Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Mar 1952, p. 4

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l Two village families have re- ceived increases during the past week as Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ziegler became the proud parents Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shelley were visitors in Orillia the fore- part of last week and were visit, mg the tormer's sister, Mrs. G. Tompson and 117enty; in To. ronto, Wednesday of ast week. Mr. Oliver J. Wright, chaxrman of the Grand Valley Conservation Authority attended . a business metintLin Toroqto last midweek Mrs. -caiojiiid gLs,-oy iirdriieGTr' has been a visitor at the home of her son Fred and Mrs, Sass, " “than Lama “.1: "o 2.t,l"tetetfAtto1 w, Ptot 3 m... w 'v'llllh cm Aftir th tot M h In. . open yum 'll1Ut2t iid?, 'utr, oture " o on m - dye (can; 'ortu'rl'dh'ltt'ls'l1.'c The many friends of Mrs. Wal- ter Ricken regret to learn that she is now con ned to bed. yifh tasu"irAeus Kara tCu/arte ctiAitidL ? W - uéd' The?“ ', lav. Hamid Brow conducted the may. sludy on_ “Hana; that am may Paint Brow ottired pray - Jean Stable presented the Mu',",'.",',:, us one m every " which mu tullowed by the Lord’s Prayer and the hymn "West be the Tie that Binds", A social hour followed the nou- tine meeting durum winch Pro- gressive Hearts and other games wen enjoyed by the forty-ttve out): people present. Winners m {ham were: Ruth Schenk and [lunch was served which was followed by the smgmg of the Doyyuotrs, - _ _ wiiide Stable HEM: . Start with careful plan- ning. aided by those who have had long expert- ence In the building busi- ng. . . . and start with top- mllty, dependable bulld- Ing muted-ls. Our Consultation Service is cholmly FIE! . . . , is no obligation on your par! to My or'rehleag, MurraTy Hilliard of the wsmng :mp thanked the League for the Md hcspitality extended to LET RATZ LUMBER Fiiiiiwine _the 519315 ot. “9 Wallpapet 8. Points 112735” s3. South . WATERLOO SUPER [ Itsits1NJE / " "o' " th. - 1 "c'i,dui" mired. of r-rch In "s*ssll8s.tlllllliiiig, null points. ‘ SUPER WASHABIE! SIIPEI SCIIIIIAIIE! Rich as velvet . . . laugh as rubber . . . Come in to see the lovely range of pastel and deep colors. BEE} PLANNING A HOME OF YOUR OWN? VANILOO Experts help you with their Before you decide to build f. RATZ [UMBER SUPER REM-ION! is mode by the union of "moos REM-FONS and “we. . WE DO PICTURE FRAMING PHONI sam L. H. Rot: LIMITED CONSULTATION SERVICE Rev. H, G. Cleghom of Preston conducted the service at the Pres- byterian Church an Sunday after- noon, - Rev. H. J McAvoy of Call was In charge of the service at the Doon United Church on Sunday afternoon. . Our tnlned :nd expert- enced representatives wlll help you tnllll your building - it lowest possible can. Mr George if Danmer " also _ reported U: be getting alung nice-, ly under Hmpllal treatment. ’ The mild spell and ram of the, ' forepart at last week resulted In) z [Li] a Lise L f the Grand and Cuneswgu‘ BmrB-and ' rlVci' wucers The unrush dui not' Mll,'lTd'd tiauh',tttg ."dvUfsl'tt't,Tfdta.'ic',theti; ',f1cst),ssth'h/2tS1nsoi1ittc'1i',vest {3.93 mm"! wraps, are“. n" my»: .. the Ming»; ttons due to the lodging of several, iiriiaA"i'i' Pair (in: sth-toat In tom ih.."stieT'teafigh'.hset we mm which had not moved out Inn mum» and brooch. mm: 01'an Gai In {outset gmeum' but wtth a water passage "ow gr owl. curing: ind necklace In completed with I mull washed out underneath glvms ac- " the centre at the neckline. _Prrehotps-rem cuttsmen's skill has cess to water ramng the Ice mass- [on into the creation which In chimed detectable only " experts. es, No damage has thus far been es. No damage has'thus far been reported Iota 1y as Jams are lo- cated on nver beds. Doon t my. III-Flu: I. aqB_itBeMl..i um um. nun. . no no hau‘ to Mr. and In. Mun Km Kstett-r-Wateruto, on / 71:23: 14 Ham h. b the School Club on Vinny night 3 tanned " a good sand “dunes no that mam. on the lg: - nmet“. ot "but“ one was quite mm; and the Club maliaed t neat - to tth but“ pro- 1299 cgnnqcug w: " ita work . " In. . Jon- (Cbroniek Conan-Imam! H. C Gem" Phone , " 133 buttons-bl» Mr. and