It's a grim business this gaunt out m the garden and swinging! a spade when all the tune your hand ts itching for the whip ot a trout rod. I and to slay home Thss being the second week-end we have missed fishing this year, we tell Juststied m feeling badly done by Will make sure that such a ttune does not happen isttturt tur the rest of this season, From all Indication and from what we have sea. outwit, the "owo' are new starting to gather tn large. tlocks. . Now Is the tune it you hke to can ttttse black boys In mit bust them Actually winle we love mm suootlng to Cie point where sl uuupjes too much of our Invu‘hla and takes too much ot um money, there are no Ennis we .dt lite eistitistactien out of smack .ne. the way we do a crow, The crow, llke the fox, has no' redeeming features other than ot- 1 [sung a tairirsporty target and} being fairly hard to lure Into tlunl range, They also seem to gel 31 little smarter each year, either' that or our old crow can has an" on-tone reed m II. i Haven‘t been ubfe to figure out why our Labrador retriever gets so excited every time we pretend we are calling a cruw To the best My. August a. "" SPORTING, FISH & GAME NEWS - smggz Tougher! tattesr%sarittgl A WORD OF ADVICE DROP IN TO SCH J A I M E T'S , NOW / I l . ron ALL YOUR " In... St. w. "AVOID THE RUSH - DO YOUR 'SCHOOL-SHOPPING’ NOW" It...“ ZIPPER BINDERS J,, C JAlllhhET' - ////\\\\" " ’5' CA Lme: $1 .98 ht s8.00 N. n a h i u Bl mu past week-) and My wife; decuied n was‘ tune she took tt; few holidays] ior a change a n d a s m y _ small onspnng is still too short m the legs & st 3 n d m u c h trampmg along' a trout stream, THE STORE IS CRAMMED WITH SCHOOL SUPPLIES IN THE TWIN CITIES 7 CAN TOUCH 'EM REAL VALUES By Bctuai test, the improved Goodyear DeLuxe delivers up to 34% more mile- age! And you set can proeectioa nglinst blowout: plus suredooted Inc- tion as welt. See us tode-we have your size! A Priced from THE BEST oroogthyut E-alia, It's the 3059de ot my knowledge she bu - seen one of the black birds. cer- taml) never had one shot when she was around. Reports mdrcate there is a good supply of wild ducks tlus year so the shootlng should he good it the weather will m in with the season The Department of Lands and Forests claim that partridge are also very plentiful in some areas and that most ot the secuons where they are raw", ‘ally found are well supplied with, these fine game birds l We think that even the boys', m the department are a little) puzzled. Somewhere along the wine the cycle which ordinarilyl wlpeo out a great many of curl 'partrudge, has got out ot step and there are more birds In some see- l “on: than there were when they Aere supposed to have been at! their peak a couple of years 330. j Pheasants, while disappointing- _ iy scarce m some local cover, are still very plentiful on Pelee lsl-: ‘und. ll lou are one of those who luke to list: dangerously and are willmg to take the chance of hav- nng your head blown otf while hunting ptteasants, then you can lgo to Pelee Island and be assured wt plenty of pheasants to shoot at . . _ provided of course, some' lother gunner dues not get you {â€131 It's posuble the with; the crow call with the can catunet, the contents of which she is tho- roughly human with. if u wasn't so puzzling, it would be comical to Which her when the gun cabinet is opened and the crow call men out and blown, She runs Hound the house lookusg in every corner and peering out all the windows she can reach. it she even gets to the point where she is hard to call in when hunting. I'll simply pick up the crow call and give u a couple of toots, She'll certainly come in a hurry then. Personally I am gumg back where I shot last Fall There? G ere enough birds to make things; Interesting and you stood a rea- sonable chance of coming home alive, ‘ NO FOOLIN' NOTHING IN TOWN AND CO. LTD. xrrcmun Our store " oir-cooditiooed for your shopping comfort. The Local ' High School , Public Schools l Separate Schools HAVE AUTHORIZED FOR USE THIS YEAR ALL THE BOOKS l There will be a sterling shoot on Friday night of this week. 1 Members of the Waterloo Rod and Gun Club Interested in shooting “hose birds will meet in front of Corbngs at 130. Last week when we took such T - I UVCI LIIIHUUU J nice ctstch ot speckles, we tound l up Chroma. c. rrei"ukntt that when they really went on LiNWoOD. - Tuesday "uttt's Mtte feed, they We? only tt'ie'g'y,egtt: under the lights saw Cen- I'",?, :51?