.. Prangn-LIW BUSINESS DtREC'rQlll11, ci..med Advent-II. kl- I 0.. " word. at . uni-u- d 600 at. "can. unlu- all cut ' " - will bo " can“. -.---- lNl'l'IUC'I'IONI pon IDIDIIO onmulgprnn . A I. no.“ nut. Taro or - hunter. 8%. n " 'ttidea) (I‘ll-“II than]. u _ Garsaur "I! -Ato CW“ WANT ADS Appliances t RepaiLs Boa mm... Btn I clad! nah . "Jul-in! nun numb-v you. phi-sly The triggeO value for your advertising donâ€. PHONE 6-6401 or 2-0594 THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE son YOUR "_' f Nat-t Wagner, Refrigerator, Range or TV Set see so Omarlo st. B, SEE r.r. O . . IN YOUR HOME Free "Ire stock parts all makes u 7 PHONE 6-6438 House of Television 93 King St. W. - Kitchener (Upstairs) GOOD ttlat FILSINGER 74 King St. s. - Waterloo "Your Northern Electric Dealer is a Good Man to know" USE THE CHRONICLE "WANT ' ADS ELECTRIC & APPLIANCES 84 King S. (Next to P.U.C.) Phone 4-4116 - Waterloo WATERLOO SIOVE AND APPLIANCES 96 King St. S. - Phone 2-0384 BADIGS BEI’AIREII AUIO ACCESSORIES mror polishes. Ask shout out rebuilt machtgges. Tire and Battery Service Phone 5.51715 - Waterloo See our new hum: than" and Sales and Service LAWN MOWERS . SHARPENED No obligation. No money down. Home Demonstrations BAUMAN BROS. RADIO and T-V SERVICE Phone 4-4223 rk parts for and repair makes of Washcls†nl ""%ii Frederick all or TRUCK Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store Oakland Main, Prop TT King St. North Phone 2-8444 WATERLOO ELECIROLUX STOCKIE hire Yourself Vehicles [ st. B. - Kitchener Phone 3-!†R. A. HENDRY Phone 8-tMT9 APPLIANCES Free Pick-up and Delivery. Inquire About Ina Tod-y In can od no Ohm-bl. HERTZ , U ST PHONE q REPAIRED ORDER YOUR F U E IL "d'A1Us, Wm. H099 tad tii' o LINOLEUM l q LINOLEUM TILE 0 PLASTIC WALL TILE q DRAPERIES '0 VENETIAN BLINDS COMPLE‘I'I UNI or "DOING nee -. Dial 2-1631 30 Ontario N. Kitchegu' Home furnishings AND DOORS . CARPETING . WALL TILE . AWNINGS Phone 1-792! Bvenlngi Ph. 1-1â€. 331 KING Br. W. "1‘0!!an John A. Schmolz Agencies Limited Real Estate & Insurance Slnce I!!! an King St. W., “when: INSITLATION 1K'd â€â€˜3‘J' h‘.‘ a , a , i l , i' W63“ 27m 6763' V a nu u B. - was. acmemmeom eke. For your Insurance needs be sure you Contact: Carl Kranz Limited 101 King St. W. - - Kittieâ€! Phones: 24215 - 2-12.: C. E. Seibert q-e......... 2-2641 W. E. Seibert ....-...-... 5-5931 Hairdressers ttttlam “Blowing Method" In! ROOFING FLOOR COVERINGS nusco wmpgws Residential Sales Farm Properties Apartment Houses Industrial a Commercial Appnisals Mortgages q Commercial ttnd Industrial Photography . Photographic Supplies Phone 2-6262 Insurance INSURANCE OPIOMHRISIS INSURANCE IS OUR BUSINESS Insulation Photographers PHONE 2-8377 Fuel (Wedding 04(5ulm STUDIO Pom ortomNb--Co+RCtAt, m nggg F, 11m â€who t Healing 1vaonat 45W Phone 2-3214 no King Bt. B. - Waterloo Guuml Plumbing Heating and Tinsmlthlng Open 8.30 a.m. to Midnight Closed Monday. - Television " In. St. North - Waterloo TeL 2-1953 WATERLOO TAXI t. [W I Princess Wen For a Cab at Your Door - PHONE mit'i"ih, ALTERATIONS 4Erb rut than» Dispatched service Resiiiurants TWIN CITY CAB CO. S. C. JOYCE} SCOTT'S CABS FREDERICK'S CLOTHES SHOP IAIlORS Watch Repairs Prompt Pick-up and Service Delivery CII'I'II'III) 'A'I'Cllklll Iaxi Cabs 1tslnlsierirtg REPAIRS KINDS or CLOTHING WATCH SERVICE " Allen St. E. Waterloo Iailors St. 4-4764 Radio Dispatched I HOUR SIRVICI 6-6669 or 5-5058 AND Pick-up nnd Waterloo wnerloo rdundnd u on do not mecca. prtailasr. Jl'fo: 5130. St. Bum We 99-109“!!! to". 