Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 May 1952, p. 1

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gun-and Waterloo As time went along and t had; no occasion to use the arrow on anything special, I returned them to the roll of cardboard I used as a quiver. Unfortunately. the same day. several of us organized a' “cowboy and Indian session". Doing one of the Indians, I natur- ’ ally used my bow and arrows. 1Coming around one of the houses, l'sp0tted the rear of one of the "eowboys" sticking out from be- hind a small jut in the verandah., GeiAring one of the arrows, I let " in the general direction of-ther seat of his guts: Ordinarily I would have en lucky to come Min ten feet of him. This time I scored a direct hit, “and the, "eowboy", both hands clutched 10‘ his net and yowling much more rrlis.tisa1ly_ttuyt had the Indiana; v a _ it at Mers so we could "ttr t Mt of the pen nib. His mo- 'IR r wouldn't let him take the l fl', Bers out of the house, Each of: "wl", e boys went home in turn, butt tai ll wVeainsuceesstul, We ftrtally 9’3 "tt send the victim of the in shooting to his home, where he' "l) aged to secure a pair. We Ji,' n took him to the orchard over ""ls’ the next street, where he had on!) b remove hlsspant: so we could 't,"G et hold of the pen nits with r'iitai,, glint. Re gud moaned once, a d when I yanked t e pen nib out of 'l',',',', its hide, probably autrered a {ream and eel: more trom the induni y “tirade ttil',, to shed his(pants. than he .ld Iran the hurt o the operation. e. Belleve me we were all very; tk “new what we did after maul“? , e story leaked eventually, and thei while dad neared thedickena only"? Of me when he' brought up the ttpt mutt. he felt that the matter Pres too far past to introduce me t Fm razor strap gr?“ ' _ 1.11.8 jun , WI lull-Iona are mun, W I I lot of time for resident.- o cost ithis comm‘ malty beI'dany J,', them ',f,'2 t ot ore e are pro. gut . far no canzldau‘ Itl orried, Ema: my the Tt,'e' t . re en ..' Finally boys a 1 t Ut ' wok um put e boy: ll wire" 40 s mocking aged n took the m ' rmv ct hold him. I when l y: " hide. 1 tte, mom av to in (“gm _". Dollar! “fetal v . ,9. Metre ttill, of hig pen ME: an arrow thawing that boys do occasion- at Bre “rows at other boys, he to let me have even one . nib. All argument was in v and when I left the room, I It further swat; than ever from 'tth some o the fancy pen ' fl ' r arrow points. It wasn't until I came py..tftng up wound-.mg manual“ suck- in; in my "victim", that I real- thid what had hapliened. Taking hold of the arrow. attempted to pull it tree. The result was that the pen nib stayed where it wu tnd the "row came away in my hand. By this time we were all pretty worried, l knew what would Pun to ttte seat ot my pants my dad hard about this, and the rest ot the boys were just as At abusive. .: Finally in desperation, one of ,5: boys.wettt home and tried go tlt', into (all view. He started od f i',',','.',",'),,,',",') l',,'",',,'),",' of 'lt "In- ": _n ttgt smalput (ltlli'i' game, soon pulled him V "grows than Tats ta. his pen. ak more I 'l'l,ri'l at them. the m. fascinated I became. until nix!!!” btcarnt a Yer? im: the arrows unless t was by my: self. sums. When I left the room. two of the biggest nibs were clutched in my hand and I lost no the hunting up my bow and pluck? the mbs in the heads of two 0 the best arrows. I soothed IT, conscience by promising my- s_e t that I wogld 'tot even carry thawing that boys do accustom: at Bre “rows at other boys, he} to let me have even one ' nib. All argument was in v and when I left the room, 14 . further swat; than ever from} ttt some o the fancy pens ' r arrow points. , Two or three days later, the box of nib: was left on the dininaf room table. When I lifted the lid, I promised mvsell l was only go-; in to when: l09k_a_t tle various) be, put