my decided to hay the ma] mmzht be gone and he went,' on to say that there is no; Other farm in the immediate, an that would adequate. ' Aid. Donald Snider put this‘ nwtion to Council, but it wast f â€:otten. Add. V. Banman felt that tl:e matter should be deferred (fur one week bet that Mr. Smut: be informed od the City’s interest. -3MllhAUJMAat REPORT Win: in "no In Sitseuq. med, the rice fee the 140- ucro farm was had at 'TO,- 000 and tht " 0,030- on the farm would come to t2,000. Then the fire-works started. Mr. " Sim, Chairman of the Park Board was“ that Council take an option on' the farm in can that if _ Victory Bonds Bite the farm of I: E 5313:; was 10“ to but. the condi- tions necessary for a cemetery. Eon-h colLiiitt -.- 3; Guia Pat afttr, Inn-tutti». into at h -tiase of Witt!!!» Col-til. Hulda, light, it in formd that tho City would pool In Center; in: with- In the next 8'. to five you". In 'hiriltsuuiiaimaiasttnmgrtiueiud Waterloo Bunch, Cot. King a: Bab Streets: MICHAEL TOWNSEND, Man-get BANK or MONTREAL M 7w: 8.4 WOIKINO WU" CANADIANS II EVIQV WALK OF “FE SINCE t0tr You don't have to be a B of M customer to take advantage of this service, and you don't per a - for it. lit BANH' You get an immediate cash adjustment and a higher investment-return in converting to the new Convenio- Lou- Bonds. 'ian.. 1" " "" and profitable at your nearest branch of the Bank of Montreal 'uick, convenient u a future CONVERT YOUR - i}-.l;-'IIII " Also in " repoet, Aid. Baumn ulggested that Gonn- eil dedicate 14 acres of land adjacent to Laurel Creek to the Park Bond to be develop. ed as 1 future Park Ant. He went on to my the future Path be lib-nod '- the Vida- ity of schools or adjacent to A similar pro-pan! u Aid. Snugâ€; I. mod by All. Roy I...“ with a. In! an!“ an Aid. V. Esau-’1 suggestion. Finglly after an hour of m, Ald. Jana Bauer “an!“ that a “mince misting of the Chit-tn of tbe Put Board, Aid. " Bau- man, city treasurer D. C. Shaefer, and Ald. Frank boar-er "t_urates the -ttee m lake . report to council in two week, and that Mr. trhanta be nivised of Council'; intense. The motion in no; Parks The no. “is to a tk and layer Harold Faith! broke it by voting “that. en't no the future City a» landing mun-d no urea of Cemetery. Re (are for " Inmple the - Mount Rope Cemetery. Clo-o To School. That suggestions from the Wye" arent given In an. though. and “y too, To to - â€I. fuck: Oer - City of WW. Then looking to the tutu†1n my more to Nee To his our City intuit-1 AM_lavcthdtb;ob,n-d De Council in the put, eoat for developing the Laurel gguaiouumaum-g mind‘s-“inn to an Mr.Ed.t%natatodtuttu wistogotoa1lthe meetings. Aldernien leave their That over 60,000 babies are born into this, world each day ---more than enough to repopulate the whole of Canada in lean than a year-go" unnoticed. That these 60,000 new mouths will be fed on the produce of this small earth does not Indie headline news.' Yet, when we tjT,'id,gatht 'g,tltdt ing growth in wot 'n po ation, we must wands how it is that our standard of living-mea-tsd in tern. of food 'i'",',',',':',','"',":-,-;,',",?,:,',',', no high. How is it pomi when there has been little appreciable increase, in the world fimniei-ndadecaineinthe ac- 60,000 new reasons every day for mechanized farming?, tend to ovUrtook this old: but still 'qireayoorx, earth that feeds and po- " than 6:!st Pq-maéqpkneh 1e video for ui, all. lei-la. dutc- E. D. Mum, Gene!!! Hanger. We: to date have been. mane], heavy and “hmabqouubo recondth We In to an. the public â€Whiting-l Aaudh-thrgtrt-atior- " ï¬t It. - old “A. To km a in a! haven, on W't,'ll', Phil. READY GREATEST SHOW Western Fair at London, Mater g to 13, will truly be the new at all thna, optic-1mm next generation and EYES EXAMINED '.'e': ts?rie reel. '-B'ergusem Limited " the world over, wherever farming is mechanized to meet our eve-gnaw- ing needs, there we find Massey- Ferguson machines, hnd " work in the fields. 2, this tigitigrt,ieMttttili'tgute, pays a ea ing 1 out world-in Canada, in the United States, in France, South America, Great Britain, South Africa. Germany and Australia. tion in a arteierttific yge,tt," ii," GA cultivation the, eyelopmcnt of an] fanning population? modern machier GistiGdrirGGuG fl roan: in with) , PMMHRIST last â€or: lies in farm mechaniza.. up Ualth. sobir.iarses at will fill the $500,000 tt-oeh pavilion to capacity. Thte [gr at farm machinery aNMMttem " any MI in Gaunt i do. by the pavilion nil no in Col- CotHederattem :35 l..- futurn BUR“ qHil but. out-huh; mm and And the an: it 'lu van-humid“ stun-31km “GOOOMWOmM Are paved with -roeoU, Noproblemsto-“qum PAG- m.‘