Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Feb 1952, p. 12

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'. 'iktrtihAhfahelod Farmers’ Mutual 78th Annual Report Shows All- Time High in Policies Written te',',"::,,,",:,:,,', 'l',,',',':,',,.'],',,,, 1llllllllll,l,llllllllllllll,lljllllllllllllllllllllt M 'Oliciu in 'oru ttae Dee-bu. 196t Ads-aug-ee W in low. 'u Mn. t961 m nun-5.. 1951 ' mm M hm." h farm, Slat Danube, 1961 m. Dine! Panda "pirrd at and“ h 196t Total net premium note residue Ohm Policies in force, Sin Deco-aha, I960 M! Policin- l-lan in 195) ICU u muted Due hum ian.-, on Iamat’ - lateral due $13100 and Accrued 09,0]!!! ose Furniture ' " and Estate Mann» ("he ' HMS) "any“ Loan- on Real Esme 150.6251» Book Value of Bonds and Investment Reedy" 5162“” Cash on hand and in Banks “MUM ouluuding Cull Plymrnls and lnsulmems therror., CD5 Pgnncma Ind Inn-lacin- thereof labs-rm: an Locus Cid, received from other tonne! lb) Due in Prior Years t 5JMMO Agents' Balance: Inet) written on or Mtee Oct. Isl. 1951 “KP-links "as? il run?! Si Vprevioun you Cal: waived trocfreniiaatios, of Investment 35.6751” might“! and in Mi. 3Gt December. - - - in 1961 “out-Me Premiums due in test hull-emu due in Prior You: SEVENTY- EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT w, itteat Prtor 1961 CW8 SCI!!!” m PM! Ut Due in 19Sl TOTAL TOT AL ASSETS TOTA I TOTAL RECEIPTS Presented to the Annual ,he,'.i,1','.tfd the Company held at the Head Ofhee, Waterloo, elday, February 12. MOVEMENT m RISKS North Waterloo Fanncn’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company CASH nouns fold in (one. Io October In ASSETS 13,7M "" ' M00.00 to turd ee __ (the dam -e" ive' pol‘rer_ of and climb“. Are 1962, 37.22 .1 t s.m I!“ ' 90.7an 't,N8h1ttl)Mt ”33562.16 " 397,210.50 NINTH.“ was u in} "Gbsuiiirie"ifuriiii HIOM“ ”51.07.13 qt .0961, 2,990BS 8362”“ lIOUNI’ anus 21.1”)” 1552937 12.3851!) 6,47M? 3.652," M00JO 9,18t27 luv-u tawny, In the real 'aiuacrriais; ISL and twin. "etNd the - and 1mm. M (hr (up, f? n In} due. 'fE'tEV curl" tbat the} umbi- nlrie- no In "Grd-Grits -tVeGau"ia ir. {or-moo aim to a. and lint in on - the within in]? er tt" on my ed paced, the '-rut ”on“. d the My G% ua. We mad. the Auditor- ol the Colon-y, Ind: In" In “(a col oil-innin- oi the books, record- In: put-'- E the Nor!) Valeria "r-' Mutual Fire Other Lithililies Surplus Br M 3ist December, 1950 “42.34.53 Innate in Suvpluu in I951 from ordinnry oration: 85363.39 ue.: ttefuyd Ire, Sum“! Surplus u u 31.. December, Accrued Intent! on Investment: Canada lloo-e Tu Plowman for lam-n Tu We. and Returned Premium. ”and (to. 5"le Fire Preventio- Expenm: E!" What. Unpaid 1m uni (II-inn 1 Lance. supposed or reported. no! yen adjusted ' Chill! rained Provisiou for Canada Income Tax TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS ”33.98015 1ysls Paid foy Ptrfhty ld lyyeeeatto, S7,NMO ai" Lrina iairiGiVir.ririaiser. 1951 3635331 Menu” Fee- ' 16”..” Liam and Filing Fee. 305.00 Fire “In“ Tn mm Collection dune- ud etch-‘2 mm Investigation and adjust-ml of claim L735” Sabrina. Dimetoes' and Auditor-' Fees ".mm P5615" Ema-e- was!!! (b) miscellaneou- In...“ Cub Paid for Loan: line-mod premiums on all outstanding Irish carried on! n 80% thereof Provision for manna. from Surplus dot-land in I949 t lor 0‘s. PIE-int. Expense- Prhlh‘. Summary. Adv [Net's-d Tm Sandy-y Expentei '01 Vila-gm! In WEI No. a for 1951 ”"3 25.66341 in 195] Rein-Bruce has Fire Prevvcmion Equipment - 5.70975 Direct hues which occurred prior to 1951 Dine! Loam which occurred TOTAL ”ABILITIES TOTAL Tun! E-ses of “alumni ' "asset we Premium GMAT! or AUDITOR “ABILITIES AND SURPLUS (a) I” a: Menu: CASE 1MtqMNttgEMENTt5 IIOCK. DAVIS, DUNN I ”WCHTON‘ Chartered Accounts-n l95l Advertising 22mm ------" 48,2M.f. t9Sl $62t.h I .02 ' 12251.61 ' 13,55533 t 1,097.67 2.5154 25.053,“ [29.00632 E9i9A9 4.9621” ts29,676N ”3.56116 "54135.32 , 28312.62 - “10”." , 19,17733 1502I1.62 70.095) 1,“.95 37393.53 “1781.34 '"s'rglt 10's. , This will, if losses -are nin ”Mm excessive in 1952, allow for a greater increas; in surplus and "subsequently a d to the strength 'd',,',',":,',,')';'; the company. 