A gift of cash is always welcomeâ€"and when you buy your money orders this year be sure to get them at your nearest Royal Bank branch. Witk each Royal Bank Money Order you‘ll getâ€"at no extra costâ€"an envelope and a mailing folder in gay Christmas colours, with which to send your gift and personal grectings. You can use Royal Bank Money Orders to send gifts of cash to friends or relatives in Canada, the U.S., Great Britain or The West Indiesâ€"and Royal Bank Drafts to send money elsewhere in the world. Say "Merry Christmas" with ROYAL BANK MONEY ORDERS! &hfl mbï¬og o---tbgy,d' " faterloo and Waterino County, is published at 104 King Street South m‘w:.ymm-n m‘ddï¬o&.m paper Association. THE WATERLOO CHROPMOCLE Authorined as second class nmeil, P.0. Depi., J. U YIMIH, Managing Bditer and Publisher. Waterloo Branch, .............. W. H. Knechtel, Manager Kitchener Branch ................. H. W. Riepert, Manager THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ~ _ _â€"‘_~ m WATERLOO (Onincio) CPIRODNNCKE: _ "~~ Thurslay, MoveniSer 20, 1008 Hanover will enable Waterloo to attract Kitchener buyers although he to people Â¥ving in the coun (Continued from Page «community". Yot he is a memâ€" will stil have about ton stores present merchants should have the first opportunity of locaâ€" ting in the proposed new ares. This goeen‘t sit well with counâ€" cil, who hope merchants will stay in their present premises and allow new stores to come into the new district. This way the city stores will al be tenâ€" I would seem aimost more Rfeaeaihie to try And sttract a touw «f the thousands of Wat y im concerned. spending most of their income Another remerk make by § Waterioo merchant is that big Then Mr. Bauman wanted to know how much would be lost ... to give you good telephone servace THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE Phone SH 34991 On the job, his skillful work reflects his careful training. But more than that, we like to think that a friendly smile and unfailing courtesy lend a pleasant touch to his brief visit. .. We try to encourage this friendly spirit all through the business. You‘ll see it when you visit the Business Office. You‘ll hear it in the operator‘s "woice with a smile". his name may be â€" is a lot like Jack MacLennan. in which we try to give you good telephane service. This helpful, friendly spirit is one of the many ways CARRIER BOYS WANTED Haexper told him, about $100, 000. A sum Ykhe that is wighty hard to asgus with, so YVe IÂ¥ t im im thorgsh w around cighty thousand in the came of Woaterloo Manufectur MAYOR PAJKIN SAJID THAT MNEXT COLLEctiqn ners # Saturday November 22 Bor Scoutrs SsAVE YOUR â€" Waste PLEASE