Waterloo tlremen are holding their annual ball on October 10 If. the Paradise Gardens, Guelph. Tickets may be obtained at the local tire hall. All proceeds are contributed to the Waterloo Fire- tlghters Btnelit Fund. . Tm third annual Bean Reunion was held Sunday, Sept. T, in Wa- terloo Park. The event was well attended. Otto Reiber, Bud McLaughlin and other vandals of the Water- too P.U.C. are currently attending conventions of the Grand Vulley grit-termini Association at Bam- erg. Miss Dunne Seunm, 50 A1- bert Street, left Monday to re- sume studies " the Ontario Col- iege of Arts 19 Tpronto, than: guetrta of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Allan, 16 George Street. men-Hr. and Mrs. W. E. MacDon- ald of Brockvilie, Ontqrio. Rev. and Mrs. A, R. Crag, f?etrge Street, curEenyyAave iat- tgiierittsal and Mea. Lilian Liliana-l pt Key! tor' City. Mayor and In Donald A. " berts, 101 Norman Street, at Kelvin; Saturday to attend mur- lnec convenuon: in New York and Atlantic City. Mr. Robert: I- Ann-m “cram " the hand omce ot the Mu Lite. . . . . . Week-end guests of Mr. and In. gown Huang, H? _Ayltn- in w. WHugtta.andd.atgtw oeaA-,tttiir,Narrpettt_tr, ttdet 131 can. ii'ea1',',i,1'r,f, Ann and 1tN; an In- are n M "turned in mm“??? " ' i " "an mug- at hm mum Mr. Jamal Bram-um. " Albert Sweet. recently returned Iron I month's vacation Ut Nova Seoul a; (sea of Dr. and Mrs. c, a “may Bhdgewgwf. st. W. K. Bedlam, and chil- EXPERT EYE CARE OUTER VISION GLASSES " mu Bt. Weqt Walpa m m out 3.1m News Of Interest To Women. Selling the KUrlumn-szrlao public tor the past " yea“ with YOUNG’S WHATS NEW ' in Waterloo C R. NIMMO " " of ONTARIO HYDRO MODEL TO Wonut Pom UTILITIES The Ontario Hydro is the world'? largest publicly owned power utility. It is currently in- vesting a billion dollar: in new power production. Hydro rates in Ontario are lower than in any other province ot Canada or any country in the world. Ontario's cheap power is one of the major reasons why 65% of all Swarm industries coming to Canada ave chosen to locate in this province. These are a few of the ttttl',', facts contained in I Star eekly article-on pntgrio power develop- 3:153:15; Kid; ist Septemb'er Phone you Social and Personal items to The Chronicle preferably on Monday or My evenings, or mail your reports to 372 King Street North. Mr. and Mm. Ewen C. Arm- strong, 168 John Boulevard, re- cently had " guests Mr. and Mm. L. S. Johnston of Hamilton. Mrs Kev. A. R. Cu". pastor of nrst United Church, is currently re- presenting the Guelph Presbytery " two-week conferences of the General ouncil of the United Church in mailman. 3615:5575". 3mm: of _ in} viii. 30AM Stréet. are cur- rently in forging. - _ JaGiGu . '55}:on F. my Hi the city July a . . . . . Mr. and In. Val. " tor, " Albert Street. currently gave us gub Mr. And In. _ Id.“ 9! bummer- tfridie is an an: River Atomic Pita. Eu; nation in! Summon? Hampton Villa and Guarani, Mr_bcJ.E.rYowdeBea- It the SOUTHWEST ‘WILMOT. - On Sunday, September 19th a birth- That's why malady college wo- men include, in " ition to philo- sophy or economics on their fall study courses. a session at the nearest sewing-centre in the art of dressmaking, It ia the place to pick up Ideas in sewing and the style Can-chm Young women who Ire style conscious, know that it ia the de- ceguvely simple- looking dress w ich is the most expensive to butttnft the trickiest to sew. 90-Year-0ld Woman Recalls _'--'-"-"'"'))','])-',"-"'?]