Mrs. Steire Matloékriiia family have taken up residence In Kitchener. Mr, Gilbert Willong Sr.. has re- turned to his home after being a patient at St. Mary's Hospital, KiAchene.rufyr the pas} twp Teeks, Plumbing - Tin-“hm Phone 2-3321 WAHILOO Mr. and Mrs. Glen MacLean have taken up residence in New Hamburg after spending several LIPHARDT HARDWARE l Open house was held at the [Dean Public School on Tuesday ,afternoon Many parents and in- terested friends attended. The {guests were most Interested In the work on display done by the pu- pils. The teachers answered ques- tlons and talked over the new (methods and ideas being used in 'modern education, Some visitors who attended out of interest or juriosity and in resronse to the mwtatton from pupi s and teach- ers and then found out that "Edu, "tation Week" is a very good thing tor visitors. teachers and pupils. Aevera) reels of moving pictures were shown, Mrs. Donald Wolfe entertained eighteen children at her home on Saturday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Donna's Mth birth- day. Games were played and re- freshments were served. Donna rogeiw-Ad manynloyely gifts, Mrs. Wm, Teet was hostess at her home to members of the La. dies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church. President Mrs. Charles Thlt conducted the business pen- od. Mrs. George Ayres, secretary- treasurer, read the minutes, cor- respondence and futancial report. Mrs. William Kauk reported that four dozen diapers, some blankets. soap and safety pins had been col- lected and sent to the aid' for ba- bies In Europe. At the close of the meeting a social time was spent and refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. 0. Goddard. Mrs. Frank Butler of Chicago was a guest. Mrs. David Campbell entertain- ed at her home with afternoon tea in honor of Mrs. John Miller on her 77th birthday. The guest of honor received congratulations and many gifts from her friends. Roy Gibbons was a business vi- sitor m Centrally on Wednesday, The name you can depend on! s..." 715.? -fiiu' . -ortiRiga- FGFiiiieFaieFiGirtiiiTrGFiTGiG t-itrteq Pair " 50-1“) In lama. iN.. Silvers“ necklace. hit -tagiBeaat 1nd brooch. Might: Oriental motif In gold-sec (amen. ItitetttyttttcetteP, 993.9939. In eon-mesa! with . mu / VI iiitdlul 'kusilf M‘CIA RY W m Bullion-$11.00.: My Frank and Wesley Penny visit- ed Saturday at the home of their Dare-ms, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Peggy of_Rockton. - Hero Lxsso of Dumfries spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr..?. R:Drtgty, _ _ Adi/kid tilritWG? Kitchener was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Drager on Friday. Howard Gibbons and son Mur- ray stem. Wednesday at the home of t e tormer's mother, Mrs. Kearns of Southampton. months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Battler. CORONET MOTORS LimiiGijii' 236 KING ST. EAST ATI Ford Trucks JR for'SZ cost still less to run! PORD 'ATIILOQ s,r" 'p: 0W 'dis, Percy Snyder of limb-dale pur- chased the Baden Meat Market owned and operated up until the ume of the sale last week by Lorne Lichtt. Mr. Snyder takes poffsessl00, on March 31. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton and children Hwhard and Clau- dia spent Sunday With relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dawson and children of Galt were vmlors Sunday at the home of Mrs. Daw, son's mother, Mrs. o. Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryce and family were visiting at the home of the farmer's parents. Mr, and Mrs. John Bryce. Mr, Lichti has bought a house and groceterus on Sammon Ave., Toronto, and will move in two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. A. Kaufman and daughters gent Saturday wsth re- latives In itehener, During the five years that Mr Your FORD - MONARCH. Dealer 1yllttll)l,.., Information recessed last week} leads us to believe that m the not too far distant future thus district, may tull hope to have a new sec-1, ondary school. Hopes tor such an institution ran high last year but) they semed to cool down. Possib- ly due u: the thinkmg of some of the members of council. An area school which would serve Wilma! Township and the sur- roundmg townshlps is badly need/ ed Kitchener Collewate ls oven crowded To build another exten- sion would naturally cost the) ratepayers of this district a com slderable sum. Citzens who think along modem hnes certainly are In favor of havmg an up-to-date educational centre of their own,-- Recewed a nice criticism the --~v~ -- --- -.. v. u:- "I. u. . e" _ .7 -___ - "WWW. an Baden a: her $.z.