My. A“ st. "" December, 1958. - - - fGrrrr'rTiiGiti; "iiriifii"oit"G'at INDIVIDUALS remitting to the Commission on a temporarily out of the province. magma 2t', Willyay 'J't'ht',t',: of a li ation LATE REGISTRATION MAY mm e mon 's premium a tttt PP IC Groups and individuals not re isteredt on or before September M, 19.58 - a.nd. after dates stated above under givgn classi that payable on a quarterly premium basis begin- not only fail to qualify for the two mug in January, 1959. coverage but will be required to wait 1 PREPAID 'CUSHION' - The first payment of following application before benefits b one month's premium by groups and individutils able. For example, a group or residen registered prior to the closing dates stated above, February will not have protection e will cover a benefit period of three months from May 1. Visit our Information Centre in the Queen Elizabeth Building CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION GROUP.PREM!UQ[S will be payable: m_ont_hly in one rcmittagggnto the Ctsmmfssfon beginning' i ALL RESIDENTS or' ONTARIO ARE ELIGIBLE Enrolment is open to every resident of Ontario-re- gardless of age or physical condition-either through a group, or individually on a. Pay-Direct basis. ARE YOU REGISTERED? Are you employed where there are 6 to " including the employer? If so, you may be enrolled as one of a group, if the employer applies for approval as a “Mandatory Group" and. if all employees, including the employer, agree to participate. Group application must be made by August 31, 1958. Are you employed where there are " or more including the employer? M so, you are subject to compulsory enrol.. ment through your place of employment. Your employer must enrol you by August 31, 1958, and begin payments in December 1958. Your employer will register you. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION Non-residents of Ontario ate not eligible. ttlllilllhltllltt HOSPITAL INSURANCE WHICH OF THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ARI YOU I"? Commission will be the only agency oCering standard ward hospital insurance in Ontario. No private insurance company or prepayment plan will otrer benefits covering standard ward hospital services after December 31, 1958. On and after January I, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services HOSPITAL INCURANOI 'ttt"S"tN.- VOU MUST BE REGISTERED To BENEFIT efectioe January. I, 1959 PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS [MOI '"tf""e"6-Te-et 7. ONTARIO Tannin-mo wumn 4-3301 ONTARIO Itot only fail to qualify; 10:; Tii, ia7"iii;iiii7 gee coverage but will be required to wait three months {glowing application before benefits become avail.. able. Fo; eiirnijiiGi iau" irri'iiiieii2Gi'yi'i'g' in {abbruaty will not have protection effective until ay 1. LATE REGISTRATION MAY PROVE COSTLY Grdups and individuals not registered by the closing dates 1tPAat?ovi, uyfer.. givqn classifications will January 1 to March 31, 1959. This will set up a "prepaid" period to maintain benefits during times when a person may be laid off, changing jobs, or temporarily out of the province. The low premium' of $2.10 a month for n singles person and $4.20 a month for the family (husband, wife and children under age 19) are made possible through extensive financial-contributions by the Federal and Provincial Governments. Are you a member of a professional association, medical cooperative, craft union, credit union, retail federation, or like group? If number 1 or 2 does not apply to you, check with your organization to determine if it is acting as a collector for its members. Group applications' must be in by August 31, 1958. If you are not eligible under I, 2, or 3, you may enrol a: an individual and pay pro- miums directly to the Commission. Indivio duals applying for Pay-Direct enrolment must make application by September soy 1958. Application form are noaerytvathrHt, at public hospital: and bank: tor the Post ogue if there is no bank in your condo munily.) Do not delay. by