to some use other than writing. I unfortunately had not IOWA! that in open mouth anon le.Ms to trouble. and proceeded to expound at great laugh " to the mgr" of hig pen nt an arrow "that item in my scheme, of things. When t requested a con- gh the first thing dad wanted to w its the use I was going to put them to. Knowing that I had at the use (or scholastic, that a cat has for water/he had reason to mm that the pen nth; might The uh bow was mule strong enough to drive an arrow prac- Ite,? out of sight in the air en tired perpertdicytthr, but we uldom managed to kill very much him it. Numerous sparrows. the add rabbit, and other lesser gune . aged to duck our arrows with my case. Possibly it ed " though they were duck- OM " was a lot cuter to my ttt Jpn-ted. than ghuwe missed t we were. shaming " One particular incident remains Mth us trom those days, My dad ht' come home trom his once u“ a anal] box oooiduritted tMlt Tthmr v,t,'tt eyes, they t mart lute ' points tor N1 the uncle In! week by Don Luen the are need- ed.“ you»; I“: m turned with bows ad anon, we reminded ot "a be than we were ot the an M we look tie' ot delight in the use ot I 8 sun! Inflow ot wane " that time we ma- ttttTI', our own "‘weupou”. tact 1 don't believe there we: even a bow and arrow available an M, also “an: out of ten, I“ - of ab. " Via the wood M in Quint to Bet, although the ttrst bow in the spring usu- ally ott a willow tree. I. - who dgd not want to “tomato-n. we: we" 'cl.'.)',",".'. _'r" _ Ir-Incline WATEmd) " l] i " Ae,', In Waterloo mot: v; :3. an slalom. 'lr, cloned re takih While " is probably going to JdertU a, cost I few a considerable nmount. of them to lelrn that King Street is I 30- the ".imile zone still the matter he! to Jl',tkdTii'e' brought under control When 'd . the time comes that the police feel ,they have the speeding licked. then they can afford to be a little ,oury,/l,'ll't', lenient, Right now they 51?}? 600 TO PARTICIPATE ' iridettniteiy i "EBA; -ttsiGra the entire show will uh: on the aspect of a three- mns circus, _ _ l - L. J. Shantz, new Arena Com-l mission chairman, said that the! only reason n_concrete floor ns‘ not placed when the are!“ we; built. was because it was thought the earth might settle too much and ruin the ftoor. It is now felt that the settling has been done gm} 3h.tt the ftoor now. will lull This runner can be carried too tar, but there is still a lot ot fast driving going on in Waterloo, that juttP.ts polite trctitrrr. All that is needed they contend’i is to run two one-way streets pa- rallel with King street, force truck and through trtttRe to not; these streets, and the tranc‘ congestion would be a thing of the Personally we think they have iti"t"d1','t and it would certainly be a muc more lasting plan than building parking lots all over the downtown area. 1115. Waterloo Council at their meet-, ing on Monday night of this week.) approved a loan of 37,500 to the; Arena Commission for the insul- lation of a concrete ftoor in the Waterloo Memorial Arena, It ir estimated that $3.000 will be real-t ized from the sale of the old wood) Atspriryr, _ l J,H.S. Some motorin- no complaining that Waterloo police are carrying their crusade lying! speeding too tar, They claim this city is very ttpt to get the sumo reputation " Peyton, for being a speed it”). Fighter planes will zoom over- will take part and arrangements head while members of the hull are being made tor the ”participa- arm P units will strive to capture tion of an active RCA. . grou . a hill behind the 80-foot auF A meeting to discuss plans ta. stage. I the war sequence was held at the Like Real Battle 154th Light Anti-Aircraft Ofttcers Actual battle manoeuvres willeMess Thursday night with Col. be carried out in the midst of gun] Harold Ballantyne, chairman, 1 Units participating will include e--.- "“ .