Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Jun 1952, p. 10

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Fun Galore on the I [IONS POOL SHORE M Saturday Waterloo Park JUNE 20 Friday mama [IONS Miss Iona Showell. bride-elem} of Saturday. has been guest of honor at several parties Miss Ma- rv Hewitt entertained former fel-, low students at her home. Miss} Showell, a member of the Mutual[ Life choir. was presented with a hammered illuminum tray and Surviving besides his wife, are two sons, Howard of Kitchener and Donald of Galt a daughter, Mrs. Ivan Newstead (Bernice) ot Duncan, B.C., a brother, Charles Rapek of Woodstock, interGeitt%riGGue in Chester- field Cemetery. Bride of Week Petal. An~u¥llwn utvwant IWIKA. wuv 1"“ ."vnICIfa "AT.'1.Tt"'.'.' v1. Prbs acts for the forthcomingiLelghton Shantz. died at his home in Plattsville on Plattsville United Church te.t.ttio'hl', glenheim Horse Show slat-' Wednesday., was held on Satur- $500 to be paid on the br,riiiij,/d.l for June 13 is to be one of the Clans 4 day from the Glendenning Fun- of the church immediately. . his» biggest and best ever to be held., . eral Home, Plattsville. money has been earned by t 9‘More entries are being made than Sec, 34--Sinele carnage; t-3, Rev. G. Kaiser conducted the women sunce the new year J, 93'f in previous years. ‘Wanace Munro; 2, Dr. E. Foster & service. _ th il Itering gm game“ and ho ding) Harley McBeth of Salford, war- Son; 4, Hugh 5.1Millar. l ' Mr. Ranck was born in e Vt arumma e ’ den of Oxford Count ' will ofBci- Sec. 35--Sing e express: - ' lage, June 3rd, 1894, and with the Mrs. Frank Parkhouse 01:er ally open the Show it the even- George B. Jackson. Fergus; 2, exception of a few vearsr.rey.i- prayer. Scnpture was If?“ A yTing performance. A larger crowd U. w. Kent, Lmbro; 3-5, Allan dence in Gait he spent practically _ Mrs? George Sm?“ Pryl IS {ml is being anticipated than even last Borer, Dundtrs all his life here and was an em- Smith favored with piano so os. year's attendance which was a big bee. 3ti--titngle roadster: I, Dr. ployee of the Canada Sandpaper MrsuGordon Pgg'att."',uiTi a turnout, The Woman's Associa- E. Foster & Sun; 2-4.J. L, Wright, plant. treading, Guest speaker Y,','," fl tion of Plattsville United Church Dorking; 3-5, Wallace Munro. He was 9 member of the local“’- Markle of qumbox,“h9 fhe'? have been engaged to cater meals, Sec. iri--Carriatte team: Wallace) United Church. Mr. Ranch is Bur- an address on .14th Cm.“ . which will be served in the base- Munro, Dr. E. Fosterdt Son; Hugh vived by his wife, the former Ma- l She was accompanied by slit',' '"12 ment of the newly renovated S. Millar. ( ry Hammacher, whom he 'ptrde,P, Tommy Anderson, " o B-Jchurch noon and evening. Sec. 36--Roadster team: J. L.i 'lf, Aye, 'tlllli', ,',hfiil"ifi'i'i.'i'ildcr 1i,'rrf,"irtii,t,1,t,C. 'i,ti',1i'flr 31:31:12.1 Earl Shane of Toronto was aBWright; Wallace Munro; Arthurl urvivi esi es iaw auteur? . f . .‘I v - r. r. , . two J,gl"u','iffr'l' of Kitchener; Nr,De'Marboyis ",Nll'v's'l'hi'l' 1513361252? 