“ the sur ace F . , t " m . tralia Flyers down Linwood 'cl a pu oo. in the third game of the best " Wtth some at. the nights now '!Yt, series tor the intermediate ‘becommg cool, it stems reasonr'"A" Ball Championship. RECREATION Nun-gs Summertime Was Playtime, But What Did Your Children Learn? One thing sure, trom now on large streamers, wet tties, artitV cial rules and bait will take more trout than will the dry Ities as a general rule. The exception to tins may be a heavy hatch during the middle of the day, From what we have heard, most fishermen are ftading the ash ate down deep and reluctant to even work up enough energy to strike. Wtth some of the nights now Hive sel becoming cool, it seems reason-lA" Bal able to suspect that the trout and, The n bass and other game fish will gra- day his dually start working back to- l when l wards shall0w water. There is , pared h defirutely more food available "you; Fly the shallow water and as the wa- ', are no! ter cools the fish do more feeding1 writing than they do in the heat of mid- I - summer. - l There have been several new complaints although at the same time we are told that areas where we held out former shoots are now clear of these ptsts. -isherrGrifa -iirkitid number of shells left so " you leant teyrtt irGiis-sitatiiU" or, these biFds Friday night may be your last chance See you there. I suppose that everyone gets to - loll“ CHIN-V wondering, sometimes "What's The , T , r c, . , . . ' an N: a men of normal:- $te/'/f lb not getting 'ny'ty~and that's some consolation--- _ to know that you’re not gain; I don't mean this personally nuts and that you're like hun- but rather as far as the jot) is cun- tired: ot people around you, Then cerned. Every once in tt wttileatyun, I hear others say the same the feeling comes that we haven'tth'mg about their work. in slmost done much, Haven't mom-the same words and there's some- pushed unythmg. Like the squir-thing nice about the tact thnt rel m the cage running round andothers have the same feeling ot Stunner playground aetivities " the Central Housing area were concluded Int Fri- day afternoon with a "beauty contest". Children were awarded ell day sucker: for having the most freckles. the blueet eyes, the blondest hair, etc. Supervising the contest were Helga Goetz, fifth from right end Carol Rejeeky, eighth from right. WE HAVE School Supplies By DON SIcLAIEN Keenan-I Dinner "I VHBWO can» “some“ round and ending up " the start- mg potnt ‘ The next game was held Thurs- [day night in Linwood at 9 p.m., :when Linwood once more pre- ‘pared for battle with the victori- {uus Flyers. Results of this game 'ure oot known at the time of HAWKINSVILLE, NJ. - The world heavyweight boxing cham- pion said this week: "The batter- ies Sept. 23 will be Jersey Joe Walloon pitching and Rocky Mar- ciano catching." Flyers Victorious 9-7 Over linwood Marciano fast to ll Walcott Says Walcott. training here for his title defence at Philadelphia's Munigipal Stadium next month, vowed that Marciano, the unbeat- en Brockton, Mass. challenger. “won't hit me with those round- house swings" Marciano at one time was a baseball catcher. Walcott com- mented that he "still looks as it he is throwing to spoong tyse," linwood Beats Centralia I3 - l Walcott saiil he hasn't fought a fellow in years as easy to hit as Marciano. (Iv Chronicle Correspondont) LXNWOOD. - Linwood last Thursday night went two games up on the Centralia Flyers by de.. testing them 13-? in a W.0.A.A. Intermediate "A" semi-final game. The "wings" of 'tin squirrels are not true wings " a , but sim- ply unbraced folds of skh along the sides of the body. attached to the front and hind legs. Friedman and Voisin sured pitching duties for the winners allowing only five hits. STOP SNEEZING ALLEIGI TABS EPHAZONI ESTIVIN [Al-MAM LANTIGEN DUKE FINGAID Complete crewman? 