It won't be long before mbat Twin City housewives face up to the task of spring cleaning. Quite probably a number have already "started their annual job of scour- . mg the place from stem to gudg- eon. This gal duly washed and Dressed hers. only to discuver that not one hung to the same length as any of the others, Dry clean- mg didn't help any and she tin- ally had to re-hem the whole works Shr all“ thinks they doo't hang right! The thought of tack- ling twenty yards of the stuft is making me wilt! The only way we have of reach- sing the moulding around the top of our ten-foot walls, is to push the kitchen table around the room. Will! it stool perched on top of It. But there are no doubt many other husbands who are living in dread of the day when their spouses "ill inform them that it We could borrow a ladder I suppose. but ladders have never seemed particularly safe to me and I think I'd rather push the table around. After an experience one of my friends had. I have been particu- lar".y dreadmg the job of remov- ing and washing the twenty yards of glass curtains that hang m our {my bay windows. A NEWS AND VIEWS In fact I wonder who started the old tmdnlwn In the first place I trunk It must have been some- one auth an upstairs maid and a downstairs maid, to say nothing of havmg a third party to keep an eye pn the children! _ â€if! is not a task I can boast of relishing. Not at all! Annual Spring Cleaning Chore 'Just Around Bend’ l/ 15 jewel accurate movement Fully guaranteed Woter-ressstont ‘ond dust- proof. WATER-RESISTANT WATCHES - Reg. $29.75 Smartly toiIored Stirlings with expansion bracelets Gold lulled cases with stainless steel backs, Fully guaranteed Famous make timepieces in a choice selection of smart styles for men and women. . ' Choose one of these dependable watches now. Help The YOUNG’S sale of Nationally " laden “kc-head Who Started It? gun. It. SATURDAY, MARCH 22 FAMOUS STIRLINGS FOR MEN ' 1 9.95 Known Continues until I Milan all OFF the Regulat Prices ! T Lamina hm Kinhnwr T _ _ f , An acquaintance of mine stated emphatically that he can't under- "stand why people spring-clean anyway. However his is a bache- ilor's viewpoint and one, I am ’afreud, that most householders have to Ignore. He says that he Ecan't understand why spring was ‘chosen m the first ptace---a ter a let, hard wmter the housewife knocks herself out cleaning and is _ lured for the rest of the summer. _ He "as A Point i l thmk he has a point there but Rahal can you do about It? or course there IS always the satisfaction to be denved from _fina.lly, accomplnshing the task and, m an exhausted condition, 1companng notes on dirt and dust with an cqually exhausted nesghv bur or frzend. For piano solo. under 19, she alum tirst with 87 marks; and m another class for girls under 22 she was first with 88 marks. local Girl Wins ht Music festival Miss {marlin it the daughter of Mrs. J ass Martin. 99 William St. West, Waterloo. and the late Mr. Martin. This naturally involvehlhe problems associated with mg the screen windows. which he probably neglected td mark cor- rectly last fall and well have to spend valuable time figuring out whlch goes where. _ _ tsa, Pu just get in a good supply of nerve tome and iron pills and go to work! wi ts tune to remove the storm win- dew?, Including second -storey windows I can't say that even that com- pensales for the “mm and ethrrt m "t opiniqu _ . . Anyone-see my dustcap? Red Cross (Ibut‘am Reg. $29.75 Reg. $24.75 WATCHES Sanity Woter-resistont watches with stainless steel cases Others with gold-filled cases and stainless backs. REGULARLY $34.75 WATCHES FOR MEN Toma In , ( . Bhi,ssisf:2iti' SM Fic-st,'.'-'," il RS, I, Iwi?.';] "e $14 r i'8j,,i,iM , ih'jt5,Fiji < [tT52EiS .8(ti Tm" ‘ _ 4 a ('i:C.i"i.ii:)il; I " I . ' «a»: (it-ji-ii??" t ti'.,, 'she, , 'iiSi . 