53352.2(...KJ 329qu scyeue: -- . -A _ l The funeral rites of the late Frederick Stewart Ranck, who died at his home in Plattsville on Wednesday,, was held on Satur- day from the Glendenning Fun- eel Home, Plattsville, - F. S. Rank Dies in Ptattsviuer. Plattsville t A STAIRWAY To I'll "A" h the vow”. Input "du a“ Metatred It". as an aunt'- lam-mica. m be an " aunt: Ink. -std, In lunch-m thttrerattr. In on” will be so not in din-nor and the uh awn-m (munch. ”maul-uku- ,rtttuihMgttefWNet.C-umhtq ttte 'eehasl-e Ltt,',g'hett't'tt,',tahetg'di, an“ tu-thr-tr-u-de "nu-ulna“. hamJ’byvd-c'll WWtdmub-flnd-fllmtmuflvzuvhnlmu. " In. Id. In" (chm-bl. amt-nan) Thu-Amy“ 'to"oetua1tetter.1n pmtwhmby THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY "The die has An American manufacturer was planning to open a plant in Canada. He considered various locations and found what seemed a likely site. He talked to a local bank manager, got facts about the community and its facilities. Some time later the company wrote to the banker: 'PThediehaanow been cast. It ism itttentiontoloasteinS... Wefcel thtttituwellsuitedtoourpartictuar operation. You have been of great aid m as. Your accurate and rapid mention of facts necessary to reach a decision was top-notre" Such letters show how a branch bank serves not only its own depositors and other customers but how, by assisting business development, it benefits: the whole community. Seimititid Giant to Probe Unexplored Universe now been cast" Mrs. J, Lederman, tlest presi- dent and founder of the Plan:- ville Women's Institute, three years ago, was named president the past week of the North Ox- June 9th, Queen's Birthday, was observed in the village by the bank and schools being closed. The two hifhest grades of the Public Schoo enjoyed a sight see- ing bus trip to Niagara Falls, Plaltwllle Woman Heals North Onion-II W. I. assisting as teacher this inonth at Plattsville Continuation School. eight coasters by fellow members of the choir. Members of the omce staff presented her with a hostess chair and sandwich grill. Phttsvillc Women liaise $500. Pay on Montage on Church. The Women's Association of Plattsville United Church voted $500 to be paid on the mortgage of the church immediately. This money has been earned by the women since the new year in ca- tering to banquets and holding rummage sales, 7 _ __- A Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Randal and Miss Hazel Randal of Toronto spent the holiday week-end at the Mme of hrutt Aug Reggie]. village. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harmer and family spent fret at Willow Lake, Boon, and ca led on tel.- tives at Gilt. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deeton and Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Deeton of To- ronto and Miss Jessie Deeton of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Deeton. Earl Shane of Toronto was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scott and renewed other tMH (,1iu/ti,.nta"ces in and about Platts- Vt e. The Christian Business Men's Club of Gait. Preston and district; entertained their wives and guestsl at a turkey dinner at Plattsville, United Church. Guests were tea- chers and hostesses of the Bible Clubs of Preston and Gait. My” Erstrtetln Home Show. I Two quilts were entered, one by the Grace Patterson Institute and) the other by the Woodstock North) Bran h, the latter group won the; come: t. Phltsville Fete. Dinner was served by the} Plattsvilie members and the meet-1, ing continued in the auditorium of the church. An invitation Fi7 given for the district annual for: 1953 to be held in Sebastopol Lu-l theran Church. 