-. - ‘fifi the Mth Field Ambulance the _ . Scots Fusiliers (Reserve), and the of their parking being stopped in 'Civil Defence croupi Such corps downtown areas. . las the Artillery. the Engineers, They point out that if less '.'eor-l and the Ambulance Corps will pert' opmign was sought on thest play active parts. They point out that if less "ex- pert" opinion was sought on these matters and a little more common sense was used the prgblem could have bgen solvedjong ago. . pet A brief battle sequence high- lighted by a mock air raid will be a feature of the Waterloo County Ceptennial presentation. Mock-Air Raid, Battle Munoeuvers To Precede County Centennial Program don-don Hilker. Toronto. and O. w. (Dick) Fonger, Toronto. pro- ducers. emphasize that there will be nothing slow moving in the en- tire presentation: Mingle With Audience This TluTh'1 will give per- forming ban and dancing groups In opportunity to mingle with the audience. From-Suri-io tGish it will be fast moving production highlight- edgy the mew-c2191 _ It is expected that sutheieett ta- bles and chairs will be acquired to accomodate 4,009 to 5,000 pegons [nightly _ . The pioneer wagons opening the two-hour show will move about in front of the gigantic 80- foot sectional steel stage set nap in Waterloo Pal-k. - _ Present plans of the Waterloo County Centennial Committee is to seat the audience around ta- tries in typical German beer Mr- den style. Audience to Witness Fast-Moving Centennial Program In Typical German Beer Garden Style Spectaturs who witness the spectacular "Trail of the Cones- toga" sewn-day show marking the centennial of Waterloo Coun- ty will find a novel gating u- rnngement. . _ _ -. . Over 100 atteoded a mother and daughter banquet of the Canadian Girls in Training of the First- United Church, Waterloo, Friday night. All the mothers were presented with felt tlower corsages made by the girls. The headltable was decorated with a large tsrrtutgement of spring Bowers and yellow tapers. Other tables each represented a month of the Kitted seas will bound over a “tr! , . b,Y?s3JQ ("Ag 'JT, Fast-Moviyr Show (Charge Bridgeport Youth After 70 m.n.h. Chase St, Bridgeport. as the result Mia field He tted from the car into speeding and driving without Bla nearby swamp, police said. licence, culminating in awiid mid- The chase tor the youth was night chase try car and acroasijoined ti Detective Charles Tg: fields late Saturday night 'nett of itchener, Constable - " mot. Chane Jward Ehrardt of the Waterloo The youth was tirst spoiled bs Township police and Chief Phil- Comiabie Ger-id Amtinger speed: I lips of Bridgeport " mo.h. Chane l ward Ehrardt of the Waterloo The youth was an! spotted bs Township police and Chief Phil- Constnble Gerald Amlirger speecl‘ lips of Bridgeport ing past the corner of reithsupt Located t “one and Lancaster Streets The police Cnuke win Rmrlly loomed by car (are chue but couldn't elk-h Chret Phillips at hie home and the other cu- even " 70 mp h. um lakon mm ruslmh The fugitive grove irt1etBridre-, V He hed a plumper!” owutoy'p The fugitive drove into Bridge-, He hld a (angina canto“ port, turned on on . ml. “manhunt: Issued F 21,170 add Charges will be laid again“ ( and eventually lost control of the new?! _ _Cakk_e, 21,_.of Watsrloq: a! aqd Ieent lbrpugh a fence jnto fire, the whistle of shells and ftashes of heavy artillery. Anti- airpgaf} lights will be used. All battle units in the district will take part and arrangements are being made tor the rr'ritl',','." tiop of all active B.C.A. cgroup. LOCKS HERSELF OUT Jiudples reminiscent of the HI: “can: "ik", {Iltl 'CIS Git" Giff; m.’ ”M I . . 1920's will herald the coming 'ifllf,'Tasrdited 'fJr'i,rsflottd"1'llg, in", The Centennial Committee is that era on stag. Dancers wilrGoa. unexcelled in this county represented by . large tttttttber of, revive the Char ton to the tune . 