6,392.75 231.15 29701: M29.96 , Due to the large Increase in business written, the directors ‘deemed it necessary to decrease Jule amount of "fund credited to 10p poAicyhoiAer from 20% to in Wheat was ttrst exported from “PM. to the United Kingdom In conclusion I would draw your attention to the two main objects of this meeting, namely the disposal of the statement pre- sented to you by the manager to- gether with the auditors' state- ment, and the election of four directors to take the place of those retiring, for a term of three years. All of which is respectfully submitted. The retiring directors are J, H, Woods. I K, Burr, H. C Shut fer and Campbell Shanta, all of whom nre eligible for re-election, W interbourne Man Claims 4 Below In Bed " The total diredt imhiraniee in force now exceeds $i0A000,000.00, 'tgt/p, $4i,782,000.00 written in l l. The loss account for 1951, while being the second highest on re- cord, is not in excess of recent years when the increase in busi- ness is taken into consideration. However, it would appear to me that every policyholder should do his or her utmost to guard against the destructive power of tire. Not only are millions of dollars worth of property destroyed, but human lives are lost every year because of someone's neglect to correct defects apparent to the policy- holder. Let us all strive in 1952 to remove as many of the tire hazards around.our premises as is humanly possible, The financial position of your company has maintained the steady progress recorded in re- cent years. The assets of the com- pony as of the 3lst of December. 1951, total $733,562.16. with total resources, which include the re- nting note residue. of 'l'J"arrt Many of the older policyholders will have noted the growth of the Company from a small beginning, serving only a small group of policyholders, to the preesnt day position of the largest Farm Mu- tual Fire Insurance Company in the Province of Ontario, having over 14,000 direct policies in force. They will also have noted the ever extending coverage given by the company, from limited tia- bility on livestock to the present policy of paying for losses on livestock at market value, the in- clusion of coverlge on broader houses and contents, and the pay- ing of claims on electrical Ql't,; ment and appliances damaged y fire or lightning. At present the company is also making an ettort to have electrocution of livestock included in their oovera e. The trend of farming is ever 'gl'aJ',l'i and your company is endeavoring to keep pace with the changes so that adequate coverage may be worded the policyholders. (Due to illness ot our president, Mn E. B. Hallman, the “3:0" was given by our Vice-pred nt, Mr, harks Srhuett). For the seventy-eighth time in the history ot the North Waterloo Farmen' Mutual we are authored to discuss the welfare of t e Com. puny. One local resident, however, was quite upset about the suh~zero weather He “shiv- ered up" to the general More where a small purl of the vil- lage's population huddled arou_nd tht hot arr register -- “The only rumn I got up," he eapUined “is beam my hosting system a on the bum and it's at lent four below under the covers." mercury duplped to a m id 6 below m "l; oo-Town" Rell,'] day mommy. The usual num. ber of cars and trucks "froze up" and garageman Art Bell! was again doing a landslide business "W31ta" . By Chronicle SM Writer WmTERBOURNE. - The a BLHALLMAN. President Into what maelstrom of events has our new and lovely young Queen been tossed? What will be the outcome of the years ahead? (iii; can only hope that she will tInd the faith, the