7 OF .MANY . THINGS E hid-n" 5' EQ‘PPLtL" So if you and..I do not worry too much about m- creasinq trend toward; 2t..s't powerful central state, these newcomers will prompt us to worry. And we should worry, if only on behalf of our ehtl- dren. I think we Vould like to see Canada " lent " free for our children as we found it. When we ere tempted to give up some freedom in order to gain some economic safety; Thursday. February " I." You my not ruliu it, but you We gain“ a (not deal as an individual bonus. 13:? country bl welcomed thou- sands of mu and would: 1m Hungary. aft-"w “319mb mg of us this arrival of [has prism brings blessing of n moral, economic and “political nature. " , Politjen11n" we I“. our greatest gain. These Hunger- inns will bring with them 1 love of treedorn born out of free- dom'a loss in their own hnd. To them such terms as "Free- dom of Worship," "Freedom of the Ballot," 'and "Preedom of Enterprise" will be more than haekneyed e a te h w o r ds ‘for speechmakets. For they know how freedom' an be lost; in slow degrees, to ideologies which place the State so "In above the individual. _ You and I may feel that in our time there is nrrldaneer of Canada becoming a Mate where. s few powerful men coiltrol the destinies of each eitizen.. True, we see a trend towards Big Government' and, Big Bureaucracy, and Wirightem .us a bit, but we teB ourselves th-t tho men on top are after all rsr'Cty decent men and all will be well. But these Hungar- ians will be quick to spot those ar'zi where freedom is dying, and will help to see that it doos not die. ' . We have the satisfaction of knowing that what VI. have done was right from a moral point of View. To neglect to offer sanctuu-y at such I time would lave been cruel indeed. We will-be better " from an economic point of View " well. We need more citizens to help develop Canada, to share the costs of maintaining our railroads, nimoys, radio and television networks, our pub- lishing houses, out farming tn- dustry, and tll the rest. All of these endeavours hove outlet-0d for lack of a domestic market. 'I' “38083 mus CE So let us not be patronhdrte towards Bangui“ newcomers. Let In remember that they bring as gifts fully " valueble u the gift! we we oeerhtq to them. The commit“. 'he the thuo adtiOtttrmtier/ omen: lord auto: to opehd time on - ordination studio‘. and reports on matters referred to them by council or council committee; Pr¢ston Accident Toll Continues To Mount In Feimutr, A: admk+tmth- “that column. eoassilate, od in city clerk, inane, W we the my†to stream†" when was appointed by Waterloo Council Haydn, night. _ V This will formally recognize the mm work principles be. tween the'three oll'icere and the mayor which he" been ttor ing on in s non-eo-Ord-d manner. , we 'should remember - and these newcomers should to- mind Air-nut when freedom disappears, the very concept of safety is . eruel jest. It in the kind of safety found only in jail.' . To gssist council and the mayor in securing data and City A two car crash st in- tersection " Brown and Queen Street; " 1 o’clock last Thursday efternoon resulted in " “tinned 8300 property damage. No personal injuries were sustained. Drivers of the vehicles were Min Sylivt Birin, 18, of 1688 King Street, Preston, and Gar- net A. Russell, 46, of " Hopeton Street, Gait. The Russell car demage in! estimated at $200 and the Zinn car at $100. _ _ Police records show that by Febmry " there were Preston resulting in 10 traffic accidents in personal injuries “to roar persons and property dam- age of $2,725 compared to entire month of Petr. mry last yen when there Were 14 traffic accidenti. six injured and 85,040 in property dttentstte. ' After . length, Meek: it we. decided to name the committee. Orin-ell, Aid. June Benet, chairmen. " the ottite committee â€Misting of the myor, chairman of the otriee committee and three ed- minietretive ofrteam. '. m "pork " the M ad npuu-totivu no they " at I". to mahe but) - ious without NB Norman in tho nah P'"rt" at tho enigma. t has -itt.. k day'morniug. It 7.; recommended by AM. Bauer that I quorum of this committee eon-int of two ad- ministrative officer: and the mnyor or chnirmuu of the " fice eommittec. other committee which would include an :lderman In: primarily: step " to a board of control system. - Patti- Objects He suggested that if neither of the elected representatives can be pneent, then the fin- ance committed chairman could no felt the committed Bul- ineu could be bundled by the three department _ heads and the mayor. m-' . _ "AU. Harold Pnikin objected to this idea on the grounds it would slam the ofriee com- mittee chairman in etreet to the status of . viee-maror. A BOOK 510351110. AM. Paikin algo' thought the Be WHEN YO r." t" F V QR FIRST BABY IS Brfi'lili'iiifiii, .. .' itiiiti5itii)I WHEN YOU GRADUATE WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF CAMERAS, FILMS AND DEVELOP- ING MATERIALS. COME m AND SEE US TODAY. felt Aid. Bauer was . WU. in tis, BE SURE YOU ARE PREPARED TO CAPTURE ALL THESE UNFORGET- ABLE EVENTS. A mutton with - .b! All; Donald sum: to can the com. the administrativ- advisory eommitue. H. tho MW MI committee “ISM. to net on it when sad tur in†to. q AU. Puma though the city clerk would be the logical per- son a had. Inch I gen-1th.. ' Not How The Miror faid the Men to set 'rqr.tho committee m in- troduced two you! no. Be aid Toronto spent 875,000 on . OPPORTUNI'I'! ms ARIA _ MANAGER WANTED $10,000.. to "-.tt'hf, Fi'INge,ff, H by an: . , . m e e .9 only n few hours monthly In just we iigt Well "tabtiah wcwmwmm‘mm*m“ this man-n] "ah-, Ne mile-a Tf'tlg "wertmureminaMrhasesoethob mall-o -smmnitawanteseEi-mn-rrrtrtheeqt_. qatantatttrgtsnmr.sNN-t "ttf, 'iYn'tatif, fear we can an '.A',ttgtrtt-eettA00.00otih1Boqrrh" _ Whierhurtmrtresestred . it, 'rrmeeaatmeet.thestr oint1natioersanaaeaheaiireMm. with Company Executive tn your arm, answer My " h- m’. - "rtenrda".uota-tMsaitrertueanent_rmtaeer- "and: 111W -an Ina-- - -,m31-29ms 2: -tthe. but "tttttmed “or no. to look into the “an wha- someone lo. - took out this charm-h». neeeuary cash tunable, and are a person who an make and give a Aeehtiteieebiem alter yon-km. the lab, as those selected will be appointed immediately. . iiiiirikG"iaeUiii"rntAiueorrortmi1trinPermane" unlimited income. C _ . mtrnrersonattpterviewh-nrya, write fully t,t,tl'rr,'tE sell, Include shone minim. to J. W. was com NY, DEPT. K, Md St. Ale ' MONTREAL, “at. "reeeeet-"touad-te Obtaining the ‘guidunce and advice, 'og city administrative otfieem was a step in the right direction, aid All. Von.- ‘Bunnu. _ I. tte-td has is " b- unch: h “at a! - h his eotnaattue. W, in null ftuuttieatlet._ast.taaa clearing hou- for nor-Al " minUtratioa no“... - - that shouldn't his I. tine iq eounell. . _ 's 'i Icahn: " council And it. Mayor shouldn't have to r. “Lover towa' doing “uninh- tntiu bark, In said, . . ou‘00' r s" '" , 'yli,it).'!. R (tiii/ti, ii ts?,' Idf:, Q; ii giii'g'll'i'/r" PAGE tiluMme