LM.III&.18.1N CiiG/. H -G, Peg,',', of Mn conduchd the ommunion ur- vice It the Presbyterian Church on Sunday thernoon. Att-d luau. Rev. M. J. "CAM of Gull wu in chute ot the service held " the boon United Chum-h on Sun- day atremooes, A -- Quite a number of people Bb. tended the but" and Anemoon ten held at the home ot In: Ethel Wiltoni on Saturdny after- noon, Much th. Miss Ethel Wil, tone, Mrs. George end In. Gil- bert Wilton; were in charge of the "tenements. The money raised will be given to the Doom Blair Ladies' urritiary to Free. port Sanitarium to be used for treats for the patients W: ' Mee. Mr. McLean of McLean and Plaster landscape designers, Cen, treville. “ms the guest speaker to the "Grand River Deon-Blur Group, Women's Institute. at the home of Mrs, Alvin Beckmun, 31m. Mrs. Ernest Plumtree was in the chair for the business. Sec- What makes the Stock -,,,,.,eer"""'l Ticker tick? imfadttlU=uo WALLPAPER - PAINT - TILE - FIGURES 6..6-ttttoLLS - I-IO-|‘-IGIOLLS LARGE SELECTION or FROM "" SELECTION up or down lawman T want to know why. Fun-"coal pages ot Pt Toronto Daily Star give you dw-by-day reports ttthose factors which in- "th market "and: . .f malym of mm; and causes, which Investors find helpful. Daily Star Panama! Pages have daily Quotation: hom all Stock, Mann; and Produce Eldonâ€. And The Toronto Dady Star has the m ot the world . . the day n happens , .nd the Uteat mm mama. Adina; qirrueie.Pee., My Sta Order The Daily Star delivered to your hum. -it, TtGF-ii." _ lv'.."r';:-7:‘ Delivered by Carrier. AK a week man wane... A" WMLPAPER IMil)tf tOli 4mm: In. 00... 11tra' NJ. .1th all- Phie, Mn and 'ttlag, member- were pro-em. In. Vic- tor Mann m in chair ot .th? mm on "Ciumhlp Ind mum-Ir. when. who gave procucol suggestions on how to flan: shrubs. evergreen' and I awn. also Nana tor I driveway, In. Gilbert Wilton; extended a vote ot thanks to the when um Puulim Ethical“: recited. Mrs. McLennnn rend n paper on "Good Citizenship". Reimb- ments were served by In. J. Pryce, Mrs. A Beckman and Mrs. Keith Boyd Irena-Ah an News. Min Helen Hillyer spent the week-end " the home of her pu- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Hilly" of Owen Sound. Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Hamer and duuahler Miriam ot St, Cathar, in“ spent Saturda& at the home of Mr and Mrs illiun Grim. Murray and Roy Gibbons were visiting a! the home of Mr, and Mrs. illyer of Owen Sound on Pr)4try, _ --- "V - . _ - iiG. Melvin Wolfe spent may with her mother, Mrs, Sadie Rich- lndusmal commotion: _ Mme! “new†. . . mm expansion of operations . _ . no- point new mm! . . . a DISCONTINUED PATTERNS “EDITED Te CLEAR DISCONTINUED LINES or QUALITY PAINT For REAL BARGAINS in iEEiR llNOlEUM Ill! We to 19e Beaupre's SPRING REDUCED TO CLEAR Mun stocks move i'm ' t.M 3.50 $2.00 39e - " - 59e - 69e udo It the lunch In". Kitch- will And In. tuu Dov-on and hardly ot ao we. "“1," up trem, of my ta'ter's mo cr, "I: Mr. ind In. Donald We“. and antinu- Donna and Dale was vial In; friends in Plummet: re- eee1tty. _ ' _ - -- MIT and In. Lconud Holmes a?“ Wednesday " the home ot . and Mm. Art Kuuk of Kitch- Sound in spend! - I tew d. I with her duct. Md Helen Hiri- Gnu _ Stan Jones spent Sunday at the home of “nun! In. Bert Win, lemme)â€; lot anyeviue. Mm. John Inbound In: bar less It I demonstration. There was I good attendance at new» bars Ind friends. After the dem. omtrItion I sociIl evening wu en1oye4, -- Harold Hemott of Kitcheth spent Thursday" " the home of his sister, Mrs. Gilbert Stump! And Mt.Atumstt, m - - Pent-nah. Mr. tnd Mrs. Wesley Pure)- and daughter Sandra were bush neg visitors in Kitchener on Bat- urdny. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Capling and son, Norman. visited on Sun. any with Mrs. Capling's brother, Mr. Norman Potter and Mrs. Pot- ter of Woodstock. Mr. J. tr, Woods who has been visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Robert J. Bean, is now spending several weeks with another daughter, Mrs. Harry Cayley and Mr. Cayley of Norwich. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cullen ot lnnerkip were Sunday visitors with their daughter. Mrs. Wallis Bean and Mr. Bean. ' S.-W. Wilmot t Rev. lube: Guest Spain: Rev. G. Kaiser of Pizttsville was" the guest speaker at the) meeting of the iip,etilrit)j,i/ Chesterfield Young People's n- ion when they met in the new Sunday School room ot the Bethel _ ‘United Church. Mr, Kaiser's sub- Ject was "What Have I to Invest?" Mr. Ralph Capling was convenor at the program anderayer was "ttrered ta Douglas ordue. Mr. George oolcott read the scrip- ture and the Bible study was tak- en by Miss Connie Cuthbertsom Miss Bernice Mordue led in a song service. At the conclusion of the meeting refreshments were served by the committee. Mennonite Young People [leer Interesting Topic. The Young People's Bible meet- ing} of the Mennonite Church wh" he d at the Biehn Mennonite Church last Sunday evening with Ross Shunt: as the chairman and the leader of the devotions. Spe- cial music was Rrovided by I la- dies' trio from t e Geiger Menno- nite Church consisting of Miss Kathryn Good. Miss Doreen Koch and Miss Florence Gingerich. A lladies’ double trio from Glenallan also sang several numbers. Mr. Ming Sun-n Blitrer 91 Oren B In cur laminate o n: It». s. Mk and " 1.98 and " WAllPAPER Mi) PAINIS CLEANING SALEI In WATIILOO {Lord 6rst place in our ffves - ',,Wptil','etne,1,,y, 800 people at- ! ten ed the annual "Open House" “nth Water I6rves Bridge Away. held at the Oliver Zinn & Sons l Last week certainly marked a (Implement Show rooms on Mon- variety of weatherI cgndntions and /tgopn/id1sh"ie.'ey tUa/"onw'i11t the heavy rain w ic was prevaw e h _ - lent in this .dis,,tf,ig,t, last Monday _/i'Ji'td,yitultxai1ntrof,t,1i,oen, a: tesd'te%giJi in???) (',l1fi'iii,iiiiiiiirosi life with the. Gordon t,ftow its banks. Due to the milder 1t,','Pa' f/f,' ’gr'eatly 'i'tt)p."'.aits. fiiii,tiiir, we had had the (empora- Ill' _ f? ' ?f ea ure PIC ure, r. ry bridge replacing 2e/J,,"21,ytaet, tustmas e (Knee tel one was no anger e . lby frost and the for: 1tnheitt"rtr, 'ttrf, "smart! was stron enou o I 1. e, Nirs, urman aster was re- ltemporang bridge was carriedlelected president at the United 1ii,iiil'i, 'h regisIdown 2t 'fet,1'.t? Brethren 1h"'Ji'.1's., re,i'eit",Tit,si 1 its an su s anne e cree suua run a e annua mee ng lullhough slightl? ottside Accord-,held at the home or Mrs. Fred (l'e,tge, '"s'11t',fii'yot,"is/ .7333 l 1tlla/i,")trtdtette"i2t11aftyc.' ereen- ionc ".orL') ?ursetecte ' "Ehtdq lclosed to trtUBc. The Inconvem- , as follow»: vice-president, Mu'xarn ence is especially felt five days a i Hilburn, secretary. Mrs. F, E, week when the school pupils have Page; assistant, Mrs Wallace; j, be transported around the treasurer, Mrs. Lincoln Cassel; "whole block, Work was startedelanisL Mrs. Allan Cresypan; as- tto Bll in the approaches to teaelsistant. Mrs, Wallace; literature {new bridge on Wednesday of last Isecretary. Mrs Charles 1,v.yt11e,; {week trut.dye to the stormy rune _Thankofrvrine secretary, Mrs, W. "iitipns muslin; for the remamdcr H. anuhn; pone-emu" Mrs Ale Arf the week this was temporarily ‘bert Fsederlein, Mrs. Weston‘Sa- nheld up. rarus and Mrs. lgalalLEby; 990d Louis Weber fgave an address on "The Value o Special Singing in Worship". Bishop Moses Roth preached a sermon on the subject "Youth Surrender: All to God", in which he stressed giving the Lord 6rst place in our lives High Water Moira Bridge Away. The sooner we realize that m- need guidance the better Chtust showed the way and demonatml- ed it. Shepherds in the Levant tio not drive their sheep. They lead them. All we need do is follow. A BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY I m the good shepherd, and know my sheep. and am known of mhte.