193169an of v-rious County cen- of the music of that period. so. To Men-u lites and is Is follows: Robert Bar-i I An estimated coo persons will. her. Hespeler. County Warden; . "e? "I "an partifripate in the show about 400, More Isles. Bred-u County "v/r' m"! be one of the most) of which will be naively it,'gSefie,tiad,',tevt; James "h,ilTGri1. important parts ot the entire pre- patina in the stage performance. {M . ve: lad? Wm Ehni,. sentzilion and will range /llfil The" stage will be built in the n. Reeve; Chum Sheet. Mes. classic symphonic works undertreed slopes of Waterloo Park and: peler. County Clerk, Don Meur- the direction or Dr. Glenn Kruspe,l the "Trail of the Conestoga" will tln, ttr.eury, Waterloo Recrea- director of the K-W Symphony' lead from the trees onto the '2"i'l'.l't'ityl'i Director; Arno Huck. Wa- Orchestra to modern jazz. m the The stage will have three terraces‘ terloo; anry Sturm and Donald same manner singing will include: and the orchestra pit will accom,0'eber, Kitchener aldermen; Wit- solos to Philharmonic singing and modate 50 musicians,' liam Veltch, West Montrose, hen- choral works. Dr. Kruspe will di- "Bitter" To Speak orary PTESIdenL of the Federation rect the Philharmonic works and The production will follow thelof‘Agrlculture; W.slr. J. F.'itctter. Paul Berg, the choral singing. The history of the county from the P!crhtrler, P1trti,ci.tg 'dIrECEO‘ri Waterloo Police Jimmy Window Open for J.P. A torch light parade with men singing triugighantly will high- light a sum ing scene marking the election of the Brst warden o the county. A lively Parismn can can is lined “K tor the Gay Nineties scene. nother highligxt of this win be the portrayal y a local soprano of a famous singer of that Aat, _ - _ - hill onto the stage singing their traditional songs in the second scene marking the coming ot the Scots to Dumphries. Bag pipes will provide the background mu- sic and the entire scene will be a rogsing 8n8.. . . _ a It all started about 4 pm. at her Caroline Street Home, Seems she was hastily pre- gnaring for a quick trip to alton when a blast from a nearby freight engine warned her to remove her car from the roadside tracks Rushing from the house she drove the vehicle to a sate gait“ of van- tage, dashed bac to discover she had locked herself out of the house and her keys were still inside. - Jimmy Window 9m _ Consternition ridniniar/ she drove rapidly down to the By Don Willi-Inso- Waterloo Justice of the Peace. Jean roth, will prob- ably never forget last Mon- day, hfishll Cars Can it ti, ta Animals will take over one en- tire scene and the finest came and Ihorses ip 'aterloo,Cotytty _will "enter-Com" System An inter-communication system with telephone communications leading from the control tower to all parts of the stage will be in- stalled bt.. the Siigryn Corps. .. "The "Struggle for Democracy" scene will open with the voices of Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt and Mussolini heard in the back- ground and will grow in intensity to a thundering climax of actual warfare. Ofticers attending the meeting included: Brig. w. A. Bean, Lieut. Col. W. E. Macklin, Major Geo. Hickson. Major L. McNaughton. Capt. Eric Carter, Capt. D. A. Ro- berts, Lieut. Bert Priddle. f-Creig wad chairman. A hing-song WIS led by Mrs. A. 1". feet A musical program Wu presented following the dinner. Iyear. The dinner was served by i6 W.M.8.. WA. and Mur- dock McKenzie Auxiliary, convent! by Miss Viola Gotten. Miss E. Chris. Fairiey, Sunk. (may of Waterloo. gut ‘speaker, spoke? of “Visiqn, yoml m wan)”. Jfiats 7 tty However the musical portion Anesn't stop there - bands from the surrounding countryside witi be asked to assist. Among these will be the Elmira Brass Bend and the Preston Scout Band. A number of male quartets will be indeed to_participyte, ___ _ The entire