-'-"'""- Robbery, Horse-Buggy Posse PLANNING The new, softer, more womanly lines are all very well. But most college girls plan from modest budgets. The; went something plain "i'J,"'ft or everybody. Yet, they are coking tor an outttt which can he touched up with accessories foe a sorority tea. It must also go nicely with a worm jacket, should the wind blow sharply at the football some Choosing the basic dress or suit for fall lectures comes second on- ly to choosing the course of lec- tures, with most feminine under- grgguates. . Choosing Your Dress or Suit for College Wear - _,_._,__-___..___.â€"â€"-â€"-u_vvâ€"ay,lâ€". trt*irt-artruiid= . but], . showy-cloth, mmmmgflï¬ltmLMoâ€"qmmm Tvt.Trtime'.tt.rttekh+ .u.eitttt.oiriwiuiuraUiE ='Jfl'.'2lh.'l'lrhiha "d.tthut1hah.mtttttteinpadiiaa7GG' Tg/ttrt""'"'"'"' tt-t'trttr_otiiiaiFFsaiiiii Mun-hurmgiilmhmmluw “and,†Prm-ddmm.tteanertaiaini.iGTt MWWME-wmi..mu,mm,m.,.& ï¬nitviï¬wndriï¬nï¬hddhdw'uugbiuupgbdlm, 'lttgtdyutu'ttgl -"&MNM:qum; a t - ad a tor “3117mm Anon. I.†Ni. man. ' hunk gte,r1ee1.-eraearvtrsedaAirt “will“ dmhunhm" s"g'ed,lTJptttr,t.ee.,fe,eeiffiii."i.? dlptbdhnudm-M.Yu _dthi-itroiLuiraGr. muting-achmkdqhdb-d-‘d.flwnmn “It. i. m'iï¬-dpdhflahnundsu.flwm mum? ’dblqcbdhnicnnzhzmugh. 'PP., ifg,.uett Lett, 1eit2tP2ee 11ie..eiyytfte A tttab, 'PPA 93:: m TU CiiiiRitir2titit tpp, --.:..-.: . tq (a, Chrontete Corrnipondqnt) 1telutat iiaLiPii2',iiiq7rPiiiiii " 'r"etariri, F v th d _ " M" "e'e-"e. lqocwr. ne wm esumun'n concu- sewztg urte/',ss'erdi'i1u,',s,'lgd'"ffrjei.i 'fd',',"',':',", mgmggmggr . . . . . - l you ' 32:: t',it,hetudt ('iri,'igit,'t"1tirri,t??, ttny malfunctioning of 'our any attachments. You simpl Eli-2.72% system,"unc:l make mos; thread needle and bobbin ,'lli'.llrii'dgt,rlt. dl'l'T' "we" " the thread recommended for the; l . stitch, and go ahead to make an' , One pt a sump! Hilde! pub- attractive design on collar, cutt or' Ish.ed m "I? public interest to ex- belt. Embroidery is the last word' plain sup] illustrate the pnctice "his fall, too. /ot seientitk Chiropractic. - f This-grand little lady of Kayne Mm, o ham the abduction of (tteine the district'- old-t nat- liiiii", la bright-eyed and clear an when interviewed one would hm guessed that the was on the eve of her ninetleth mile-tom. She enjoy: the radio as the love: musk and until a few years N',' still played the piano or organ n their home. The Ttir and dal- ly new-paper: are vol read by her as rho keeps abreast of the timer About three years Mo last March I!" auttered I broken up and after um] month; in hoa- pm] at that time ll now an. to organized with horses ind bug. gin to try and track down tht culprit or culprits. Later this couple moved to I bushes. in Toronto. then to P‘htuvillo ind Woodstock, where her husband paced away in 1930. The follow- IT, your Mrs. Veitch came to re- si e with her brother and has re- mained there Iver since Mn. Veitch had seven children only one of whom ls still living, Mrs. Luca of Detroit, but the blotted with five grandchildren and one great grandchild. One son. Fred, M, his life in the First World It Ind is buried in Belgium. Mrs. Veitch was born on Beg-' tember Nth, 1882, Annie Marie, Walker, a daughter of the late} Mr Thomas and Mrs. Maria l lingworth Walker. One of a tam-: ily of nine she and her brothem Thomas, with whom she resides, are the only living members of the family. She proudly tells that her mother lived to be 92 years of age and several of her immediate family’also lived to a grand old] Her birth took Flame in a frame