--John 10.14. In! 'A‘PIlm WINâ€) 'CI’BONICLI A VERY WIDE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM Till REFLECTION on Maine“ is provided by "gm-old In“ Sikh. I budding Eighth bulletin. who lead- hr In mid that. to all nttestUat to a nine: to be din.Ured with thou-And. " other wed-uh of Britain II this rear'n British [Mattie Fair. to I). be†simtsltmseottaiy in London Ind Blunlnghln. Mu 3-H. PICIURES and up 17$. m Attend Open House New Dundee '. Mrs, Norman Kaster was re- elected president of the United Brethren Women's Missionary As- sociation at the annual meeting held at the home of Mrs. Fred Wallace last Tuesday night. Other ontcers elected for the year are as follows: vice-president, Miriam Hllburn; secretary, Mrs. F, E, Page; asststant, Mrs Wallace; treasurer, Mrs. Lincoln Cassel; pianist, Mrs. Allan Cressman; as~ sislant. Mrs. Wallace; literature secretary. Mrs Charles Woelfle; Thankofrcrine secretary, Mrs, W. H. anuhn; collectors, Mrs Al- bcrt Fsederlein, Mrs. Weston Sa- rarus and Mrs. Isaiah Eby; Good Cheer mnvenur. Mrs. Ross Miller: Harvesters‘ supt., Mrs, Kenneth Shaun. unshslanl, Mrs Sararus; delegates elected to thts brancn W.M.A. tonventton In be held at Roseville In April. Mrs Eur, Mrs. Kaster and Mrs, M B. Snyder, The lira)†band was led hy ?itiiiii Shanta; Program, the exe- Mrs Stanley llilburn after which ‘cutive and Mrs, Lincoln Colemanl Mrs, Kaster presided for the pro- and Mrs. Clinton Jatstzi; Flower gram. Mrs Robert Hoffman reisrcommittee, Mrs. Lyle Bin eman. the 1x\1flur/,', lesson and Mrs M. Mrs, Elgin Reist. Mrs. L. $039.1. B. Sny er presented the ammo" berger. Mrs. Egerdee and Mum study. A vocal number was ren- lCameron Bock; and Devotional} dared by a trio composed of Mrsjader, Mrs. Harold Shanta l Wallace, Mrs Garfield Cressman Mrs. E. T. Coleman was eleetedi and Mrs. Wilbur Shantz. Refresh- 'delegate to the annual iiaiEl men!) were ,crccd by the trostcss convention for ontnrio to be hetdl asmsted by yertustercMrs Cress- in Stratford in May and Mrs.' man and Mr'. Shantz, 'Floyd Sherk was elected alter- Observe World Day at Prayer. s"dluhesta, a Worm-n from the tive churches) George Schmitt, nine-year-old 1n trt. district gathered m the,son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baptist (‘lzureh on Friday night to Schmitt is confined to the K-W observe the World Day of Prayer. Hospital suffering from a badly Mrs Earl Willis, president of the 'crushed right foot and a fractured local Iraterdcromurvational Wo, little toe. The accident occurred trterr's A>~4nlallv1n orcupted the,whert he was standing near the [mar "nd Mr; Stuart Rosenber-lractor during .gravel levelling All pri ulna] at the piano Rev D. operations at his farm home three J, (Elma- gzlvv the mum-anon The and one-half miles southwest of _tutiti"'y. Mrs Lyle Bipeema.nlthe village, When the hydraulic 'reml t: e» mmute, of his! year's was lowered his foot became tum-Hug ann tno slate at officers caught and was crushed. tr t" next )t'ar Tne "tticor,, are ah leekly Lenten Service. wvro ofterrut h) Mr< V E Dmger, Mr, Orland Bierman, Miss Mary KaMer, Miss