production will be; interspersed with singing and7 dancingl routines, wnlle music will be in t e background throughout.l Need " Dances A call is being put out tor 16 dancers to rehearse under the di- rection of Helen Jacobs. Schneider Orpheus Male choir will assist In the latter. The "Justice". delayed only half an hour, reached the dis- tant Birport Just in lime to meet an incoming airliner. Her roommate. Arlene Her 3011, returniné from holidgs In Denver, 010., was e Cause of the rnpid-transit auto trip to and from the Queen City, Waterloo Police Station where an amused force mem- ber listened to her plight. nntacting an ofticer in the vicinity. the "boys in blue" chambered into a waiting cruiser and head for the Croth residence. There they managed to jimmy a window open the door, and soon re- ported everything "under control". 'rturric4tiTircriieii i Ilriesen Accepts Top US. Hospital Post Gordon Ftiesen, K.W Hospital administrator for the past su years, has tendered his resigna- tion to the house committee of the hospit.al commission. The resig- nation will be recommended for acceptance at the next commission meeting, . He is axepting a top position with n hospital authority which has been Set up by the Welfare and Retirement Fund of the Unit- ed Mine Workers to build " hos- pitals in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky in the United States the planning safe ot the building program, ttttd wi I then be respon- sible for 03:»me ' cum. and operating a . 1a"J'd1"t Wo Although no ofhcial, termination date of Mr, Friesen's term here .uas been set. it is unlikely he will wave beiore September. He will be principal consultant T hoypitttl ndmlnlslyngloq dyjn. C ity Fathers Enjoy 'Modern Inconveniences' novation operations taking pie, The temporary makeshitt chum at the "meeting place". _ (ber made things a bit cosy, The lighting was so poor thatfthough‘ Waterloo Arena Commia~ at one point during the meeting it) sion Beurately “sat in the arms" looked as if Ald. Wes McKexsieJof the city fathers (and one mo- was holding a match to read his,thcr) and by tr, their request agenda Perhaps he was just for aconcrete our was granted. For the fast time in many a year, Waterloo Council members enjoyed "modern inconveniences" atfenday.nigr.1's council teation. With acting-Mayor Frank mar er at the he m, council members didn't seem to mind the tact that they were huddled into a dimly- lit corner ot the chamber, , Ive-ovation (locations The reason, of course, is the re- novation operations taking plaza at_the Imrtting place". _ u Sandy F'orsythe, Galt, Waterloo County agricultural representa- tive has been appointed animal marshal. Ralph Ashton, art di- rector and Mrs. Gordon Honsber- gar, theatrical co-ordinator. Mr. Hilker, director of the show, is well-known for his work as executive-producer of Iraneou, ver‘s "Theatre Under The Mars". Vnncouver': “Diamond Jubilee" and the "Golden Jubilee of Net- son, B.C.", in addition to the Pa- cite National Exhibition. ( Ite, isiieGrtGiiiG by Lar- ry y ance. Toronto, radio script driver, John Marhard, and Shnley Crick, Ki.thener, lattor _repTeserttativts: Miss Mabel Dunham, noted Kitchener historical authoress is honorary historian and Mrs. T. D. Cowan. resident of the Waterloo Counly E,'is/,',.'gl'i Society, histor- tan. wanna regiment-l semen and} scene d mm the last wu- Will be Hymn»: by the sound of Hitler's voice raving moss the stage. coming of the Ar/rt waters t? age wan‘ day "sitiianbeihkit" A th war: will be marked bv Gets Top US. Post County 'te-tted F iirtishine lighting a cigarette. i The acoustics weren't too good either. A consulting engineer [from Toronto w“ tol to "speak (up" by Ald. H. E. Ritz. Not once Tdurinu the past four years have (we heard Air. Rat: tell Inyone to "speak up". The press. too, had to "'strain" their ears to hear pro- ‘ceedings. Thouuh