7.95 Refills ASTHMA NIFIINE Stops hay lever and asthm- attach, in IS seconds or money refunded. BEDFOROS DRUG STORE " [In] " N.. WATIILOO Orr. Pad 0.†Mhery Likes Comm: (This really works) HAY FEVER REMEDIES M "e" 1.00 8. Me doe 1.65 1.75 1.35 frustration. Makes you feel bet- ter Helps on to know that r,h ple will ungersiand how you eel. "Misery likes company" is all too true. . But there's sanctum; else about "in feeling ot standing ,till, It should be a starting point to action. more and better action, "They" say that dissatisfaction is a healthy sign and that most of 'ttttar world's {Hostess has been 1ayete b?! peep e who were dissa- lite,: rustrated and discontent- led. So, let's have hope and use our despondency, it it be that bad, as a stepping stone to higher. bet- ter, more worthy goals. Come lo think of it, 991'“th one of the antidotes a?ainst c tonic and static dissatis action is the counting of one's blessings. nam- ing them one by one. Perhaps the cure will be effective until the end of the next phase of W.KC. activities. Let's see; we've Just tinished) playgrounds and while I haven't! yet computed the attendance fig-l ures. I know that they're good. Not that high attendance is thei Mtrl criterion as to the worth ot any activity, but it is an element. 1 I used to think that for the sake) of the public at least, that's you,; I should always ublish attend- Itettigures.aml tRat they by! to, be his)? or else the work iould be (-unsidered mediocre or worse. Not, now. Arontstty I wtruld, goon- er have fifty boys and girls or men and women keenly interest- ed and learning through an acti- vity, than hundreds just active, not learning anything that will make them and our community better. happier and more interest- ing. Then, too, there are fewer people now than there were twenty years ago who judge pro- gress by quantity rather than quality. Pew Accident- Well, there have been good programs carried through and there has been a scarcity of such marring things as accidents, only one, a cut requiring some stitch- es, and with so many children so active, that speaks well for all who cared for them. I can't ,help remarking that children, during holiday time Gl Waterloo, are very well amused.3 Church schools, the Lion's Swim-; ming Pool, Midget and Senior} Playgrounds an the Summerf‘ Club, Minor Baseball and all the organizations at camps and ordin- ary family activities, leave little to he desired in quantity, There is always room for improvement in quality. One of our problems in this regard is the matter of teaching and getting leaders enough _to have_the_ynall group as the basic unit. There are so many .rf'tl','r'g people to teach, so comparatively few trained lead- ers, too little money in compari- son with the need. DllIcult to Eveline It would be hard to evaluate the social blessings which our young people ave gained through the summer programs, learning to get along together. Let's hope, and we have Toad reason to do so, that one resu t in years to come will be that less heighhor-torneigtWot quarrellins will take place. Religiously an spiritually, at least children must have obtained a wider Biblical knowledge. At most they learned more about the efBcrscy of the Christian _way of life - - iiuiG/e'id getting around .to the frustration idea again and we are supposed to be counting blessings. Physically there muat have been piles ot sunshine absorbed. " hope that's what happens to sunshine in our bodies). I know that pound upon pound of phy- sical exertion must have de- vleloped some pretty good mus- cu Mentally, the progress is per- haps not so apparent, but it per- meates all the other learning: or there would be no learning M .11. Can you measure it? One mo. ther said, "The program " the playground