'ttsteep, (or ing us wavy“: round with by em on no mm a high a c I dozen premium over whet price for your up. Write for full details immediatem All) for immediate delivedy y old chicks and turkey poulh. Tum Chick m United - 'legttth"fih Timberking Garages PLYWOOD 1954 models. Pre- fabricated. Overhead doou. De- livered: $160 to $215. Sectional Buildings, Lake Guindon - fr, Que. FILMS Ansco, Kodak, now at reduced prices. Time for pictures, at Geiger's Drug Store, 408 King St. E., Kitchener, Dial 2-2t27. Twin City Delivery Service BUILDINGS to: an , -iiiiiiritu-' 51 Regina N. - Phone 3-8009 Waterloo Beautiful Hand Woven RUGS Your' Waterloo Movtsr and Cartoge Equipped for Moving Refrigerate, Urban Schwam DRUGGISTS no...“ 2-3919 [WEE Stairway Rugs Bedroom Rugs All Colors. Ideal for Cottages CHICKS "t'lIIEOU 'M) 0130!"! LI RUGS 'thilt 7/ tfii2riL V. ii" Lilitif $33594» 'i'iiji,fciai,irri'ia',s'-' 'i7 /k/ 'tiff"' "k?" CE aacaE, Gtt" 13m cow ' ttod. mam: Mk South. Kitchrorr, or yummmqk. blue, we -tia'Giiit "gage. if: - Vicinity of Cum.) W Housing In: in Wnterloo. Reward. Phone 2-4329. ML (STAT! & INSURANCE WA'rmoQ ONTARIO bun-I v - - - m King Bouth - Pttomt â€m Got In 'Keri-l.;' “In at KindofInaurance iiii0iiiKi-errqttMhhrq Huith up A tee m . mm a... In: a: an n Inte h“ hollow- Ill um tsul, gulp-Luauâ€): LKMIAleN “mummmm Whether BUYING or SELLING D .1†and S'rd up eating m Machines. Filing 'dd,it,tt'E,a, Safes. _Coeppiete, Oftice a - tu. 'rr-e MO Kin; 1hreat Phone 4503 0:10:3me TYPEWBITBBS Alva-and method In: halved tho-“ll“. No In. IIIIDI. No chalk. No “lawn. No pro-nun on My. or _ Plano pd. Entirely diluent. Very light. [NIX- PEIIICSIVE. Writ. tor Information and trt . SMITH MANUFACTURING COMPANY [“1 Inâ€. 549 KID. Stud - PISTON. 00m â€A.†0rrttt 0935!“?! For an: and For Rent by the Make: SuNSTBANp_6DDINq 1991293 tyiifiEiiiCOUiy" LIMITED - _ RUPTURED? Saws, knives. clipper plates. meat grinder plate; hwnmowels. etc. A GEO. STREIEL Phone 74511 - ' an; w. Aufomobiie We: "it,5d LV mung 'dl,'l,'lu' Bond Boiler Immune: Tran-it Immune SHARPENING "WRITERS New and Used Eminent iffénnln no“ 3-0“. from Skinny tMltVllt0tM. gain 5&15995: _iiiGiri i933: my" Mt a GTii Wan-WV - t'l.'lrlhred'W'd iu",tttYgrtl'hWl.'l'll, m com Man. no - '2egt ttttrat sv'.iitt-,ii'lileh1 and .11.“. ink, Outlet, tn w. g-tfed-., 'tmr not. Vila-h I . Wu. UH Innov- W Ltd with no [and a M.MAM tr'; . Id in. ,,A. u_ .n an...“ yo0$n0"P"."eP"".""'h"Cr=.a-laTauCa on [In haul. Mar. L. Swill! 1feAtgl mum. oot.,writrs, 'aeuey9ttet mp... w... - . "r-..- tool-nu ‘VE'D" an it“; "cGrttiriedki 'C-p' on. P. .t'll as: " fll1"tslfft's I... I? but»; Tuned " In. Now now" but car, We! Ieeta. 