Vrolet Herber and Mr, Wallace Jun" MO ERIC-:3 T,; 'i'iui'iii "2' i’l) let"'" .s-r' i,CireGrr" U th. - How lor I A: i'ir"tFiis We ' â€I. I. u. T Yom, “a, trill '" the Monitor Odor-ad's. wath e-tee. would my": Yo! will (have! I eon- rs - I“. lulu 0.. _ F, luv- u. I... l! I A "at: -o a. .. mud-non "tum: l" u I". Min an... In..." Br Mm Mann-n Huber" ICh-omcle Correspondent! ZN [Monitor u on: you). of can»: inking -u. . . J' "t Ihr,', lo khool an» a kr" I I an. I ill "I :1 Jam J.ldl, idea".', D- "r 'ttr win bomauge on..." The Honky no“ me ' lull" (nun. in tug) DOV. . tContinued tram Po.- 6) Salmon boat. Mina with Cel. cry Since Mod Whit- In. greased. biiiiric _tutt_tttqha, s. Cream] alieid hEiie, shrimp, Scrnmbled YU', â€ed M', Stun "" wt Put. an Volts, Puched "It. Shirred ow. with Celery Soup. Omelet: (with herbs, jelly, mushrooms or cheese), Creamed Beat ' M M chngd 'rtttl"ltu,',t'ld'fM Menu Planning “Elm Boll the rice in salted water un- til tender .Combine with remain, M, ingredients, Pour into cue to e and bake at 425 degrees until top is lightly browned about " mmutea. To make beet at: of oven heat: Bake t It plate ot scanes or tea biscuits alonguide casserole, The guest speaker was Rev, P. G. behman who chose " his text Romans 12:1-2. Special music was rendered by a ladies trio composed of Mrs. Fred Wallace, Mrs. thrr6eld Creamnn Ind Mm. Wilbur Shanta and by the Bien- heim Mennonite Girls Trio, Miss- ‘es Marie and Carol Hallman and Eleanor Kehl. 1 The Bethel JInited Missionary rW.M.S. held its annual gate,'), 1 {union meeting at the churc on t rWednesday a ternoon. The h'h 1 ‘tor, Rev. P, G. Lehman; pres ded (and led the opening devotional , (period. Reports on the year's]: (GT; were presented by the vari. ous committees. The amount ot j,i'tisj done for relief was report- ed by secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Claude Shanta as follows: 3 teg "t comforters: 15 pounds of and- l ;ages; 33 children's garments, Int ‘addillon 152 pounds of used cloth- l ling was collected and {our wool- T 'len blankets were donated. The} "society also raised the sum oil ‘3993 for missions and relief. I 1 Officers were elected as follows for the new year: President. Mrs. ‘Oliver Eckstein; vice-president, 'Mrs. Floyd Sherk; secretary- treasurer. Mrs. Claude Shuntz; as- 'sislartt, Mrs. A. W. Egerdee; Good iCheer committee, Mrs. Oliver sum: and Mrs. Frank Toman; Home Service, Mrs. Leighton Ro- Jsenberger. Mrs. Clarence Rosen. berger. Mrs. Arthur Musselman and Mrs. Egerdee; Sewing and (Relief, Mrs. P, G, Lehman, Mrs. ‘Egerdee. Mrs. Eckstein and Mrs. Claude Shanta; Program, the exe- .cutlve and Mrs. Lincoln Coleman and Mrs. Clinton Jantzi; Flower 'committee, Mrs. Lyle ttgg: Mrs, Elgin Reist. Mrs. L. usen- berger. Mrs. Egerdee and Mrs. lCameron Bock; and Devotional leader, Mrs. Harold Shanta lie-organization Meeting, Mrs. E. T. Coleman was elected delegate to the annual W.M.S. convention for Ontnrio to be held in Stratford in May and Mrs. Floyd Sherk was elected alter- nate delegate. w Salter: Accident. The first of the weekly Lenten services was held at St. James' Lutheran Church on Wednesday night. The pastor, Rev. D. J. Glebe spoke on the theme, "Our Lord Suffered", Entertains. Mrs. Edward Hagey entertained eighteen ladies at a plastic demon- tsration at her home on Tuesday night, Mrs, Lichti of Wellesley was In charge. t cup dry rice I “up. tut 1 tut canned tomatoes " cups) % mum -. bi cup grated cheese 2 '2d"ttg', Dimento 4 sl noon. cooked and 2 cups mashed Kenton le cup grated C can 'uoeaHhmatoCaa-oge (300]) " King St. ' -- is needed in more than skiing JESSOP 8n WHALEY'S Lock of