house which attl stands on the tarm now occupied by Mr. and Mm. Roy Roth adjacent to the home of Mr. T. G. Walker. Her early days were spent in this dil- trict and for munnyears the w“ the organist in M. ames Church, Her eyes sparkle as she resin! hapfy memories of the any: w en St, mm; Church was filled to Che pacily " our torbearers retitled the inference of church attend. ance. n 1806 she was united“ thank“ to George Veitch a For tome time they conducted a More in Huysville and it wu- during their occupancy that the store was broken into in one ot the earliest robberiu recalled in this d'htrict. A - of meft via the aim-tony an; pertormedU St. James Church. kind of well-cut pattern; that give style. And it is where you can find out which material in I jacket goes best with what fabric in a skin. To achieve those smoothly ttowing feminine lines, sewing centres teach the art of blending. Blending is cutting away unseen material in man. at necklines, in eoliar faeinga, sleeve tiniahes and mu. - Mmrtt, M. pr _ The current (Ashton for Jersey and velveteen make the home dressmaking problem easier for undergraduates this fall. So does the cardigan look. These materi- als and Itâ€? Ire simpgg. yet ats and Ityla Ire simple drgpyfang they wen well, 33; 1am DH. kWhug incur Wt um. a, tg.' itf.hsh'hi,i','i(tiihiit $r,t,tetu, _i.,itaii'3'di"ii; up. my a ugh s. ttttKatt,' 1htt4,'t': ttuitu2rgp,1Ceii I". at...» 932333;»... Enjoyed Old Age Oldest Ml 55,-;- A' "(i-I; More I...“ ‘9'!!!“- 3:1! It is true that many women *have numerous istreasing lymp- f°r[:oms during this period . . . the 109; prime Cause behgolack of homo! prv ‘- nerve function. consult your yet'Doctor of Cttiropmetie. A: yqur Hector. he will establish a condi- otew tion of balanced metabolism, help “H you allay your needless fears, Sryjstop any malfunctioning of your “‘3 , nervous system, and make those WK fiitrctplt years", hunnier Ind ll' , healthier ones. get Tt'th"gg1"tl $4133 J,'.' " o t I guy- the beat of MINI and 8 pp "Y' tbout "ref, an; Its add!- tron to her mmui inch â€'7 [madly her may Ltil'lt 'aut her I "happy trtrthdV in _ but did you how you could to them, boil tom, at gallop them? Here In two cook“ cucumber did- that will add “any". to with!" Good hot meals will be appre- ciated after months of salads and cold plates. Fall vegetables, like cauliflower topped with a creamy cheese sauce. golden buttered car- rots. plump onions cooked to ten- der goodness and rosy-red broiled tomatoes, satisfy this need for more substantial meaLs. Serve fall vegetables creamed or in can- serolu, or trly them "uired--moet tall vegetabes like peppers/on- ions, ea plant, tomatoes and. la- ter on, It/ht are improved with I gusty , utBng.. _ _ _ VV 3 medium green tomatoes 3 medium red tomatoes t St onion. sliced t at: upoona fat I lea-poem sugar 56 cup dry bread crumbs Salt and â€pier lhblupoon utter Peel and slice tomatoes, San“ onion in hot fat until lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Ar- range half the red and fun to- "but, onions and bre crumb. in layer: in a greased B-cup cane- role, wrinkling the tomatoes with sugar. salt and pepper. no?“ arrangement with remalnln. " of ingredients. Do with butter. Bake in a moderate oven, amt. twenty minute. or until vegeta- blaaata tender. Y‘all: tour to all EveFrone has used new in salads. but did you how In uainf up the odd: and ends of the tal vegetable ',,'.rmt' not forget IT", tomatoes. ey are wonder ul for Chow-chow and Green Tomato Relish. hut they also make tempting casserole dishes, for instance, Red and Green Tomato Scallop. This would be served " a vegetable with the meal, 1tt'e Tg,thgtgt', kiiiii. mm mm- uou. In my unloaded “It: should be an ol. vat. 