The ‘Ith Weterioo Cub Pack held their open house at Harâ€" old Waguer School Monday 79 KING ST. S. * Nothing To Pay Until Fall * We Furnish The Box * Fill it With Woollens â€" Then Cel Us CALL SH. 3 â€"1651 p185® FOR THAT NEW CALL US FOR AN ESTIMATE E. Honsberger and Sons Ltd. . fessop Iohaley 10 STHWART H. 2o PHONE SH34114 °_ ___ STORE WOOLLENS IN pose of this get togother was to familiarize parents with *Scouting‘. Approximately 100 people turned out to enjoy the evening. Scout Leaders and We Clean, Store And Insure Everything, Safe From Moths, Fire and Theft. In The Fall, Wooliens Will .oRdunodC!oga,RMâ€" WATERLOO five Scouts and Cubs of the Saugeen district hoid their anâ€" nual church parade in Hanâ€" over last Sunday. Led by two Hanover bands they attonded services at St. Mathows lIathâ€" eran Church and Holy Femily ing 50 years of scouting, and celebrating the 100th birthday of thsir founder Lord Badenâ€" Powell. This was sponsored by Three Rover Squires of 11th ) Kitchener Rover Crew wcrel invested at Everton Scout | camp as Rover Scouts. Stanâ€" ; ley Shantszs, Dave Gatcke and ; Monte Dennis, former Queen Scout‘s were the members. Skipper George Gordon ADC for Rovering con the inâ€" The CEREMONY was atâ€" tended by 12 members of the crew. It folowed a weekâ€"end outing to the Rover cabin at Club, and the evening was a great success. i Three K%.C. UObhurch. The Steouks and Our thanks 4o Rover Scom * a â€"gaod crowud turned out Tot ‘tions. * On Monday 21ist, members of the 5th Kitchener Scout Troop held their drill for the annual Scout parade Bill Fets: ter a Rover Scout Instzucted them. As the lessons begzn it was given by the boys, and they are o ing the A al |\ P: w d A 20 was rather amusing watching the boys decipher the left hand were given. However by the end of the evening a much more _ polished performance 383 King E. Phone SH 3â€"3623 This is very dangerous to the mechanism of the machine. It is usually caused by wear in the girator post. If this post is replaced soon enough it can save future wear and expense to the mechanism itself. ADULTS $1.25 â€" CHILDREN 60c Does Your Washer Leak Oil Or Water FRIDAY MAL 30th. MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM 8:15 p.m. W Washer Checked NOW Call Appliance Service REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF . APPLIANCES AND TV yPE3B ®J KITCHENER %4% ALL SEATS Great Acts Performers Hrs. Show +g B 1NE & jp*" Have Your to find, ; It‘s secret hiding place. But far more wonderful it is, To see what smiles can do. You smile at/one, he smiles at you, (]‘ ‘A smile is quite a It wrinkies up yo And when it‘s Thought To Remeomber ‘A Seout smilés ind whisties under all difficulties.‘ word with such a big meaning, but what a world of happiness Saturday MAY 31st 10:15 A.M. 8:15 P.M. 8:15 P.M. goune it‘s hard