Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Jun 1952, p. 6

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l FARM PAGE l Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Butter solids, first grade " ten- derable and sew-56%. nomten- derable; second grade, no prices established. _ Cash Prices: Oats: 2 cw. 19%; ex, 3 cw, T6%; ex. I feed, 76%; 1 feed, 74%; 2 feed, TIV. 3 feed. 69%; mixed fegd. " A h Barley: I and 2 cw B-row $1.- 22%; 1 and 2 cw 2-row, $1.22%; 3 ew 6-row, SI 2051.; 2 cw yeliowc "i9%; 3 cw yellow, 31.17%; 4 cw. 6-row, 33,1573; 3 cw 2-x‘ow.1 51.19%; I feed. £11535; 2 feed; 31.14%: 3 teed. tr09%, - "iiyeriand i cw, $1.96%; 3 cw, 31.91%; rej. 2 cw, $1.82; 4 cw. $1.- TTLFrgtoty, $1 T?.; gggck,_$l.96%_,_ The fresh egg market continues; to hold steady at yesterday's price} level. The top grades are down; in quantity due to production fall. ing on and the larger percentage ot Grade B In current production. since paying prices for eggs were Increased old hen marketings tor poultry meat have retarde and; there " now a one to two cent: incrense In fowl prices. 1 Grade A large r, --._.... ___ ___-er. 47-48? Grade A medium size ._wrrN.. 45-48 Grade A small size .VtPF_ 'e. _.. M-35: Grade B .r.__..r_r____'__r.' w.,,.r,rtr... 3041/ Grade C "el'"" "-""y""""'C"' 28-30, Flax: f cw. $3.f19%; t cw, $3.- 84%: 3 cw, 53 45ta: 4 cw (unquot- ed); track, $3 89h Kitchener market on Scum butthatlhmwmolt‘h-n turNeenuomailbaaketott"t - EeirirsGrad tslsghtly to M noun a duet; for um lug Grade A large brought " and . TtyRoNT0.-uuttle prices were stead to 50 cents higher on steers and {rm on other grades today at the Ontario stockyards. Pfttft stile 1,590; calves 610; hogs 1, TO; sheep and lambs 200. The estim- ated holduver is 300 cattle, Vernon Buuman t Son Potatoes Still Scarce As Hen’s Teeth at Mart Butter, ttr, " to " a”: Extra iarge, dozen, M; Luge, dozen, " to 53; Medium, dgun, 'O,' Pullels, dozen, 40; Dou- 2,1iiatiti,e -iii:"idisrtoea, bag. :1; Small, basket, 75 to $1, Cabbage. mamjeozenno- LIVESTOCK PRICE Cattle Steady at Toronto tioongthast No lure IS blowout prool. But mly the Goodyear LfeGuard Safetv Tube elves you remix trrotectron agarnsl b owns! Iangers’ And LteGuards are re-usable good for 100,000 mules or more ot blowouttsafe driving-out. last 3 qets of mes! Ftgure the savmesyourseurSeeustodayfor Potatoes, PEI. and N.B. " tir Potatoes we mm- n sue-ch 1.0 l? :0;ng ttypeh,' Dead and crippled Farm Animals removed promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect Guelph - - - 33M Elmira - - . “A GORDON YOUNG LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Egg Quotations Butter Prices Potato Prices Grain Prices Phone S-MOS DEAD Mott wholesale to Retail A large sue wrtmrtw_r____.. A medium size WrteFW» A small size '.i-r__..__N for you! old "rbe. LTD. 39-41 36-38 34-35 52 “ so land good steers bringlnf 826.50- (827.50 while mediums so d down- award to $23, Good heifers sold at, 526-3161». Good cows sold mosh 'ly 32150-323 with heifer cows up-r ‘ward to $24.50 while choice led} [you-ling; were $26.50-$2T.50. Good slackers sold at 826.321" , Calves were steady at $25-$21 torl wood to choice-vet ers with com- (mon to medium at 817-324 ands ‘stock calves from $26-$30. Hogs were $2tt tor grade A with' ““3231 M. mm! sows $16 dressed. l... 2, Mn. Phone 2-3653 Good lambs were steady at $30, Every Man, at Lancaster Layb Common to medium sheep sold stock Market, ot cattle, p131. from 35-815 poultry, etc, "a. l Pork same. from, it" 58; Smoked, tb., 68; Blood slun- 'dr tb., SS; summer "ere, tb., 7 ; Head chose, ltr., to; Liver, a,1 lb., M: Liven beef, 1b., 86; um. treats, 1b.. 'r. Ham, smoked. 1b., 02; Beet, tb., M. Fowl: Chicken.