'llto â€MY-III 151;. gTig'tTfTat,1,t,e.attt van-mam lt..'ut'th"gdtTigLei, In: use um rs, glue-u my» - and the Also. hair raising tales of Mon are often paced on by you. 'l'lg er, and this develops morbid and unconscious tears. Also, some women will feign Marin; which has no actual existence to “in sympathy and Mention been» of an unhappy home lite ck. manhunt-tho uhnlexmdm 'eorerrtraftWthnnt-ru-t W." by he ot_yogrru- We“ in â€computed and â€comp-med try changes In the Iandular function of the body. 1'fff, plea: Tendency to blush eu- ny (hot ttuatsesJ; atâ€: of gid- dmeu ot abort duration. None at the“ quantum are minim and general)! are momentary. Why then, is this ‘change at lite' feared. Largely because any ail- ments or weakneaaea trom which the body was 'uttering before the menopause started, tend to be ac- centuated by it even though they are separate and apart. Thus, the patient will assoczate thme new 1r,1'Ptey Wm: the_ men_opauae.; nun-1‘ ml. .11."; 18tttet.turete.eaeaiiF 9-3-3.“ an Fai-i; 3; l "Pte2trit?' -- I“ I. M ,'hhit.r.aM,'tt2Ngt.t 9'39"!!!“thhh- â€elm “1&6ka Duluth-nu autumn-yum... OI. hue-ti}, .910 “old Line the bottom ot an 8-inch square cake tin with waxed pa- ger. Grease the wuedagnper. the in electric oven at o de- Blend softened shortening and) sugar together. Add slightly bent- en egg and mix well. Alma-my “named dry in- gredients and milk to which va- nillu has been added. 5 cup. blue grapes I V. cup sugar 1% cups sifted cake ttour 2% taps. baking powder % tsp. salt 1 cup granulated sugar tks cup shortening 1 ea. beaten [ 2/3 cup milk 56 tap. vanilln [ Remove gripes trom stems and‘ wash the angel. Separate skirm from pulp an then cook the pulp’ until soft. Sieve to remove seeds.‘ Add to the seedless pulp, the skins and % cup sugar. Cook un~ ‘ til skins ere lender-tttrout IO) minutes. J Here is I peach dessert that u a little more unusual. It is called Peach Fritters. To make the frit- ters, peel peaches, remove the pits, and cut in half. Sprinkle‘ with a little brown sugar, then: dip into u [weekend regular; (utter batter. Fry a few at a time until delicately browned-. three to Bve minutes-in deep hot tat, M6P., then remove them and drain on crumpled tmgreased pn- per. Serve hot. _ my, whips, roly-polye. frozen: desserts and pudding sauce» Then, too, folks should not GiGl) their daily treat, at this neuonu of cool, fresh grapes eaten out-ot- J 'tttend. .. .. - ' . Perhaps you realize the fact that when we use more Ontario farm Produce there will be more mum ttetured products sold. any: - Down Cake - _ --- --'----'_ " l tabusgtotm" "tildivored tat mum. laibowl with la. a tahuqtooe" Bour ' dy Inger: antitank pour on tlu t milk (rape juice. How it to atand Ilk MSL salt about Ii-hour, Diuolve the jelly l6 2'tr,'tt new“ powder a directed on the pack- Dealt mace age When cool, but before it in Wash end peel cucumbers. Cut let, pour it over the cake. Allow in halt lengthwue. Scoop out aott it to act. Place the peaches in the pulp and needs with a Ipoon. Cut bowl next and then pour on the cucumbers in la“ sliced. Melt 2 chilled custard, Top with whipped tableIpoom tat in spun. 3mm eu- cream end garnish with red cher- cumbera in it tor minutes, tou- ries. Served 8. in. constantly. Make cream sauce, Grape and Annie Jetty ot