‘ Council Agrees To _ Purchase 175â€"Ace Fam agreed to pick up their 15 day option on the L. S. Bech sulted in sefer, was authorized to pay 39 006 to Mr. Bechtel by lust Thurâ€"day. The $1,000 paid for tâ€"> option will be part of the cemetery. It wou!ld have run out before The proposed cemetery, said Mavor Paikin, should meet the city‘s needs for at least A apecial mesting of Wutesâ€" loo Council last Tuesday reâ€" farm to be developed as a new Dec. 1 to complete the deal. $50,000 peyment The remauinâ€" If the land meets all re quirements set by the Ontario Park Board chairman, E. B. (Ted) Sim, said part of the land is ideal for park deve lopment. Little eost to the city would be entailed in early development. said Mr. Sim. Mr Preston said he could see no reason why the 80 acres planned for the come tery could not be approved by the health authortties. It is planned by the alderâ€" men that the romaining 95 acres be split between use a= mark land and sanitary landâ€" fin. The chairman said boreâ€" hole testing done on the pro perty showed the soil ideal for cemetery use. Thursday, Ocisher 9, 1958 toured the farmland â€" which borders Waterloo and Bridge port, off Lexington Road. Alister, the department‘s 74 KING ST. SOUTH WATERLOO WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK RECORDS SH 54223 when counmncil waus told by Mr. Sim that apate in Waterioo Mount Hope Cemetery would Mt.Kuehn $1.00 tax incl. Canadian Chamnionship Motorcycle @ HILL _ g2 E/ under 12 Free Day, Octo 13, 1958, 2 Blue Diamond MCC & Grand Valey Riders Heidelberg THRILLS SPILLS Scout House play certs wore pertormed by Proes ton Scout House on Sunday. At Faeirview Mennonte NHeme, Preston Syring Homt and Freoport Sunatorium the IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Highway Imâ€" provement Act, 1957, an Application will be made by the Minister of Highways to the Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of the closing of theflfollow'm‘g roads_ im the Township of North Dumfries, County of Waterloo, in the Township of Waterloo, County of Waterlog, and the Town Line between the Townsnip of Blenheim, County of Oxford and the Township of North Dumâ€" fries, County of Waterloe, that intersect or run into the controlled access highway known as Highway No. By order of the said Board all persons objecting to the said closings or claiming that their land will be inâ€" juriously affected by the said closings must FILE PARâ€" TICULARS OF SUCH OBJECTIONS OR CLAIMS with the Ontario Municipal Board. 145 Queen Street West, Toronto, referring to File Number P.F.M. 7897â€"58, AND WITH The Land Surveys Section of the Department of Highways, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Attention: Mr. J. E. Jackson, ON OR BEFORE THE 24th DAY OF OCTâ€" 8. Part of the County Road in Lot 10, Beasley‘s Old Surâ€" vey, (the present Blair to Kitchener Road). 7 NOTE: There will be an interchange at Highway 401, in Lot 9, at the new road from Blair to Kitchener which will be constructed in the future. Such Application will be heard by the said Board at the Waterlco Township Hall, Kitchener, on the 4th day of November, 1958, AT THE HOUR OF 10:00 O‘CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, at which time and place all persons claiming to be interested or affected may attend and be bï¬ER. 1958. The hea}ing to determine the amount of such claims will take place at such time and place as may be subsequently fixed by the said Board. 4. Part of the road allowance between Loty 30 and 31, Concession 12. NOTE; There will be a Service Road on the west side of the highway to connect this road with the Roseâ€" ville Road where there will be a structure over the 5. Part of the travelied road in Lot 30, Concession 12, known as the Whistlebrae Road. 6. Part of the road allowance between the Townships of North Dum{rics and Waterloo."(Not in use). ment of Highways, in Room 2627, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, during regular office hours, up to Novâ€" ember 4th, 1958. DATED . Part of the road allowance between the Township of Blenheim, County of Oxford, and the Township of North Dumfries, County of Waterloo. NOTE: There will be a Service Road along the northâ€" west side of the highway to connect this road with the Eleventh Line where there will be a structure over Highway No. 401. A. TOWNSHIP OF NORTH DUMFRIES B. TOWNSHIP OR WATERLOO . Part of County Road No. 6 (leading to New Dunaee) in Lot 7, Beasley‘s OlMd Survey. DEFARTMENT OF HIGHWAY3 THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT Part of the road aliowance between Concessions 9 and 10 at Lots 36 and 37, known as the Alps Road. NOTE: Service Roads will be constructed from this roaa to the County Road to Ayr where there will be a structure. Part of the road allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Concession 11. NOTE: There will be a Service Road to connect this road with Highway No. 97 where there will be an interchange. highway. at EYES EXA?MED &â€" 3f h .® Toronto. THE HONOURABLE FRED M. CASS, Q.C. Minister of Highways 8PTERETRIST Ontario i0, this 26th day of September, where the patients cannot geot outside to hear the nmusic, but