-- You§ broil- ersleq 55; Yearcold, Ib,, TT' --. ESTo'; -aiaatua, no io n; Cil- a: youth, " to tr, Caron. up Choice steers closed qt t20.S0- up: with one lord. seliinctt, g2) It"; um III., - - In, 55; Old, 1b., as; floaty, (Elem. lb, 40; Tomatoes, qt basket, 40 to " CASE MODEL S TRACTOR With P.T. Several good used FORD TRACTORS 236 King Se. E. ALSO EXCELLENT FOR ANY FARM WORK "so-. v, Ton MERCURY - MASSEY-HARRIS PONY TRACTOR FARM Specials l 949 Hydraulic Cultivator and Plow 1949 - 2 Ton FORD - Stake, PiaHorm 1949-3/4 Ton FARGO - Cattle Truck FORDSON MAJOR CORONET MOTORS UO. With Plow 'WimCaaeoftibsl)!latmgir1flflrinhu Coronet Motors Va Ton FORD - Pick Up SEE THESE BUYS AT KITCHENEI AT - rm & SON , Man Po.. M saw-:2 Klan } Every Thursday, at 1.00 pan.-- (Cattle, Rigs, sheep; ctlvsy. gangs. a dim.» d'aMg,1tttu."el,tg'ct' _ tie/ide/il iatrrGi.--saie of gunk. on. calves. shag. homes, Implements. etc, at Art ur Sale: Cattle, tle sheep. calves. horses, etc, u "sinner Stock Yum. No, , aim-z NEW the ei.tr. . Cuclph {baht-y. it amt. n‘m'f’ r Swab iaCta7sk" In; Lid honkhold' clients toe Miss Lenore Klein tn New Ham. burg, lwry hand: . 1 51M 7 3:04an- -riia Jawa-a THE-i ' _ lt Every £011., , Parc-AJ-sun- , 3“. “W It-ttold M 1cm Kiieiiiiser "titakrdiits Ltd., ot eat- 'ie, Trip, horses, etc , on the Bus- fit; hitter,', “a!!! B. mm. W M a. his. Every Monday ttt Ane.ater-- Livalock ale. 7 "ii/ir/afar), It the Liatowel Livestock Sale. may My " the Stratum! Livestock Sde he"; -rtiiEiTi, ‘sJWiJn; ti, lair, 'tanc-rurtsi- am urn-n. a:- Ind- rl'." ' in -- " iii, Expn‘u Body PM. 7-7303 1450.00 125.00 _r, f!!! '33,!“300, M Six youn people were con- tlrmed at it. James Lutheran) Church on Sunday morning, namely: Jean Seibert. Beatrice Rattan, Jack Ruttan, Brion Kan-I mlcher. James Weiss and Donald‘ Jacob Jr, Rev. D, J. Glebe olhci-) ttted and chose as the text for his} sermon Matt. 6:33. In his remarks to the Confirmation class. Rev, Mr Glebe urged them to remember this thought. "t have promised to 6rst seek God's kingdom and; God's righteousness". The con-l ttrmants and their parents the“ partook of Holrtomitunion, The ( The first meeting in the series the afternoon was spent in com- on "Children of Other Lands" pleting all the unfinished hand was held by the Baptist Mission work and sewing that had been Band at the church on wertnesdayyytte during the fall and winter. afternoon, An imaginary journey Refreshments were served by the was taken on a magic carpet to hostess, China where Kathryn Sherk was Rev C. F Krauth of Kitchener dressed as a Chinese girl Mrs} occupied the pulpit of the BaptLst ard W3“? told t,dsdo,rvv, about; Church on Sunday morning. trttt. tones on _n " were to Holy Communion was observed by Mrs. Oliver 5"'g"gi,rl'te t"fat the United Brethren Church Mary Joyce Buck. . ttne _ an der, on Sunda morning with the pas- Veen was dressed in Indian COS" tor Rev l Sider omciatin The tume. Special prayers were ofter- choir sang . . ed for these countries. The 'u- . niors sang a selection in one of a===7.=== =a7c==i-u-u-=u.-r----Lu----" the African languages. During) the work period the childrenl made Chinese coolie hats. The superintendent, Mrs. Emerson; I Harper was in charge of the pro-) gram and a sing-song was also en- OVIns joyeyi. s -. n. ,7 w-" A "Everybody Needs the Church" was the topic discussed at the bi- weekly meeting of the ua. Chris- tian Endeavor Society held at the church on Friday night. Mrs. .135 Cressman was the leader and sen- tence prayers were oftered. Rev E. Sider also gave a talk. Cameron puck underwent an operation at the IGW Hospital on Friday. Miss Lily Clause and Stuart Thede of Cleveland, Ohio, were ttrl','?] at the home of Rev. and rs. J H, Good for a few duys. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goodwin and daughter. Betty, ot Ayr, spent a tew days with the farmer's pur- eny, Musing Mty A_reli Qoqdwin. Mrs. E. T. Coleman presented " Bible study on the subject ot "Palm" at the regular meeting of [ the Bethel United Missionary Youngh People's Sodas? held at; the c urch on Thur ay MII) The president, Miss Elmore Ro- senberger occupied thechair and; Miss Arminthe Heist read the' scripture lesson, Miss Shirley, Coleman played a pianosolo and‘ Lingoln olemnn gave a vocal solo. Rev. J. H. Good and L. K. Bingemln attended the annual Ontario Conference