strength and the serenity of purpose to carry us through. With the Empire in the throes of its treatest crisis; with enemies besieging it covertly on every side we pray that her sc- cession to the throne of her fath- ers will serve as a symbol to her loyal subjects of resurgent great- ness. British moral rectitude and her tenacious determination to} fight for the right are qualities: that the world can ill afford to do without. Ter intensely democratic! spirit has been the model for all, ‘parts of the world that love ttee-l dom and despise tyranny. No oth- er of the tree nations of the world today is yet "e,vtg,'1,f mature i?) take up the burden o leadenhip that has been carried so valiantly and for so long a time " the United Kingdom, May we a pray that our new Queen will be given strength to give all necessary lea- dership an that her accession will prove to be the dawning of a inew, peaceful and prosperous era Jot both the Empire and the (i world May also all her loyal sub. jects m Canada and the other Do- minions within the Common. wealth rise to the occasion with renewed strength and vision to ensure that this new reign begins suspiciously, continues success- fully and ends triumphantly Roberts. Gould Io Mad Parley l em " l The largest crystal of sugar pm- 'o " "e, dettt reached a weight of ulna Mn or Robert, and Ald. Harry pounds and took mom than " Gaul! will represent wstertefo your- to reach that nu. more, caused him still reater worry. That he met all of tttr/ I Man thles " troubles and disasters with calm serenity;that he C','1't7'na'l'iovti'li') While total revenues of The all that he had to give for theIBell Telephone Company of can- sake of his beloved country is atleda. were substantially higher certain indication of a man wholdurlnz 1961, so were taxes, wages "has done justly" and who “hasland other expenses, according to walked humbly with his God". the company's 72nd annual report What ol Future? ”sued Feb. 14. And now to the future - and) Revenues totalled 3100,7819“, upon the ancient throne of herlot which nearly half--8N066Atu fathers sits a new "tm"xter..,wtt paid out in wages. The to- Queen Elizabeth the II. The tal taxes levied on the company brightest spots in British history to $22,693,000, equivalent to $2.91 have been those periods when il per share of stock or $12.69 per queen has ruled and it is to be de- telephone. voutly hoped for that history will repeat itself and that the radiant Funnies Improved vitality and consummate tact and I good judgment of our new lady Tim company expended "I: will bring to the Empire a resur- Ji.00,000 m 1951 for new construc- gence of lite and strength that un- _ t'2,'l . lo Improve and extend its der God's almi hty hand will en- acilities “Without out?” "Id sure that British faith, justice iik9ueht which increased Its toUl democracy will continue to give investment "I plant to $M2,06tk- to a troubled world that stable TM. In all, 1.13,f24 telephonm and God-tearing leadership which t',vr'i',Qin'ffhif with“: ere,. your. " so burly needs, A . . uirn his! an?) with "'y,"lPf,,U/,', ','S'r George VI Wus.. 2. Stated that an employee who) struck against a transportation. telephone or gas system would be quilting his job and thus be los. mg: _ la) his seniority; ttr) his pension rights; (ct his group insurance; _ (d) any other benefits derived through his length of sch service? 3. A striker re-employed would be strictly a probation" for, say. two tea" thereafter? 