has brought u-- right out of her he" and l know she win tir,"'.'; tell-tn! when it broke up t is afternoon" Many have learned to swim and Mve accom- plished other skills Most have \prggresed in sortie way. Irwin; seen the program is I whole I can detett no immediate regress. but having seen the et. ect of similar proernt' Ind tea- dership over a number of years. I can usure you, the public. that the results Ire positive no that without them we would not have nettrt.y turh a happy -iiir, 3;“; iééi'a’riubn for ttie children "grunting lime. when [gent demands win be made upon t em "when they are grown 3nd “to theirJl-ce as men Ind wo- men of th I m.†Conn! You: Blessing: Cull be "l 41....“- - Nu Master playground petunia can. to a done In: badly as not†ot up†children “puck-d up" and tgtTd, Inlay .“good- bye" to eir "peruse“ wt out to the opening at school only AI 'Miss Wanda" t. H. Beauty Codes! - - In Wife.“ hum Highlighted by m amateur show All Vina-loo Part and a "beauty comes!" at the Central Housing pllyuound. the men weeks of tun incorponbd some 100 of Weterloo'a “under Mr Ill; puUtioo and kept them " streets " well u trom under um; patents' (at: _. JBrenda Shana; "Brownist Eyes", ySheryl Louise i"ititipt John Whaley; “Blundesl air", Donna Faber, Billy Neufeld: "Darkest ,lluir", Laura Fischer, Louis Ares;, “Smallest Child". Gay Tischlerq "Buggest Ears". Jerry Engine: q'lef/i'll Number of Teeth Miss-1 ing", Bills Neufeld; "Straightest Jiiee: Brenda Butler; "Curliest, Hair", Marlene Erickson: "one-l est Hair", Carol Bechard; “Bestf lBraids", Linda Case; "Reddest' Nose", Carol Rejesky tsupervi-,1 For): and "Baldest Pate", Gordon" Erickson: Five pl-yuounds were utilized: by the younuten, All of the“) were equipped with two undctv staadin girl teen-“rs prepondi to hunch: problems and tribal.- tions common to the younger at! [I'Léln QI-n ..-i-' CM.“ F-n, While the "seniors" from Cen-i, tral. Alexandra and St. Lou'u‘ School; attended the amateur show, Central Housing and Lids. ot Louie: "midgets" combined tur [ a "benmy contest", ( mun-Ir!" In“ i As two attractive supervtsurs. Carol Rejuky, Helga Goetz (and Chronicle photographer Henry Koch) attempted to discover who had the prettiest braids, moat turped-up nose. fairest hair and Nest eyes, the reporter tried to get the winners in line tor pic- tures. Amid such interruptions as "Where an I go to the wash- room?" and a miniature tight (“I punched him In the side of the head because he hit me") the camera line was 'PIU"'"'"" Lennon Contest winners {warez-“Most Freckles", Ricky Kieswetter, Art- gela Pietrich: "Tamed-1gp Ease". Prize awards consisted of lolly- oops and a hurried roll call was taken at the last minute to tind out, who swiped a package TO THE CANADIAN tilmMlil., EXHIBITION SCHENDEL STATIONERY " King St. N. Poncilc Eaton lino" Com 34h. lamb KITCHENER BUS TERMINAL AUGUST 23rd TO SEPTEMBER 6th (Except Sunday) DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS 'ttiff 'ass s'liltiti'., Exhibition 1t'lr'W1, lnvcllI-g on - buses will "and" u Toronto Bu: annual to buses run-III; Into the Grounds. TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT LEAVE KITCHEN!!! Tas m x 1.55 m x - (I: Gan. Gallic! & Joseph St. - Phone 2-4469 Por Children's rates see your Agént. IMAMAWWWWI [mu-gm . Mal-â€N“ "ik I . . . OVER 25 YEARS or SERVICE y ' . 1ter"6_6et4"heei-eGr-eaetgttgre6e" OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL a WATIILOO " Kill. Bt. N. WATIBW PM 2-5.“ FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE DON'T FORGET THE POLICE BICYCLE SCHOOL YOU ATTENDED . . . . (tr/tr/H" Hun IRAKES, STEERING cud LIGHTS look“ of!" Al PW m ETRIST 'ORMIILV 81“!!! ill? mm mum tent; ORVAL DORSHT WEEK! Pen-Cb. Foe-Min PM. Mahatma! hull: Cums THE BELLS WILL BE A-RINGING NEXT WEEK (Daylight Time) NOW " SCHENDEL’S WMaM/ qatd repaired month. We have a complete line of Accessories 'iEirL3, BAGS Iuitl(-'r0-Sth00t. ' SUPPLIES AVOID THE RUSH LEAVE EXHIBITION 10.80 pan. GET YOUR Typewriter Pods Pad. all! "no“ 1-3140