llnady in receipt of( several applications for the pai- tion, Mr. Weber said It would 'iii} a difBcuit tut for the commission to ttnd one with the proper qmli-( Bctttiona l Creative Won In explaining his rec-on for lenvinp the local hawk]. Mr. Friesen emphasized that he m tmly .doina.» teeee tht new terred position aloud work ot I creative nature not "Ml-bio hon. He said he would have ferred to and. Mn ”0% an, but polnhd ttttt Int new phase at the K-W bo- plul I: but about our. Commenting on the change, C. N. Weber. chairman of the K-W Hospital Commission. paid tribute to Mr. Frieun for his work since he came to the Twin Chin. headquarters will be Wuhinlton. i‘rior lo takingl over the princi- palship here, r. Ziegler was principal at Cornwall ve years and " Stamford Collegiate and Vocational School nine yours. Mr. Shanta said the only reason J a concrete ttttor wasn't "mulled; when the rink was am built was due to the 'efthti,'.%toet tanner settling of the earth. e only IL; temative Mats a hardwood ttoor. W. T. Zieglet Resigns )t,t.l. “alter T. Ziegler, principal of the K-W Collegiate since WM. has resigned to take the post of in- wtor for the Department of nation. The principel's resignation will be etfective " the end of the pres- ent term and he will assume his new position in the fall. Althoufh it is not set known where he w ll be located, it is expected he will bejpspectol ip eagle? pnuyio. . W. Max Euler, Collegiate board chairman, said a meeting will be held sturdy to discuss the ap- poingmen! u1_a_ new prinfipal.. . If the t.Tll'l hudwood ttoor was inatat ed again the “em my as welt close the summer. he said, He explained that it was a memorial hall and "we ere ob- lied "Limp “999.1" ' "7gi, commission duimnn a“: receipts trom roller 3151' Ins! " )enle u “unmet m f.hn With a - er season. he e t Wuerloo cou I From now on, mc capital!» on to!» shtsting, [ loo won't have an up" "we Math- 'caught a second time. It the present hudwood ttoori A» Wrterloo Police would " indednite. He ex- piained that teat holes indicated there would be no drainage prob- lem although the ttrat tests were not encouraging. The water struck u 4 teet under the ice sur- me was trom the melting he, he Anton $7,500 loan for Comm Arena Floor _ Itgaat-"a- L J. "W" ah-Arima." at tuihthtrrtttt.rt?ft2t 339(59'!‘ the - - it“: " is "economy it one of the min "any we should strive for-but we must Also tgr'i,ullf,Tt We won was: in not . unaccou- cute Boor in the In! . be- tthte""'""'"'""'""'"""'- are." intuameta. Ald. Knuth sud a concrete Boor wouut not only Mum the rink out use be I big “Vin; over a Wy3reeCtr1metitiRrnigtto vettaloanofW,600 go gt. Wanda Am Count-Ion tmuu a concrete Botsr A alum Inn has was: a rice ot $10,308 to in." . con- Mellooc “aluminium in “(hunted the an ot the recent hardwood Boo. and sub 'er. wilt muse $3.000 - - 7 mun": Pays mun felt 1 The "get tough policy" on jspeeders was inaugurated by the (local police several weeks ago as a result of numerous complaints. the but of winners ind ttrktn the best t,r"iiraiti"eudi. "My” wu sired by Wame'a Fleet Valley Breeze, also owned by the would». The old saying. "like father. like son" is true in this case. Waldie's Fleet Valley Gunner. a liver and “him English ft,ett Spaniel owned by Mr. and Mrs, fi, P. Dietrich. 