"Win-MOMS“ MAM hirsu- t HAHN'S PHARMACY “My, Bowl!“ ll, 1958 School for Muted Children. li- lupret Deviant!- haa iniomed the K-W and District Amiwon that the! - quotient had risen to not I degree that he no longer could be euassified retarded. Aoootdling to the boy's new teacher, he In: conducting himself well, said Mists Det- veil". She added that one other pupil win ind xrsiyfted, from “gainlully enQbyed WIS children". Jim Vipond, . Toronto sports editor, I“ guest speak- er. He is cmpnig'uing for Mel Hahn qee 50 Years Service To Waterloo Mr. Mel Hum, the present' owner of Hunk Macy, this week celebrates his 50th Anniversary as a druggist in) the City of Waterloo. The es- tablishment which is owned and operated by Mr. Hahn was: hieretlin‘ History Moses Springer, the first Reeve of the Village of Waterloo in 1857 and also the first Mayor of the Town of Waterloo in 1876 started the Drug Store a century ago. Simon Snyder joined Mr. Springer and later bought it to go into business with Mr. A. J Roos. Mr. A. G. Haehnel obtained ownership from Mr. Roos and at that time 50 years ago Mr. Hahn came to work for him In 1949 Mr. {kennel retired store. Prin of the Happy Kai-inc.†When interviewed by 4 KING ST. S. WATERLOO SH 2-2893 "iqo"Giriiirr' vitamin product gives you more for your money than first Drug Store in the It’s so may for you and For children from 6to C? your family to he“; Imam .tagqgu-38mKNt maintain our norma resistance Ill) infection _ Economy bottle of thblets $5.†with a MW] Super 10-week supply of 72 tablets â€A. Plenamins tablet. Each 5oveek supply of36 tablets $1.99 tablet supplies 9 im or- tant vitamins, i'dUC, Vitamin BIZ, plus liver. and 12 minerals, including iron, calcium and phosphorous. Your Ben“ Druggist recommends Rexall Supe: Pi5.hy1i.ittr-soid under k131i? KllrarriiJiFiack guarantee' of satisfaction. Mr. Hahn bought the . boy's iateuieeP" an: Hmlll! "I I'lllllll OI“ " n- "M" "I "an FREE DELIVERY , In.“ m mm AmKNt bl Economy bottle of 144 tablets $5.†at IO-week supply of 72 tablets $3.49 h 5-week supply of36 tablets $1.99 r- x=C2:==C===CCC_2== coast!“ on tho pod It! starting this week. It. Vipond told the acacia- tion that his burnt in the project Ind been stated when he found out win-in; could do much for the retarded child. one ehildren, he said, one: two years' instruction in div- ing and winning, could not "in several length. acme could even will not: utter. B. M. leQunnie, Gutter. announced that a fund-mising umpaign would be launched in November. He said K-W Chronicle reporter this week, Mr. Hahn said, “When I first came here 50 years ago, we had to work under gaslight and since then I have wit- nessed the change from gas, to irredescent to the present Family bottle of J .44 . 288 tabiety . - V ee S-month supply of 'it'si'l'i'i'ii:',j] 144 tablets. . . v." - 10-week supply of 72 “blots ta." 5-week supply of 36 tnblets $2.79 modern fluorescent lighting. In those days the drug store also served as the telegraph office and I had to learn Morse Code on top of being a pharmacist. In the past, a drug store sold nothing but drugs, now it sells everything from pencils to peanuts." Grand Re-Opening Besides himself, Mr. Hahn employs two other pharma- cists, his son Jack and Mr. Alec MacTavish along with two girl clerks and two deli- very boys. This summer the store was completely remodeled and this Friday and Saturday, Sept. " and 20 he is having his Grand- Re-openinz with free gifts to the first 500 ladies who by m qulwo (OI-Mb) "morNfl mans-nub...“ Quays-MW.“ “Mum.- announced that six mi hi oeicc.ie.Boauer.Meattso a.idtutMrsBsvidRudrhad Getslewleds The Board of the SInnys’de Home for the Aged bu unth- orized the purchase d Ill beds at m approximate cod of $4,326 for the Franklin 3"an home. The purchase is subject to the approval of the D-tagtertt of Welfare. 'uerloo Mentor, Aid. Ver- non Ban-nu, aid the beds will finally fill all rooms in the 250 bed home. The con- tract was awarded to the Metateraft Company, Ltd.. Grimsby. Mr. Arthur White, layer of Gilt, acting chairman, said that the architect and heating engineers had agreed to nd- just the problem of excessive had from the home boiler at no cost. The boiler-heat pro- blem has plazued the board in the past. Board seereury-teeasuree. Frank Skelly, was instructed to order a land-use plan from Dryden and Smith. plum-in! consultants. Approximately 50 acres are owned by the board, of which 15 acres have been reserved for the home ares. No word has been received from Water- BLANKETS - SINGLE BED SIZE nu. PRICE 9th: RAZOR BLADES T.N.T. PRICE - 100 for 99e TSHIRTS UNDER WEAR SHORTS PLASTIC COVERED T.N.T. PRICE - 100 Ft. 99c Brand New ARMY BOOTS $13. VALUE - T.N.T. P1119; - T.N.T. PRICE - 2 for 99e QUILTS - SATIN - TARPAULINS - iiormsG wanna: ON your: an Reg. swanâ€. Price $4.9! WE SUPPLY ALL WESTERN CLOTHING FOR THE RODEO POCKETS T.N.T. PRICE 3 for 99e NEW dk USED AT WHOLESALE PRICES 5/" "i; a,s'l2lill),,s,.0iti,lll!Es,,E,, how’iiti-Mbw A m "'1- - of toorto-etn-eti" we.setinthrah-eeeffot" as. I‘- at the eight All. lichen Walters. 5 dub- nan, Reeve June- â€I- of Pram. AU. Goo. III- Hughes " Waterloo. A - OPEN MAY NIGHTS To 3 ’\<'§ t FRIENDS m WATERLOO w,-,)) Firstthrmhadarist.Si-ist 1nvitesYouandYmarFYieal. ...toAttendaFreeuetureeartHed II: I. INTO)! LEWIS, CML, w m. IN: THE AUDITORIUM OF THE K-W COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 787 King Street West KITCHENER. ON: MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1958 at 8.15 pm: “Humming; semritrGilpeaee" Me-ereetme-eeusct-ea&é.af mmmmmma BRAND NEW MOSSBERG " mm: --" -Tr1'.re. 3 REPEATER - mu: J11eri: LEATHER TOP BOOTS RUBBER BOTTOM $15.†Value (Pants ' Parka) nu. PRICE - $8.93 FOR HUNTERS - T.N.T. PRICE - RUBBER SUITS Brand New Government SCH“ NYLON WATERPROOF PARKAS WONT DETACHABLE $3“?an . . LINING Original Cost T.N.T. Price PMS - Detachable Hood no - LINING - t.N.T. PRICE --- ALL RUBBER BOOTS m QUALITY Only 4 Left T.N.T. TOURIST TENTS " x " KITCHEIEI it DELUXE use. no... Ion-rot." "tser-tei-r-" _11t18A. - I'll- $19.99 $3.49