Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Jun 1952, p. 4

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District l News From fh1t_9ttttenppndtrr1t, ALLEN SHIRK Ltd Mrs. Ivan Bamer read a paper on "Mission Work m South Ame- The funeral of the late Ron Hamilton of Doon was largely at- tagtded on Thursday afternoon, June 12th. From St Andrew's Prat: terian Church, Kitchener Rev, Enlny G stewfrt.ofBcjpted h mi: ot The “mind"; It. Deco United Church on Sun- by mormng, lav. H G Cleghurn of Preston conducted the 1::er at an Psychytermn Chunk on SundAy " the ctiurch and the Doon Cemetery where interement was qarorrgmyut ltr;?' ‘ Mr. m”. ovér the-ia-ere/sito-ia-ii; the cool waters to gun some Ill.- yution from the pre-summer tad LifeGuards are re-usable -rgttt?tt " l00,000 miles or more . tAmout-sate driving-out. a 3 can of tires! Figure the -irwyoamelf!See us today for WATEILOO IllDGEPORT UFEGUARD ‘AFETY TUBES BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE It: you old ' Adults 75c IT'S COMING . . * * * Featuring A A STARS OF RADIO - - " STAGE H. [um 91 091qu 'rFillE CKNX BARN DANCE BROADCAST WATERLOO ARENA ot SAT. JUNE 21 DANCE TO FOLLOW - 9.” TO " TERRAZO FLOOR tt P.M. SHARP do trom tar FROM THE NEWLY-RENOVATED 5.5813 2-2793 with the smart, new Wesley Pearcy spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and [Mrs Thomas Pearcy of Rockton. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Battier and ison Brian spent Wednesday at the ;home of Mrs. Battler's sister, Mrs. iRalph Hubacheck and Mr. Hube- "theck of Kitchener. [ Miss Anna Mae Holtzhauer, (bride-elect of June 14, was the 'guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Ethel Wilfong. The guest of honor re- ceiyeq my): gifts. _ Mrs. Charles Han. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Noble and son, John, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tilt and daughter Susan of Maple spent the week-end at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tilt and Miss Ethel Winona. Jack Wilfong was host at a party for James Ayres, who was married Saturday. The guest of honor was presented with a smok- ink stand. LAC. Ray Faplkner, R.C.A.F‘, Ottawa, is spending 18 days leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Faulkner. Mrs. D. Campbell and two sons spent a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mty?re of Egghsh Settlement, - Max Schaal of Oshawa spent the week-end at the home of his mother, Mrs. Helen Schaal. Mrs. Fred Hobbs and daughter Earls attended a family picnic at Att on35yyyuy. _ _ 7 _ - -Mr. Wiuiani Grimwood ot St. Catharines spent the week-end wig: trittruly in (hehvillage. Howard Gibbons and sons Mur- ray and Itoy and Jerry Pteitter were visiting m the United States over the week-end. Jack Skipper of Guelph was visiting at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Skipper over the week-end. John Perme of Buiralo, N.Y., spent the week-end in his home in the village. Mrs. Paul Worden IS a patient m St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. Mrs, A, G. Wolfe " a patient m St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. Miss Alma Thom: has returned to her home alter spendiaJhm weeks In the K-W vital. Kitchener, where she wu under- foing treatment, Her may riends will be glad to hear she is progressing favorably. Churet.tthrtsmneatMrwD- aid _ylolte. In Chal- Tut, tpt"ttt,rgtrhe1ett'tr,t,ieg: IrwGmireeArrearradttsey.hiit- n in”: me, July M. Ilte- lruhmu were served at the close at the (new. Friends, neighbors 1nd rel- uves gathered at the home of Mr. and In. G. Stump! for a knick- knack demonstration on W.dnqe day evening. Mr and Mm. Howard Gibbons and children Doreen and Roy were visiting Murra Gibbon; " Beachvme on '4l'JJlLt MISS Kate Cluthe has returned to her home here after srnd'mg two weeks on business In oronw. weic made to had the mud Sundaf School and Chum picnic nt Wi low Like, July M. Ite- iii uuuylncA, "no. l-vw- -eMe.te""'ieer Sunday visitors It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Penny were Mr. and Mrs. James Peters of Oshawa. Mrs. T. Pearcy and son.