Mm. growmg seiner from not to week, registered a rise, idling at $5 a bag for choice and u to! the mailer ones Other prices: Butter, 1b., " to 73; Eggs, curl lame, dozen, 45; Bus. large, doa, In. Br, Eggs, medium, dozen, 40; I Bttid for " and $5.50 a ou- l- and 81.50 to â€.05 a quart. M were some0sint containers My 1!! _to " and half punts Thurs, April 3, 130 p m --Hsgh CLâ€: Guernsey herd for Sutton FILM gear. Axenswrt. - halt syrup made m hit up- m ot the new at the r market on Satuxdny. It I. not plentiful, A few (annex: trite m a small supply from the no boil. _ Butter solids, first grade, 65%; second grade, no price estab- lished. Barley: l and 2 cw li-row, $1.- 28%; 1 and 2 cw 2-row, SL28%; 3 cw Borow, $1.27%; 2 cw yellow, 31.27%; 3 cw yellow. 31.24%; 4 cw 6-row, $1.24%: 3 cw 2-row. 31.27%; I feed, 51.2439: 2 feed. $1.- cw B-row, $1.24%: 3 mar 2-1 $1.27%; I feed, 51.2439: 2 Med, 21%; 3 feed. $1.14%. Rye: l and 2 cw, $19655; 3 $1.9i%; raj. 2 cw, St.63%: 4 31.58%; ergoty. $1.53%; track. 96%. Flax: 1 CW. $4.0034n: 2 cw, 96%rr, 3 cw, $3A3"in; kw l St, bdll-as; dozen, 35. '50. F “his: Potatoes, bag, " to $165 TORONTO. - Closing Ontario stockynrds cattle trade was fairly active today at steady to strong prices. Receipts: Cattle 1,460; calves 350; hogs 1,770; sheep and lambs 90. The estimated holdover is 200 came. . Ontario oft truck, $4; to trade, $4.25-t4.50; New Brunswick, car- lots. $4.50-$4.60; to trade, $4.65» $4.75; REL. cariots. $4 50-59 BO: to trade. 34.65-54.75. Cash prices: I Oats: 2 cw. 98%; ex. 3 cw. sms/ 3 cw. 99%; ex. 1 teed, 93%; I feed, 91%; 2 feed. 88%: 3 feed. iiiil) mixed feed 68. quoted); track, $4.0m A. B. aluminum " â€It Aâ€. Phon- 4-05!!! Every Saturday morning u my auction room beside the market. Tues, March 25, 9.30 a.m.-- Sale Holstein herd, all farm ma- chinery, feed and some furniture for Mrs. Arthur Rahn, about 2% miles west of Waterloo. Mon., March 31--r'arm stock, hitter and implements. feed, etc, for the Misses Woolner. about 3% miles southeast of Kitchener on River Rd, . Wed, April 2, 130 Fm -aror) stein came. pigs and some imple- ments, etc, for Ezra Steekley. cr miles northwest of Wellesley and 2% miles south of Crosshlll l Mon, April 7, I p,m,---Entrre herd registered and grade Hol- stein cattle for Alex Jack. I". miles west of Mlllbank. '2 mule cu! of Newton. Good weighty steers sold at $24- 315 with a few choice at $25.25- $15.40. Common to medium steers brought from $20-$23.50 while ttood heifers sold mostly $24 with a few at $24.50, Good cows were at $19420 with a few tops at $21 and cttnners and cutters from $12- 815. Good heavy bulls sold at $18- Egg Prices NORMAN “an, Auctioneer, Phone 2614 Elwin MIG QUOTATIONS , Every Thursday, I p_m.---At SHOW DECLINE? thchener Stockyards Ltd., Egg quotations were drpppetrGuelph Highway, of cattle, pigs, two cents by a London dealer horses. sheep, poultry, produce. while Toronto and Montreal qua-[etc . tations displayed an easier tone. -r----------r--r------_ Grade A large size r""""" i!!.-.??.!); ED. GEKSILL. Jhtgetiogteee Grade A medium sue tre. 36-36% . Phone 932, Elmira Grade A small Slle .VF_....te.. 331 Every Thursday, I pam-At guns: 3 .er.m.Pt..r__rwF_rrw.r___.r..r_r 28 yt Kitchener Stockyards ktdhcalye. Wholesale to Retail :ggiwggrses. etc., on t e res ", Grade A large size t..ePr.P.Vm... tyt?.) . _ I Grade A medium size t...w._6 39-40 Sat., March ip, 2 p:m:--.NWion Grade A small size m-.m._..rF.. 36-38 sale for Mrs. Elizabeth Schweitzer Grade B$meV*.mq._tr...m.r.rt... 'ir/STI; Poole at real estate furniture Grade C A.r..kmr.m....e..N._.r.trr.______. 33-35 and household effects. Sat., March 29, 1.30 pam-House. hold effects for Miss Minerva ngpel, 'hAllitn [it. E.. Waterlop m Axvril C idifir/m.