4. Any vote on a strike in , public utilit" union would be I vote conducted with the same “rewards for secrecy as in a pro- vineial or other election? And Innlly, the Met authori- ties should give a lute grout- tion to all employees w o de- manded the right to keep their Jo s. The out ot “mi-ton is my Insoluble. In {at these in no place in the Vicinity when you an tee such Ane My " such reasonable price. How about giv- ing the Junior "BU" yon! tum-t! Their chance: of winning the ehampioesshi this year look wet- ty good but " needttge aymrort I would not deny the right of public utility employees to strike. but it would seem that the petul- ty of a mere loss of ”a, IS not enough of a deterrent. ould it not be better it we had . law that I. Compelled public - may management to accept the award of a conciliation board? none of the Pie' when that Performed (pr Junior "A t-eanverifvthetaetthatther “we I it? ttne Account at them- selva played good crowd- Neiusa hock”, _ V . The newswpers have teported a strike against . compuy mak- ing bicycles. Tbe~only people " fected to any degree are the, workers, their families. and the) Cqmmy. _ _ -- _ 1 It is entirely different when employees of a transportation system strike. Bus mice in ' large part of the province we: cut " without notice for nineteen days and hundreds of thousands ot people dependent on street cars were stranded and had to depend on motorists Tommi“, PM', “A Ls., - to “It. wit. cityof'm mg mac-mumJunh‘m'h-dq ”humanoid we.“ -trtatttttbtar.ititttqt therttatrenottt-rina-od- la_ta-ithtmshtratytatth-r. Ttt-eantaotb-ittitttrir Jqur‘r'uunvhdlhubm Indium practically-inc- t'lf.'"Ih'lt=1 Thanh-ism win; . In: Melba.) 4:3“ch support an theyugm.1ha¢vhonv I and and: trium hunt] . éOD SAVE 'A'l'lrlla%, (Continued from Pun l) A Loy-1 gone! ot my 's" E. R. Seaman Feb T, ma, Prince Edward Island I: only a little more than one-sixth the tin of Vancouver Inked. PIP: not is 2.14 square mile. and that of Vincouvtr Island about It.“ Average roomy earning: in Cnmdinn industry reached an nil- fl"'ate ot soon It 8131-213: I,l Lucompcndto J7. your previously, Sir Alan, " ha been described as a man embodying the - ot Edwardian times. He was accre- tery to the Earl of Beubotouuh from 1931 to ”35 when the latter was governor-general of Canada. Sir Alan was often consulted by the present Queen before aha made her vitit to Canada last or. toben l Queen Retains King's Secretary ' LONDON -rRueettltizpbeth n Council in a discussion with Kitchener Council representative! on K-W Hospital indigent patient costs. The meeting will be It- rayed by the Wayerlqo mun TTies were appointed at Hominy night's meeting of the housing 1nd special eommittee ot Waterloo Council, has ,"er"',','rei,f Sir Alan [Juana to be er private secretary, it was learned Monday, He served the late Kine in the same post since 492 Telephones Added to Twin Cities During 1951 While total revenues of The 000 unfilled orders at the year-end Bell Telephone Company of Can-Hue to lack of tacilities. ada were substantially higher! Commenting on this aspect of during 1961, so were taxes, wages; the report, . F. Holland, Bell and other expenses, according to‘manazer for this region. said that the company's 72nd annual report 492 telephones _were added in issued Feb. 14. "Citeheniriti.Hko" dllrinn mm Tim company expended $2t,- .600,000 m 1951 for new construc- tion to Improve and extend its facilities throughout Ontario Ind Quebec, which increased its total investment in plant to 8581.048,- 747. In all, 113,424 telephones were added during the year, bringing the total number in up vice to 1,839,750 but leaving 76,- Central (Church) St. reaidents, Waterloo. are protesting the Ar semen! of street improvement costs. They are opposed to the Ines;- ment of costs tor the hot mix. drain and curb and futur on Cen- tral St. which wil be widened The rééihiion was considered briefty londiy night by the one. eorpy?ittee oryaterloo Council, A letter was received by the board of works committee of Wa.. terloo Council late last week from H. P. McLean. who “kl that u protest had been signed by the ra- sidents and forwarded to the On- lario Municipal Board. Waterloo will are for more in- formation of Steattord's resolu- lion akin: marrow/inch] [overn- ment to tmen a section of the Assessment Act so that only reli- gious organizations or sects which own their own property and whose ministers have the power to perform marriages be exempt from taxation. Central Street Residents Protest Improvement Costs W. H. Timmis, commission chairman, said the last junior "A" hockengune scheduled for lamb ' at aterioo Arqn would be glued a; a four-point game with arrie Petr. 23 in Waterloo. bill-ted at Handbag (Valentino tttt fre JIrgt,t can... my And we ' than... F A letter from the [statuar- Waterloo group we: nod at M day nigh I meetua _ot.ttse Wa- terloo Arena Comm. The group plans to how a done: and other activities at the ere-u dur- i the holiday week-end. "he commiuion ten " would not deviate from in rental of $150 a night. astonished bylaw. _ It is understood cyclists will be here trom all put: of Ontario. Quebec and the United States. The commission decided to en- ter into a short-term solver con- tract with the “LP. . in order to_r_ece|_v_e ejeduced rate. I Council Wants More Data on 'Religious Tax Exemption' Sue Week's Ptynll Waterloo Hurricanes play their last game of the season in Osha- wa Saturday, March I. By playing The Khan-Womb.) diyi- y'o'tort.tteeroeiytioqissrt-'m 'ore.otttte.tterlo9Ayenhitqmi or two mum at the bond” Ayoastirirntadg00totgt0oeritsiur- to Wu irttamatitratnt anyway mum-n Youth m Minn in iteheaer- aterioo Dbtrin "glam-HM 1,00UrCyglisu-Hiken' . Expected in Waterloo Over May 24 Weekend Aid. Arnlf mic? Tiiriiiriiiv. my of _ttse" oayiarFin TG women; shareholders increased to a record total of 83,551. of whom W.8 per cent holding 87.3 per cent of the stock reside In Can-d3. Highlights at leper! Other highlights of the report: net income tor the year :mounled to $2.08 per share, compared with $1.53 in 1950; enminfs were sum- cient to pay the usua " dividend, but failed by a wide mnyin to provide an appropriate 3 dition to surplus; the dull avenge of local calls mere-u; by s. per cent; the volume of long distance calls ya: up 8 per cent; the num- The proposed amendments lo, the I”! contact ot the Civic) Workers Union (All-TLC) were discussed. It is expected the com- mittee will hear representatives; of the union It the next meeting! of the committee. I Commenting on this aspect on the report, . F. Holland, Bell) manager for this region, aid that; 492 telephones _were added in' Kitchener-Waterloo during 1961,) bringing the mm to 210.614. her of empioieg. ariii7, "i"ar"Giii was IN!?, ot. whom J9,308 were with the erection of the new Mac- Gregor Public School. T ey pointed out that the entire north age. of the street is given A cuirddimiitt was received) from John Liphgerdt for damages“ to p y in t construction o I ”lam. Eut_brid¢e. _ ‘ ed a Pattern al I that line and he felt ,'lau','l%'dltl not lend itself to the resolution, Aid. Mm. W. H. Hughes said in some cues churches cannot get ordained ministers. She felt these abould not be penalized. Mayor Roberts felt there may be more back of the reaolution than what appeared on the aur- face. He muted asking the City of Strattord for more tUBrtite information; to PW! trdiitij! man said. L J, Manta resorted on plans for the Boston ruins-Waterloo Hurricanes hockey exhibition at the Waterloo Arena Feb. IO, Milt Schmidt, Pork Dumart and Bob- by Bauer will be honored during the um: as part of the "Kraut Line Appreciition Night", quiet" Al‘md fer yup etabliah, pence with Waterloo". He said tonne people were un- der the impression Alwell could phat! yen it he remained out of . " this season but such is not thecan' . H H -___ WW -- Mtg”: t h ther the H u o w e ur- ricms mm Atwen'a disposr tion will be determined by the Waterle management, the chair- in tdmxiriit.i3iGGii" iii-Xi- well could not ttt tar an or- ;miud “fungi he AX hm National - Luau. Mien was and to have been land to Manual by the Mort- treal Claudius: unbou‘h the pro- perty of quurloo Hu.rric.ae.He