{ George, and Mrs. Russell Pollock) and sortllotf ok Retort. "iriri"cGcifirHimnton sggnt a few days with friends in itch- ener. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Pedereski and family of Galt spent Sunday at the home of the latter': par- ents, Mr. ap_d hays-A. same). . Mr. and Mrs. A. Leach and fam- ily have moved their household effects to Gait district where they? will reside. "ikrsriirrHeist of Waterloo spent a tew days at the home. of her dayghter, Mtg. Rost Hfmilton. ' Elfbgggesms. Mr, and nuts, "owe'r7 Russian squirrel neckpiece ~7â€" Miss Etta Bowman was a busi- NT!” fi'g,tt will reside " WR. 2,: ness visitor m Galt on Friday. ew Hem ure. , Sunday visitors at the home of, Relahves and friends here have‘ Mr, and Mrs, Victor sttscurtnarsAr,tty informed that Mrs. zen.) were Mrs. Lorne Muunnan ofE.llis, former resident of Plum-1 Millbank and Mr. and Mrs. Artiille, late of Toronto, has moved' Kauk and children Freddie and/from that city to take up Ttfy) Kathy of Kitchener, Ldence at a home she has put., Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Stumpqchased on Willow Street, Witer-l and children Gary, Gail, Sharon‘ loo. l and Donna, spent I few days " Gardens, crops, pasture and the home of Mrs. Stumpt's pnr- hay GOES would be much 1,en.t!ly/ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Hergott of)“ by S owers as the land is very. Kitchener, _-___ . pry. I Bay. Mr, and Mrs, Lester Weilnnd and daughter Joan of Kitchener were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard/nfs.... _.. "u' -___.. TTCT' -__-e"e"" __ - . "PF""" Murray Gibbons ut Benchvnlle white I spent a few days at the home °“and cor his stems. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Russian Gibgons. . ( “an John Noble and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Matt. They also attended the tun- eral ot Mrs. F, B. Hatt ot Pike The United Missionary Church, New Dundee, made an ettective setting in all-whit. ot gladioli stocks and orange blown“ for the ceremony uniting in marine number at the India t. The bride-elect was (com: per- sonal shower b In. Eta-nor Ro- seetherger uni In tantrum Hoover as Joint haste-es at In: Roaenberger's home at New Dun- dee. Twenty ladies 'tttended. A bride's book and I may. book were compiled during the oval- ing. The bride of honor war pre- sented with her gifts in I tnate- fully decanted” and white wheelbarrow F rooms were guy with the trnditional colors, the Min Betty Shula and In Hoover give humorous readings. cent bereavement Mrs. trunk Brown's ft't'tg Mr. W. H. Jones of Salt Coates, Sash, has arrived the past week to spend the summer with rein. tives here, Shanta-Shovel] Wow-c. muudmm Children 50c "m athy is extended to “in: Kaiser in her re- "’ - wealth” day. She carried 0 our .£i°‘de o Christmas beauty to.“ a. Ro- and twphuwtis. um Etinbre " Gi'iel,aen.trrrdtr, New Dundee, we: _ iiiiiieid orttmsor. She wore I mell- Dun- pink whisper Melt: 'own in d A unplug Iter with matching 500k French lace jacket. cm- Bridesmaids, Miss Doris Shanta, I pre- f New PrtyhttN of the bride- tnate- (room, Mus ith Hall of Platte whit-{ville Ind humor bridesmaid, line were Mariorie ourke, Alienford, cou- Jiiiijiiii of the bride, wore gown; ot In; forget-me-not blue, skull" to Inn that worn by the maid of honor, ed mime Bower 1tl was Shirley Pe~ ' re- ten. Plum/1 1e, wen-in; , (rock of pink whisper mm. with blue _ M ‘velvet tub. All “womb cuk 't a: i tied [are tens mptchtng their 'lTetlFiie and Pinocchio and rosette rose; [ rein [ Mr Darcy Shana, New Hem-1 "sure, brother of the tpridegroom/ was but men, Mr. Elwood To- mln, Mr. Clare Snider, Mr, Leon} rur.ch, Schlichtet‘ and Ross Ron Howell, 1eyrowen Sound, were when. A wedding recegtlion was held {at the Hacienda, ttterloo. The /mo!her ot'the bride wore a navy ‘sheer crepe dress with lace ac- ieents, navK accessories and cor- 1sage of C ristmu beautay roses. T'I‘he mother of the bri egroom wore a dusty rose crepe dress with lace trim pink and navy the- ceeorit.s and INlr.sMe pf tea roses. Gardens, crops, pasture and hay crogs would be much benefit, g by s owers as the land is very ry. For the wedding trip to Perm. Silvana, the bride game a nevi! uglish wool gabardine suit wit white red and navy accessories Ind forsMe. ot_¢ard_enias on her I'.", g.tiarid 1trttttrm,'lr, M rtt'ilYiiP2it7 fifififiaulfimm 9.Pe. DININGIOOM SUIT! Walnut Finish . 9-Pe. DININGROOM sum Walnut 141 METAL a$ttettte sm Block and Red 21,50 2-Pc. CHESTERFIELD P"" 19.50 & up S-Pe. cunom {we Grey and yellow. New " 6-Pe. xrrcucu -stjiiii- 39.95 & up S-Pe. STUDIO COUCH” 3..Pe. autumn surri Green and Red - Tapestry ”9.50 HAVENPOITS EXTENSION TABLE Walnut Recently overhauled Walnut console TABLE and 4 CHAIRS 2-Pc. DAVENPORT surf: Blue tapestry ”.50 9'92, Itrpf AUTOMATIC WASHER 3 lunar Clan Jewel GAS STOVES White " lb. ICE sexes 24.50 a. up Console GAS STOP" - Loundenl Mount ELECTRIC STOVE Apt, size. N Broiler and Oven Control, Like new 199.50 once-in-et-Lifetime Bargains BULLAS BROS. TRADE-IN STORE 92 ONTARIO SOUTH "no. N)" ”TONI“! SALE at 12.50 & up 69.50 & up 149.30 I29.” 74.50 29.50 59.50 74. " 49.50 Mr. and Mrs. George Squire and tam“?!I spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. enry Schmidt and Dor- othy in Waterloo, Mr and Mrs. Aaron Bender and Edmund attended the Bender re- union held at the Park in New Hamburg on Saturgay. Mr. Edwin Hammond and an» ters, Mrs. George Alcheson ot Guelph and Mrs. Albert Stewart of Campbell called at the home: of John L. Hammond and Mrs. R. Foster, Smugday. - 7 In. Gag-bk amp-3:5» Mr. and Mrs. George Baxter at, tended the funeral of the latter's uncle, Norman Calder in South- ampton with burial in the Lis. towel Cemetery, Thursday, June 13th. vest ot Rest", and In: Ruth Shana reed. the plug? of scrip- ture peruuung to this ymn. In. Layton Hotstitter, Misses Betty Chriatenson and Gywinith Habel an; "The Haven of Rest" as a trio accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. Barrett thanked the guests and members otjhe glam: served lunch. Blenheim Musical Festival was held on Tuesday, June 11th, at Drumbo u a result the Public School at Plattsville was absent ‘liug Ruth and Betty Shanta an; n duet. For her second ic- ture, Ws._Hoover chose "The gla- trom lessons Crosshill t VI farm t.tfsiptdr, 't and)” mu Gamma tGia-at pm, WM . I‘M-m. of fH?ri3y hymns; Th; I". Got- M6 KING ST. EAST 'iiiiiiiutrhni' “I my: CORONET MOTORS LTD,, Measure the Difference in Com%t for You IEST I fl" “MEI LACE TO But Mr, and Mrs Walter Barnaby of Guelph, Mrs. Fred Stricken Mr, and Mrs. Cprmen Dron and daughters of Mooreheld visited wish Mrs. R. Foyer and (gully. Mrs. William Wilford and Tho, mas visited with Mr, and Mrs, Ed, ward Habermell and family in Waterloo on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Nbltgicr YOUR FORD - MONARCH DEALER KITCHEN“ / MM, I'M-4.6m,“ ’PMWMM 'C'? _anadian Bank of Commerce Buy out of irrcoma-oo- “In for " “TIME PAYMENT" ' Am..-” and Joseph of Castorland, NY,, attended the funeral of Mrs. Not- tswr’s aunt, Mrs. Peter B. O. Schmidt m Wellesley also spent a few days with relatives here. Mrs Mary Henmpel of Kitch, 6L6 per cent of Canadian In rnvr and daughter. Mrs, Ezra; urban dwellers and 38.4 rat cent Hammer and Mr. Hammer andgure rum! dwellers. In 901 the Mr, and Mrs, George Emsley otwercentattes were almost "tsetly New Hamburg, Mr, and 'Msrsy'reseAai', You in! lob! Yen-'1. “I. you: own money, no not, - counts. And been. you'u a will you; lady, you'll be opening I Suing: Account " you: M of The Commerce right "mr. We're expecting you. and we hue a welcome present My. It's . handy purse the booklet celled, “It's Simple “a You Know How" . . . A1Ud with helpful tips on day to day banking. It was written especitlly for you. write .0 From: tony, Hood OM“, Tho Canadian led: of Comm. Tm MfamwpymmbcolMu Menno Hahn ot St. Jacobs were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wil- ham Vull and Arthur, ”ION! 7-730!

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