--gersey heft! In Woodstock Pair Grounds, Alex McKenzie, Mg}. Sat, April 5---Entrre herd Hob stein cutie for Edmund Taylor, Call, at Junction of Highways 8 and 97 Tues., April l, l pam-Pure bred Holsteins, some grades and implements for Earl Swanzen- truber. 3% miles southwest of Pe- tersburg . Tues, April 8, 1230 p m-Farm stock, Implements, feed, etc. tor the MInasseh Gmgnrh Eatate, thou! 2 miles northeast of Wa- torloo, Wed , April fr, L30 p,rrr--Eotire herd registered and fI.'dg, Hol- stein cattle for Dnniel . Erb, 4% miles northwest of Wellesley. Wed, April 2, I p_m,---Aoetion uh for Charles Wasn‘t: " miles can of Bretlnu, K miles can}: of Slant: Station. 1% Inâ€. -tts ttt Ito. ' Natoyr ot tum M. imiu-ttsGitdiGiode" LIVESTOCK PRICES Cattle Trading Active, Prices Strong at Toronto N, W. DANCE. Auctioneer Butter Prices Potato Prices Auction Sales Grain Prices Wholesale to Retail A large size ...ePm68.Vm. A medium size '__... A small size m..m._..rF rle Syrup Hus Spring m at Kitchener Mart 2 cw. $3.- kw fun- "wr. Turkey, In, 75 to 89; Chickens, Young Braden. ltr., Tit; Chickens, Milk Ped, ltr., 65; gnu- $5; Potatoes, large basket, Sb, Turmps. each, I! to M; f2l2nt each, " to 30; Celerrobuach, ' to99;Catrotr, bunch. lit. . .. irrs,Fearrofd. lb, sir “so; Ducks. 1b., " lab: Pork sausage. fresh, its., 50-, Summer sausage. ltr, 35; Li- ver,Bpoa-k, ltr, 45; am, fresh, ltr, It ed, lb, 85, Dressed Rabbit, ., " (than: Lsmburger, 1b., M; Can- adian, lb, Mr, Old, 1b., Br, No, 1 Whats Honey, its, 30 to 40. other Products: Maple Syrup, ttal, $5 to 3550, Halt pgnt. 40 to Mr, Pint, 75 to 85; Quart. $1.50 to Calves closed at $27-$29 for choice vealers with medium to good vealers from 823-526 and common light vealers downward to $12. $10 With common light bulls downward to $14, Medium to good fed yearlings made $23-$25 with choice at $26-$27 Hog? were at $26 for Grade A No, ppces estgplishpd pn corsu, A few good lambs brought t20 while common to medium lambs sold for $15-$25. Common to me- dium sheep sold at $12-$11 Tues, April I, 12.30 Wm.-- 60 Head (Located on No. S Highway, Va mile was! of Tr-srl 925m 6000 men mugs mum mm: £01,006 t SOME was NOT cmavme mm maven, new 01mm JOV, JAOt.THty LOOK mm HEADS OFF. WEAK TO ME. mus: ., o,, "cr,Ce' m mutumm/ This sale consists of purebred and top grade animals of the [our leading dairy breeds - fresh, bred and open heifers, springing and early summer calves - (rum Fully Accredited or Accredited Area herds, the majority being calfhood vaccinated. Friday, APRIL Mb, 1952, at 1 pm. HAYS SALES ARENA 5ihaCtige ftyfr'Ai)tg) (lhmtpyaikk DAIRY SALE All entries are bloodiested within " any: of the sale and examined for pregnancy. _- A Smoother Sate TOP QUALITY SrapeM;'jrasutt, ' Car-makers use and the public buys, more Goodyear Super- Cushiorts than any other low- pressure tire. " softer Ride.' eaooebif%sart Tues, April 15. 1 1'/r"-ifilr'it,ri, mg auction sale or Gordon Frickey at farm, 1 mile east of Erbsville of livestock, implements and furniture. Farm is sold. FrL. April 25. l pan-Clearing auction sale for Albert Lackner at farm situated 3ht miles west of St. Clements of implements, live. stock. feed. etc. Wed., Aim] 2, l I',,',h,-fiht,r,id,t auction sa e for Ti man Bowman on the farm situated on 85 Ptt way, about t mile north of St. IV cobs of livestock. implements. tee: and some furniture. Farm 15 sol . Fri., April 4, 12,30 part.