'Y' iii2., - I'tli' SEI , 7; 7 c, .4 - sa Ta' 1.1,," 'tsa "3 '2 ass The axe-rage Canadian factory worker earns the price of a loaf of bread from 8 mmutes work; in 1939 it look 12 minutes work. One night about suspect that this attitude stemmed trom the M.D.’s reluctance to admit any virtue in a “con- potitotâ€. From an outstanding medical source, has complete confirmation of the chiropractic approach to low-back ailments, including those diagnoses of a “protruded disk", This is to be found in the current Year Book of Physical Me1icine and Reha b l I i t a t i on where twt M.D.'s ale cited as giv~ ing the outstanding contribution in the orthopedic and maul-amus- cular field, and both EMPH, TIC- ALLY RECOMMEND MANIPU- LATIVE TREATMENT FOR LOW-BACK DISORDERS Farihermore. they ‘discov- ered' that among the main causes at such conditions WIS a spinal "sublimation". This is a Chiropractic term which means minor displacement of a spinal segment which can have major consequences to health. For many years this condition was declared hy doctors oi medicine to be a figment of the iminntion! Today. anyone who denies the value of spinal adjustments, is denying himself the right to re- galn his health. One of a series of articles puhlished in the public inter- est to explain and illustrate the practice of seientifte Chi- ropraetie. ‘NEW' Mm DISCOVBY I "on; It. ...:>-¢.. 3"" melon: In.- Dulordm dical m“. sum. Particularly in cases where the dnagnosns revealed an involve- ment of the tntervertabrttl disk, have medics cautioned their pa- nenls against any manipulative therapy. mu: had "Med. mm of the bet: that Ind-hull“ casualty Inns and 'Mt-Mn- tion boards as paying clubs where chiropmtk has been medical maif um remains. Despite this up. a! “vice, thousands oi pane-Is had no alternative Ml a turn to chiropractors toe relief at For â€in. patient! qltllplow: $14.75 gt $19.95 [ tum %"g'dhPatd'd'; KITCHENER Gd concede- ol their Street en and ad» tic. hue been pre- vented turn the beneSt of proch treatment of their nil- menu by much mis- Automation dispensed by; the well) meaning“ dial t,itit) , The perfectly made Blane Mange should be quivery and jel- iy-like In consistency. To avoid iumpiness the milk in the top of the double boiler should be scald- fing hot when the other ingredi- funls are added. Always make the tcornstarch and sugar into a paste with a little cold milk before ad- ding slowly to the hot milk. I Blane Mange need never be mo- notunous for here again there are many variations of the basic re- cipc. For that delicious chocolate One of our most inexpensive desserts ls Blanc Mange, or Corn- starch Pudding, as it is often called. Made correctly, this des- aert is unrivalled in appearam and ftacot' and is nutritions as (well. It makes a tempting looking dish, moulded and served with culuniul {run gurmshes. The (amount of cornstarch may be m- ;creased slightly to make it thicker for moulding. There will be no _ difficulty in unmoul'dmg the Blanc i Mange, if the mould IS rinsed with ‘cold water just before filling. Basic pudding recipes gtvte) much scope tor Imagination and originality. For example, a ttastc Spanish Cream recipe Is very good m Its own right but " ts also aehcipus when coffee or orange Juice ls substituted for half of Gel outuid This Is a gelatmr (1&3an Incidentally, and does not use; cream as the name would uuply. _ Custards are a cook's delight! The variations that can be made to the Basic recipe are practically endless. To name a few, there are cocoanut, chocolate, marshmal- low, rice. calamel, honey, maple, and spice Custards. Baked cus- tards are desserts in themselves; soft custards are really sauces to be served with {runs and other desserts. Moulded desserts wuth plenty of eye appeal can be made with lime gelaune. Green sherbets or bee cream may also be served, To give an added party an, top with whipped cream ttowers made by beating the cream stifRy and put- ung n lhrqugh a decorators tube. For a very special dessert, why not make a meringue ple crust and tul n With tinted pears or other fruits, or a graham cracker crust wnh fumed lime Jelly topped with whipped cream. l, Puddings make a wonderful cli- max to any meal, any day ot the year. They were once considered and weather tare, but now we have such a variety that many are suitable tor warm weather as well. For winter, the heavy pud- dings are more appropriate, wnne the lighter, dainty ones are better for summer. 