1 Mrs. Ross spoke brietty, wel- coming the members and com- mented on their work. Reports were presented and a session of community singing was led by Mrs. E. Hansuld of Tavistock. Mrs, G. M. Ross presided during: the morning and afternoon sel- stuns, The meeting "W,." with, the Institute Ode and ary Slew-l art Collect. One minute silence/ m memory of the late King George VI. was held after the; Lord's prayer followed by Codi sae Thts Queen, _ . __ _ i Record Crowd Saki; Linwood Horse Show Other otBcers elected were: Mrs, G, M. Rosa, Embro, hon. (resident; Mrs. J, Ledermnn, presi ent; Mrs. Fred Slater, Lakeside. ttrat vice, president; Mrs, J. J. Mex-y. Etn. bro, second 1i.etr,'i't't'oe.'ei' Mu. Sydney Pearson, bro, secreta- ry-treasurer; Miss Adm Bell, TI- vistock. ttssistartt; Mrs. G. N. Ross, Embro, federation representative; Mrs. Charles Ebon, Woodstock, alternate; Mrs. T, 'L. McMurray, St. Marys, district delegate; Mrs. Ray Harmer. Drumbo. alternate; auditors, Mrs. L. D. Montmorency and Mrs. C. S. Dunn, Other winners were Jacob Runatedler, St'tf."r",,lgi Ed- w-rd sham . Priedman, Gerhard Runstedler, Bobby Me- Cormick, Theresa Baesaler, John Baessler, Lloyd Stemmler. Jacob ford District Women’s Institute. More than too women represent- ing fifteen W.l. bunches in North Oxford attended the district an- nual meeting held at Pluttsville United Church. Convenors of standing commit- lees: Agriculture and Canadian industry, Mrs. James Goodwin, Dumbo; Citizenship and educa- tion, Mrs, F. Symons, Woodstock; Home economics and health. Mrs. Fred Stock, Tavistock; Historical research and current events, Mrs. Victor Woods, St. Marys; Com- munity activities and public r - lotions. Mrs. Ray '4eci"/'ll'fdt Lakeside; Resolutions, Mrs. Geo. Hart, Wpodstgck. ‘_ _ - V Dunn; the them eaten-la- ment was Tttt by Mia Gla- dys Corn: l, Loom. and Mr. Jigueyer. [teal-(er. A 7 cuytim _ Heckbart. Bumbag, was the winner of the Gunm- qugre-l buy trip in October 9102!. 'Att, 7 VAIIILOO ' “m F. Li "C' Sec. MA-s-Palomino on halter an (entire hprse not barred): Harold St- , Calder, Linwood; Laudwell Belem, Muder, RR. 2, Drayton; Ed. Bartlett, Jtl Stratford. I by Sec. 22-Pony race 14 hands :and under to boys and girls under he} " yrs: W. Shields, Breslau; Laud- .ety vell Bolender; Elmer Johnston; A.) CCW. Weber. [ The Linwood Woman's lit-mute wu in change of the booth on the ground: d n. the any, Light other then qulliort--Dr E Poster & Son. Heavy entire-John K Bru. backer; Light entire-Neil "eh. Heavy other than st.llion-- Zimmerman Bron. See. {Flight trtaee (entire horse barredl-A trophy donated by the Wuerloo Chronicle for up null competition Beat "tr/ horn on grounds fled to: r, E. Foster & Son; Wal m Munroe; Hug: & Mil', E, hroeder Sec, 46---Eapre" carriage or matter. 