-9Jlear- ing aucnon sale tor Mr. August Low at the farm, 3 miles west of Kitchener, out Petersburf High- way, then 1 mile south, o imple- ments, livestock, feed and furni- ture. Farm is sold. Mon., April T-Elmira Fair Day at Farmers Shed. Elmira Com- munity Sale of horses. imple- ments, vehicles, cars, furniture,, dish_es qr what have ygp. fittr1gg,trf,t,ito't sale for Mr. Leo- nard Sc ell at his farm 1% miles north of Maryhill, or 1% mile south ot Weissenberg. of imple- ments, livestock, fee and lumi- ture. Farm is sold. Sat., April 5, 130 pam-Auction sale for Jim Murchie in the vil- lage of Glenallan ot furniture and household effects. Also selling Items tor W. Miller. Phone Baden "an: Every Wed., 2 ity Sale of Livestock. implements,) household effects at Baeehier% The new, 1952 Monarch Four-Door shown above, is one of a wide range of new mo- dels wanting to appear in F'ord-Monamh showrooms across Canada. A new model, the Monterey (hard-top convertible) has been introduced into the line this year and is avail- able in a special selection of colours and interior trim. The Monarchs improved 125- h.p. V-8 engine is more powerful than ever before, and the cars also incorporate many new developments for driver convenience, passenger comfort and easy handling. any: urn]. Auctioneer, , ciiifiijyfirr%Gr1,'iiiriF,' mes, 1),rCyi:srr,',:i,aii'iii'i':r,,is;i,, Batman. A CHICK MUST 'wr, tk, b 'r"isl "MtETOtrETATtTtVRNE 1i0tiaty,00t!ttxt ’- nooesmyeooo MAME , Kmmevsn . TNtREStiottotmottermit l. STINT on 'r-c-rr. f _ far ir n F000. ci'."?.:. i'-." -i,cr.,.i' 'h' """si'tt'fj of 60 Head I. Every 'ties.--) Galt Livestock [Market ot cattle, pies. poultry, etc, HERBERT M. REmRART 8.8. 2, Medan, Phone 2-3653 Every Mon., at Lancaster Live- stock Market. of cattle, pigs, pogltry, Ite." _ A - - Every Wed, at Ospringe Live- stock Market, cattle, pigs, poultry, Cattle, gigs, sheep, calves, horses, etc., " itchener Stock Yards. No. 2 highway ,di?i?iyg the city, A fiiieLt,rfiit/vi2lii'srii5ftile of gattle, ogs, calves, sheep, horses, melements, etc., at Arthur Sales am. Sat., April 19, l Trm.-fnsyyrirtg sale of furniture, household ef- fects and dishes for Jonathan S. Lichty in Wellesley. . uuuncuulu EIIEL'I3 "" JCICIIHIIII Every Thursday at the Listowel ( Shantz, situated 3 miles west of Livestock Sale. St. Agatha, and 1 mile east of Every Friday at the Stratfordfhilipfburgr Livestock Sale. I Wed., April 2, 1 pan.---) Sat., April 12, l pai-Auction stock, implements, hay, grain, and sale of implements, livestock and household effects for Henry Kni- furniture for Leighton Shantz, lMpfel, situated 'a mile east ot Pe- mile east of New Hamburg on No. tersburg on Kitchener-Stratford 7-8 highway. ‘Highway. Sat., April s, l pan-Commun- ity Furniture sale at Baechier'si Sales Barns in New Hamburg. _ Sat., April 19, l Ttan.-psyyrirtg sale of Vurniture, household eh} “GUS ' mm. Audion-u Every Monday at Ancaster- Livestock sale. ttled W1 tie, B, tsomes,Ute.,Un uremic;- tau Iriei,tt",'. Sat., March 29, 2 patt.--Proper- tg amines} estate for Almon Roth, Tues., Aprll l, t pan.--Pure- bred Holsteins. some grades and implements for Earl Swartzentru- ber, RR 2, Petersburg. Sula Bun. Nu Embun. "tery 11turpdar.. l Every Tuesday at the Gal! Livestock Sale. Every nut-day. l .m.--At [Kitchener Stockyards Lt ot cat- [mun mm a SON _ " All.) P.O., Phone "it-r-M Elon l Every .. Exery Thuryiay, al00 Pan.- i day gt l " Hamb 7 . Tues., Agifl l, t at VAtlLLQO QUALITY MEAT MARKET " King St. N. WATBBIDO BLADE ROAST 'k'i'i'i'ts"iitks 2tt 22c SPARE RIBS 39C lb. WIENERS ssc lb. Home Rendered Choice Tend" Choice SSe In. 45 c lb. thill) FREE DELIVERY JACOB KOCH Proprietor Sat, April 19. 9.30 aan.--Ref estate, furniture and household) goods at 47 Church St., Stratford, for Timothy OT'lytttt. ( Tues, April t, l ii.m7-Auctionl sale of a high-grade Holstein cat-f tle; brood sows and shouts, 2 miles south and l mile east of} Mlllbattt for Nicholgs G. Schmidyy Fri., April 18, l p.m.