'l'apmczn Cream Is another ttood; dessert, either plum or varied.; Honey Tapioca Cream, made iii) substituting honey for sugar and) adding half a cup of cocoanut, is delicious A lune extra tapioca, may be needed to make up for the ( uquld In the honey. Maple, conee/ chocolate and butterscotch are ar les of the other Interesting tta-l vours. I charm to your mm Whqtttqr it't , chddren’u any a but!†In. a" lull plain family dinner ten chances to one deserts ml! “he lumen of Agriculture suggest mung gen vegeuble coloring to keep food in the "urrt ot the day. Petit tours and cup cakes coveted with icing tinted I deli- tate green are "ttgre,",', for my type of menu. il ten will love plain tug-r cookies cut In Sham- rock design and covered with green Icing. Try “mini Blanc one: or Lemon Snow pa e green and top with a rhubarb sauce. This makes an attractive dish which isn't too heavy to serve after a hearty dinner III '.eB.Fl.tW. touc- with it it at? Saint-Pod- 32-31:: a Ie.'? 'ttl! the spotlight. At Once-in-a-Lifetime Bargains BULLAS mos. The heme economuu of 3he TRADE-IN STORE PLANNING ll i E D FURNITURE C am In SALE 92 ONTARIO SOUTH rum 2-0301 xrrcumn Look Around You'll Find Bargains Galote NEW and at 3. Notice humorous and inter- esting incidents to relate at meal- times. Take a walk or do some reading or pay your neighbor a short visit. 4. Do head work while dusting, sweeping. washing dishes and such, You can plan famlly recre- ation, the garden needs or birth- day parties. 5. Keep all cleaning supplies and Tre',','",',',') in a basket and carry rom room to room while cleaning. t. Wear properly titted shoes and comfortable clothes while working around the house. H waver, if you are tired from (waxwork, the household chores will not be accomplished as rend- ily, u easily, or as well. So lel’r take heed: l, Alternate sittin‘k down tasks and standing up tas s. Dort't be on your feet too long at one tune. lawmmthluw pad-gem: Co.qgedi" _ . mamw â€a? JilltllltllnlluteGlUStd syrup um age of recollection are of!†amazed to And that unimportant moments in their lives have been the happiest. Uncommon events, however gratifying. an: withopt are“ and strain; In"), times will than†seem like "spring". Remembrance: that speak " tection and conaideratton Ut mute Iâ€! are memories of home-- Nept. dusted and winged to suit the family. To-day we strive to male a house a home, it.tft'pJtrtf=to)". do It) and Eitis aaira In†E a; 6. Bdtore washing the break QUAKE our: . 48-02 pkg " Sonely's Spanish Rice Kraft ems: Guardsman Large PORK snoumnns Ib “C COD mun-s lb " Meaty Silver-bright SHORT m ROAST lb 65c SKI-MON "lEtMMt leSc Clover Leaf - Solid Meat Catelli Cooked Suana PEANUT norm 9-oziar MN Plain Chane Mud" Canadian Ready Cut Macaroni Government Inspected for Your Protection - QUALITY PROTECTION AT ALP THE BEEF Is THE BEST. iT's GOVERNMENT GRADED AND STAMPED RED AND BLUE BRANDS - CANADA's FINEST. LOOK FOR THESE STAMPS ON YOUR BEEF PUR. CHA8ES AT AAF AND BE SURE OF THE HIGHEST QUALITV AND PROTECTION. Smoked Shanklus Clovor Loaf Sockeyo SPEC“!!! cannula-m mm†Mi's Pkg " EEfEZi1n TUNA “SI BACK BACON PEAMEALED By The Piece lb BOHJNG TOWI- 5:].wa OUTSTANDING VALUE - WHY PAY MOI! , Answer: If you wish a delect- (able luncheon treat prepare one three-decker sandwich for each Amulet: No. Never subject sil- ver plated ware or sterling to di- rect heat. Broil cheese on broccoli on a piece of aluminum foil then slide gently into a silver entree which has been rinsed with hot water, THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. E. Me. “It: Can we place a suiver entree containing broccoli and sprinkled with cheese under a hot broiler? Mrs. M. I. asks: Have you a new idea for a special but easy lunch? 