Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Feb 1952, p. 7

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Fowl should be cooked with moderate heat to be juicy. tender and evenly done to the bone. Full grown birds, past their prime tor roasting, may be braised or served en casserole, but very old one: need long, slow cooking in water or steam to make them tender. These may be fricasseed, creamed, curried or used as the base tor many dishes hot or cold. Stew- ing means several hours af slow simmering m waterso do not boil. To steam a bird, lay it on a rack in a saucepan, with Just enough water to come to the level of the rack, but not cover. Place a tight tttting lid on top and cook slow- ly. Liquid is added to maintain the same level. To roast a fowl, it ts necessary to first stew or steam it until ten- der. Then let it cool in the broth, breast down. for an hour or more, so that the juices will be reab- uuhed. and stuff the bird with a favourite dressing. Rub the out- side with melted fat, sprinkle with salt and brown in the oven. The remaining broth can become gray): of soup, .. - chicken. winch they be Md. but” at pen kind. 0_n I. 0th hand, the MI, sanctum. call-d "boiling" at “mummy is usually cheaper but not n- ceive the attention It deserves. Fowl m mtmhem any ttft, atom em to pay tr tood lib, and mu; molten culled from the ' Thu an nanny plump end meaty. been. they have been turning their food into new. The drew weight :- trom3to6pounds (father-ure- moved but head, feet and emu: intact). The home economist: of the Consumer Section, Canada Department ot Agriculture point out that roosters and old hens are good tor cunning a“ my be pm- pared in many ways to be served at the family dtnner table. To can these birds. tUst cook them until they are partly tender. This short- ens the processing tune, which should always take place m a pressure canner, A fricasee IS really a type of1 'tess To cook a fowl in this way,) it ls cut into individual serving) pieces, then dipped in milk, coat- ed with flour, salt and pepper,; browned in fat and placed in a', casserole dish. A sauce or gravy" is made and poured over the thicken It ts covered and baked; An alternative method consists of skewing the wares until tender. then brown in hot fat and return to the broth or a gravy. .. l -riAGiie -tiis,h Gn Gans. dinner tables is chicken and dumplings. I... 55.50 and $1.50. - " G-Iumor Art. the ELECTRIC STOVE Itfhitr., Reg. 89.50 Cedar Chests Raul. Spock“. $123.00. Walnut “nigh. Double than", chat and bed. I... "4.50. Guy “with. Double 4m, about, bed, In. ' Inch! 199.50. - 1”. 6-Pc. White and Block KITCHEN SUITE M.Stt 6-Pc. - KITCHEN SUITE 49.50 Chrome Table and Chain. New DROP-LEAF TABLES Natural Raith. Rog. 15.50. Special 13.95 Kitchen BUFFETS 8.50 up Kitchen ComoIe CABINETS Matt up 440m" GAS STOVES 9.95 up Walnut finish. Omar, Clint and Twin Beds. Now 3-N. t'oerfutsh. Reg, 91.51 Sroeit New 3-Pc. Bedroom Suile Bedtoom Suile New 4-Pc. TWIN Bedroom Suite Bedroom Suite Kitchen furnishings Once-ima-Lifetime Bargains BULLAS BROS. MENU PLANNING TRADE-IN STORE SALE 92 ONTARIO at "0.00 I 02.95 1.9.50 79.50 ‘dish. Sprinkle with now. an.“ [pepper Adel some Moth. - _ and bake until um. Stewed or steamed chicken may also be served» creamed dishes. lsalads or sandwiches. Por the dishes, at " well to tenant»: that ‘4 to 5 pound bird usually yields 3to4cupsotchoppedcoohed meat. If the hen wu plump and fat, the In my be strained ad l the stock and used in cooking, the (stock used tor gravy, soup or broth, Many homemaker: nu the ‘gublels In gnvy. Chicken liver; or giblets with mushmom: on toast we tasty combinations tot} l main course dishes, the tamity are (sure to love. An important point) I to remember about giblets is that, the guards and hearts ere “on: low simmering, to make "hem tender. The livers on the, Lother hand, are tender to begin with and so only need brief cook- stirred" Utit - Jaid 'TCH% browned chicken pings .3: add- est and garment] in this an: - moved 1 cup tomato iaice 1 teaspoon WomNstershire sauce Salt and pepper to taste I teaspoon curry powder 3 cups diced cooked