--Roee horses, carts, harness, etc., for Ivan Smith at the Amulet Live- stock Market. day mm tpa-ttttit,,?, dui, munity Sale ot cattle, ca ves. hogs, etc. Pri., March 28, l pan.-Auearing sale of 121 acre farm, stock, im, plements and feed, 'a" mile north ot Crosshill for Ernie Lee. Sat, March 29, 1.30 p.m.--Auc- lion sale of furniture and house.. hold effects in New Hamburg for My.y Hamnda~ Nahrgnng. _ . 'i.' - aCd IF was HAVETO new WHAT'S THAT FOR EATING SPACE, JACK, GOT TO oo SOME or THEM WILL60 WITH IT, OOC. HUNGRY AND YOUR FLOCK N ' P t WILL SHOW SLOW AND -. I 513155232; UNEVEN GROWTH. A 1's'9'r.'A"iv.'.,2"; in. March M, It30 pam-Farm stock, implements, hay, grain and household efteets for Jeremiah Thurs, AT†3, L30 pan.-Saie at Milton westock Market of cattle, calves, pigs, etc, Sat , April 5, l patc--Livestock, farm machinery and household streets tor Georfe W. Jackson, 1 mile east of Guegh on No. , high- way (just past uelph Balm-ma- wry). Frr, April ii, l p.trr--Annuat horse and farm machinery sale at Ancaster Livestock Market. Every 'Thur'sday, i tt."tiat,t. Kitchener Stockyards L " cattle, pigs, horses, etc., on Breslau high- w9. A -_- --i-- -- By the Piece Summer Sausage otiir'iih.ts 63 C .... ..., ..r... "" . ,.....7...“ - _ 'm " f The American embargo does not :eémftahr li", td"rnstast,t ct ielude canned meat and the de- ck Market ‘cnsxon to grant price-support for . ------- 1thisl produc; was in line with ted- .‘u'u' ‘era hope t at part of the surplus 1ul'ig'Jdt"ru'd 2-281 ( would be disposed of m the Unit- Every Thursday I Jil-rfitf, States and other foreign mar- ohonpr iiiiiiiiirrrlu LIA" all]; [ Kets. M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer, Tnvlstock. Phone WW very second and fourth Mon- 80llll6 BEEF Sth, In. NN Mai "tirir see lb. 2Sc m. 730 lb. 7-7475 ,. gunk. OfBeiars said the problem may be brought before the cabinet with a recommendation for a fed, eral meat-disposal grogram under which marketing or pork, beef and lamb may be placed under the control of some federal agen- cy. However, the surplus, caused by utter-provincial marketing dis- ruptions and the United States embargo on Canadian livestock and meat resulting from fool-and- mouth disease, Ls continuing to OTTAWA-tt was disclosed by federal animals early thu week that the federal government has ottered to buy canned pork at N" proximately 633 cents a pound In an attempt to direct Canada's meat surplus Into canning tac. tones. Government Offers to Buy Canned Pork at Sk Pound Uupttc I 10-year drop In the Und, which bind CM number: ot tarms ham tMt IMO, and "" the Bureau of Statistics In the over-all top! In t moaned recently. the an. ot oc- lnCleIlCI in the Pump. and cupid farms was slightly greater ttah Columbia t'fat,f'tf, at the and of tur2t row!) dam.“ in All o the I The Menu. in; te/t thelern prune“. The numbel results of a 1061 Ian-u tare tceeier,',ns, tell to every pmvmce an. aid the number of 1am mm nmm. (‘nhlmhla an. aid the nuiber’ of "uAaiaiCitrTtiiCcaiiiit'td OSTAWA.-_tu'. lama an beaming lever. but that .m- 'taiaing in autumn an "owl“ Nu“, Fa'rms in Canada Fewer, Bigger' st Kill: St. N. - Phone 2-8867 Waterloo To Eoeotrrnge Production The 63.8 cent support- pnce ls EldonL Buckner MAGNETOS 9.30 A.M. - 5.30 RM. Evenings by appointment. GLASSES PRESCRI BED AND FITTED I(l'i0lliihlfilll AUTO ELECTRIC limited OPTOMETRIST Professional eye examination and visual analysis sos King St. [on Your Tractor cannot run - or even start - males the magneto is in working order. Have a complete inspection made now. Carburetors Batteries surm- Lights Briggs Stratum Gas Engines KITCHENER AUTO ELECTRIC Optical Repairs My:" Briggs & Stratton and Clinton & Wisconsin Motors omee hours: EXPERT WOIKMANSHIP ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PARTS Are Factory Representatives for CASE BOSH WYCO EDISON SPLITDORF FAIRBANKS-MORSE WE SPECIALIZE IN REPAIRS ON _HovtditL New nus, Doc .t Mrs. Carl Decker! underwent an operatmn at the K-W Hospital. Kitchener. Her many friends join In wishing her a speedy re- covery. The annual meeting of the Lin- wood W I. will be held Tuesday night with Mr. John Heinbuch as hostess. Roll call-paying ot tees. Summary of year's work, Reports from convenors of the standing committees. Eleetion of others. Lunch-Mrs. Ed. Burnett. Mrs. Wm. Richardson, Mrs. Frank Kloinknecht. " Mu. I“ In. (Ciro-bl- Dam-u Mr, and Mrs. Herman Foster, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs, Nor- man Pierce and John, Toronto, wanted with Miss Kate Senp dur- mg the week-end, Mr, and Mrs. Larry McCallum and baby daughter, Kitchener, were week-end visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, F, H. Schummer. Mr, Jack Koenig underwent an operation for hernia m Toronto on_Mor.fity. - Mrs. Theresa Rau accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Runstedler of Bamberg to Arthur, where they visited with the farmer's sister. Mrs, Joseph Rift. On March IT, Mrs. Rift celebrated her 92nd birthday: The Women's Missionary Some- ty of St. Andrew's United Church met at the home of Mrs. R. E. Fos- ter on Thursday afternoon. Mrs A. o, Schnurr was in charge of devotions who also gave an in- teresting talk on Lent During the business period, work was done on the layette which will be included in the bale for overseas relief. The hostess served refresh, ments. Twelve members were prgsent. A Linwood t The new program likely null encourue Increased producuon at such cunnm centres as Toronto, Montreal. *Innwel. Saskatoon, Edmonton and Calgary. comparable to " cents a pound for live dressed hog MrMttsetr winch the federal government " ready had oftered, la the over-all total “In mg. mucus in the Pairing Ind Brn- ttah Columbia t'fatftf, lut- rowly dam.“ in Bil o the cut- srn panama. The number at My“! 5“ to mm. At the “we mm. the w “my: "â€. The conga-nave “nun do not include Nahum!- layttt, which joined Canada In h Roe Farms Service Dept KITCHENS! COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICES ON ALL ENGLISH CARS M1fiultll1fg>l1y Kismet Milling, Kitthomr Amos Holman, Hoidolbug untold Garth, linwood livmido Food Milk, FOR A SAFE QTART Some stun m the comparisons between 1911 and 1961 have been created by an omen) change in the dehnition of a “lam†in 105], However this did not affeet the relationship of the tlteures for in- dwldua) farm totals. It was 281 acru m 1961, in! 156 we: in MMI. Thu comm an unbroken upward trend ttom 124 acre, " the tune of the Iâ€) censu; " Trina Edward Inland Ind M ‘11 trf, cent in New â€with. tan ing 1,001,000 be". In that an provmeu. All ef the Prune rm Ihowed um. trom t. tq In per cent and wanna: I.†are; Brmuh Cohan u'l (all In. ruse by “6,000 or about " per cent, The bureau an! that as tho I» null. of the decline In the numb“ of farms ad the slight My: Mt area. the avenge per turn m- creased about " acres over the 10-year period. we -.bitwie.n. 9.3 pr yet tn, In 0cm“. the decree.- h an Haring-mu Ouch}, sud M10 Borrow from Household F inance on your signature. No endorse“ or bankable security needed. We specialize in prompt cash loans for any good purpose. 3 out of 4 prefer Household Finance for last, friendly service. Phone or stop in today! (uni-a lam n! on "m-bd " III. " M So". 300. 2“ M "on. - WAMOO. 0N7. iiorkesvih Howra'troS-MVW han-odn'ovu-dumol-o-tym - "I! MIC - "" M,nm'horvidf Dial 6-6419