3 Fl or under-Arthur settleuter. Sec, 4b--Hesvy nuke for harm (entire horse: barred): Zimmer- man Bros: Archie Taylor a Son; Bruce Milier; George B. helium; McCutcheon Bret. Sec. 4i-Percheron or Belgian team--t, Zimmerman Bros.; 2. A. D. Robinson; 3-5, McCutcheon Bros.; 4, W. H. Tuttle. Sec. " - Wagon or express team: George B. Jackson; Allan Borer; C, WLKent. Sec." 43-Tandem turns: Tim- mermln Bros.; Charles F. Halli- day; Allan Borer. Sec 47-utc.1 tum teIttub-- Milton Globe. Linwood; Clair Beyer, IAnwt?od, A Bic," 47A--rareal hone on halter --Miiton Globe, Clair new. Sec. "-Light tum: Archie Taylor & Son; Bruce Millar; Zim- merman Bros.; J. A. Albrecht, Crosshill. Sec. 39--Heavy draft team-- Zimmerman Bros.; Charles F. Hallway; 'trt. Madden, ‘ Sec. 25A--Pony entire on hal- yter: Elmer Johnston; Roger Phil- l lip_s, Brjggegort: Sec. 2S-Group ot 3 horses owned 1t'g one mun, heavy: Zim- fmerman TOS.; McCutcheon Bros ; l Philip Meadowes, Sec. 13--Pemrheron or St/tte lame in foal or colt " foot: c- Cutcheon Bros, R.R. s, Rockwood, ( Sec. "---Pereheron or Belgian ally or gelding, 4 yrs. or over: I. 11tfi"/er"A' Bros; , Zimmerman Bros.; s-s A. D. Robinson, KR. 4, "ngersoll; 4. W. H. Tuttle, RR. 4, (Woodstock. l Sec. 2i--Carriaee Blly or gel- am; 3 yrs. old: Wallace Munro, Sec. 33--Hackney pony team Hugh S. Millar; E. E. Schroeder Leighton Shantz. SEC. 3i-Tandian pony: Hugh’s: Millar; E. E. Schroeder. Hensall; Leightog Sigma. sik. 32--Hackney pony single 1-2. Hugh S. Millar; 3-4, E. E Schroeder. Sec. 29--Shetland pony in ht, ness, single: 1. Elmer Johnston; S.', A. H. Weber, 3-5, Leightonf Shantz; 4. Regen Phillips. L Sec. 2tr-Saddle hone to trel shown in saddle: 1. Hugh s. Mil-t let; 2. W. Shields; . Arthur, Schleuter; ' Wm. Veitch, West? Montana. 1 Sec. 3tr-sietiand pirity team: Leightqr} Shanty Elmer Johnston, Sec. 2tr--Shetlttnd pony on hal- ter (entire horse barred): Elmer Johnston; A. H. Weber, Kitchener; Roger fttllipt; Leighton Shayna. day; Ben was...“ L7tG"iturir" Bee. T---Heavy draft any or gel- 'tnu', years-Philip Madden. . a, Sec. tr--Light draft any or gel- din‘ 4 yrs. or over: L3. Archie Thy or and Son, Grand Vllley; 2- a, Bruce Miller; Paisley; 5, Rae Madden. KR.. t, Sanford Embro. Sec. 22~Roadsm or carriage colt. ' yrs. old: Robert Gale, Elo- r1 Sec. M-Roadster or carriage colt, 1 yr. old-Arthur Schleuter. Linwood. Sec. M-Group of 3 horses) owned by one man, light: Wanna- Munro; Dr, E. Poster & Son, Galt; Hugh s. Millar, Brantford; Leigh-w ton Shana. New Hamburg; Elmer) Johnston, Atwood. Build: . Clinic; Eiau, ilr1'dCyiviAllT, 'add P, Sec. Ib-Clyde-e 1 yr, old: I- 5 Philip Meadows. KR. t. St. " inn Woc,ivutoi-ctriFGrr. 5-way, Chester, Imam Mer: Neil REE-.7 5:365. Atcc_e-lervv draft Atur or StfrAtaedaed pad or mud- ;n_ & yum; J, L. Wisiiii} i, Sweep-ute- (III-I Cl“? Cit-5 Clan! NOT A DISH BROKEN 'iitt)t'fii,is?,ttt,', Moved Intact Across Pus inch lake "_-__ w _-‘.v.. um... FT a u n - Bo rapidly does mm: puss 'iTrCur';, the there any congestion. License plates from pm the Union mm: to the popularity of um quiel to foreign toil. In uxmeluble Bettqatitttt of remoteness In the strange ttae.. Inhi- tectnre and cuntomn of a different country Canadian and us. anew. “dilute your pas-age anon the border You can enjoy a with to the cities in Ontario. Michigan Ind other arena by Iimply allowing car ”Distrust“. " an)” “.1.-- a...“ -1__, " - A- - - -- -'-'-"-""-"-t-aB. Olivia West this summer? Route yourself through Can-do Ind Detroit I get an extra thrill try including a visit to W rid-or, 0M on your trip. , The Detroit-Windsor tunrtel. completed In 1930. - under tho Detroit River which separates the United States tram Canada. Goo- Ildered one of the outstanding engineering wonders of the world. over "6.000.000 non- have used it on the" travels. It in the only place in the ',rlhr,l'l'lh' you can piss from one country to another by under-water tunnel, Travelers ping West by automobile can save many a 1e"a','tt.. and enjoy a bit of foreign atmosphere by using this route. rob - my,,..n.m- -.u..,. " _---------,, -. - - The owner wun't resent when the 2p'a,1,' too place and was agree. 