chicken or turkey _ A Lightly brown onion and celery in fat. Add thour and blend. Add stock and cook until thick. stir- ring constantly. Add tomato juice. Worcestershire sauce. salt paper curry powder and chicken. eat thoroughly. Serve in a men rice mould .Yield: six to eight servings _ For n chicken cm. pati- ally coo:I a fowl and [move In“: from t e boos. chucken meal and we. in qlterngte layer: in n can]. til Chicken Johnny Cake l 2 tablespoon chicken fat om other fat l, 2 cups diced, cooked chicken Ta cup cornmeal 116 cups sifted pastry ttour 1 tablespoon sugar 'e teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 e3: % cup milk _ , genspoon celery seed or celery 1 tablespoon minced parsley ‘ k cup melted chicken‘m or other fat ‘ salt Melt the two 'efe1'tttt'"s tat in a 7 K ll inch baking in). Sound the chicken evenly over the bot- tom of the van. Mix and sift too gather cornmeal, Bour, Sign. s.att and baking I'g'rd,tr,i ombine beaten egg, mi k, celery seed and parsley and add to sifted dry in- gredients. stirring lightly. Quick-1 ly fold in the Ig cup gelled fat. Pour batter oyer chick ' spregd- ing evenly. Bake irira iriivit oven, 425F.. for 20 to 25 minutes, Chicken or Turkey Cum ', cup Bnely chopped onion , cup finely chopped celery [ cup chicken or other tat ' cup ttour 3: . cpps chicken stock, fat re- See Our Cupboard Displdy, . t . . . At the Store tender, this" iuuruGan - a. APPLIANCES - Will Modernize Your Old Kitchen WATERLOO STOVE WATERLOO STOVE " Kin. SO. s. INDIVIDUALLY MADE KITCHEN CUPBOARDS FREE ESTIMATES q NO OBLIGATION AND APPLIANCES dad dwin- ind: ooUr min. Cook. among}! I Wkly plow Micki Sui 'md’ious m fun to malleable: if you me An anu- tear at is euhiry art. you an get good and“ by following the” simple direction; 2. Remember bread ttour gives best man s. BeaidthemiU. Thencoolto lukevnnn before adding the soft- ened yeast. 4. Allow about 1 hour to rise. Put the dough on a cookie sheet and place on a chopping board in ttye warming commitment of the s. Proper mhniaoue is neces- sary. Use as little ur on hands and bond " possible; shape dough into in oval, then pull “K one side to meet the other; wit both hands {was down on the 610111th ml back and tor3h if: and (Quiet W! Dissolve in small bowl 3 pack- uai granular roast, 56 cup warm water. Scam. then let cool to lute-warm, 3% cups milk. Mea- sure into large mixing bowl % cup sugar, 5 tsps. salt. Melt, then let cool to lukewarm. 5 taps. shortening. Have ready " cups sifted bread ttour I. Add scolded and cooled milk to war 3nd salt in mixing bowl. Stir yeast solution thoroughly and add to milk mixture. Add halt the ttour; mix thoroughly. Stir in melted and cooled shortening, tet remainder of ttour and mix we . etii.iUrt irtiiu. m" M; add 2594' hours.' Yield: six giving; . making motion; tum dough around one quarter of the way and repeat this kneading action (told. push and tum) about 20 times for a , loaf mipe. Dough is property kneaded when small blisters appear underneath the surface and a smooth, satiny tex- ture is noticeable. af,iiuft?2iugiiiehurght 2i',2T1,rit,2tteut1r2, Mallow, imam. M.ttatandtt.oaot-tmtntl Mai-mm Minot“ "tdrab,,. f"'"'! 3. Punch dough dowr'x; shape into tour loaves and places in framed pm Bunch top of loaves ightly with At'1e,,',t',t Cover and let rise-in warm p ace until llgm_(a_bom 590 wins.) .--- -_- "k. Bike in electric oven (400 P.) for 50 minutes. Remove from pans and cool on racks. 2. Place dough on 'lee, tttsured board and knead. ape into smooth ball and place in greased bowl. Brush top lightly with eshortertiog. _ Cover gm! let tltfAttttt can” . _euo chopped my or ecl- rise in warm Ir1ace until light 1atpou_t H' min0 - I _ "'""dtt.'ttttl'"" 'tvg1ti4,'El, lk an}; he ’r 8 tbsp. owning “can iedigeetio l. yak-mu: lk 753.351? [-00.7 ___ - 8m Tel Ila; 1 package Teast granules lk cup lukewarm water [cup scalded milk WA” rrrTrT 5. To prevent overbrowning: Cover with brown wrapping pa. Ber during the last 25 minutes of nking. 6. To serve muftitts ttlt hot from the oven mix and fl 1 mumn cups ahead of time, be! stand in the electric refrigerator until a half hour before serving time. Bake in preheated oven of 425 degs.