sun. F.MiieEe AF aGiteuiiaTTniCtire a__!w{;poipt - wig: - M’o 'ynilL” - V 'aul'd'l by J. R Baton on th.otatyy18RttqAtwetl. Mr. Tip- A civic Service of Mcmorigl will be held In the Waterloo Humor“! Arena It 8:00 o’clock m the evening of Frithv. Fetr nary 15, It“. I urge all our citizen: to attend In witn- whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused this prod-muon to be made public A Memorial holidny for school children has been declared pursuant to this 'trocutnatiort, All our schools Ire therefore requested to do“ on this day in remembrance of Hip Most Gracious _ King George In, It in further fee,1'e'eeelNlUyg'g,tl', that our citizens observe two minute! silence at 9: o'clock in the morning in tribute to "in Manny, the late Ring George VI. Whereas the Government of Canudn has proclaimed Friday, Febnury tir, Mig, I w, of Mourning for our late, beloved Sovereign King Me . God Save the queen City of Waterloo PROCLAMATION Day of Mourning will save a harm BREllTHAUPT TO BE SWORN IN ON MONDAY ', Average age of enlisting caries, fmany of Grades ' and m is hr- tween la and lit years. More than mm the me of mi feast-of-Living Index is due to the increase of food prices since the' 1935-1939 period on which the In. dex is based. years in which ti " price of farm produce was abnm- many low, I STORES TO REMAIN OPEN ON FRIDAY Elementary education in we choir began In the Collegiate mm Monday of last week. Ind is Con. tinuing for one night per warty] between hours of 3 and i rm Aver-(c Me " to ' Regular attendance was trtreswd in these classes; the speaker al,o mentioning that teachers won: be secured to teach different su feels relating to such an edma- tron. Expenditures relating to m- management of such an organizer tion Will be met by the Dominiqn fitter'"'"'"" this reporter Aa, to! _ For- Cadet Club The event was the tere the formation ot I " l tug chow "iliated with the Scots Fu- when of Canada. Enrollment m the force us not compel-cry, er, planned R, M. Htutnnh, director. to the 61 lads remaining the! the assemblage, "There's '221'2 going to be a lot of "My y uen‘t gum; to hike." the directs went on to say. As example: ill cued discipline and several harsh, sounding rules and refulah'ons However, the speaker a so stated, that trammg and facilities 31 sc_h a program were excellent, vile es tor your-ies--, on Iran wading for your Tat', . tth these words Rev. Pint: Sttwart emphasized the need for military tummy to 0 'tttd a,y gammy of boys at KW alley“: recently, ,_ - Cadet Choir At K.C.l. man an] WEE-Gum: 8tt mm 'AtN1tt'htu'x “on: were made 'i'N'i2l cl the 2mg!!! 1912! tteu/tr ae.tt,flr. up 'red-tGd/elk-i Riaa Tiiiirai T 11 and 't'QtrllaSl A!“ V. sun; by the mun-L Form School tmitaskrlth. earthuUi _ hum." - "a...“ “1.; 'P,rreeiri.tgttt-tV 33:91}. 3; no. in n A ROBERTS, At 3.30 p.m.. with the cabi- net and members of the new Lieutenant-Governor’s iamil) in attendance, Premier Frost will present Mr. Breithaupi to Chief Justice Robertson Mr. Breithaupt will present his commission, which will be read by Provincial Secretary Welsh. The Chief Justice will then administer the oath ot allegiance Ind the oath of omce. Ontario's newly - appointed Lieutenant - Governor. Louss, Orville Breithaupt, will take otBce next Monday afternoon in a quiet service In the coun- cil chamber at Queen's Park. Chief Justice Robertson will ot1ieiate. Waterloo merchants decid, ed at a meeting of the retail section of the Chamber (3 Commerce, to remain open Friday while observing two minute silence as requested by the Queen. It was indicat- ed some stores usually open Friday night will close. It was suggested that slow statts be given the apportum ty to altend.any church ser- vice they wish during the day I Do- WIIIh-u- . l .xrzxtlA'k'hl-T"r"lll, want pn- Mayor, T City ot W. ter|oo limb my " up

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