1y surprised shelves remained intact. uppelred on the m-inlnnd " mont a mile trom m lsllnd With the combined aid of n truck, winch and sever-l men the dwelling had been placed on the lee and towed across to in new location Bo moot): After a while this frew rr ther tiresome. and C sire de- cided to move. If . mail could take its house with it, why couldn't he' As winter Ippronched, ice formed on the water '"y one gay tte cottage But it was for Claire An. derson u local resident of But, ler'; beach, near Pusllnch. Seems his dwelling wu orif- inully silualed on an island n the middle of Purlinch Lake and I boat was employed to convey Claire back and forth from the “central" location PUSLINCH LAKE Istatt, Specia0.--You've heard of houses being moved across streets, cities and sometimes even counties BY LAND, but when you move In eight- room cottage across water. brother, it's not easy OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY AT GOUDIES Dresses In the Summer Mood $7.95 to $29. 7 5 q Cool, light bembergs, sheers, meshes . Suntan dresses mm perky “we iockets, copes or stoles . Shantungs, cottons King & Quart Sta. - Midland“ “SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE" Ever Drivq Your Car Under Water? tease-resistant hnens 3rd Floor ‘33] Dresses e minutes to so through the tuning a n twenty-four hours a day. r'de,'l,lrT, the tunnel that rarely " es from punclicully every “at: of of thin quick Ind "texpertittre vlull was the trip, dishes on the with the results. The house was placed on a previously built cement foundation end I two room addition was added sometime later, MtteLeaut--dune 6, Hugh Allen Mat-Lean. Moorefuld, " no“. "ntuaust--June T, Catharine Esther Bast, RR 2, Wellesley, to Ira Jantzi. RR I, Milverton. BemHr-Rottt-Uurte 2. Marie Roth, RR l, New Hamburg, to Humid C, Bender, RR t. Tavistock. woohser-Cres---gune 7, Ethel Iona Cressman. Plattsville. to Lyal I Sandford Woolner, Pe- tersburg. Bttanta-Miowen--gune T, Iona Marion Showell, Platteville to Glen Elvin Shantz, Ann 2, ikeiii Hamburg, Meetmr---At St, Mary's Hosrital. June 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Wi Hum McElroy, 2t Cu-oline St, By- terloo, a daughter. Chnr---At -W Hospital. June tr, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chop man, 98 Norman St, Waterloo. tt son. Crarte--At K-W Hospital, June 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Crane. 230 Nansen Ave., Waterloo, a son. SttnmN--.At K-W Hos ital, June 6. to Mr. and Mrs. Cg." Shuntz. 285 Albert St, Waterloo, n son. T-tttrs-At K..W Hospital, June 7, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Tup- man, tr2 Amos Ave, Waterloo. a son. St King St. N. - "on. 1400': Waterloo ii. l. BUCHNER 9.30 AM, _ 5.30 PM. Evenings by appointment GLASSES PRESCRIBED AND FITTED OPTOMETRIST . Professional eye examination and visual analysis MARRIAGES . Optical Repairs DEATHS BIRTHS

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