__for 20 mingtes. _ Roll chilled dough out to a 16" by 8" rectangle. Sprinkle with bi cup brown sugar, 1 tap. cinnamon. Roll up like a Jelly roll. seal the edges, and place in a greased loaf pan. Brush top with melted shor- tening and allow to rise in warm place until double in bulk " hours.) Baht in electric oven at 400 degrees for 10 minutes and then reduce heat to 375 degrees and continue baking for 40 mim. utes. 4% cups ttour l, tendance. and games were inelud, Semen yeast m lukewarm “ll-[ed in the mght's entertainment. ter, Add the melted, bet duhtly' Hostesses were Mrs. A. it cooled shortening, Mix In the salt, Craze. Mrs David Griag. Mm. corn syrup and cu. Mid the tyru.r i James Detweiler, Mrs. Alfred gradually stirring until dough U'Cnbbe. Mrs. Elmer Stautrer, Mrs. well blended and soft. For lt-jManln Mooney, Mrs. Maurice man Rolls. set ,.tile. one-tttiN. or Hellman and Mrs, Lloyd Milken iid/ dough" Chill the remaining dough for u Cinnamon Lent Fill greased mumn (ms half tum I with the unchilled dough,) rrlill Breslau fSprinkle top of dough with the, ' oi owing mixture. D I n n x cup - F _ l mu Wrangles 2 tbsp. lemon Jule? l _ 2 maps. lemon rind harmed) There will be a con le of drain Place one half a maraschino, Iwrangles" facing 'll". rloo cherry in the centre of each roll. Township Council soon, Allow rolls to rise for about _------------------,--:----.:, minutes in a warm place. Bake) in electric oven at 375 degrees for P"'""""""""",""'" Take A Tip I. To reduce the rising time of bread dough about hour: add 1 extra yeast cake. 2. Extra yeast does not give a yeasty taste. It is the result of placing dough in a place that is too {arm during rising, 3. For more glaze and less crust use an egg white wash (1 egg white, slightly beaten with 1 ta- bttspeorttaterp. . . ' . . 4. To help breads rise within the usual time place a bowl of dough in the warming oven of the electric range with a pan of hot water beside it or place bowl of dough on cake rack over httt wa- ter. 7. You can bake a drop biscuit batter in a waMe iron. 20-25 minutes. i,li,iiSil2i,tifit,uiLthg,ttti Allow '0 It: until double in all. M m electric oven at 100 degrees tor w minutes. I packues dry yeast 1% cups lukewarm water 1 than an 1 tbsp. light corn syrup u cup melted shortenmg q COMPLETELY FINISHED . ' q STAINLESS STEEL SINK . "MAD!~TO- MEASURE" Cinnamon Loaf m-..-----.-------- Inc-mild Are Your Kitchen Township Faces Maryhill, Breslau Mend BM Club Meeting Members of the MNSO Club of First United Church, Waterloo, held their regular meeting Satur- day night, gathering am In small groups in various homes. and then returning later to the church for refreshments, About " couples were in ttt- laminate. and games were include ed__in the night's entetttrirurlent., PelMlntllMltlltqMmR, 811310“, WING or 'MKll0illltMltlWIMMnillD much - Enrol»: some to“ Grade "A" Pall moms-s Fresh Pall! um: um. Batman neon Smoked, Sliced. mo» no“ momma Smoked,$hunklou Bacon noun-u Smoked AAP U“ I“ we: tbn " Tomato Fancy 'tntNlth In” 35:39: Curku 'letMMt - l5-o: Mn " Clark'- lon- AV Cholco on Kratt In": “WAY. ‘u N“ ”gmvfiw‘wwwms stuns on noun 120-01 In: " Ticket and fund Agency 48 Ontario Street South Kitchener, Ont, r, . hunch "ePine into mm. f'M.'i'l than we much coped- CLARE MlllAR Immigration to Canada? Full information about Travel arrangements I 67" am pm nun. Nut Crop, rm, a.» Pods, No. I a. "e 10mm Froah, "m "tsod SM-mt tk. , cola m 19: CaNBlM8llg rm, Crtap, Oman No. l It, I. my.” Now W. No. I " a. " CHOICE Ila-bum 'i'.."'"-" coo nuns - - 43c ' WATIILOO MitAT ":11? MA Special Attention Given to All Orders hr Delivery is RE A Full Selection at Homo-mode Sausages At Love“ Possible Price: VIII-IND 95cm 'm OR WHOLE h 95; lb at: lb " h " h 45: h 49c lb " 'gt.'ttttttgue Ail . SUPERMARKET 35 KING STREET WATERLOO tteg. ts3ll5e “I” ">39: FREE PARKING PARKAY MARGARINE 10°49: Sou" Kraut 2 tha. tor MP Pork Loin: Me MARKET SPARE RIBS PIG TAILS Choice Meaty I 15-01 tins 33e 16 o: ior Mb box E2 4."! u , lb " h " Italic tin

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