3' at“; tiiii5i2e,'2i,tttiagetd, " - - we. Mu. nub-um I tang - - um- Vin-I. ester. tmyics (wry-:22: a't%"i7ariaiu'i2Tir' Gi all 1 pounds, this very day. At tum Your Installation ts " Important As You: Sat! I " Your Reception I: Poor " Might Be Your Aerhl! Time Payments Arranged 68 Allan E., Waterloo PHONE 2-5148 We Guarantee Our Work. an appointment! Phone Eddy for FCC ith" G. L. IIAUN -n“ 't..bg_. - - -- v" - .03. 9"- spc9._e,ee. i.irauaa te,iiiihi,f "7.7765" uegt. atitre harm o Mr. and in Samuel home a Mr. and in Sunuel‘ Schultz on slum†alum A but! up,“ In and to About. thirty guests. After upend- ing I was] hour ,t,,ttt.rotgeudrg', to the name View . . Church neu- Welluley where they ren- dend I pro‘nm of acted son‘s, duets and quartette numbers to an uwreci-tive nudience. Mr. md Mrs. Wilil-m Yost and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gingerich near New Humbug. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mattion Leis in Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Yutai and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Steinman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Yum spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Jantzi near Cross- mill. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Leis were Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Leis. Mr. and Mrs. Pe- ter Leis and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leis and lamily all of Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jacobs spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roth near Hampstead. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Y. Bender and Grace visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Jantzi near Millbank on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nafziger and family of Brunner and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Lichty spent Sun- gay with Mr. and Mrs. Dan G. Tho Wit. loath chorus pt Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kniesel and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kniesel all of Lisbon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kniesel. Messrs. Arthur Brenneman of Newton and Melvin Janui of Millbank spent Sunday with Del- ‘mar Bender. 's'iie"'Cii) $3? , 2 hugo' (,fJi' E J?li , (il,,',)):---,,-; _--" 5lts51lil 2 'f,i'i'il,).r,j,r'i" EQJ. 1tiii2t-%el, " 'itifelu., tjjiii'i,tc,t. a= .v.v grad 'l ’3 A bi, J ( -mic'icaic.'-c-,i'-iC_1c--'- - f m 159 Ell: W. SUNSHINE MOTORS New alllfitfll, PlYMOUIH or FARGO hunks x. “f WATERLOO In. Lam loot. u'- cm t,ypg n nu V Day Servict a an wane. _ geticttl United Mm on Sunday 'ff) 2he twma, Alice In Allan the musical background. Mr. and Mn Wane: Conn d Lewvan, Sash, velar“ d M. linen-'1 ulster, In. . B. ail. for a weekd. Om Mr. In Mrs. r Jeannette, Jamel Ind Yuma Min Jncqueline Thrush m with Mr. and Mn. Willard Kim and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon hid. It Barrie on Sunday. _ -- New J. w. Hibbom, Mr. and In. Fraser WA.rrn and Mia. - Stevens,' R.N., of Putin w it the home of I M. Hilbert! on any day. KITCHEN“ - PM. 3-“ I)Wlilliii'S Flower: E. G. FRY, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 44 William St., Waterloo Phone 2-1357 86 King St. West Next to Capitol Thain Phone 4-4103 Dial