“:'::;.’:..“o,':£n‘mmmp rear. She had been ill fdr the when» would reach namely some time. The late In ',htg larger audience, u I run" much "um" “New “mm ’otthennemerummdinlhuc‘ I}, 1871. She wu the daughter topic: would be appreciated by 0 the late Mr, and In Jouph th renders of our PC9911 Ity Nmrgang‘ She was a member of ' who made an; mm tuf"" Mennonite chu"t'jiiiv7en'th'; than“: Tir, that”! ‘real men to.rt.he_put8icl Surviving are her husband, one) 'l,r,"d,'r epveen 1't'L hide that the, son, Dalton, Baden; one 'r'."lt2r7iirirVr's' do send In. Something) ter, Mrs Ouver A. Snyder, ea- emotional Is much more errcitinC Il',', one brother, Henna, New 1 - Should be a ttne account of the y'"P,ry, The funeral servnce‘w turkey dutner held w New Hun-I was neld Sunday trom the home burg laat week. There were no u! her son Delton to Pte.1z,ie2,' than three reporters there. Church. Rev. Leshe 1t'y,eyerue.ti'r111',y all tell of a gobbling gout tor of the church otBciated Bun- ume al was held m the Shanta ceme-I tery, Baden ='---=.at=i-.-==------------------ Baden Breezes ' "_'e" ___ W... - ...... F... In the dutch ot the WA! in Christ. Mr helm Ibo wan a po- pulu “are on the Kim market The best of everything a: Tomato Mr. and In Liehti. PI.- Away. Mrs. Ervm Snyder and iaat week at the home ot her ton, D. N. Snyder, neat Baden i9 her 80threar. Shehadbeenitito. some tune. The late In. in?! was born at New “but; r, il, 1871. She wu the daughter ot the me Mr, and In liiiiii Nam-gang. She was a member of tte. but: Mennonite Chunk! (Ciro-mu Corrupumihh} IV Mrs. C. W, Fleet KITCHENER "rt of m In... w. - Mme 2-1930 "Ill; "llk _ _ F OVER 25 YEARS or SERVICE . _ . 1tre6te-6tt"etgrtteetttr-t-agrissseiteagrisr-:tgi ',"ttra:atr me“ “0‘? Guam Guam Ni} mam ETRIST' FORMIRLV 31211.13 l02lilllrlll.lMti!l!Hi; -ts?rieir Now for '52! the world- famous Ford V-tt Truck Engine-with more power-increased torque -proved reliability. Picked with truck-engi- neered advancements, this smooth B-cylinder wet plant is "stepped-op" to 106 horsepower with Eight-r torque output . . . plus tremendous t'ir,',tra"li,1,',',c,,e im- provements to handle light and heavy- my hauling jobs more daily and canonically than ever before. The most £01"th Ford Truck Engine ever built for Series F-B igfiobs! The new I SS-H p. V-8 Car o King. lie-luring Hig -Compression, L%'lhG'hh"a "short stroke" esign, the new 7 to l compression ratio gives high compression cerformance that means faster accel- nation. more pul ing ability to move heavier loads faster " lower con. HEADACHE Eyeslraiu Causes Kitchener WIVHV.’ ys-nr. v-s W-Kéry' The revolutionary new " 5-Hp. " Cargo Kin for Series F-7 --with new Hi f/d,r,i7J'ee,',,uU, ira"/lr"GTh'l,t' overhead valve "short stroke" drug? that cuts piston travel 20% . . . SAVES ONE GALLON or GAS IN SEVEN. New S-beu- ing crankshaft . . . new Full- Flow oil litter reduces ring went up to 35%. 244 n. as. minus (Sula F. 7) PHONE 7-7303 Mr, and Mm. C, s Thgrsdax In Kitshearr, Mr and Mrs, David Marlin tad family of Mlllbank muted on Sunday with Mr, and In. Chas Rutherford. Mr and Mrs. W. Wenzefand Peggy Ann spent a day an Kitch- ener last week In. Em, Matthews recently. 7 Mr. and In. Wm M'QJ Visited fl',t','fltt with In. M. Barkweu and ith. eatuisit m 66".?" fl iii; bo- encc " W. 53" line. 'tt 3 halt brother, lash Kramer and I half liner. In G, Horst. 'It. and In. BAH Corr ot near h4ooretietd called on . and _ .mh‘aw The {new at (it bit It. L 0. Martin wu held in “9ka last Ind. with burial taking 910;. in iL,h"du'll'3'.-lht'l'f: Glen-lion t 07SBIS “moan“; q " was. . mnom C.O.E HMS. t94 rr. us. TORQUE (Series F-l "laugh F-6) mam! I‘M-HP. V-8 I: naiituFGiTaii" Gi ' Hid ' attended the 'ta-rl. I.

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