Ott-tee of the president, Mrs G. I. Huh, Mrs R E, Foster resid- od during the business fl w†W to drop the July meeting Members of St Peter's Luther League, Linwood, held their pic- nic at Three Bridges on Saturday afternoon Softball, games, etc., ‘were enjoyed A picnic lunch was enjgyed. _ -- -., -_ . n The June meeting of the W.MS was held Thursday night at the home of Mrs Albert Huh†Ten members and one visitor were -nt. Mrs Oscar Lam was in chug: of devotions and Miss V. . Hex-[mg Study Book In the -ieir" it}? Schummer Is spend. ing I couple of weeks with Mr and Mrs. Norman Muse). Kitth. Mr and Mr, Alien Richards North Greece, N Y, Mrs Francis Richards. St Thomas, Noble Greenway, Bluevale and Mrs El- vin Armstrong " Elma were newcomers, During the after- noon a sports program was com ducted by Mr and Mrs Elmer Ogrtun Following the picnic sup- per which was held m the pavil- lion, a musncal program was held Those taking part were Joan Stickney. Eva Ogram. Bruce Ogram, Miss Loreen Karlson and Mr. and Mrs Ira Armstrong M'ly Steven presxaea. a: we pre§idenL Mrs Norma Ems, was absent Mrs Rachel Seiberl was the oldest descendant present and her grandson, Gary Seibert, the youngest Next year's reunion will be held m Stratford Park on the third Saturday in June With the following officers President, Mills Ogram; serretary-terasurer, Ethel Ogram. program commu- tee, Mr and Mrs Clifford Good- win; Ind sports commutes. Miss Loreen Karlson 2i,iirsijige to-usGu,ss period Muss may iet?trt Rresxded. as the A quarter of a century makes many changes, many of the old familiar faces are gone from our midst and new faces are added. Of the ninety-seven relatives and friends who attended the first re- union held on the river flats at the home of the late Richard Armstrong on July 7, 1928. twen- ty were present this year, Just four of our members namely: Mra. Ezra Stickney, Mrs Richard Ogram, Mrs Clifford Goodwin and Miss Ethel Ogram have the distinction wt never having missed - .r. n ' " The twenty-htth annual reun-l ion of the Ogram and Milneri families was held Saturday, June 21, 1952. m Indian Cliff; park at Elora. Despite the fact, that the day dawned cloudy and cool about fifty descendents Jour-' neyed forth and shortly after they had gathered the sun began to shine making il quite an ideal afternoon for a picnic. ' On Thursday night Donegal met Linwood here in the North, Perth Independent Softball Dengue. The score was 31-24 for Donegal. l Donegal Ptr-t . _vr.NN 450 441 5tib--3I' Linwood __...-...-.-.. 410 430 408-24, Batteries: Buchanan, Johnston/ Albrecht, Jones Hammar and Karley. ( 033m-Milner Age-anion. ' "HEAR Mrsf Alt Tuby, Kitch- ener, visited Sunday with Mrs Ggqrge Manser_and Jetrgt, _. . Mr. Grant Schneider accompa‘ nied Messrs. Arthur Rank, Cross- hill, and Anthony Meyers, St. Clements. to Trafalgar on a busi- nee trip. - n Mr, and Mrs Eli Sauder, SN Jacobs were week-end visitors‘ with Mr. and Mr, I. B. Martin; Mrs. George Manse: and Mr. and) Mrs. Earl Smler, A I Rain which fell here during the week-end wlll help to freshen crqps, gardens. berries. etc., but more rain IS needed, 7 _ uw - -.---- -i-l" t a unable game: after find and.“ w enloyed. Iona-ring is the “than M Kathleen: We, friends and admuers o! _ have taken the hang um waning ot gathering aroun you to show our mums: in your wel- hre and to show our bud re- -iiis7s' 33yrcie Burfwtt, Stratford, "e" tty _tett,k-vend at her home "Mrs, F, H Schummer ts spend- ing a week or two with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Massel, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Ear; Carnochan. Kitchener and Joyce Saunders, Waterloo were Saturday “sums with the former}. father. Mr Wm. Carnochan. -- We 2hrt" that you are lawn; our mi t, because your ready smile. pleasant personalsty and My laugh have helped to cheer 9 may of us at‘variou.» tunes. Rev. H, w Baetz, Elmira, was the guest speaker tor the Decor}. than Day servxce held Sunday af- umoon m St Peter's Lutheran gameteâ€. Rev. Walter Coos, pas- r, was m charge, Prior to the service the graves were decorat- ed with summer flowers, The Schneider reunion waM held Saturday at Three Bridges. The younger set enjoyed games‘ and races during the afternoon while their elders sat about chat- ting. A meme supper was en-J joyed. The evenmg was spent in' dancing wnh music supplied by" Irvin Schneider, St. Cle'mentsJ Ernie Goodwin, Waterloo and Ali' Ian Rank, Hessen Road, Approx-I imately 100 attended from Luv towel, Plattsville, Twin Cities, Heidelberg. St Clements, Lin-; wood arutvic1m1r . I is. commumty wsll not seem the same without you, We would hke you to weep! this we! of luggage as a remenr brace of the respect and up pry.Eiart'.urn in syls/ch you are held. "We hope that when you use this luggage, tt may remind you of your friends 1n this communi- tr.. ' .. ' . . - _ In closing we would like to ex- tend to you our every good wall for your future prosperity and happiness, _ . _ . ill/hiss Clonal T'raynor, London, visited tor a day with hermlster. Mrs. Jack Friedman. N - _ Oahu-.1 Your Linwood triends The "C ALIFORN IA" by MANUFACTURERS OF FINE LIVING ROOM FURNITURE .FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY _ Congratulations . . . _ to Waterloo County , on its Extend WA CENTENNIAL OF WATERLOO and MONTREAL LIMITED 't WE HAVE PROGRESSED WITH WATERLOO COUNTY UNTIL our NAME IS KNOWN FROM COAST TO COAST AS THE STANDARD OF UPHOLSTERED QUALITY. 1885 I. HE FOREFATHERS OF OUR FOUNDERS CAME HERE IN 1806 OR 67 YEARS 19