of the United Missionary Church at StouNville last week. St. James Lutheran Ladies' Aid) met It the home of Mrs. Henry Becker on Wednesday night with the president. Mrs. Donald Jacob occupyinf the chair The res y", sive Psalm 27 was led by EMS” Areli Goodwin followed by pray-' er by Mrs. H Greulich. Mrs. Oli- ver Zinn read the scripture les, son. The members responded tol the roll call with I scripture verse) containing the word, '.?lttteth"c; Rev. D. J. Glebe conducted a Question Box. Lunch. was served! try Mrs. Albert Becker. Mrs, "l Bowman and Mrs. Milton Weiss E. Sider also (gave a talk. Rev. J. H. ood was the guest, speaker at the Decoration Day; service of the Ebenezer United, Missionary Church at Sunnidale last Sunday. He was accompanied; by Arthur Musselman. Miss Evan-: geline Good and Miss Erma Cole- man, -'etutistia r, l .iis.LAs “when" Stockyu'dn Lt calla. pigs. bones. etc, on Bruin high- home of In. James Main on Wednesday his: The Td""gh Miss Sylvia k resided and the members mpomred to the roll call by uVIm u [Home Bible verse, Mm. in gave . reading and the worship period wu con- ducted by Mrs. Roy Gildner. mum u I mm in... ad'QL"o'."gt.'h'tra The June meeting of the Baptist Hinton Cinch \vu held " the home of In. June; Main on Mn. Harold Poth presided tor the remainder of thcopro‘ram the uric ot which was bb and: Ligne M ssion in Quebec" and had been arranged by Mrs. Gildner and Mrs tuart Roeenberger, Read- ings were given by Mrs Wilfred Santa. Mrs. Oliver Zimmerman and Mrs. Emerson Harper, Miss Hazel Dinner sang a solo and I period of intercessory prayer was held, Refreshments were served by the hostess. New Dundee : I. . f.'ldhdttrAp " mam... by Beth Shantz. Mrs. Clayton Cressman altered prayer. Stories were given by Carol Schmidt and Kathryn Cressmnn and poems wereread by Karen Shanta and Esther Beer The remainder of the afternoon was spent in com-‘ pleting all the unfinished hand) wprk and sewing that had _treett: The Charity Band of the Blew heim Mennonite Church met at the home of Mrs, Gordon Bean last Saturday afternoon. The Are: sident, Marilyn Good presided and the scripture lesspn was read Rev. J H, Good was again sta, honed as pastor of the Bethel United Missionary Church for am other year at the annual Church conference held at Stouftvilie last week. " Kill: St. N. The K iddiK in Shoppe tio % Moving SALE - Open Friday Night till 9 - ON ALL STOCK From THURS, JUNE 19 to SAT., AUGUST 2 We rash Family Allowance cheques. wuznoo "a... 2-9624 Discount AT Robert Lundy ts a patient at St, Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, He suffered a compound fracture of the left leg while playing softball with the local team at Shakes, peare last Thursday night. This ts the third misfortune that has struck the Lundy family this spring, Mr. Lundy also under- went an appendectomy and a few weeks ago their little daughter, Heather was knocked down by a car on the street in front of their home and suttered cuts and bruises WOIKINO Wtttt CANADIAN' ON EVERY WALK 'MY HANH' n) Eli-Em - 't V £238 MAM“ mm Waterloo Branch, Cor, king and Erb Streets HENRY ALLAN, Manager Ontario's Lakeland beaches are ideal sum- mer playgrounds for farm ily groups. The youngslers are safe near the shallow water and the whole family beneRts from the invigorating air and healthful summer sunshine. You'll enioy going by bus. ASK YOUR [OCH AGENT ABOUT "MGMWAY TOURS” to AM nuts or m: 1t.S.A 40 FOUNDATION HOLSTEINS 40 BANK or MONTREAL mu ?m: a“; Tickets and Inform-lion at The &oruvvit SW “pi-lam! . Accredited Friday, June 27th, 1952 - , EM. at HAYS SALES ARENA Top Full culvmg cows and homers HAYS FARMS LIMITED - "te Mom.” Box " Oakvllle. Ontario - Phone mum: GRAY COACH LINES "a mile west of Trahlnr on No. s Kuhn-y between Toronto and Hamilton By Roe Farms Sen/la Dept. R.O.P. NORTH BAY MIDLAND . JACKSON'S PT. ll?! SINCI III? __ Open heiters .7- Calves (Subject to Change) Phone oiviie mo TeV Vocclmd t6.60 wl)‘ 7.05

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