Form in Clothing spoils your neat appearance Your emu», can be restored to to. "who! good bun br Ask how to have your garments restored to MODERN DRY CLEANING MUHODS 55% their ongmol good form Aâ€. - and 'fd, yolk to crqBm am. Mr In of - - om pontoon. Add bond about winch bu boon than“ or bound In chemical. Top rah man emu: “no: and the buttered enunbt. Bake It Mo dogs. in elec- trie oven for My lulu. or until lightly browned. To make the best u.. of oven he“: Bake Balm- on Na! and Harvard Bat. (from canned but) on thin: shelf from mum of 'ILT/l,'", It: the? a Jiyf,e,,'t' or cot e pu - ding In ovenstolm prunes, Make a cream sauce in double boiler by stirring the ttour and seasoning: Into the melted fat and was“ e milk. stirring constant- ly. en thick and smooth, add (rated or sliced cheese and allow to melt. Pour over the beaten egg yolks. Mix well. Then pour alow. ly into beaten egg white, blending prretuliy until a light ttutty mass ‘is formed. Bake in a large cBsse- (role or a small roasting pan at 300 degrees in electric oven tor W. houm. Makes enough for six. (Serve at once. To make best use of oven heal: Bake south: and sliced carrots in covered casserole (containing '4. inch wnter.) On shelf above bake apples. m Quaint: Bets GG irc. iiiaiicriii"." - ..... Ml. M. P. Inks: What is a sim- l After a short devotional period pie. sure WBY. to make Hollan- [the group was entertained by Don tinge sauce and is it served hot or Path""" and the Mutual Life co , I io. Answer: Serve Hollandaise sauce hot with hot dishes and cold with chilled foods The easy way 10“on layman-um unnamed-11m , cup bound who bt cup at ‘6 cup ttour I tap. all . tre cup healed( milk h I p .cream nippy) c re“ pan (ifu"ii'oiii"i"iii,"i'i FINANCE NEED MONEY?‘ Fast. same-day service . . . SENSlIlE IERMS~Yuu select your Loans made on your own own repayment plan, Upto24 months - m repay Phone or siop m today . . . mmnf 'Pty clean leave your money worncs bchmdl up old bills. fuel bills, taxes. Get a tot weth a loan from friendly. m any good mason. dependable . . . separated e. k ttArr. Manager - " Rio. se. South, At I†â€com! Moor, phon- 5-52†Wlmloo, ONT. Chet-980‘. - 350 " $1.000 “WHO“! IAIKABLE SECURITY WA" "oo with wmmmum.m boll“. I." a that“ m and trt.eCin8.ttt.-. Mug-d 16 a an. SS/tfeta,' a}; 'Sitikiil5 (or aqua m o moon milk and - Cook. tuning may for a mhnhn. Pan: and on: one slightly mu cu, then "turn sauce to pan. Cook 2 minutes and but tn 56 cup mayonnaise And . pinch of cl- vennc, Serve Immediately "or mod Fish ’ The March meeting of the Cou- 'ie,',",', Club of Knox Presbyterian l hutch. Waterloo, was held on {Saul-day evening at the church. Mr. T. B. air for I recipe served in ctmp‘ called Bun Pic. Antwan Perhaps mu inexpen- sive, quick-cooking recipe tor Bean Pie u similar to camp-Jule: J The meeting was well tattended and was under direction of Mr. Mm; Mrs. Arnold Krull and Mr. Line an 3 inch pie pub with pastry and press edge with tort In a saucepan heat t can ttg oz.) baked pugs. " up. dry mustard, a--- v".-. _. -." -., ."-q."r., dish of salt, few grams cayenne. and 1 cup milk tit to combine ingredients over electric element turned medium. When hot, add 1 beaten east Pour bean mixture into pastry lined pie glue Elke for ten minutes in rte eated oven of MO deg; then ower the indi- cator to o degs. for about 20 mina. Cut in wedges Mid serve hot with chili sauce, along with cole Maw, Tell of Trip To California Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke de- scribed a recent trip to Culifornia. Following a brief business dis- cussion lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. â€no. 4-47“