remaining tat and other ingre- I 1 lb. crabapplen dienta. Ad cucumbera. retieiti, " quarts blue grapes and nerve. Yield: at: servings, ) h cup water One fall fruit which in nearing‘ Sugar the end ot its season in Ja'e"tt"e'lhwiGl TTles, Slice thinly with- Make the moat of them in tantal- out Mimi. Wash. stem and mash izing deaaerta while they 1asst--rt.rre Place together in large right now acme of the more aub- kettle Add water Cover and lgunm] among, like . Egan-mus, bring to boil Cook until soft and crusty-topped Peach Co Jer will mun y. Press through a coarse be appreciated. Make It with _---:--'-.--," ____ we, aveetened biacuit dough dropped ___- on to of peeled peach halved and. bake: is a hot 'gt"ap,e, me econom u a eat t pe e: need very thr. sweetening and OttttEtts ARE Nom brown - adds more "vor AT than white. For a spicy touch} add a little cinnamon or stick; whole cloves into the peaches. J "f" "r" n... r aiyGud" - __ - ' "an. an...“ _"" th1t1dg,NJ. 'llr"A'Wff,dt in ind: itieuaiGiii.a -___ - -iiTiGT an. Yield: In m. M tatriaiua -- ir. -kiiiaTdrroii'iaT gum-m biiU'ftC,?d'tt.,1 I'.'.""""""'"'"" cum.“ 1Nttttttttc imitr . us: mun cum" MANY OTHER MAKES AND MODELS AVAILABLE 33.75 up Will give years of trouble-free service v -'"__-V - ......~ out 1r"I',t Wash, stem Ind mash (rapes. Pm together in Inge kettle, Add water. Cover and bring to boil Cook until soft and about Ii-hour. Dinolve the jelly powder u directed on the pack- Me When cool, but before it ia get, pour it over the “he Allow it to ut. Place the peaches in the bowl next and then pour on the chilled custard, Top with whipped crenm and garnish with red cher- ries. Served 8. an†All AD“IO Jelly 1 lb. unbapplee " quarts blue (rapes .5 cup water "Wiiiiiii Haydn-mu K~.uhq Search ’ Mel-phi“. _ .cor6éeSmttrtur.im-s 'ttrt-trat-ttnitride-Li'." tor-ad but 't'l,Ngtt',1t'; my. damn}. . outlaw he. to: M! " males. Serve my holmnuddlnu. mind-huh], t a... â€V'junr f “a my. e.e.e..anaers 'GOLDEN lllM 800K STORE tttr KING ST. E. t - - _ Time-"f -iGiiT"sGGur 1 'iitillitt'iiteiil, t Nat cook custard tt pint " per cent cream, what glaujbowl with la. 193m SHE WILL BE PROUD OF HER WATCH RSV â€.50 Down 3|... Weakly Here at last is a B-ble all can read, understand, and enjoy . . . a Bnble for the family that al- ready has a Bible, written In the clear, vigorous language we use today Jeweller: "ONT KING " EAST HOLY BIBLE GOLDEN RULE BOOK STORE FROM Young’s ORDERS ARE NOW IEING ACCEPTED AT THE VERSION OF THE Phone s. 5927 FOR THE Mn. M. C. an: tt the lid; ot plastic storage bout In ditBrult to remove, plue I piece of WI: paper under it before replacing. the thermos tatiei- iirsGGii odors from soup or beverage in the bottle trom perme.ting the cork. In. C. I. an: In“. an: in prune tablecloth. in -igrtt neatly with small phea- ot cellu- lose tape. Stick tape to under. side of cloth to uni cut nation. qt .ityninum “in ii/er-tik 303.3; made nut-wool More am tor mater by 'a'.tht't'g'lr linseed oil. Aer, - “up of carpet nail to '.ood.gt bu. Iet.etg _'itii'iiiiff'iiiili.lk TGCG i.' it b TSt to . tE .i.' t'e11.lul'i,g :19 -m.- :é - _ run-7’ -aia -_ WEE ta; mm M m h but -r.t.r.yct.t,_!1uereelate (W. - Being to I ball and " Pl'" .91111. _Io¢lo_h_lhrmud its, ith? st,'gi2iad2,i,iiit.ii": a If; ovgn_ 4y'rt1,tllffft It I" t.T,u3'atuttft, 93:1), MU' . IT/lp"?,, 'i)'it'i3t an» BULOVA REVISED SIANDARD 'M*tr,Sa.0-ragtaql. THE SUGGB'HON '03 Styled to catch the eye Built to lost Indefinite†29.75 up Ladies' a... Bow- 8]... Weekly KITCHENEI