2 15-01 tins " 12. Make a mark on the cottee pot and measuring cup to show the correct amount usually pre- pared tor the tausuly. We use mul polish tor a marker. Then coffee is more quickly prepared. and: up" they hon a uni-um The an n aux-Hy mod. 9. u- am at alumna: toil on coon: t and brown; pun to ave unnecessary waattiatg ot these 9am. to. Do messy jobs on m to be disposed ot easily. Bach tank: In dawn? sliver, peeling not» men or app es. grating magmas, making sandwiches may others. of bréad 7 li. Clean the grater “per mak- ma crumbled cheese or minced on- up. by rybtung with a hard crust 2 15-02 tins " tttttt , .33.. lid an; dine} which m" Gua in eoid M. l To 12%ka In?!“ 8-02 pkg 10c a pkgs " Toe tin " W's tin q tins " lb â€c F nah 1MllmBall MHBGHRINB lb " FEiEiEriirEEi) PMHNCIIKI: FLOUR TOMATO SOUP BED CHERRIES Southern Cross Flakcd Outstanding Low Price-Why Pay More? gyms-um m'rz CHICKEN Hanan: Habit-M Aunt Jemima Tasty Fresh AAP Choice Pitted 19 VAN/ES AT Aut 49c Grade A I, Mk Mm. ll. T. IIâ€: Often the simp- lest recipes are best. Here is a good supper dish. Add #6 cup grated cheese to 2 cups white sauce and stir until melted. Sea, son with salt and pepper, Arrange cubes of canned corned beef and a half tin of (drained) mushroom pie-ces m a greased casserole. Pour over MI? cheese sauce and 'gt; kle wit % cup dry crumbs, he m a moderate electric oven of 425 Jags for 12 minutes. Mm. . D. an: Banana Rolls are a favorite dessert at our h use. Use a halt banana (cut crosswise) and roll " in I square of pastry sprinkled with a little grated cheese, Tuck m the ends and bake, folded side down, in hot electric oven of 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve warm with a tart !emon sauce. aa as. with n m Dolly h the out". How the beh- ‘er it“ Ire w onto the . an and the llit he. top on; than. a int-nee of ' Inch“ hum It. 'dt ot m sandwich and in - t plenum“: to6mirgut. touting pend. lave on a tan 'lt,". and.“ 'gfshigt2r. a p e tiamiahod it you]. etrtert with I knife 'tht A (mil cup, th" cachet and who will temple a wonderful lun- than. rectpe Ble In " I keep a small pair of Bunion and a bottle of glue ad a package ot ' by 4 Inch cards, and a recipe Index. As. soon as I clip out a recipe Al's pasted on a card and ttled, , Centre Cuts or Slices h The Smut]. It: In! C.un:luuaunan shoe box with the corners rein- forced ï¬lth _cellu19a_e tape for a S3e BOKAR COFFEE 35 KING STREET l wm, “CAN“ ( Homemakers, add varrety to (your menus with thrifty macaroni ldxshes. Amy Ntien, m this Sun- ‘day's (March 23) awe of The American Weekly, exclusively jwnh Detroit Sunday Times, tells (how to make: Jiffy Macaroni and Cheese, Spaghetti Beef Casserole, ’Spaghem Tortozmi, 'tt Noodles with 'iGsuaHicF, “on. Ra l: Mung, with; Swedish Meai Bims, Maca- rom Bacon Casserole and Salmon Spaghetti, For Chlldren's parties, here's a new trick for decorating cookies. Make impressions in the dough usan fancy buttons and buckles to give a variety of designs. (Ca- nada Dept. of Agriculture). BE BUDGET~WISE tal, mm. MES In. - Gerhard Number. " . ska. u m low-AI " ',tt8lb lath " to Mr. and I? aeph Bohomki. RR s, "e too, a we. . 'tttthr.--" K-w tt ital. u, to Mr and 'ltr,". 'idegt Sittler, 236 Bowman M., Vam- ioo, I son. "l--At K-W no. ital, m M. to Mr and &n. Robert Kirvk, Conestoga. a son. Ie-i-At St, Mary's Hugh], Man-h 15, to Mr and Mrs, " ter Joseph, 204 Herbert St, " terloo, a son BrteV--At St Mary's Hospital March l5, to Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Enel, RR. 2, Petersburg, a daughter, A & P SUPERMARKET FREE PARKING lb " fue,',.',',,', - ")"l't'lkrl!1k'NliiSt 6'h-oz tin 15-02 tins 20-02 tin 8-02 pkg 15-oz tin 14-02 tin pkg 19: 19c 19¢ 19c ll. 19: 19: