it' miï¬Ã©tfï¬avirmmm _::)" Our Correspondents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Card have returned to their home in Florida and Mrs, Eva Fleishauer to her home in Little Rock, Ark., after spending a week's holidays at the Mr, and Mrs. Fred Budd, Miss Pat King, Charles Drager, Keith Creighton and Trevor Jones, were among those who attended the Mutual Life Association "Blos- som Bail" in Waterloo, Friday evgping. _ _ 7 from Will al. The p on: races rally rm Mr. and Mrs. A. Livingstone and two children of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe. loo at English Settle Hamburg, Do I'mnsburlg dete Shir de eated ing softball from "'rll'lll'ml w - the aim..." "WM" "if; g. M Inch- upon - a with" d PROBLEMS " water supply and Bood control have plagued the world since the beginnlll; M “In. Ittese Greek villagers lave learned how to BR. HUGE L. mm: “and: (at tho left), Dim-General o! the [hind Hmong Milled Assistance Admira5steatuas, I: mgr-lu- hted by Tue. tbeeeetary.Geateeatt Tune He, upon he children l Nrii,','l',t, tr ‘school cunning.a at! Victoria rk, Gated Doon in the open- :bal] times. Blair won lliamsgurg 2-10 in the tln- program comprised vari- s, Wililamsburg won the The tivis Settlement, ideteated the cued Doon in Gibbons » week-er "ems, Mr, [Ba attended h p rk, Kitchener, a five schools u Arthur Curd. r and Miss Tuesday u of nt, Plains, and Blair, d at the and Mrs. of tive sols were: Inns. Wil- ilair, Wil- Plains and Ben-twine schools Water- How Harold Schiedel has returned to his home after spending three weeks in Pennsylvania and other states in USA. Mrs. Ross Gildners and daugh- ter, Ginny, ot Kitchener, ant, I few days at the home of r. and Mrs. Lawrence Cluthe. at the inn: ot Mr. oid In "u All; - Mim gun] Amy.. ot 9.yetrth “(I June- Arms ot I the week-ad It the parents, Mr. and Ayres, Mr and In. Geo mew of Strasburg " 'Mr and Mrs. G mew of Strum?†at the home of r Mr. and M; and 'tatt' were vi ting t Weilmd's pan Richard Jones Mrs. Arlene and Jc day? w Mrs. Mary Graham ot Renfrew is spendiv a few months " the hlome of r. and Mrs. Ross Hm- i tom Mrs. business few days daughter. and Mr. C and Mr. Cluthe. LAC. Raymond Faulkner of Quebec is spending two week! leave at the home of his aunts. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fnufkner. J ol ghter' Joan min; " the , parents, (tn-ms, viaitor ll it the home Lawrence -tsrset,arttrs-etuirue-" ummmmmmmbum "o"r'"r'e"e"mi-ureuae.gsctr, George antholo- I "rent Thursday M. John Gum. . 93 Reader was a In Gall on Mon- protect their crops and control their than by using Idle manpower [at mr-tunity develop- ment, another phase at anaemia: an prom ht"rrtshe1tr-ttrrdheet-tttt-ranst- Pe' 9.P9hteCryye1ns. looking on Is Mr. a. nun oiben, tin. Raisin: GG"iaGufaiiii in than " the Department of Economic Main. Lester star Welland of Kitchener home of In Mr. and In spent u of her Clothe Mrs. D, Campbell and ttytygtrn? and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Quelch and children Patsy, Rose, Fern and Jimmy, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moore of English Set- tlement. Misses Doreen Gibbons and An- Mrs. D, Campbell and ttytygtrn? .u In- --" n -_-, '4‘ =___,q,. _ n f t . riti.',r,'t,_,')strii,/"':rscji'r,,_sr, _, em. : _ , ." ',r'c"fh'iii'ii,"rii ',j,'?,frii'lririejis; "s", . . ,r_' "'1' ' F A -m FNq H.312: )1' ’4 N 1. ' .3, cr "itits11fpl;' 'Ir/it/hits ', . C,,, 3 ' I., Ws". . 'is"""?? 'b", 3:3 {if}: _ " . _r. 2%: i":)Hti,'ij'iifrie, frtrr'tt,rr l.., ', ssy,AjisrYci1s11thltj, I tttgr?, , j a - 3... l I 19%;, ' f†.3 v-isriti" ' ‘ " FQ 3 ba ERi) ,g;t,f'"" 'tta, 1 ',, 33.. 3 C' "', 3n; .1» (3;... -.~' - tsirrW3ita"iii2 _ . 'i, T 3 _ b. b, 3.3 _ 1,3 . " . ;.;:;.‘. .. l .' r)"; ’7 i P _' .1 _,iisjti, tis'3,i'ic/cr't_ " " â€$33.3 a??? " T. tt 't ' yaw! ' _ 'err) 'Frey, " tji.'.?':', 's'i"s%it 2.323.333 .1» ':9" .27.. n- . 3&45; 'r" 1r.,'i9,NRtiWfrr)f?tttrg. t' tr, 5939325 J, 13,35 ', . .. f 5 .r"r'rt F, (ti' an; C' N z . r'it"R4 .i9.T4. r t tr, f _ (.iiiid'i,. , 'IC; .s,cita, .2135 wr Ir , 'ti?,, "ij J "rir, rt?: l "8 ,3 _:"iti/ li" _ " A' (rr"":. , sf .3 s8 I _ ;1; 'i?geL, '3; '.' 'ri'ifi'l/, 3 k: e tr,at rriirv,, _ "e,/v?t'r, .3 bei; r: C iisi'i)t?st ' 3 _ _ C _ Irs,' rf iss,,rri: 33%: "Ms §‘W1‘§§§ tc, . ( ;43’341 7933/3 1,1 . 'rsr . " "i.' (_ias','vfiat,)i,':i") 1 ' , _ l saw .3-.. . bee .11 i. _ f tr' 3.. :6 “rm; _ 31;. r. . ' "s "iri):,';"ri')'r ' ,. "ierji'ici') f was/f F ‘3" i Si, f 55': _ C f??? A 11% t "t “if: ""ri?,_,'iCmwa,b1' t - _ (A 71" t 7 g, t g . ' .' :jr"/',r 1M 1htr'vs'i, I , ,sieir'" , 335' $1533 t . A, ' ' C .3 (fi,ri-ijis)' . Tar,)? CB' , g 3 >3: ")r:" 3; _ C 3 ",y"sr'/'r")r(")t. .:.;::=w 1“" I ' t 32-31 .3 'r,' . j' g q N cific,:,,-',?)')' .‘ a 3 "i, . _ 1 3. 's l "t" _ "R 33:333. AEi'st?ri, o. . " _ 3 - - . Ir .. _ 'tam 1" 'iagN _ wi*R W ly , . » gmt r Ft we "A C â€a v. /, , f t "', Trd 3'3 " 'tt 'iiatia iiilia'i'i, E. sed .1 v?“ M . Mk ' '; "ttN. _ 1aiiil . IMlrltil 'ii , r KI -s..0..M'. ; ... " T ; an; . . . ' targ .3 - 1 " ‘ Tw' , ' - 3 c" - It..' - . - . if} I .3337â€! i"vjp;2f A COLOMBIAN expert conduct T. ace ln minute- for As A RESULT 'tP. 1.... sl) . _ lt .. u. _ . q t" . yrrertete-iuar-tt-ittuetiiGrFiGGeTirri'tre International Bank [or Deconstructin- “a Development. The World Bunk h I Specialised Agency "ttated with U.N. day afiiii, ii Bert Skipper Len Holmes of Stratford was ttN at the home of Mr. and 341‘s oward Gibbons on Satur- ay. Mr. and Mrs. Len Potentier and famil . of Galt were visiting with Men}: here on Sunday. " A. Pt 9f Prestoy spent Sum; James Morgan of Galt spent a few days at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Wm. Guillette and Mrs. Guiliette. Wesley Pearcy spent Saturday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Penny of Rock- ton. Mrs. Neil Dawson and children Bonnie and Dean of Salt spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. o. Goddard, Douglas Smith of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alt Pfeiffer. Frank Pearcy of Galt was visit- ing at the home ot his brother, Wesley Pearcy and Mrs Pearcy on Friday. William "Gambia; Bf, ikiiidrriiient Sunday wit)! Wm. Grimwood, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rattler and son, Brian, were visiting at the home ot the former's sister, Mrs. Leo Scherer and Mr. Scherer of KingsdaLe. Tuesdgy; Miss Disreen Gibbons giant a few days at the home ot r. and Mts, Holmes of Stratford. nette Aves were visiting friends in Hamilton. Ross Hammad was a business vitittr. in Brantford ft..rridto' STEVENS MOTORS Limited minute. «in Vila-m WI KING ST. E. borne of MIT-Ting! Tiir There's a'S2 , MERE" lily ' il, 'ilrlillltllf _ ; d3tifgts ti,(littt Your MERCURY " LINCOLN - METEOR Dealer may: " anny urn-noun)? FOR aaurd f ws, convention held at New Hamburg. Mrs. C. §chiedel re- ported 22 missionaries having birthdays and Mrs. Andrew Fil- singer oNered prayer in their be- halt. Mrs. Jack Hallman gave a reading. Next month the latter's group will be in charge ot the -....... ( The W.S.W.S. and Ladies' Aid, Herve Haliman spent a few 'met in Grace E.U.B. Church Wed- J days at Goderich recently. nesday night for the monthly) Ronnie Stoltz of Alliston spent ‘meeting with 20 members present.' the holiday week-end here. Group 3 was in charge with Mrs.! Melvin Becker attended a Farm B. Holtzhauer as leader. Mrs. D.{Federation meeting at Hanover on bookie read the scripture lesson‘Thursday .He was accompanied and a poem. An article on the by his father, A. C. Becker, who, work of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow spent the day with his brother, Macke in Africa was read by theigacob and Mrs Becker at Mild-' leader. Mrs. W. Wanner and Mrs. may i ?!.o.1,tahauer reported on the W.S.- _ The June meeting ot the W.M.A. was combined with the midweek prayer service in the United Brethren Church. Rev. E. Sider was in charge of the opening prayer service. Mrs. Sider read a paper prepared by Mrs. M. B. Snyder ot New Dundee on the venture of the U. B. Church in Africa, This was followed by slides from the mission tteld shown by Mr. Sider with Mrs. Si- der bringing up-to-date interma- tion on the work and missionaries there, Mrs, A. Shelby presided for business. oiiiiiiiiiTr Giri, Mr, and ursiaoy l 'Jlfi't'uea,,"r :12}; “f: glindgemctg Rutherford and Mr. "Id Mrs. Geo. Brethren Church, Tuesday night Sullivan of Guelph. pm, mud and“- A, m.-.____. Roseville ' totreville . annual birthday social. During Charles Korman, Waterloo; Mr. . the business period the group de- and Mrs. J. A. Crawford, Newton " In. In“. new (cided to purchase Sliver for the and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gordon, (cm-set. “WW-“'0 church. _ Stratford. sunqay visitors; with Mrs. w. .../It.tfoy.rt.1/e,trttrit1eintss; Mr. Hy' Wy 905.109 .0099." y'.A'ettrertut-atsarratrtasauu-t.tssu, 1letrethe---rneiatGriirauiiuirio' Inmlut "eomretitrn.rhrtrstmrutserietaorhuu 'ttest-ss-sit-tc-Ai-ua-rt-Ga-ii-dire-art-. 0'. so modd- thm, % to 6 tom. a l ... LhdeoedtetnrtignktiithGtG, Cabs... FROM hrosrotts Thu-'- . '52 um ma built --------- h . in cu..- ---_u-... -- Inddolhr-nvin' perftmnanar. ,,,_ --" "_-"r""""s""eP""iP_a"P" 'i"NP"m. have been acclaimed by backgammon beam: of more power asmbinatie, val-utility and palm capacity. hov- an "Monastic" 11','ll','ir, deliver: t2e.Nurr POWER from LEASI‘ Mighty in and who. B2 "awry m oMr the hat how range in Mercury’s my. Thus an four new magnet“, tmek-built “Sensing, from 1 'ht/t 166 Hp. tfry/t the special W 1'thsper' Pym" l Hp. we Mann‘s i Linwood : , Visitors on Monday at the Shel- (by home were Miss Lena Shelby mt Toronto, Fred Shelby of Hot ‘Springs, Ill, and Frank Shelby of Brjght. [ Taking pal-(fr: a musical recital (given by pupi of Mr, Lethbridge in! Trinity Church, Galt, were Ca- ,rol. Lynda and Billy Pickard. "tuth Marshall, Shirley and Bar. ,rie Haliman. They were accom- ipanied by their parents, Mr. and ers. J. A Pickard. Mrs. Ward ,Marshall and Mr, and Mrs. Cran- (son Hallman, Callers on Saturday with Mrs George Manser and Jetret were: Dr. F, J, Adams, Elmira; Mrs. mm was held m the United Brethren Church, Tuesday night. Rev. Ward Woolner of Kitchener we} Y? charge. " It" Jam Inn-u (chronicle (hue-pollen" Hp: vasrgim' "1.3 V. KITCHEN“! " EXTRA-STRENGTH ctussts OVER 80 moons 4 NEW MIGHTY " ENGINES t 7 GREAT SERIES FROM 106 RP. TO 155 HP. Dr. and Mrs. ii. H, McAnninch and family, Stratford spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cooper and family visited with friends in E'esira or? gym!!! __ Mr. and Mrs. Larry McCallumn and Carolyn, Kitchener were week-end visitors at F. H Schum- mer's. eve. of St. Mary's R,c,§""R.$'"I Church sponsored a bingo I’d business Kitchener no: In... w. - he... um I . . . oven 25' YEARS or SERVICE . . "'e"'t'""e4eao-trextote-to-- mmmlcmmnnnmmmnh yutetroetue-itr-eskaietiitlaauiaisrkdik _tty.,."Pet"rptetieiartsittv%aiaauuiUTiai, "tth"""""'"""""'-""";,.?'..")-." 2yfi 7/126 0 PW m URI“, roman" "an: iil2hlllt; lltilifit MG "a CEi4ttrwaet a9.“ «Rpm mam m HEADACHE Eyeshain PHONE 6-6466 a v.1 Ila-Dan. (6|th We.“ Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kine! motored to Snover, Mich, to at- tend the Kroetch-Bu‘ley wedding avg; the week-end.- Mr. and Mrs. Indore Hahn ot Mildmay spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin maven“. . Ron Evans of Preston was a dance in Parish Hall on Thursday night. Bamberg visitor here on “an. agk R‘s â€amt I.“