportaunn who owns u new hunting pup_ Be can’t do much else, so he an concentrate on training his dog and by the time Spring comes and he is able to get out min, both he and the pup will know more. We are going to use 1 shore flexible spinning rod in place of the tip-ups and a spinning rod with plenty of 6 lb. teat line. This may prove a little too thrilling if we hook into an old wopper of a lake trout, but its worth giving a try. If, later on in the winter. you see this column covered with tear stains, you’ll know the idea .was a poor one. This is also a happy time of your for those who like to wrap up their own flies. There is nothing as distracting as trying to tie a fly while the weather outside " beckoning you to come oat and use it. The winter holds none of this temptation. You know darn well you aren’t going "t where, so you can settle down to the work at hand. Incident- ins such I short m Itwaabetterthisrearthnat (Continued on Page 9) MeliiBWA1llrleltitidtdrdtt-elFlltt" for was mos: FAST Wanna GIISTIAS All - YEAR WAYS ll1llliiatt. HAVE EB SETS AND WATS This watch is outstanding! It is built to Wish- .tandtheh-iestandmutthestwear--andat the same time is attractively designed. Frankly "gtisoneotthe '*eattrors"we'veeverbeen able to diet. N "i"""a'aaTSi.i " KING STREET 'UHAWAS. 31ml. Kiehe- SH3a----PHoNE---.sHaat- W“ NEWIEX CLEANERS Earner .. Semis - anthem - 1110mm W. KITCHEN-ZR Fully Guaranteed . . . s . Just ' This watch also available in ' color of natural gold at $3.75 Down 31.00 Weekly D - 4.25 dawn - $1.00 Wet†p