180 core Ave. duplicated his sire's triumphs of a year ago by winning top honors in breed nt the Aurora and district Inter- national Ill-breed doe show held " Aurora May IT. His wins Itsehtded ftryt lo the only clue. ftrrt in the winners, first in ttsau-tmate Waterloo Speeders Won’t Get Chance Jo Settle Out of Court He added, however. that ttttt from distant. centres shou d not be made to appear in court on a charge of speeding. That would give the city 1 bad name. . Early morning name is being watched closely. he said. There were complaints that some drivers were travelling three and four abreast on King St. North. Up to the present there have been no repeaters, Inspector Otto pointed out. Magistrate Kirkpatrick favored stiller fines for motorists charged I second time. In addition there would be court costa. Inspector Lloyd Otto told the Police Commisssiun that more speeders had been caught in the past week than in the previous two or three months, He estim- ated between 40 to 50 were charged in a week. He said the extra cruiser has helped consid- eratsly in catching speeders. . Mayor Roberts expressed alarm at the speeding on cert-in city streets. particularly on Roslin and Margaret Ares, Bridgeport Rd. and King St. He said he wanted to avoid speed traps. Judge E. W. Clement and Ma- gisuate Kirkpatrick felt it speed traps Would reduce the amount of speeding there would be no harm in_usipg them.. - - _ _ - Waterloo Police Commission. Saturday, authorized the police department to bring repeaters before the court for the next six months. Here’s How To Be On and 0f Wagon At the Same Time From now on, motorists charged with speeding in Water- loo won't have an opportunity to settle out of court if they are AnuALA - ___-__, " A',, £15110ch H' POLICY plum to Com-toga Pennsylv- to Wan-k trail and in mo. , c.1323... Conddcnhle favorable com- ment ha. reached the Water, too County Centennial tit - committee regu- It glans A to have an. .oritina ett Wolfe, a Waterloo Ch le printer and Billy Cgrthy, foreman, said they might volunteer tor the job 0_( drivintthe teamPt_otren, They made one stiguhuon. however-tttev woul need a considerable nupply of re- freshments to keep them hap- pr. -Coaeatoea wagon ab! 7 '73 Petmsylvgnh and ttttrut Pennsylvania and pulled buck to Waterloo over the historic fraihyed by the Mennonites Favors Still Files Klan-u Alan Follows Sire’s Footsteps Korean Veterans . Gel Full Benefits l Announcement was made it?! l district "C" convention would be teld June I m Barium m ”lilon, George Drew u - Inu- Speaking at the Canadian Le- gion national convention, he said. "it is the intention of the 11',vfi','i ment that the tteterans w 0 saw service in Korea will be rrovided with rehabilitation faci ities as were their comrades of the Sec- ond World War" (ken v - -"t - ,___-.,._ [ A district 5 ans dinner will held at the fieston Legion, g; Veterans Minister Lapuime this week promised Korean veterans the same benefits as those ram- gtj veterans of the Second W/li War, Toronto and Hamilton members of the Canadian Youth Hostels Association assisted the Twin City division over the week-end in pre- paring the Waterloo Music Camp at Bamberg for the big anniver» "tt rally {big Fee-end, _ . Male guests will sleep in the huts at the Waterloo Music Camp Part of the program will be bed at.ptbtrg, _irtciy.s.di." .a fiance. Retjstrat%t will be held at the Waterloo City Hall Friday night. Part of the program will be staged in Waterloo Park. Hostellerg Prepare For Big Weekend About 50(1 Jtastellers from On- tario, Quebec and the United States are expected to attend the rally which opens Friday night ans! continues until Sigrid”t H Gave up"! Rance Bucket, than“ chit- mon gave a report on M of aGrau; Lelion quart-II. I. sud more "ttormation would b torytcomine u the June was“. Voting In Proxy No Waterloo Legionnaim Ire attendin the Dominion conven- tion in Jami-cal May " to 23, " though the organization is voting by_pr0_xy, _ The Waterloo brunch at the Candi-n Legion initiated " - when It I mouth; I”; 0*. hhe bunch picnic will be held in June or July. tnitiatiwere W. A. James Ariss, Raymond t Clarence Ptrpntr, Earl i bach and E. ttrdA, om/ti/ii" i ' At District P1 legion Rally The group met m band rooms. a - on». ttfiii I; lap-n r, Ammo chir- aort on pm Mon quart-n. I. “In?“ would b he we . t win In”.

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